(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第一册Book1 Welcome Unit词汇词组检测.doc

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1、高一英语基础检测Book1 Welcome Unit 第一节 词汇检测 根据句子的上下文及所给的文中提示,写出符合句意的单词,每空限填一词。1. We can _(交换)opinions freely here.2. An _(交流)of opinions is helpful.3. She attended all the _(讲座)in the series.4. She then invited him to Atlanta to _(讲座)on the history of art.5. He used to _(训斥)me about getting too much sun.6.

2、_(注册)is super quick and easy.7. Have you come to _(注册)at the school?8. He _(登记)the birth of his child.9. An entertainment star who appeals to all ages and both_(性别).10. There are so many _(女性的)rolemodelsnow.11. Why? Males must be preferred to _(女性).12. I need a_(男的)volunteer from the audience.13. Th

3、is student tended to be a_(男性),poor.14. We were walking along saying hello to people of all _(国籍).15. Were the last European_(国家)not to do this.16. I found a good _(设计师)and sourced a factory.17. They wanted to _(设计)a machine that was both attractive and practical.18. Most mobile robots are still in

4、the _(设计)stage.19. She has already toured its _(校园)with her family.20. He wrote a very _(正式的)letter of apology to Douglas.21. A friend of mine is a very _(焦虑的)person.22. She tapped her forehead and looked _(生气的)with herself.23. It _(使恼怒) with me that I didnt have time to do more reading.24. She was

5、_(害怕的)of flying.25. Her plane would leave at 7 _(下午).26. The station transmits from 6 _(上午)until midnight.27. We should show respect to the _(年长的). 28. My brother is my _(年长)by two years.29. MY brother is _(年长的)to me by two years.30. Im so glad that weve found you _(最终)!31. Shes very _(外向的).32. He m

6、ade a good_(印象)on me.33. Im very _(留下印象)with the new airport.34. I was very_(留下印象)by one young man at my lectures.35. I was working with a _(小伙子)from Manchester.36. This question can be answered only by _(实验).37. There was an _(令人尴尬的)moment as couples decided whether to stand next to their partners.

7、38. Im not used to _(低年级的)high school life.39. I just wanted to _(探索)Paris, read Sartre, listen to Sidney Bechet.40. I am _(自信的)that everything will come out right in time.41. This has contributed to the lack of _(自信)in the police.42. Two steps _(向前), one step back.43. A sudden _(光)of lightning lit

8、everything up for a second.44. Lightning _(闪耀)among the distant dark clouds.45. They had told their offices to _(发出)the news as soon as it broke.46. In the end, we all decided to _(组织)a concert for Easter.47. We asked them to _(筹备)coffee and sandwiches.48. Go right ahead, Im sure you dont need me to

9、 _(安排)you.49. _(组织者)said it was his fault.50. It was a secret _(组织)of people.51. The _(团体)is backed by The U.N.52. She sees only the good aspects of the _(机构).53. Its a matter of setting your own _(目标)and following them.54. The keeper was back in _(球门)after breaking a knuckle.55. What should our mar

10、keting _(策略)have achieved?56. This area has always held _(策略性的)importance.57. Wanting other friends doesnt mean you dont love your _(配偶).58. My _(同伴)for the event was the marvelous American player.59. Hes a _(合伙人)in a Chicago law firm.60. Spain has been one of the countrys major trading _(同伴).61. Ti

11、me wont _(改善)the situation.62. He said he was going to _(改进)his football.63. The system we introduced in 1980 has been a great _(改进).64. Steve was intensely_(好奇的)about the world I came from.65. Children are naturally _(求知欲强的).66. The woman in the shop had looked at them _(好奇地).67. Harry was _(好奇地)si

12、lent through all this.68. Ryle accepted more out of _(好奇)than anything else.69. Sheila found some work as a secretary in an insurance _(公司).70. “I wont stay long.” “No, please. I need the _(同伴)”.71. Ken agreed to _(陪伴)me on a trip to Africa.72. She was _(陪同)by her younger brother.73. She has such a

13、kind, friendly _(性格).74. He is such a _(个性)he is so funny.75. Our childrens different needs and learning _(方式)created many problems.76. Several _(风格)of hat were available.77. He wasnt very aggressive. Its not his _(作风).78. Some of them are of the latest _(款式).79. He soon came to _(修改)his opinion of

