(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册Unit 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE ppt课件(含讲义)(共9份打包).rar

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  • (2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册Unit 1 CULTURAL HERITAGE ppt课件(含讲义)(共9份打包)
    • Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking.doc--点击预览
    • Section Ⅰ Listening and Speaking.ppt--点击预览
    • Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking(1).doc--点击预览
    • Section Ⅱ Reading and Thinking(1).ppt--点击预览
    • Section Ⅲ Reading and Thinking(2).doc--点击预览
    • Section Ⅲ Reading and Thinking(2).ppt--点击预览
    • Section Ⅳ Discovering Useful Structures——限制性定语从句(3).doc--点击预览
    • Section Ⅳ Discovering Useful Structures——限制性定语从句(3).ppt--点击预览
    • Section Ⅴ Listening and Talking.doc--点击预览
    • Section Ⅴ Listening and Talking.ppt--点击预览
    • Section Ⅵ The Rest Parts of the Unit(P6~12).ppt--点击预览
    • Section Ⅵ The Rest Parts of the Unit(P6~12).doc--点击预览
    • Section Ⅶ Reading for Writing——有关文化遗产保护的新闻报道.doc--点击预览
    • Section Ⅶ Reading for Writing——有关文化遗产保护的新闻报道.ppt--点击预览
    • Section Ⅷ Assessing Your Progress.doc--点击预览
    • Section Ⅷ Assessing Your Progress.ppt--点击预览
    • 单元综合测评.doc--点击预览


Unit 1CULTURAL HERITAGE主题语境人与社会之文化遗产【语境概说】 本单元的话题内容是“文化遗产” ,它属于“人与社会”这一主题语境下的“历史、社会与文化” 。本单元的主要内容包括世界著名的物质和非物质文化遗产、保护世界文化遗产的组织机构等。这些内容与学生的社会生活有关,学习它们有助于学生在语言知识、文化意识、思维品质等方面能力的提高。All of our cultural heritage which is useful should be inherited, but in a critical way.凡属我国文化遗产中有用的东西,都应当批判地继承。Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations.遗产是我们过去的遗产,是我们今天生活的东西,是我们传给后代的东西。“Cultural space” is proposed by UNESCO for the protection of the world intangible cultural heritage.“文化空间”是由联合国教科文组织提出的,目的是用于保护世界非物质文化遗产。Section Listening and Speaking1.Translate the following words and phrases.heritage n.遗产temple n.庙;寺relic n. 遗物;遗迹 clue n. 线索;提示mount n.山峰 v.爬;爬上 former adj. 以前的preserve vt. 保存;保护 promote vt. 促进;提升creative adj. 创造性的creatively adv. 创造性地;有创造力地application n. 申请(表);用途;运用take part in 参与;参加2.Brainstorming:Please name some famous cultural heritages in the world in English or in Chinese.宙斯神像_泰姬陵_巴比伦空中花园_The_Pyramids_The_Great_Wall_The_Forbidden_Palace_兵马俑_Mount_Tai3.Look at the picture on Page 2 and tell your classmates what the students are doing.They_are_talking_about_Mount_Tai_and_the_cultural_heritage_protection_in_China.Finish Ex.2 & Ex.3 on Page 2 and Ex.5 on Page 3.1.ListeningGuess the meaning of new words using context clues.She said nothing and mounted her horse again.They rode some miles further.The day was warm, the sun beat down, and she again grew thirsty.Clues:horse, rodeGuess:The expression of “mounted her horse” probably means “climbed on her horse”.There are many differences between Earth and Mars.While the former has an atmosphere and liquid water, the latter does not.Clues:Earth and Mars, the latter does not.Guess:The former means the first one of the two things.It is quite natural for all of us to want to preserve and protect the foods we buy.We always think that the best way is by putting them in our refrigerators.Clues:protect, putting them in our refrigerators.Guess:To preserve the foods means to keep the food.When the company promotes the new style, people will be longing for the products, so they are willing to spend money on them.This also gives the company motivation to develop new products.Clues:longing for, spend money on them; develop new products.Guess:The word “promote” means “produce or develop”.2.Finish Ex.6 on Page 3.3.PronunciationTick the right word according to the pronunciation./klu/ (clue/glue)/bsts/ (burst/bursts)/preI/ (play/pray) /wlf/ (wolf/wolves)/tekst/ (text/test) /reIn/ (ray/rain)答案clueburstspraywolftextrain语言知识积累关于保护文化遗产的表达1.The Chinese culture is both historical and contemporary, belonging both to the Chinese nation and the whole world.中华文化既是历史的、也是当代的,既是民族的、也是世界的。2.History and culture are the soul of a city and people should cherish the citys historical and cultural heritage as their own lives.历史文化是城市的灵魂,要像爱惜自己的生命一样保护好城市历史文化遗产。