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1、三相异步电机的拆装维护1ppt课件(三)电机的拆解 Motors dismantling2ppt课件1、准备工作 Ready3ppt课件a、确认说明书 check manualb、工具的准备 prepare tools设备铭牌、型号、零件清单、标准件规格、组装图、维护注意事项nameplate, model, parts list, stand parts, assembly drawing, attention内六角扳手、棘轮扳手、呆扳手、延长杆、套筒、铁/胶锤、撬棍等 hex wrench, ratchet wrench, solid wrench, extension rod, slee

2、ve wrench, hammer, crowbar, etc.注意:工具准备应以常用工具为主,取用方便的其他工具,用时取出即可!Attention:ready common tools注意:从组装图可以分析出这台设备正确的拆解顺序.Attention: Know correct sequence by reading assembly drawing.4ppt课件c、辅助器材准备d、劳保用品的准备工作台、吸油纸及垃圾桶、木方、塑料盒workbench, crane, oil-absorbing sheet, trashcan, wood, plastic box工作服/围裙、防滑手套、薄手套

3、、安全鞋labour suit, slip-proof glove, mitten, safety shoe5ppt课件e、切断能量源f、设备清洁关停管道阀门关停电力关停压缩空气等close pipeline valvepower offcompressed air off注意:正确执行LOTO程序!Attetion:Execute LOTO exactly去除设备表面污物,油污、灰尘等clean sewage, oil, dust on the equipment surface6ppt课件2、执行拆解 Dismantling7ppt课件a、拆除前标记位置 Marking before di

4、smantlingb、电源线拆除 Remove cable标记接线盒盖 标记电机风扇罩 标记前端盖 mark cable cap mark fan cap mark front end拆除接线盒盖板并确认接线图 remove cable check wiring8ppt课件c、拆解后端 dismantle back end电机风扇的拆除,应使用两爪拉马拉出。should using puller with two claws to remove plastic fan.拆除电机护罩 标记后端盖位置 remove fan cap mark back end拆除散热风扇 松后端螺栓 remove

5、fan loose back screw 9ppt课件d、拆解前端 dismantle front end标记轴键 松前端螺栓 撬出前端盖 mark shaft & key loose front screw pry front end 标记前轴承盖板 松轴承盖板螺栓 拉出前端盖 mark loose bearing caps screw pull front end out应注意轴承空位内的调整垫片的数量和厚度。pay attention to the shim in bearing position.10ppt课件e、拆除后端盖 remove back end 拆除后端盖 清点零件 rem

6、ove back end check parts 11ppt课件3、检查 check12ppt课件检查设备重要尺寸 check important dimensions 轴承孔位处的垫片厚度check thickness of the shim in bearing position检查轴上密封部位尺寸及光洁度,有无磨损迹象check dimensions and smooth of sealing position, if corrode检查密封件完好程度,有无损坏、磨花现象check seal is intact, if broken or scratch13ppt课件4、清洁整理 do

7、5S14ppt课件 a、所有拆解下来的螺栓、圆螺母、垫片、密封件等小件零件,都已安装完毕都已安装完毕。All dismangtled parts, have been installed. b、使用过的工具,都已擦拭干净。All tools,have been cleaned.15ppt课件5、本章小节 Summarize16ppt课件选用合适的拉马 Puller a.两爪拉马两爪拉马,用于保持力不大的场合,如塑料零件; Two claw puller,is used to low thrust force. b.三爪拉马三爪拉马,用于普通场合的拆卸,如轴承、齿轮 Three claw pul

8、ler,is used to remove bearing, gear. c.液压液压拉马拉马,用于需要省力或者空间受限的场合, Hydraulic puller, is used to save effort or space constrained occasions .d.卡盘卡盘拉马拉马,用于边缘圆滑,普通拉爪无法卡住的场合 chuck puller, is used to parts with round edge.17ppt课件(一)电机的装配 Motors reassemblying二、泵的装配二、泵的装配 Pumps reassemblying18ppt课件1、准备工作 Rea

9、dy19ppt课件a、确认说明书b、工具的准备设备铭牌、型号、零件清单、标准件规格、组装图、维护注意事项nameplate, model, parts list, stand parts, assembly drawing, attention内六角扳手、棘轮扳手、呆扳手、套筒、铁/胶锤等hex wrench, ratchet wrench, solid wrench, sleeve wrench, hammer, etc.注意:一般的装配顺序是,从内到外,从下到上,先零件后部件,最后总装。Attention: Assembly sequence is, From inside to outs

10、ide, from bottom to top, the first part components, final assembly.20ppt课件c、辅助器材准备d、劳保用品的准备工作台、吸油纸及垃圾桶、木方、塑料盒workbench, crane, oil-absorbing sheet, trashcan, wood, plastic box, bowl工作服/围裙、防滑手套、薄手套、安全鞋labour suit, slip-proof glove, mitten, safety shoe21ppt课件2、执行装配 Reassemblying22ppt课件安装前端盖于轴上 安装前端盖于外

11、壳 安装垫片于后端盖 set up front end & shaft set up front end & shell put shim安装后端盖 安装后油封 安装风扇 set up back end set up seal set up fan23ppt课件安装前油封 安装轴键 安装风扇罩 set up front seal set up key set up fan cap接线盒安装 套上轴护套并完成 wiring set up sheath & finish24ppt课件3、检查 check25ppt课件检查轴输出端的径向跳动 0.05mmcheck beating 0.05mm ra

12、dial inspection of shaft output end检查轴输出端的端面跳动 0.03mm, 注意转子的轴向游动量check end of output shaft runout 0.03mm, note the amount of axial removable rotor 检查设备重要尺寸 check important dimensions 26ppt课件4、清洁整理 do 5S27ppt课件 a、所有拆解下来的螺栓、圆螺母、垫片、密封件等小件零件,必须按照一定的分类,使用合适的容器,妥善存放。keep nuts, screws, spacers, seals in bo

13、x. b、拆解完的设备,应使用合适的工具清理废油脂、密封胶、异物等污物。cleaning surface.28ppt课件5、本章小节 Summarize29ppt课件a、电机的平衡检查 Mark 电机的转子平衡对电机的使用至关重要,一般电动机出厂前都经过动静平衡试验,所以在我们日常检修中,只需对电机轴用百分表进行跳动检查,即可大概地确定电机的装配平衡性。 The balance of the rotor is essential to the use of motor, General Motors factory have been static and dynamic balance test, so in our daily maintenance, just on the motor shaft with the dial gauge forrunout check, can roughly determine the assembly balancingmachine.30ppt课件谢谢!谢谢!Thank you!31ppt课件


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