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责 任 编 辑:胡庆嘉 沈 婷 特 邀 编 辑:傅大伟 张冬梅 美 术 编 辑:甘 源 俞春来 特邀美术编辑:杨 玲 陈 昊 责 任 校 对:刘进爽 三年级起点 同学们,你们好!欢迎进入新奇、有趣的英语世界。接下 来你们会结识很多小朋友,他们将会陪伴你们在一系列生动的 情景和丰富的活动中学习英语,体验用英语交流的乐趣。 学习英语不仅仅需要模仿和背诵,更重要的是掌握正确的 学习方法。要有信心,敢于开口;要勇于表达,乐于交流;要 勤于练习,学以致用。 同学们,相信你们在使用这套教科书进行学习的同时,不 仅能够领略异域的风情和文化,而且能够感受英语学习的快乐 与喜悦。我们更希望你们熟练掌握英语阅读和表达的能力,学 有所用,将来成为对社会、对国家有用的人才。 在这新奇、有趣的英语世界里,同学们尽情遨游吧! 加油!你们是最棒的! 编 者 给同学们的话 Ann Peter Miss Li Hello! Hello! Tom Lingling John Lesson 1 Hello! 1 Lesson 9 Show me a ball.29 Lesson 3 I am a pupil.7 Lesson 5 Is it a tree? 13 Lesson 7 It’s an apple.19 Revision 125 Lesson 2 Good morning!4 Lesson 10 Are you Ann?32 Lesson 4 A box?10 Lesson 6 What is this? 16 Lesson 8 It’s not a ball.22 Contents Lesson 11 I am hot.35 Lesson 12 Are you a teacher?38 Lesson 13 This is Peter.41 Lesson 14 Who is she?44 Lesson 15 He is a bus driver.47 Lesson 16 Numbers 1~1050 Revision 253 Your Picture Dictionary57 The English Alphabet62 词汇表Ⅰ63 词汇表Ⅱ67 1one Hello! Hello! Hello, Ann. Hello, Tom. Ann Hello!Lesson 1 Tom Look, listen and say 2two Hello. I am Lingling. Hello, Lingling. I am Ann. Hello, John. I am . Listen and say 3three Ann John Peter Lingling No. I am Lingling. Ann? Yes. Hello, Tom. Listen and guess Tom Lingling? I can make self introduction with:I know these words: Hello. I am Lingling. Hello, Lingling. I am Ann. hello I am no yes Check and tick 4 Good morning, Ann. Good morning, Dad. Goodbye, Ann. Goodbye, Mum. four Good morning!Lesson 2 Look, listen and say 5 Hello, Ann. Hello, Tom. Hello, Tom. Hello, Ann. five Good morning, Miss Li. Look and say 6six Listen and sing Good Morning Good morn-ingto you.Good morn-ingto you. Good morn-ing dear teacher.Good morn-ingto you. 1=C 3 4 I can greet and say goodbye to people with: I know these words: Good morning, Dad. Goodbye, Mum. good morning dad goodbye mum Miss Check and tick 5 55175 565216 5 531764 431215 Lyrics by anonymous Composed by Mildred Hill, Patti Hill 7 I am Miss Li. I am a teacher. I am Miss Li. I am a teacher. I am Tom. I am a pupil. I am Ann. I am a pupil. seven I am a pupil.Lesson 3 Look, listen and say 8 Stand up. Sit down, please. Good morning, Miss Li. eight Hello. I am Miss Li. Look, listen and do 9 Stand up, Peter. Stand up, Peter. Sit down, Peter. nine Peter Ann Lingling Tom John Mike Bill Listen and do I can introduce myself with:I know these words: I am Tom. I am a pupil. a pupil teacher stand up sit down please Check and tick 10 A: A box? B: Yes. A: An apple? B: No. TomMike Peter a cat a book ten Lingling A box?Lesson 4 a boxan apple John Ann Look, listen and say a balla bag 11 A box? Yes. Yes. A book? No. A bag? eleven Ask and answer 12 a cat a ball a cat a box a ball an apple a book a bag twelve Look and match Look, listen and say an applea bag a booka box I can talk about things with:I know these words: A box? Yes. An apple? No. box an apple ball bag cat book Check and tick 13 A: Is it a tree? B: Yes. A: Is it a ruler? B: No. thirteen Is it a tree?Lesson 5 Look, listen and say a ruler a tree a pencil a box a pen a book a bag 14 No. Is it a boy? No. No. Is it a girl? Yes. Is it a tree? fourteen Look and guess Is it a ball? 15fifteen It is a pencil. It is a book. It is a book. Listen, point and say It is a pencil. I can ask about things with:I know these words: Is it a tree? Yes. Is it a ruler? No. It is a book. is it tree ruler pen pencil boy girl Check and tick 16sixteen What is this?Lesson 6 Look, listen and say