文化知识习得1.世界遗产分为哪几类?世界遗产分为自然遗产、文化遗产、自然与文化复合遗产和文化景观。2.什么是文化遗产?文化遗产是历史留给人类的宝贵财富。从存在形态上分为物质文化遗产(有形文化遗产)和非物质文化遗产(无形文化遗产)。学习策略形成1.通过课上和课下的听力练习,掌握听出主旨大意、特定信息、猜测词义的技巧。2.通过和同学练习关于世界文化遗产的对话,熟悉有关文化遗产的语言表达。3.通过书面练习,掌握有关文化遗产的词汇拼写与发音。发音技巧点拨音近词英语中有很多读音相近的单词,如:sheep 与 ship;waist 与 west;store 与 stall 等。这些词要结合其词形、词义及其读音规则来记忆。1.preserve vt.保存;保护;维持 n.保护区(教材 P3)合作探究体会 preserve 的用法和意义We should preserve our eyes from bright sunlight in summer.我们应该保护眼睛免受强光照射。In this nature preserve, all the rare plants are well preserved.在这个自然保护区中,所有的稀有植物都被保护得很好。自主发现preserve/protect.from.保护免受易混辨析protect/preserve(1)protect 强调“保护并使其不受外界伤害” ;(2)preserve 强调“保持原有的状态而不变质” 。巩固内化(1)选词填空(preserve/protect)He bought a refrigerator online to preserve the meat, protecting it from cats.(2)翻译句子油可以保护金属使其免于生锈(rust)。Oil_can_preserve_metal_from_rust.在禁猎区内不许打猎。No_hunting_is_allowed_in_the_preserve.2.promote vt.促进;提升;推销;晋级(教材 P3)promoter n.促进者;发起人promotion n.促进;提升;推销合作探究写出下列各句中 promote 的含义New machines should be introduced to promote production.提升The supermarkets had to lower the prices to promote sales.促进He was promoted from a worker to a manager last week.晋级He was in town to promote his new book.推销巩固内化单句语法填空Peking Opera is being introduced to school students in an effort to_promote (promote) the traditional art to the younger generation in our country.Her promotion (promote) to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.3.take part in 参与(某事);参加(某活动)Would you like to take part in a project like this? (教材 P3)你愿意参加这样的项目吗?短语记牢记牢下列短语take down写下;记下take in 吸收;接纳;欺骗take on 承担;呈现take apart 拆卸;拆开take away 带走;减去take over 接收;接管I find it necessary to take down notes while listening to English.我发现在听英语时记笔记是必要的。Surrounded by rivers and mountains, Chongqing takes on a beautiful look.重庆四面环山绕水,景色宜人。易混辨析join/join in/take part in/attend(1)join 表示加入某个组织或党派,也可后接某人表示“和某人一起” ;(2)join in 表示参加某项活动,此时可以与 take part in 互换;(3)attend 表示参加某种会议或仪式活动。巩固内化(1)选词填空(join/join in/take part in/attend)I hope youll all join_in/take_part_in the discussion.She didnt come to the party because she had to attend a meeting.I will never forget the day when I joined the Party.(2)同义句转换A lot of students joined in the thorough cleaning yesterday.A lot of students took_part_in the thorough cleaning yesterday.Id like to write down your name and address in case I can get in touch with you.Id like to take_down your name and address in case I can get in touch with you.Listening()Listen to the first dialogue just once and choose the best answer.What does the man want to cut out of paper?A.A fish. B.A bird. C.A monkey.答案B听力原文:W:Im taking a paper cutting class.M:Cool! What have you cut out so far?W:Ive cut a fish and a monkey out of paper.That was amazing!M:Yes, sounds a lot of fun.If I have a chance to attend the class, Im going to cut out a bird.()Listen to the second dialogue twice and choose the best answer.1. What does the son like to do during his vacation?A.To stay in Beijing.B.To have a good rest.C.To go to another place.2.Why does the father suggest visiting Zhoukoudian?A.Because they havent other places to visit.B.Because its good for his sons study.C.Because they stayed in Beijing for a long time.答案1.C2.B听力原文:Son:Dad? Where do you think we should go for our vacation?Father:I prefer staying in Beijing.Son:But we have stayed here for a long time.We should change a place.Father:Though we have stayed here for a long time, we still have some cultural relics to visit.Son:We have visited so many, Dad.Can you tell me anywhere we havent been to yet?Father:Zhoukoudian is very famous.Son:Come on, Dad, that isnt interesting.Father:But that is good for your study.You should know more about the cultural relics of our country.Son:Come on.Listening and speaking()ListeningListen to the third dialogue twice and fill in the blanks.A:The summer vacation is coming.Whats your plan,Luo?B:Im planning to go to Lijiang Yunnan Province for_sightseeing.A:Really? It is a place that I would love to see.And I hear that it is also a World Culture Heritage Site.B:Yes.Now there are more than 30 places that have_been_listed_as