
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:2562397 上传时间:2022-05-04 格式:PPT 页数:40 大小:687.50KB
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1、2022-4-2912022-4-292集、集、征征集;集;唤唤起、起、引引起;起;养养育、育、饲饲养、养、种种植;植;提提升,升,增增加加(工工资)资)2022-4-2932022-4-2942022-4-295in San Francisco, Dave Mitchell had always preferred to record the plain facts of small-town life. nA)raised B)grown C)developed D)cultivated 2022-4-296提提供、供、给给予;予;nvi.伸伸展、展、延延伸;伸;(在在范范围围或或应应用用

2、上)上)达达到到n构构词词ex(向向外外)+tend(伸伸展)展)n变变形形extension. n.伸伸出、出、伸伸展;展;延延长长部部分;分;电电话话分分机机nextensive a. 广广大大的、的、广广阔阔的;的;广广泛泛的的nintensive a.加加强强的,的,深深入入细细致致的的2022-4-2972022-4-298wledge 广广博博的的知知识识nto extend credit/visa 延延长长信信贷贷限限期期/签签证证nextensive reading 泛泛读读nextensive discussion 广广泛泛的的讨讨论论2022-4-299arge v.扩扩大

3、,大,放放大大nexpand v.使使膨膨胀,胀,扩扩张张nextend lengthen prolong nextend 指指直直线线状状的的伸伸展,展,引引申申指指扩扩大大势势力、力、范范围。围。nlengthen 指指增增加加长长度度或或延延长长时时间。间。nprolong 指指时时间间过过程程延延长长到到超超过过通通常常或或正正常常的的限限度。度。2022-4-2910essary for a qualified teacher to have good manners and _ knowledge. nA) extensive B) expansive C) intensive D

4、) expensive 2022-4-29112022-4-2912; 用用的,的,在在手手边边的,的,可可利利用用的;的;可可取取得得联联系系的,的,可可得得到到的的n构构词词a(to)+vail(value,价价值值)+able(后后缀缀)-有有利利用用价价值值的的-可可利利用用的的n搭搭配配make sth. available to/for 使使可可以以享享受受某某物;物;使使.买买得得起起某某物物nthe only available room 唯唯一一可可用用的的房房子子2022-4-2913可可使使用用的,的,在在手手边边的,的,可可利利用用的的nhandy a. 手手边边的,的

5、,就就近近的,的,便便利利的,的,敏敏捷捷的的nat hand 在在手手边,边,在在附附近,近,即即将将到到来来2022-4-2914oods which are already prepared for cooking are_in grocery stores. nA)ready B)approachable C)probable D) available 2022-4-2915ount that a student spends for housing should be held to one-fifth of the total _for living expense. nA)acc

6、eptable B)available C)advisable D)applicable 2022-4-2916主主管,管,看看管管;费费用,用,价价钱钱;负负荷荷,电电荷荷,充充电电vt.索索价,价,要要.支支付付;控控告,告,指指控控;使使承承担担(任任务、务、责责任任等)等);使使负负荷荷,使使充充电电2022-4-29172022-4-2918指指的的是是严严重重程程度度不不等等的的犯犯罪罪或或冒冒犯犯行行为为,accuse与与介介词词of连连用用, ncharge charge所所指指的的是是正正式式控控告告或或指指责责具具有有违违法法性性质质的的行行为为,charge与与介介词词w

7、ith搭搭配配. 2022-4-2919ining that the doctor was _too much for the treatment he was giving her. nA)expending B)offering C)costing D)charging 2022-4-292060 for a single room with bath. nA)charges B)demands C)prices D)claims 2022-4-29212022-4-2922n this/that case 如如果果这这样样.那那样样的的话话na case of measles 麻麻疹疹病

8、病例例nappeal a case 申申述述npack a case 装装箱箱nin the case of 就就.来来说说,至至于于nas the case may be 看看情情况,况,根根据据具具体体情情况况2022-4-2923为为“假假使;使;免免得,得,以以防防(万万一)一)”。In case引引导导的的从从句句可可以以用用陈陈述述语语气,气,也也可可用用虚虚拟拟语语气,气,虚虚拟拟形形式式为为should+动动词词原原形形2022-4-2924ange for insurance _I needed medical treatment. nA)nevertheless B) al

9、though C)in case D)so that nI left for the office earlier than usual this morning _traffic jam. nA)in line with B)for the sake of C)in case of D)at the risk of 2022-4-2925a note_ he wanted to know where we were. nA)if B)in case C)so that D)unless nThe lawyer advised him to drop _,since he stands lit

10、tle chance to win. nA)event B)incident C)case D)affair 2022-4-2926实实现、现、使使生生效效n变变形形effective n有有效效的,的,生生效效的,的,起起作作用用的;的;给给人人印印象象深深刻刻的;的;实实际际的,的,事事实实上上的的neffectively 有有效效地、地、起起作作用用地地2022-4-29272022-4-2928nceneffect 指指明明显显的的原原因因所所产产生生的的后后果。果。nconsequence 可可指指没没有有明明确确原原因因的的后后果果或或效效果。果。neffective valid

11、neffective 表表示示能能产产生生实实际际的的效效果。果。nvalid 指指仍仍为为权权威威部部门门认认可,可,可可以以继继续续使使用,用,是是法法律律用用语。语。2022-4-2929_ measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping. nA)fruitful B)beneficial C)valid D) effective 2022-4-2930term_ can not be predicted, the project has been approved by the committee.nA)affect B)effect

12、 C)result D)consequence 2022-4-2931ent of our president _from the very beginning of next semester. nA)takes effect B)takes part C)takes place D)takes turn 2022-4-2932传传染染n构构词词trans(从从到到.)+mit(发发送送) n变变形形transmission 播播送、送、发发射射;传传送、送、传传染染n搭搭配配transmit knowledge from one generation to another 把把知知识识由由

13、一一代代传传给给另另一一代代ntransmission of news 消消息息的的传传播;播;ntransmit news by radio 由由无无线线电电发发送送消消息息2022-4-2933ball and baseball are becoming known to the British public through televised _ from the United States. nA)transfer B) deliveries C) transportation D) transmissions 2022-4-2934e _ by certain water anima

14、ls. nA) transplanted B) transformed C) transported D)transmitted 2022-4-29352022-4-2936处;处;vt.使使互互相相关关联;联;讲讲述,述,叙叙述述n变变形形relative 相相关关的,的,有有关关的;的;相相对对的,的,比比较较的;的;亲亲属属nall human values are relative,so beauty is relative to the beholders eyes. nrelatively 相相关关地,地,有有关关地;地;相相对对地,地,比比较较地地nrelation 亲亲属属20

15、22-4-2937h 有有关关联联nrelative to 有有关,关,涉涉及及nin/with relation to 有有关,关,涉涉及及nclose/near relation 近近亲亲ndistant relation 远远亲亲2022-4-2938t to_cause and effect in this case. nA)unite B)think C)relate D)describe 39写在最后写在最后成功的基础在于好的学习习惯成功的基础在于好的学习习惯The foundation of success lies in good habits40谢谢聆听 学习就是为了达到一定目的而努力去干, 是为一个目标去战胜各种困难的过程,这个过程会充满压力、痛苦和挫折Learning Is To Achieve A Certain Goal And Work Hard, Is A Process To Overcome Various Difficulties For A Goal


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