(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册Book2 Unit4 History and Traditions词汇词组检测.docx

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1、高一英语基础检测Book2 Unit4 History and Traditions第1节 词汇检测 根据句子的上下文及所给的中文提示,写出符合句意的单词,每空限填一词。1. Thestreetislinedwithmany_ (公馆)where therichandfamouslive.2. Shemajoredin _ (哲学) at Harvard.3. Weshouldleaveour _ (后代) acleanworldtolivein.4. Its aglobalproblem- what can _ (个人) do about it?5. Each _ (单独的)tableisf

2、inishedbyhand.6. Astonewasdigginginto my _ (脚后跟).7. Theyvisitedmany _ (王国) of theEast.8. The _ (最重要的)problemwe have in theareanow is thespreadofdisease.9. Most health _ (首领) believe the spread of the disease can be stopped with a social distance.10. What _ (使迷惑) me is why his books are so popular.11

3、. Experts were _ (迷惑) by thereports.12. Why dont yousitdown and do some crossword_ (迷)?13. Westoppedat some _ (附近的)shopstobuysomefood.14. Apoliceofficerwasstanding_ (在附近).15. Put the chair back where it _ (应在).16. After threeyearsin Cambridge, Ifinallyfeelas if I _ (应在) here.17. We soon got used to

4、usingItalian_ (货币).18. It is now amuseumof_ (军事的)history.19. A gooddiethelpsbuildthe bodysnatural_ (防御).20. He had twice the_ (合法的) limitof alcohol in his bloodstream.21. Thepresidentarrived_ (围绕) by hissupporters.22. Hundreds ofpeoplefledfrom thecityand are nowlivingin the _ (周围)countryside.23. She

5、 waschargedwith givingfalse_ (证据) incourt.24. It gives you asenseof_ (成就) if youactuallymake it to the end of a verylongbook.25. For anactor,winninganOscaris one of thegreatest_ (成就) you canhopefor.26. The time,date, and_ (地点)of theconferencehave not yet beenannounced.27. The Normans _ (占领) England

6、in 1066.28. The _ (战役)forwomensrightsstill goes on.29. Police_ (奋斗)withresidentsin thispartof thecityfor threedays.30. Hong Kong is one of the worlds busiest _ (港口).31. Londonis one of the mostexcitingand_ (迷人的)cities in the world.32. He was found guilty of all six _ (指控) against him.33. Mypianoteac

7、her_ (收费) 9 for a half hour class.34. _ (控告) withtheft, he was put in prison.35. Ittakesseveralhoursfor my laptopsbatteriesto _ (充电).36. She _ (宣布) thewinnerof thecompetitiontoanexcitedaudience.37. She was sodisappointedwith theservicethat sherefusedtopaythefull _ (金额).38. Wevisiteda few _ (画廊) whil

8、e we were there.39. We could justseethetrain_ (靠近) in thedistance.40. Im notsurehow to _ (着手处理) theproblem.41. With the _ (临近) of autumn, leaves began to turn yellow.42. We need tofind new _ (临近) to theproblems.43. We _ (接洽) thebankmanagerabout aloan(贷款).44. Theairlineis takingstepsto _ (确保)safetyon

9、itsplanes.45. The islands_ (风景)issimilarto Hawaiis.46. Thank you for your donation. It was very _ (慷慨的) of you.47. They know on which side their bread is _ (抹黄油于上).48. Thesharpnessof thelemonscontrastswith thesweetnessof the _ (蜂蜜).49. There werepicturesof his _ (祖先) on thewallsof theroom.50. Youvem

10、ovedthingsaround - thesofaisina different _ (位置).51. Sheappliedfor a _ (职位) in thefirmthat Iworkfor.52. This is not a verycomfortable_ (姿势).53. Entrance to theapartmentbuildingis through acentral_ (庭院).54. Many _ (小吃)are high insalt,sugar, andfat.55. It is achaptercommentingon thedifferencesbetweenr

11、ecent_ (诗人)and those of the 15thcenturies.56. Texas isdividedinto 254 _ (县).57. The play is also avisual _ (盛宴).58. I _ (滚动) thewheelalong thesideof theroadback to thecar.59. Atear_ (滚动) down hischeek.60. I used up three _ (卷) of film on holiday.61. Herskirtwasbluewithwhite_ (卷).62. These _ (牛) are

12、being kept on a distant farm.63. We couldhearthelions_ (咆哮) at the other end of thezoo.64. Thesemysteriouscreaturesliveat thebottomofthe_ (海洋).65. The dogs followed the foxs_ (气味)to theedgeof theforest.66. Complete silence _ (迎接) us as we entered the room.67. Hes one of theregularsat that _ (酒馆).68.

