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5、性猜测,不可放弃不填。进行核查同时注意以下三点:(1)上下文的一致性:即时态语态的一致;代词、名词、单复数的一致。(2)语法和惯用法及习惯搭配、甚至语感入手,看是否符合上下文的逻辑。(3)段与段、句与句之间的衔接是否连贯。完形填空(一)记叙篇A(2020,六盘水)A long time ago,there was an emperor.He had a beautiful _1_In the garden,there was a little nightingale(夜莺)singing very beautifully.One day,the emperor heard about this

6、 little birds beautiful _2_He asked his guards to bring her to him.When the emperor heard the nightingales voice,he said,“Put her _3_ a golden cage,so she can stay and sing for me whenever I want to hear her.The little bird was so unhappy about being kept in the cage that she stopped _4_ one day.The

7、 emperor was very angry.He ordered the scientists in his palace to make a robot bird for him.The bird could sing very beautifully,_5_The emperor was pleased.完形填空Soon the robot bird became old.It no longer sang beautiful songs.Just at that time,the emperor was ill and he became very weak.One morning,

8、while _6_ in bed,the emperor wanted it to sing once _7_But the robot bird _8_ sing any more.Suddenly,the nightingale landed on the window.She began to sing her most beautiful song.The emperor was very happy! He became _9_ each day.After the emperor was well,he changed a lot and became kind _10_ his

9、people.From then on,all his people cherished(爱戴)him for his love and kindness.完形填空( )1.A.parkBhouseCgardenDdoor( )2.A.noise Bvoice Csound Dnoisy( )3.A.in Bon Cfor Dfrom( )4.A.to sing Bsing Csings Dsinging( )5.A.also Bso Ctoo Deither( )6.A.jumping Bstanding Clying Drunning( )7.A.again Btwo Csecond Dt

10、wice( )8.A.can Bcould Cdont Dcouldnt( )9.A.weaker and weaker Btaller and tallerCbetter and better Dyounger and younger( )10.A.at Bto Con DinCBADCCADCB完形填空B(2020,凉山)A special present was given to me when I was 12 years old.It was _1_That was the early autumn of my first year at a high school,and my o

11、ld school was far away.As a result,no one knew who I was.I was very _2_,and afraid to make friends with anyone.Every time I heard the other students talking and _3_.I felt my heart break.I couldnt talk to anyone about my problem,and I didnt want my parents to worry about me.完形填空Then one morning,my c

12、lassmates had fun talking with their friends,but I sat at my desk _4_ as usual.At that moment,a boy entered the classroom.I didnt know who he was.He walked past me and then turned back.He looked at me and,_5_ a word,smiled.Suddenly,I felt the touch of _6_ and friendly.It made me feel happy,lively an

13、d warm.That smile _7_ my life.I started to talk with the other students and make friends.Day by day,I became closer to everyone in my class.The boy with the lucky smile _8_ my best friend now.One day,I asked him _9_ he smiled and said nothing that morning,but he couldnt remember smiling at me!完形填空It

14、 doesnt matter _10_ all the dark days have gone.Now I believe that the world is what you think it is.If you think you are lonely,you might always be alone.So smile at the world and it will smile back.完形填空( )1.A.a smile Ba problem Ca book Da card( )2.A.happy Blonely Cclever Dfriendly( )3.A.laugh Blau

15、ghing Claughed Dto laugh( )4.A.happy Bhappily Cunhappy Dunhappily( )5.A.in Bwith Cwithout Dfor( )6.A.anything bright Bsomething sadCanything sad Dsomething bright( )7.A.changed Bbroke Cwon Dlost( )8.A.become Bhas becomeChave become Dwill become( )9.A.why Bthat Cwho Dwhen( )10.A.but Bso Cbecause Dalt

16、houghABBDCDABAC完形填空C(2020,北京)The Phone CallIt was getting dark.Paul looked out of the window and sighed(叹气)Dad said he could come home by 5:30,but it was almost 7:00.Even if Dad came back,it wouldnt be much fun playing _1_ in the dark.Paul walked into his room and threw his baseball into the corner.

17、He tried to do some homework,but couldnt.The phone rang at about 8:00.It was Dad: “Paul,Im _2_,but I couldnt play baseball with you tonight.I have to finish my work at the office.Maybe we can play this weekend.Oh no.How about next weekend?”Paul couldnt understand why Dad was so _3_He threw himself i

18、nto the sofa and soon fell asleep.His book was still opened to the first page.完形填空The next day at school,Paul didnt hand in his homework and _4_ a test.Mrs.Green,his teacher,asked him to stay after school.“Paul,you didnt do your homework.You didnt pass the test and only got a DThis isnt like you.Wha

19、ts wrong?”Paul just sat there _5_“Paul,if you dont want to talk,I will.I know that somethings worrying with you,but you have to get it out.You need to tell someone.”As Paul walked home,he thought of what Mrs.Green said.Maybe he didnt do his homework because he wanted to get his dads _6_He knew Mrs.G