a train a book a taxi a car a bus What is this? It is a car. 17seventeen What’s this? It’s a dog. It’s a chair. Ask and answer What’s this? It’s a door. What’s this? 18eighteen a car Look, listen and say a cata chair a deska doora dog I can ask about things with:I know these words: What is this? It is a car. What’s this? It’s a dog. what this car taxi train bus dog door chair desk Check and tick 19nineteen A: What’s this? B: It’s an apple. It’s an apple.Lesson 7 Look, listen and say a book an apple a banana an orange a ruler a ball 20twenty A: Is it a ball? B: No. A: Is it an orange? B: Yes. What’s this?Come here, Tom. Is it a ball? Is it an orange?Is it a ball? No. Yes. Touch and guess 21twenty-one a pen a farmer Look, listen and say a bed a f ish I can talk about things with:I know these words: Is it a ball? No. Is it an orange? Yes. banana orange come here bed fish farmer Check and tick 22twenty-two It’s not a ball.Lesson 8 This is a table. It’s not a desk. This is an egg. It’s not a ball. This is a train. It’s not a bus. This is an apple. It’s not a ball. Look, listen and say 23twenty-three Look and say This is a pencil. It’s not a pen. This is a cat. It’s not a dog. 24twenty-four Listen and sing My Bag 1=E 3 4 5 3532121 Mybag,mybag.Itismybag. Mybag,mybag.Ilikemybag. Itismybag.Itismybag. 2 234233453 5 3534321 I can talk about things with:I know these words: This is an apple. It’s not a ball. not table egg Check and tick Anonymous 25 This is a tree. This is a desk. This is a table. This is a bus. This is a chair. twenty-five Revision 1 Look, listen and say 26 S T A R T D A B C FINISH 6 18 This is . twenty-six 13 14 15 16 17 Look and say a tree an apple a table a car a pencil a train an orange a book a chair a pen an egg a f ish 12 1 2 3 4 5 11 10 9 8 7 a box a bus a bed a door a ruler a bag 27 is It an a 1 2 is an . egg It 3 4 It is anegg . 5 What is this? twenty-seven It isan egg. Look, listen and do 28 this Is ? this a Yes. Is box ? Is this box Yes.?a 3 4 5 twenty-eight Is this a box? box 1 2 Look, listen and do 29twenty-nine Show me a ball.Lesson 9 Here it is. Here it is. Show me a ball. Listen and do a shoe Look, listen and say Show me an egg. a facea cap an applean egga ball 30thirty Listen and draw Draw a desk. Draw a face. A face? Show me a face, please. 31thirty-one Touch and guess Is it an apple? A: Is it a ball? B: Yes, it is. Yes, it is. A: Is it an egg? B: No, it isn’t. I can make requests with:I know these words: Show me a ball. Draw a desk. Show me a face, please. Check and tick me face cap shoe draw 32thirty-two Lesson 10Are you Ann? No. Go! Go! Stop! Are you Ann? Listen, act and answer 33thirty-three Hello, John. Are you a girl? Yes. Yes. Are you Ann? No. Listen and guess Are you Lingling? 34thirty-four A: Are you a pupil? B: Yes. A: Are you a boy? B: Yes. A: Are you Bill? B: No. A: Are you Mike? B: Yes. I’m Mike. Look, listen and say Are you a pupil? Yes. Are you a boy? Yes. Are you Bill? No. Are you Mike? Yes. I’m Mike. I can talk about people with:I know these words: Are you Ann? No. Are you a girl? Yes. Check and tick are you go stop 35 Drink this. I am hot.I am cold. I am tired.I am ill. I am f ine now. thirty-five I am hot.Lesson 11 Look, listen and say 36 Are you hungry? Yes, I am hungry. Now I am not hungry. thirty-six Look, listen and act 37thirty-seven Ask and answer A: Are you hungr y? B: Yes. A: Are you cold? B: No. Are you hot? Yes. A: Are you hot? B: Yes. A: Are you tired? B: