Unit 4形成性评价单元测试-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.rar

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  • Unit 4 形成性评价单元测试-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册
    • 新人教版必修二 单元形成性评价(四)Unit 4(原卷).docx--点击预览
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学科网(北京)股份有限公司单元形成性评价(四)Unit 4(原卷)第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2. 5 分, 满分 37. 5 分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AAbout the Irish ExperienceThe Irish Experience is a program for North American high school students. This program takes place over a four-week period in July. For two weeks the students will live in the beautiful university town of Cork in the South of Ireland. They will attend classes in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. Traditional Irish music is alive in Cork City and can be heard most nights in some of the pubs in the city centre. There are several theatres in the city. A visit to one of these will be part of our schedule. Cork is also the gateway to the beautiful southwest part of Ireland and we will be taking in all the sights of West Cork and Kerry. The other two weeks will be spent at University College Dublin, a short bus ride from the centre of Dublin, one of the oldest capital cities 学科网(北京)股份有限公司in Europe with one of the youngest populations almost 50% of the city s people are under 25 years old. Staying at student apartments on the university campus, students will have the opportunity to meet young people of many different nationalities. The students will enjoy a true Celtic cultural experience and a sense of Irish history and culture through guided tours to various historical sites in DublinThe Cliffs of Moher in County Clare and the Neolithic passage tombs in Newgrange, County Meath. 21. What can we learn about the Irish Experience? A. It admits college students. B. It is hosted by universities. C. It s a summer study abroad program. D. It aims to advertise universities in Ireland. 22. What will the students do in Cork City? A. They will visit a theatre. B. They will study at West Cork. C. They will play live music at a pub. D. They will spend a whole night at a pub. 学科网(北京)股份有限公司23. How is Dublin different from other cities in Europe? A. It is the oldest city in the world. B. It has a very young population. C. It attracts people under 25 years old. D. It has people of different nationalities. BThe Cool Taxi is a Hackney Carriage that was changed into a freezer on wheels, using dry ice to keep the inside cool for passengers. It has a number of features designed to keep riders cool, including a freezer filled with ice-lollies (冰棍)and a state-of-the-art air conditioning system. A spokesperson for Andrews Air Conditioning said, “Britain has become a hot country, and the British are feeling the heat. For commuters(通勤者)there is nothing worse on a hot day than getting into a hot taxi, so we wanted to help to avoid this experience with Cool Taxi. Cool Taxi driver Tony, who has driven a taxi for 11 years, said, “I have done 10 London summers in the taxi and I know you need some good air conditioning. It would be impossible to work without it. You 学科网(北京)股份有限公司need to keep cool and stay hydrated (含水的), and sometimes in a typical taxi this is difficult to keep. ”Elizabeth Ann Iliffe, who was paying a visit to London from the South East, said, “It is amazing. It feels just like a scene(场景)from Frozen. It s nice to step in just for a few minutes to have a break from the heat and cool off. ”The Cool Taxi is running for a limited(有限的)time at present time. However, it has proved popular with passengers and could be considered for full-time operation across the summer months in the future. 24. What can we learn from what Tony said? A. He finds it hard to keep the taxi well air-conditioned. B. He thinks it impossible to provide good air conditioning. C. He is used to driving taxis in hot summer for a long time. D. He will try his best to improve the conditions of the taxi. 25. What does the underlined word “It” in Paragraph 4 refer to? A. Having a break. B. Taking the cool taxi. C. A scene from Frozen. 学科网(北京)股份有限公司D. Her journey in London. 26. What is the text mainly about? A. The popularity of London s taxis. B. The future of taxi industry in London. C. London s Cool Taxi filled with dry ice. D. The management of the Cool Taxi in London. 