World Culture Heritage Sites in our country, and Lijiang is among them.A:Well, talking about World Culture Heritage Site reminds_me_of_the_city_we_liveBeijing.B:Yes, there are many places deserving_to_visit/worth_visiting in Beijing such as the_Forbidden_City,_the Summer Palace,the_Great_Wall and so on.A:Its said that the Great Wall is the only human construction on earth that can be seen from the outer space.Its considered as one of seven_wonders in the world.B:Yes, I have seen a picture of the Great Wall.It is like a long white belt winding on the surface of the earth.A:There must be some world culture heritage sites in_your_province,_right?B:Youre right.Terracotta Warriors is a famous one.It is usually called “Bingmayong”.()SpeakingMake a dialogue with your partner to talk about the cultural relics.The_answer_is_open.*Unit 1CULTURAL HERITAGE*主题语境人与社会之文化遗产【语境概说】本单元的话题内容是“文化遗产”,它属于“人与社会”这一主题语境下的“历史、社会与文化”。本单元的主要内容包括世界著名的物质和非物质文化遗产、保护世界文化遗产的组织机构等。这些内容与学生的社会生活有关,学习它们有助于学生在语言知识、文化意识、思维品质等方面能力的提高。*All of our cultural heritage which is useful should be inherited, but in a critical way.凡属我国文化遗产中有用的东西,都应当批判地继承。Heritage is our legacy from the past, what we live with today, and what we pass on to future generations.遗产是我们过去的遗产,是我们今天生活的东西,是我们传给后代的东西。“Cultural space” is proposed by UNESCO for the protection of the world intangible cultural heritage.“文化空间”是由联合国教科文组织提出的,目的是用于保护世界非物质文化遗产。*Section Listening and Speaking1.Translate the following words and phrases.heritage n. _temple n. _relic n. _ clue n. _mount n._ v._former adj. _ preserve vt. _遗产庙;寺遗物;遗迹线索;提示山峰爬;爬上以前的保存;保护*promote vt. _ creative adj. _creatively adv. _ application n. _take part in _促进;提升创造性的创造性地;有创造力地申请(表);用途;运用参与;参加*2.Brainstorming:Please name some famous cultural heritages in the world in English or in Chinese.宙斯神像泰姬陵巴比伦空中花园The PyramidsThe Great WallThe Forbidden Palace兵马俑Mount Tai*3.Look at the picture on Page 2 and tell your classmates what the students are doing._They are talking about Mount Tai and the cultural heritage protection in China.*Finish Ex.2 & Ex.3 on Page 2 and Ex.5 on Page 3.*1.ListeningGuess the meaning of new words using context clues.She said nothing and mounted her horse again.They rode some miles further.The day was warm, the sun beat down, and she again grew thirsty.Clues:horse, rodeGuess:The expression of “mounted her horse” probably means “_ on her horse”.There are many differences between Earth and Mars.While the former has an atmosphere and liquid water, the latter does not.Clues:Earth and Mars, the latter does not.climbed*Guess:The former means the _ one of the two things.It is quite natural for all of us to want to preserve and protect the foods we buy.We always think that the best way is by putting them in our refrigerators.Clues:protect, putting them in our refrigerators.Guess:To preserve the foods means to _ the food.When the company promotes the new style, people will be longing for the products, so they are willing to spend money on them.This also gives the company motivation to develop new products.Clues:longing for, spend money on them; develop new products.Guess:The word “promote” means “_ or _”.firstkeepproducedevelop*2.Finish Ex.6 on Page 3.3.PronunciationTick the right word according to the pronunciation./klu/ (clue/glue) /bsts/ (burst/bursts)/preI/ (play/pray) /wlf/ (wolf/wolves)/tekst/ (text/test) /reIn/ (ray/rain)答案答案clueburstspraywolftextrain*语言知识积累关于保护文化遗产的表达1.The Chinese culture is both historical and contemporary, belonging both to the Chinese nation and the whole world.中华文化既是历史的、也是当代的,既是民族的、也是世界的。2.History and culture are the soul of a city and people should cherish the citys historical and cultural heritage as their own lives.历史文化是城市的灵魂,要像爱惜自己的生命一样保护好城市历史文化遗产。*文化知识习得1.世界遗产分为哪几类?世界遗产分为自然遗产、文化遗产、自然与文化复合遗产和文化景观。2.什么是文化遗产?文化遗产是历史留给人类的宝贵财富。从存在形态上分为物质文化遗产(有形文化遗产 )和非物质文化遗产(无形文化遗产 )。*学习策略形成1.通过课上和课下的听力练习,掌握听出主旨大意、特定信息、猜测词义的技巧。2.通过和同学练习关于世界文化遗产的对话,熟悉有关文化遗产的语言表达。3.通过书面练习,掌握有关文化遗产的词汇拼写与发音。*发音技巧点拨音近词英语中有很多读音相近的单词,如:sheep与ship;waist与west;store与stall等。这些词要结合其词形、词义及其读音规则来记忆。 *1.preserve vt.保存;保护;维持n.