No. I can talk about feeling and emotion with: I know these words: I am hot. Are you cold? Are you hungry? I am not hungry. Check and tick hot cold tired ill drink fine now hungry 38 a farmer a pupil thirty-eight Are you a teacher?Lesson 12 Look, listen and say a teachera driver a doctora nurse 39 Are you a pupil? Are you a teacher? Yes, I am. thirty-nine No, I’m not. Are you a doctor? Are you a nurse? No, I’m not. Yes, I am. Look, listen and guess 40 a dog a hand forty Look, listen and say a girla bag hota head I can talk about jobs with:I know these words: Are you a teacher? Yes, I am. Are you a doctor? No, I’m not. Check and tick driver doctor nurse head hand 41 Good morning, Miss Li. forty-one This is Peter.Lesson 13 This is Tom. Hello, Ann. This is Ann. Hello, Tom. Good morning. This is Peter. Hello, Peter. Look, listen and say 42 Ann She is Ann. No. Yes. Who? He is Peter. forty-two Listen, draw and guess Draw a face. 43 an ice cream a ship juice jump forty-three Look, listen and say I can introduce people with:I know these words: This is Peter. She is Ann. Check and tick who he she ice cream ship juice jump 44 A: Who is she? B: She is Miss Li. Miss White Miss LiMiss Chen Mrs WangMrs Tang Miss Brown forty-four Who is she?Lesson 14 Look, listen and say 45 She is Miss Chen. Who is she? Who is she? She is Mrs Wang. forty-five Ask and answer 46 a desk a table forty-six Look, listen and say a booka kite a rulera leg I can talk about people with:I know these words: Who is she? She is Miss Li. Check and tick Mrs kite leg 47 He is Mr Zhou. He is a bus driver. a teacher Mr White a doctor Mr Tan a taxi driver Mr Wang a farmer forty-seven He is a bus driver.Lesson 15 Mr Yang Look, listen and say 48 Who is he? He is Mr White. He is a doctor. Who is he? forty-eight Ask and answer He is Mr Tan. He is a taxi driver. 49 a monkey a nose A B C A B C , Look and see . E F G , A cat in the tree . L M N , A boy and a train . forty-nine Look, listen and say Listen and chant a farmer a nurse I can talk about people and their jobs with: I know these words: Who is he? He is Mr Zhou. He is a bus driver. Check and tick Mr monkey nose 50fifty Lesson 16Numbers 1~10 Look, listen and say six seven five ten one three eight four two nine 51 Three. fifty-one Look and say six six six Six. Look, listen and do 52 One, two! How do you do? One , two ! How do you do? Three , four ! Open the door . Five , six ! Pick up sticks . Seven , eight ! Sit straight . Nine , ten ! Say it again . fifty-two Listen and chant 1 3 5 10 2 4 6 7 I know these words: Check and tick one two three four five six seven eight nine ten 53fifty-three Look, listen and choose Revision 2 12121 119110120 114 Hello! He is hot. She is hungry. Look, listen and say 54 He is Mr Zhou. He is a bus driver. Who is he? She is Mrs Tang. She is a doctor. Who is she? fifty-four Ask and answer 55fifty-five Ask and answer What’s this? It’s a book. 56fifty-six Listen and sing I Go Into Town 3 333 333 512300 3 333 333 512300 4 443 335 542100 Beep-beep-beep. Vroom-vroom-vroom.Igotown.in-to Beep-beep-beep. Vroom-vroom-vroom. Igotown.in - to IIIgogogotown.in-todown.up. IIIgogogotown.in-todown.up. IIgogotown.in-todown.upand IIIgogogotown.in-todown.upand 5 3255 32161 556 4356 54212 4 443 335542100 1=G 2 4 Lyrics by anonymous Composed by Jame Lord Pierpont 57 YOUR PICTURE DICTIONARY fifty-seven57 123 applebagball 456 bananabedbook 789 boxboybus 101112 capcarcat 58fifty-eight58 131415 161718 192021 