27. We can infer from the passage that the author is about the future of Cool Taxi. A. pessimisticB. optimisticC. uncertainD. carefulCIt was dinner time for the Rangers, a group of Indigenous(本地的)Australians who had spent a long day cleaning up the polluted beaches of the continent s northern coast. Soon they would be eating freshly caught fish and seafood cooked under the stars on an open fire, as their ancestors did. The Rangers are of more than 100 indigenous groups spreading across Australia who have taken on the job of protecting the land of their forefathers. In Arnhem Land, they are the protectors of 3, 300 square 学科网(北京)股份有限公司miles of land and sea. They comb the beaches by hand, picking up as much rubbish as possible. The task is very difficult as each day it delivers waves of new rubbish. For the Rangers, cleaning the beaches is more than a vacation. For a people whose culture is strongly tied to the land, protecting the environment is equal to preserving their history. However, colonization forcefully broke their connection to the land generations ago. Indigenous people were displaced and their cultural practices were outlawed. Tens of thousands of years of traditional land management ended, and as a result many parts of the country now face serious disasters from invasive plants and animal species, bush fires and land mismanagement. In recent years, the government has restored more than 20 percent of Australia s land to Indigenous owners. Since 2007, the Indigenous Rangers Organizations have been protecting this land. Luckily, one of the few non-Indigenous employees working with the Rangers, said the combination, new techniques and an appreciation for the culture of Indigenous workers have been critical to the program s success. “You are working with staff who see the world different to you, so there is a much higher focus on the cultural aspects of work and life, ”he 学科网(北京)股份有限公司said. “Being a ranger is a source of confidence. You feel strong, ”said Terence, a senior ranger. “Here we still live on the land. The culture is still alive. ”28. What did Indigenous Australians live on in the past? A. Rubbish picked up by hand. B. Protecting the land. C. Catching the fish and seafood. D. Invasive plants and animals. 29. What do the Rangers think of cleaning the beaches? A. It s a job of their ancestors . B. It s just a vacation. C. It s a difficult task. D. It s their culture. 30. Why has the government restored the land to Indigenous owners? A. The polluted land needs better management. B. Their cultural practices were outlawed. 学科网(北京)股份有限公司C. The people were too strong. D. The land belongs to them. 31. What can we learn from the last three paragraphs? A. Not many employees are Indigenous Australians. B. Culture is important to the Indigenous Australians. C. Their new techniques are successful. D. Both Luck and Terence are rangers. DTwo pig farmers in Suffolk, East England have succeeded in feeding one million bees after participating in a project that saw them turn over half of their land to wild flowers. Four years ago, brothers Mark and Paul Hayward decided to fill 81 acres of their farm land with wild flowers. This week, a study was carried out monitoring insect activity on the flower-covered land, which found they were feeding one million bees at any time. “This was our target when we started, to grow enough flowers to feed a million bees on a single day, ” Mark said. “We are acutely aware that bees are under threat from modern farming methods and that East England is one of the worst places where bees are seriously suffering 学科网(北京)股份有限公司from lack of foraging diversity(觅食多样性), ” he continued. “Every third bite of food you eat can come from bees and we wanted to create an operation on our farm that did not push nature out but rather hugged itas a central part of our ecology system and our food cycle, ” he said. The farm uses all kinds of seeds which can produce many different wild plants and of course, the bees can get food from different wildflowers. “We are taking a very small role in helping society restore a balance and this starts with plant diversity to encourage insects, bees, small mammals(哺乳动物), and birds, ” said Paul. “At the end of the day, we see ourselves as caretakers of this land. Between us we have six children and we owe it to them to maintain farm sustainability(持续性)and set an example to the generations to come, ” added Paul. According to the Bee Conservation Trust, many types of bees have seen their populations decline by 70%, and two species have become extinct in the last century. Gill Perkins, CEO of the Bee Conservation Trust said, “Thanks to Mark and Paul, at least here, 1 million bees can keep living, which is of great significance for ourselves now and in the future. ”学科网(北京)股份有限公司32. What can we know about the brothers from the first two paragraphs? A. They have about 160 acres of land. B. They grow wild flowers for pigs. C. They are not good at growing wild flowers. D. They have to support 1, 000, 000 bees in their land. 33. Why are bees under threat in East England? A. There is not enough food for bees. B. Bees are not used to the modern society. C. There are too many animals eating bees. D. Bees can not find different wild flowers. 34. What is Gill Perkins attitude to the action? A. Opposed. B. Doubtful. C. Supportive. D. Disappointed. 35. What is the best title for the text? A. The Bees are in Danger NowB. Two Brothers Feed a Million BeesC. One Million Bees are Surviving in East England学科网(北京)股份有限公司D. Two Brothers Love Wild Flowers in East England第二节(共 5 小题; 每小题 2. 5 分, 满分 12. 5 分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。EnglandEngland is the biggest of the four countries in the United Kingdom. Over 50 million people live in England, which is around 80% of the total UK population. 