保护区(教材P3)合作探究体会preserve的用法和意义We should preserve our eyes from bright sunlight in summer.我们应该保护眼睛免受强光照射。In this nature preserve, all the rare plants are well preserved.在这个自然保护区中,所有的稀有植物都被保护得很好。自主发现preserve/protect._.保护免受from*易混辨析protect/preserve(1)protect强调“保护并使其不受外界伤害”;(2)preserve强调“保持原有的状态而不变质”。*巩固内化(1)选词填空(preserve/protect)He bought a refrigerator online to _ the meat, _ it from cats.(2)翻译句子油可以保护金属使其免于生锈(rust)。_在禁猎区内不许打猎。_preserveprotectingOil can preserve metal from rust.No hunting is allowed in the preserve.*2.promote vt.促进;提升;推销;晋级(教材P3)promoter n.促进者;发起人promotion n.促进;提升;推销合作探究写出下列各句中promote的含义New machines should be introduced to promote production._The supermarkets had to lower the prices to promote sales._He was promoted from a worker to a manager last week._He was in town to promote his new book._提升促进晋级推销*巩固内化单句语法填空Peking Opera is being introduced to school students in an effort _ (promote) the traditional art to the younger generation in our country.Her _ (promote) to Sales Manager took everyone by surprise.to promotepromotion*3.take part in参与(某事);参加(某活动)Would you like to take part in a project like this? (教材P3)你愿意参加这样的项目吗? 短语记牢记牢下列短语take down写下;记下take in 吸收;接纳;欺骗take on 承担;呈现take apart 拆卸;拆开take away 带走;减去take over 接收;接管*I find it necessary to take down notes while listening to English.我发现在听英语时记笔记是必要的。Surrounded by rivers and mountains, Chongqing takes on a beautiful look.重庆四面环山绕水,景色宜人。易混辨析join/join in/take part in/attend(1)join 表示加入某个组织或党派,也可后接某人表示“和某人一起”;(2)join in 表示参加某项活动,此时可以与take part in互换;(3)attend 表示参加某种会议或仪式活动。*巩固内化(1)选词填空(join/join in/take part in/attend)I hope youll all _ the discussion.She didnt come to the party because she had to _ a meeting.I will never forget the day when I _ the Party.(2)同义句转换A lot of students joined in the thorough cleaning yesterday.A lot of students _ the thorough cleaning yesterday.Id like to write down your name and address in case I can get in touch with you.Id like to _ your name and address in case I can get in touch with you. join in/take part inattendjoinedtook part intake down*本节内容结束Section Reading and Thinking(1)1.DiscussingLook at the following pictures and answer the questions.(1)What do the places in the pictures have in common?They_are_famous_cultural_heritage_sites_or_cultural_relics.(2)What organization are the following pictures about?The_organization_is_UNESCO,_that_is“联合国教科文组织” 。2.PredictingLook at the pictures and the title on Page 4 and predict what the text is probably about.The_text_is_probably_about_the_protection_of_cultural_heritage_sites.1.First readingRead the text and fill in the blanks.The text is mainly about how the Egyptian government found solutions to the problem of keeping balance between building the Aswan Dam and protecting the_temples_and_other_cultural_relics.2.Second readingChoose the best answer according to the text.(1)Which is NOT the reason why the government wanted to build a new dam across the Nile?A.Because the old one must give way to the new.B.Because there were always floods in the Nile area.C.Because the farmers were in need of water.D.Because the electricity was short in Egypt.(2)Why did the government turn to the UN for help?A.Because the government met big challenges.B.Because some citizens protested building the dam.C.Because the scientists had studied the problem.D.Because there were many farmers in the area of Nile.(3)What can be inferred from the last two paragraphs?A.Easier said than done.B.More haste, less speed.C.Action speaks louder than words.D.Many hands make light work.(4)Which of the following shows the structure of the whole text?答案(1)A(2)A(3)D(4)B3.Third readingRead the text again and order the following events.A document was signed and the work began.The government turned to the United Nations for help.The scientists studied the problem of building the new dam.The government needed to build a new dam across the Nile.Some citizens who lived near the dam protested the proposal.22 temples and countless cultural relics were
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