222324 chaircolddesk doctordogdoor driverdrawdrink farmereggface 59fifty-nine59 252627 282930 313233 35 fishgirlhand hothungr yhead jumpice creamjuice kitemonkeyleg 3634 60sixty60 373839 404142 4344 464748 nosenumbernurse orangepenpencil pupilrulership 45 shoesitstand 61 495051 5253 tabletaxiteacher treetraintired 54 sixty-one61 62 The English Alphabet Aa Bb Cc Dd EeFfGg HhIiJjKkLl Mm Nn SsTtUuOo Pp QqRr Yy ZzVv Ww Xx sixty-two62 63 hello 喂,你好 I 我 am 是 no 不,不是 yes 是,是的 good 好的 morning 早晨,上午 dad 爸爸 goodbye 再见 mum 妈妈 Miss 小姐 a 一(个) pupil 小学生 teacher 教师,老师 stand 站,立 up 向上 sit 坐 down 向下 please 请 box 箱,盒 an 一(个) apple 苹果 ball 球 bag 袋,包 cat 猫 book 书 Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 词汇表Ⅰ (三年级上册) sixty-three 64 is 是 it 它 tree 树 ruler 尺,直尺 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 boy 男孩 girl 女孩 what 什么 this 这,这个 car 汽车,小汽车 taxi 出租汽车 train 火车 bus 公共汽车 dog 狗 door 门 chair 椅子 desk 书桌 banana 香蕉 orange 橘子 come 来 here 这里 bed 床 fi sh 鱼 farmer 农民 not 不 table 桌子 egg 鸡蛋 show 出示 me 我 face 脸 cap 便帽 shoe 鞋 draw 画,绘制 Lesson 7 Lesson 8 sixty-four Lesson 5 Lesson 6 Lesson 9 65 are 是 you 你,你们 go 开始,去,走 stop 停止 hot 热的 cold 冷的 tired 疲劳的 ill 有病的 drink 饮,喝 f ine 好的,健康的 now 现在 hungry 饥饿的 driver 司机 doctor 医生 nurse 护士 head 头 hand 手 who 谁 he 他 she 她 ice cream 冰淇淋 ship (大)船 juice 果汁 jump 跳跃 Mrs 夫人,太太 kite 风筝 leg 腿 Mr 先生 sixty-five Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12 Lesson 13 Lesson 14 Lesson 15 66 monkey 猴子 nose 鼻子 number 数字 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 f ive 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 附: come here 过来 good morning 早上好 goodbye 再见 here it is 在这里 sit down 坐下 stand up 起立 Lesson 16 sixty-six (注:标注为粗体的属于二级词汇,其他属于拓展词汇。 ) 67 a 一(个) am 是 an 一(个) apple 苹果 are 是 bag 袋,包 ball 球 banana 香蕉 bed 床 book 书 box 箱,盒 boy 男孩 bus 公共汽车 cap 便帽 car 汽车,小汽车 cat 猫 chair 椅子 cold 冷的 come 来 dad 爸爸 desk 书桌 doctor 医生 dog 狗 door 门 down 向下 draw 画,绘制 drink 饮,喝 driver 司机 词汇表Ⅱ (三年级上册) A D B C sixty-seven 68 egg 鸡蛋 face 脸 farmer 农民 f ine 好的,健康的 f ish 鱼 girl 女孩 go 开始,去,走 good 好的 goodbye 再见 hand 手 he 他 head 头 hello 喂, 你好 here 这里 hot 热的 hungry 饥饿的 I 我 ice cream 冰淇淋 ill 有病的 is 是 it 它 juice 果汁 jump 跳跃 kite 风筝 H I J sixty-eight E F G K 69 orange 橘子 pen 钢笔 pencil 铅笔 please 请 pupil 小学生 ruler 尺,直尺 she 她 ship (大)船 shoe 鞋 show 出示 leg 腿 me 我 Miss 小姐 monkey 猴子 morning 早晨,上午 Mr 先生 Mrs 夫人,太太 mum 妈妈 no 不,不是 nose 鼻子 not 不 now 现在 number 数字 nurse 护士 R sixty-nine L M N O P S 70seventy sit 坐 stand 站,立 stop 停止 table 桌子 taxi 出租汽车 teacher 教师,老师 this 这,这个 tired 疲劳的 train 火车 tree 树 up 向上 what 什么 who 谁 yes 是,是的 you 你,你们 附: one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 f ive 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 come here 过来 good morning 早上好 goodbye 再见 here it is 在这里 sit down 坐下 stand up 起立 W Y T U (注:标注为粗体的属于二级词汇,其他属于拓展词汇。 ) 71 《义务教育教科书 英语》是根据教育部制定的《义务教育英 语课程标准》由英国教材编写专家和我国英语教学专家、特级英语 教师合作编写的一套全新的小学英语教材,共八册,每学期一册。 《义务教育教科书 英语》(三年级上册),供以小学三年级为起点 开设英语的学校第一学年第一学期使用。 本套教材特别注重英语学科工具性和人文性的统一,强调“用 英语做事情”的理念,贴近学生生活,培养学生综合运用英语的能 力,有助于学生在学习过程中发展语言能力、思维能力和交流合作 能力。 本套教材采用单课(Lesson)的编排方式,以话题为线索,以 情景和对话为主要呈现形式,以学生兴趣为切入点,以活动为主要 方式,注重语言结构和交际功能相结合,培养学生积极主动的学习 习惯,在学习过程中领会和认识不同文化,促进学生的全面发展。 本册呈现99个基本词、2个拓展词,出现了陈述句和疑问句等 基本句型以及介绍、问候、告别和学校生活等话题和功能项目。每 课专设“Check and tick”栏目作为本课语言学习的重点提示。 《义务教育教科书 英语》由主编A.R.B.Etherton、刘文渊和副主 编张京生主持修订工作。参与本册教科书修订工作的主要人员有刘 玉祥、王亚春、谢群,尹莹、季玫、高霞、董小梅也为本册教科书 的修订做了一定的工作。同时修订工作还得到了国内有关专家的大 力支持。 诚请专家、教师、家长、学生对本套教材提出保贵意见,以便 修改提高。 后记
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