20、reen was right.He decided to take her advice.完形填空When Paul got home,he _7_ his dad.But there was no answer.Then it went to voicemail(语音信箱)Paul began talking: “Dad,I cant play with you next weekend.Ive got lots of problems with my homework.Also,I really dont want to spend another day looking out of t

21、he window and waiting.Whenever you _8_ our plans,Dad,it hurts me.Its not too late to rebuild our relationship,but we have to start small.Maybe you can help me with my _9_ sometime.Dad,I love you.”As Paul ended the call,he felt much relaxed.He didnt know whether his dad would be different,but it didn

22、t matter.He himself _10_He expressed his feelings to the right person.He had a clear head as he was doing his homework that evening.完形填空( )1.A.baseball Bcards Cchess Dtoys( )2.A.lucky Bsorry Csurprised Dpleased( )3.A.famous Bhelpful Clazy Dbusy( )4.A.made Bmissed Cfailed Dchose( )5.A.cheerfully Bcom

23、fortablyChopefully Dquietly( )6.A.attention Bmessage Cpraise Dtrust( )7.A.saw Bthanked Ccalled Dgreeted( )8.A.prepare Bbreak Cfollow Dquestion( )A.choice Bhomework Cspeech Ddecision( )A.regretted BcomplainedCinsisted DchangedABDCDACBBD完形填空D(2020,嘉兴)Gwondo was a trainer of dogs.He would go out every

24、day with his dogs,to _1_ them how to catch animals so all his tribe(部落) could eat.Wherever Gwondo went,his tribe could see him away in the distance _2_ his white hair would shine in the sunlight.The tribe _3_ would say to their children,“See,there is Gwondo and his dogs,searching for _4_ for us all.

25、” Gwondo went out hunting every day and always came _5_ with much food.And all were very happy.Now Gwondo grew _6_ and as all humans do,one day he died.The tribe felt sad and cried many days and many nights _7_ one day the elders called to their children,“ You have cried enough for Gwondo.Now it is

26、time to _8_ living.Go down to the beach and be happy.”完形填空The children ran down to the beach and looked out to sea._9_,they all looked at each other,then turned and ran back to their elders,_10_,“Come quickly.Gwondo,he is back with us.He is out in the sea.” The elders hurried to the _11_ and said,“Y

27、es!It is Gwondo back!He is now a dolphin and lives in the sea.”Now whenever you see _12_ dolphins in the sea,look for the big old dolphin.You will know him because he has a large white fin on _13_ back.He is Gwondo and he is training the young dolphins to chase(追逐) _14_ close to the beach so that hi

28、s tribe can catch them.Gwondo is known to all the tribes _15_ the east coast of Australia.They call him their sea dog.完形填空( )1.A.ask Bteach Cstudy Dadvise( )2.A.before Bunless Cbecause Dalthough( )3.A.elders Bguards Cteachers Dvisitors( )4.A.food Bwater Coil Dsalt( )5.A.down Bout Cback Dabout( )6.A.

29、tall Bold Cthin Dstrong( )7.A.after Bas Csince Duntil( )8.A.depend on Bgive up Cthink about Dlook afterBCAACBDC完形填空( )9.A.Finally BHowever CAnyway DSuddenly( )10.A.explaining BwarningCanswering Dcalling( )11.A.hill Bbeach Cforest Dcamp( )12.A.a group of Ba kind ofCa pair of Da pool of( )13.A.its Bhi

30、s Cher Dmy( )14.A.sheep Bfish Cdogs Ddolphins( )15.A.for Bin Con DaboveDDBABBC完形填空E(2020,黄冈)When I was a junior high school student in 1980,God gave me a gift,it was happiness.One weekend,I went to visit my grandparents in the countryside.On my way home a car ran over me and cut off my_1_because of

31、its high speed.Several days later when I woke up at the hospital,I realized I had to spend the rest of my life_2_arms.How sad I felt at that time!Even I was full of fears._3_slowly I knew I had to face the fact and got over it.I couldnt get my arms back even though I_4_every day.完形填空However,its easi

32、er_5_than done.It took me nearly half a year to get out of the sadness_6_I got so much from my past story.From then on,I could treat my life with a_7_mind.But in our daily life,I often see my classmates_8_about little things:They get a bad grade on a test;their bus comes _9_;they dont have a mobile

33、phone but_10_have,and so on.But I only_11_life.I was lucky to realize from an accident:It is a waste of our life to focus on what you have_12_We should always think of what we have.So why are so many people unhappy?Someone may say,“My whole life would improve_13_I have a new car.”But when you get th

34、e car and what_14_?For a whole week you are walking on air.Then you go right back to being unhappy.完形填空Happiness depends on what we have! Its in our heart.Its a state of mind,even though you own the whole world,you may still feel_15_Happiness comes from mastering the art of appreciating(感激) and taki

35、ng pleasure in what you really have.完形填空( )1.A.feet Blegs Carms Dears( )2.A.with Bwithout Cfor Don( )3.A.Or BBut CSo DOnce( )4.A.cried Blaughed Csat Dstood( )5.A.dreamed Bacted Ccalled Dsaid( )6.A.strongly Bespecially Ccompletely Dsimilarly( )7.A.crazy Bnormal Cfull Dspecial( )8.A.get excited Bget n