13、 Some _ (风俗) aredyingout.69. Thelibraryis a _ (显著的) exampleofmodernarchitecture.70. The _ (过渡) fromboyhoodtomanhoodcan be aconfusingperiod.71. A _ (一群人) of about 15,000attendedtheconcert.72. Holidaymakers _ (挤满) the beaches.第二节 完成句子 根据中文在空格上填入适当的词使句子意义完整,每空限填一词。1. 岛由一座路桥连接到大陆。Theisland_ _ _themainla

14、ndby aroadbridge.2. 一两名游客脱离了旅游团。One or two of thetourists_ _ _thetourgroup.3. 她从他身边挣脱跑到门口。She _ _ _ him and ran to the door.4. 他知道她很难摆脱过去的生活。He knew howdifficultshe wouldfind_ _ _ the life she had beenliving.5. 他是这家高尔夫俱乐部成员。He _ _ the golf club.6. 我们对我们的社区和家庭负有责任。We have aresponsibilitytoourcommunit

15、y_ _ _ toourfamilies.7. 当你在商店的时候,你能帮我买点东西吗?While youre at the store, could you get a few things for me_ _?8. 当你检查动物时,要睁大眼睛看是否有疾病的迹象。While you arecheckingtheanimals,_ _ _ _ _ anysignsofdisease.9. 您的订单将免费发送。Your order will be sent_ _ _.10. 欧文斯进来负责这件事。Owens came in and_ _ _the situation.11. 斯特恩负责他的研究团队

16、。Sternwas_ _ _the research team.The research team was _ _ _ of Stern.12. 报纸指控他误导公众。Thenewspaper_ him _misleadingthepublic.13. 少量的土地被用来饲养动物。Small _ _landwere used forkeepinganimals.14. 每天浪费大量的食物._ huge_ _foodis wasted every day. 15. 她总是对孩子们很慷慨。She_always very _ _ the kids.16. 她在时间上很慷慨。She _ very _ _h

17、ertime.17. 我渴望尽快回去工作。I _ _ _ _back to work as soon as possible.18. 孩子们渴望参观动物园。The children _ _ _ a visit to the zoo.19. 下周的电影节将是电影院观众的盛宴。Next weeks film festival will be _ _ _cinema-goers.20. 湖面上点缀着帆船。The lake _ _ _ sailboats.高一英语基础检测答案Book2 Unit4 History and Traditions第2节 词汇检测 根据句子的上下文及所给的中文提示,写出符合

18、句意的单词,每空限填一词。1. mansions 2. philosophy 3. descendants 4. individuals 5. individual 6. heel 7. kingdoms 8. chief 9. chiefs 10. puzzles 11. puzzled 12. puzzles 13. nearby 14. nearby 15. belongs 16. belong 17. currency 18. military 19. defences 20. legal 21. surrounded 22. surrounding 23. evidence 24.

19、achievement 25. achievements 26. location 27. conquered 28. battle 29. battled 30. ports 31. fascinating 32. charges 33. charges 34. Charged 35. charge 36. announced 37. amount 38. galleries 39. approaching 40. approach 41. approach 42. approaches 43. approached 44. ensure 45. landscape 46. generous

20、 47. buttered 48. honey 49. ancestors 50. position 51. position 52. position 53. courtyard 54. snacks 55. poets 56. counties 57. feast 58. rolled 59. rolled 60. rolls 61. dots 62. cattle 63. roaring 64. ocean 65. scent 66. greeted 67. pub 68. customs 69. striking 70. transition 71. crowd 72. crowded

21、第二节 完成句子 根据中文在空格上填入适当的词使句子意义完整,每空限填一词。1. is joinedto 2. brokeawayfrom 3. broke away from 4. breaking awayfrom 5. belongs to 6. as well as 7. as well 8. keepyoureyesopenfor 9. free of charge 10. took charge of 11. in charge of/in the charge 13. charged.with 13. amountsof 14. A.amount of 15. is.generous to 16. is.generous with 17. was eager to get 18. are eager for 19. a feast for 20. was dotted with第 7 页 共 4 页


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