14、the profession.80. The staff should work together to _(修订)the school curriculum.81. I have to _(复习)for maths82. The phase of writing that is actually most important is _(修改).83. This process of _(探索)extends well into the new year.84. The _(令人生气的)thing about the scheme is that its confusing.85. To he

15、r _(恼怒)the stranger did not go away.86. It was a very _(令人害怕的)experience and they were very courageous.87. He knew that Soli was trying to _(使害怕)him, so he smiled to hide his fear.第二节 完成句子 根据中文在空格上填入适当的词使句子意义完整,每空限填一词。1. 今天是我第一天上高中,我要写下我的感想。Today is my first day at_ _ _, and Im writing down my thoug

16、hts about it.2. 他的无礼使我恼怒。I _ _ _his bad manners.3. 他因外界的种种怨言而感到烦恼。He _ _ _complaints made from outside.4. 她不敢骑自行车。She _ _ _ride a bike.5. 终于,诺伯走了走了不见了。_ _, Norbert was going.going.gone.6. 如果你努力工作,你就会留下深刻印象。And youll _ _ _if you work hard.7. 你给她留下了一个好印象。You _ _ _ _on her.8. 这个学校给我留下深刻印象。The school _

17、_ _ _on me.9. 她从事艰苦工作的能力给我留下了印象。I _ _ _her capacity for hard work.10. 这影片如此感人以至我们禁不住流下泪来。This cinema is _ _ _we cant help crying.11. 但如果它让我变得更小了呢?But _ _ makes me even smaller?12. 你应该专心于你的学习。You should _ _your study.13. 我不会留你独自一人的。Im not going to _you _.14. “没有,”凯瑟琳回答。“别管我们了,艾伦。”“No,” answered Cathe

18、rine. “_us _, Ellen.”15. 她害怕叫他独自一个人待着。She was afraid to _him _.16. 我觉得最后一件事就是,我可能对在那么繁忙的道路上骑车不是太有信心。And I suppose the last thing is that I wouldnt_ all that _ _cycling on such busy roads.17. 期待您的回信。I _ _ _ _from you.18. 我期盼着即将到来的首次任务。Im _ _ _my first assignment now.19. 他掏出笔记本开始记笔记。He drew out his no

19、tebook and began to _ _.20. 我们用教学卡片学习知识。We use _ _to learn knowledge.21. 所以他一定对美国的秋季充满好奇。So he must _ _ _ autumn in America.1 exchange 2 exchange 3 lectures 4 lecture 5 lecture 6 Registration 7 register 8 registered 9 sexes 10 female 11 females 12 male 13 male 14 nationalities 15 nation 16 designer

20、17 design 18 design 19 campus 20 formal 21 anxious 22 annoyed 23 annoyed 24 frightened 25 p.m. 26 a.m. 27. senior 28 senior 29 senior 30 at last 31 outgoing 32 impression33 impressed 34 impressed 35 guy 36 experiment 37 awkward 38 junior 39 explore 40 confident 41 confidence 42 forward 43 flash 44 f

21、lashed 45 flash 46 organize 47 organize 48 organize 49 fault 50 organization 51 organization 52 organization 53 goals 54 goal 55 strategy 56 strategic57 partner 58 partner 59 partner 60 partners 61 improve 62 improve 63 improvement 64 curious 65 curious 66 curiously 67 curiously 68 curiosity 69 comp

22、any 70 company 71 accompany 72 accompanied 73 personality 74 personality 75 styles 76 styles 77 style 78 style 79 revise 80 revise81 revise 82 revision 83 exploration 84 annoying 85 annoyance 86 frightening 87 frighten第二节1 senior High school 2 was annoyed by 3 was annoyed with 4 was frightened to 5

23、At last 6 make an impression 7 made a good impression 8 made a deep impression 9 was impressed by 10 so impressive that 11 what if 12 concentrate on 13 leave. alone 14 Leave alone 15 leave alone 16 be confident about 17 look forward to hearing 18 looking forward to 19 take notes 20 flash card 21 be curious about5


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