36、ervousCget serious Dget worried( )9.A.early Bfirst Cfast Dlate( )10.A.the other Bone another Cother DothersCBBADCBDDD完形填空( )11.A.hate Bdislike Cenjoy Dsave( )12.A.lost Bhad Cfound Dspent( )13.A.because Bas Cif Dwhether( )14.A.happens Btakes placeCused Duses( )15.A.funny Bhappy Cexcited DunhappyCACAD

37、完形填空(二)说明篇完形填空A(2020,苏州)Few people like changing their habits,good or bad.Whether it is smoking,drinking or overeating,they_1_“enjoying” them to the end.On every packet of cigarettes(香烟),people are warned against the_2_of smoking:“Warning:Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health”_3_,millions of

38、 them start smoking or go on smoking.Why?完形填空Facts show that families and surroundings(环境) play a very important part in_4_smokers.All those smokers come from smoking families or have smoking_5_or relatives.Films and TV plays also play a part.People_6_their “heroes” on TV drinking alcohol(酒) or smok

39、ing cigarettes.“Heroes” seem to fear_7_,neither killing themselves nor killing others with alcohol and cigarettes.If they are not afraid of the harm of smoking and drinking,_8_should common people be afraid?The simple warning on the cigarette packet does not influence smokers habits.Even_9_warnings,

40、like showing pictures of smokers who have died of cancer,dont seem to work.完形填空Knowing and believing seem to be two_10_things.If smoking is really as harmful as doctors say,it is time for smokers to think about it and try to give it up!完形填空( )1.A.stop Bcontinue Cfinish Davoid( )2.A.chances Bexcuses

41、Ccauses Ddangers( )3.A.Moreover BAlso CHowever DOtherwise( )4.A.influencing BexplainingCimproving Ddescribing( )5.A.parents Buncles Cbrothers Dfriends( )6.A.hear Bcatch Cwatch Dface( )7.A.something Bnothing Canything Deverything( )8.A.what Bhow Cwhen Dwhy( )9.A.stronger Bworse Clonger Dharder( )10.A

42、.similar Bpleasant Cdifferent DboringBDCADCBDAC完形填空B(2020,新疆)Many Chinese students find it difficult to learn English,but not Chinese,because Chinese is their mother language.In fact,Chinese is much difficult to _1_ than English.Still some students in other countries can speak Chinese very _2_If you

43、 didnt see them,you may think they are Chinese.What _3_ them successful?完形填空“For me,conversation is the most helpful.I try to speak in _4_If you only listen to what others speak,youll be good at _5_But if you talk as _6_ as you can,youll find you can speak good Chinese,” said Jenny Brown,an English

44、girl.Now she is _7_ Chinese at Beijing University.She is interested in Chinese and _8_ history.She thinks that to learn a language,one must try to know _9_ about the country.Chinese is different from English,_10_ we can use the same way in learning it.完形填空( )1.A.talk Bsay Clearn Dknow( )2.A.well Bgo

45、od Cbad Dbadly( )3.A.makes Bmake Clet Dlets( )4.A.English BJapanese CFrench DChinese( )5.A.listen Btalk Clistening Dtalking( )6.A.little Bmuch Cless Dmore( )7.A.telling Bwriting Cstudying Dteaching( )8.A.it Bits Che Dshe( )9.A.something BanythingCnothing Deverything( )10.A.so Band Calso DbutCAADCBCB

46、AD完形填空C(2020,广州)Ian Kierman was born in Sydney,Australia,and grew up near the sea.For more than 40 years,he raced in international sailing competitions.In 1987,Kierman was competing in an aroundtheworld race when he began to _1_ the huge amount of rubbish in the worlds oceans.When he returned to Aus

47、tralia,he _2_ to do something about it.He organized a community _3_ called “Clean Up Sydney Harbour.” On Sunday,January 8,1989,more than 40,000 volunteers came out to _4_ away rubbish.The next year,Kierman made the cleanup a national event.It was a huge _5_Across Australia,about 300,000 people spent

48、 the day improving their local _6_完形填空Since then,“Clean Up Australia” has got _7_ every year.In 2002,for example,800,000 people cleaned up almost 15,000 tons of rubbish from Australias beaches,parks and streets.Kierman was _8_ with the success of his project.In 2003,he started an even bigger program

49、.With the _9_ of the United Nations Environment Program,he introduced “Clean Up the World”,an international program that supports communities around the world in cleaning up and protecting the environment.“Clean Up the World” has grown _10_ and his wonderful idea has now spread from one city to the

50、whole world.完形填空( )1.A.save Bcollect Cnotice Dproduce( )2.A.refused Bdecided Cpretended Dstopped( )3.A.law Bparty Ccompany Devent( )4.A.clear Bsend Cturn Dgive( )5.A.problem Bsuccess Csurprise Dfailure( )6.A.culture Bproject Cgovernment Denvironment( )7.A.older Bsmaller Cbigger Dfaster( )8.A.happy B


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