Unit 4 The Night The Earth Didn't Sleep公开课 ppt课件(含音视频)-(2019)新人教版高中英语高一必修第一册.rar

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  • Unit 4 The Night The Earth Didnt Sleep公开课 ppt课件(含音视频) -(2019)新人教版高中英语高一必修第一册
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Unit 4 Natural DisastersReading and Thinking learning objectivesReflect on the lessons that we learn from the earthquake;02Read a text about Tangshan earthquake and gather information;01In this class, you will0303Know about Literary journalismtsunamitsunamifloodfloodvolcanicvolcanic eruptioneruptiondroughtdroughttornadotornadoearthquakeearthquakeEarthquakeEarthquakefeelfeelseeseecrackcrackburstburstinjureinjurefallfall downdowndestorydestoryshockedshockedfrightenedfrightenedscaredscared Look at the title and photo. The Night The Earth Didnt SleepA big earthquake hit Tangshan at night and caused great damage.A big earthquake hit Tangshan at night and caused great damage. A big earthquake hit Tangshan at night and caused great damage.Activity1.Activity1. whatwhat is is thethe texttext talktalk about?about? Read the text carefully and then write down the main idea of each paragraph. Paragraph 1: _Paragraph 2: _Paragraph 3: _Paragraph 4: _Paragraph 5:Warning signs before the earthquake.The happening of the big earthquake.The immediate effects of the earthquake.The rescue work.The revival of the city.Activity 2Literary journalism 报告文学是一种介于新闻报道和文学作品之间的文体,其题材和所描写的人物是真实发生的历史事件和真实人物。_beforeduringafterTangshan earthquakePara 1Para 2&3Para 4&5Activity 3: Draw the time lineBefore the earthquakeActivity4.Activity4.WarningWarning signssignsQ:What were some of the strange things happening before the earthquake? Water in the village wells rose and fell. Deep cracks appeared in their walls. Animals were acting strangely. Bright lights were seen in the sky Loud noises were heard. During the earthquakeActivity5.Activity5.Detailed information._beforeduringafter What happened later that afternoon? How did people feel?Activity 5: Read the text again and sort out the detailed information. When did the earthquake happen? What damage did it cause to the city and people? When did the earthquake happen? At 3:42 a.m. on 28 July 1976. What damage did it cause to the city and people? Nearly everything was destroyed and more than 400,000 people were killed or badly injured. What happened later that afternoon?Another big quake shook Tangshan again. How did people feel?They felt shocked and helpless. After the earthquakeActivity6.Activity6. WHO WHAT_beforeduringafter1. Who came to the rescue? What did they do? 2. What does the author mean by “Slowly, the city began to breathe again”?Activity 6: WHO WHAT1. Who came to the rescue? What did they do?150,000 soldiers. They were sent to dig out those who were trapped and bury the dead.More than 10,000 doctors and nurses. They came to provide medical care.Workers. They built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.2. What does the author mean by “Slowly, the city began to breathe again”? The writer means that the city began to function again. What can you learn from these events?DiscussionDiscussion1.1. WhatWhat cancan youyou learnlearn fromfrom thesethese events?events?2.2. WhatWhat cancan youyou dodo toto prepareprepare forfor a a disaster?disaster? Learn from these events1. Acting quickly and in unity is the best way to get over such disasters. Learn from these events2. The strong support from government and people around are also very important. Learn from these events3.We should develop better ways to detect and prepare for these disasters. Prepare for a disasterSummarySummaryHomework:Homework: FindFind outout variousvarious rhetoricalrhetorical devicesdevices ( (修辞手法修辞手法) ) in in thethe text.text.ThanksThanks forfor youryour listening!listening!make friends with the earth
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