36 It is spoken today by billions of people all over the world. Many students go to England from other countries to study the language and learn about the culture. Although everyone speaks English, there are many different accents around the country. French was the official language in England between 1066 and 1362. 37 The English people love music. 38 Glastonbury is a five-day festival of music, dance, comedy, and theatre and around 175, 000 people go there. Many people stay at the festivals for a few days and they camp in tents. People listen to all types of music, especially pop and rock. England has produced many international groups and singers. The most popular sports in England are football, rugby and cricket. Most towns have a football, rugby and cricket ground where teams can 学科网(北京)股份有限公司play. 39Women s football is also popular. Cricket is a traditional sport played with a bat and a ball. People like to watch all these sports on TV. England is a multicultural country. 40Indian, Chinese and Italian foods are popular. Traditional English food includes fish and chips, roast beef, sausages and mashed potatoes. Many English people drink several cups of tea every day, usually with milk. However, different types of coffee are also popular. A. The official language of England is English. B. This has a big influence on the food people eat. C. The lion is the symbol of many English sports teams. D. It is a fact that English is accepted as an international language. E. In the summer you can go to music festivals all over the country. F. This is why there are many French words and expressions in English. G. English football teams like Manchester United, Chelsea and Liverpool are world-famous. 第三部分语言运用(共两节, 满分 30 分)第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分) 学科网(北京)股份有限公司阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Just five months earlier, I would never have thought that I would act in a play in front of so many people. Without the encouragement of my 41, Mrs Sather, I might never have found that courage. I was an extremely 42girl. It just wasn t in my personality to make a sound in public. I used to 43 myself in my writing. Mrs Sather also encouraged me to write more. I think she was one of the first people to see my real 44 and know how to help me. One day, she told us that we were going to 45 a playThe Wizard of Oz. “I need someone to play the lead part of Dorothy, ” she said. A lot of hands shot up. 46, of course, was not one of them. After school, Mrs Sather said to me, “Dallas, I was 47 you didn t raise your hand. You re great at memorizing things, and you have such a sweet personality. I m sure you are 48 for Dorothy! I have you in mind for Dorothy and want you to write the play too! If you 49 don t want to, though, I won t make you. It s your 50. ” Encouraged by her 51, I suddenly wanted to see what I really could do. I 52 the role. After five months of practicing, line 学科网(北京)股份有限公司memorizing, and costume(表演服)designing, we were 53. At the end of the play, when my teacher and my classmates stood up and 54, I knew they were not just congratulating for my performance(演出)that night, but for the success that they knew would come in later years because of my newly found 55. 41. A. friendB. teacherC. motherD. classmate42. A. shyB. weakC. cleverD. pretty43. A. putB. takeC. hideD. turn44. A. problemB. goalC. challengeD. advantage45. A. put onB. make upC. put upD. focus on46. A. OursB. HersC. MineD. Theirs47. A. excitedB. happyC. afraidD. surprised48. A. anxiousB. sweet学科网(北京)股份有限公司C. perfectD. awkward49. A. officiallyB. reallyC. finallyD. obviously50. A. turnB. choiceC. luckD. responsibility51. A. wordsB. storiesC. adventuresD. lectures52. A. createdB. playedC. acceptedD. remembered53. A. readyB. successfulC. famousD. careful54. A. leftB. struggledC. criedD. cheered55. A. skillB. confidenceC. interestD. hobby第二节(共 10 小题; 每小题 1. 5 分, 满分 15 分)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的学科网(北京)股份有限公司正确形式。Exercise is one of the most important 56. _(part) of keeping your body at a healthy weight. We also know that staying fit and healthy is very vital. Exercise can help prevent weight gain. If you can t afford to pay the gym 57. _visit every day, don t worryjust become active throughout the day. When you exercise 58. _(regular), you will have better chances of 59. _(improve)your mood(心情). It can also increase your confidence. Besides, it will better your appearance, 60. _means your body will be in good shape. Regular exercise is also good 61. _physical fitness and good health. Apart from weight control, exercise can also delay your aging process. 62. _you don t exercise, your muscles will become very weak. Also, your heart and lungs might not 63. _(function) as well and you are more likely to get injured. Inactivity is as much of a health risk as smoking. Make sure that an exercise plan 64. _ (make), so you can know when and what you should do. However, don t over-exercise yourself because doing too much exercise on a daily basis will have 65. _(harm) results. 学科网(北京)股份有限公司第四部分写作(共两节, 满分 40 分)第一节(满分 15 分)假如你是李华, 收到你的美国朋友艾伦(Ellen)的来信, 他说要来中国旅游, 请你给他回信帮忙推荐最具中国文化代表性的旅游景点。你的回信内容如下: 1. 旅游地点:
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