Unit1 Cultural Heritage Listening and Speaking ppt课件(含音视频素材) -(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.rar

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  • Unit1 Cultural Heritage Listening and Speaking ppt课件(含音视频素材) -(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册
    • 人教版(2019) 必修Book 2 Unit 1 Cultural heritage Listening and Speaking
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人教版(2019)BOOK2UNIT1.CULTURALHERITAGEPERIOD1LISTENINGANDSPEAKINGTeachingTeaching aimsaims123Guidestudentstograspthemainideaanddetailedinformation;Cultivatestudentsabilitytoguessthemeaningofwordsinlistening;Discusswiththeirclassmateshowtotakepartintheprotectionoftheculturalheritage;1.Whatisthespeakerusuallyinterestedin?Travelling,readingandrecordingbeautifulmomentsinhislife.2.Whatattractsthespeakermostinthisvideo?Chinesetraditionalculture.Forbidden CityTemple of HeavenTerracotta WarriorsMogao GrottoesLeshan Giant BuddhaLijiang Old CityPotala PalaceFujian Tulouthethe GreatGreat wallwallBeijingBeijing operaoperaPyramid EgyptTaj Mahal IndiaSphinx Egypt 1 BEFORE YOU LISTEN, LOOK AT THE PICTURES BELOW. WHAT ARE THE STUDENTS DOING?Before listeningTake part in a youth projectWhere is it? Have you been there? What are the students doing? 2 Listen to the conversation and choose the main idea. AStudentsfromdifferentcountriesareworkingcreativelytoprotectatempleinChina. BYouthsfromsevencountriesareworkingtogethertoprotectculturalrelicsonMountTai. CDoingaprojectonculturalheritageprotectioninChinaisinterestingandexciting.While-ListeningListening tips:1. Before you listen, read the text first, underline the key words and predict what the conversation is about.2. Write down some key words while listening.3 Listen again and help the reporter to complete the interview notes. International youth project, _ high school students from 7 countries Mount Tai, one of the most _mountains in China It has been _ for more than 3,000 years. 22 temples, around 1,800 _ with writing on them Dai Temple on _; over 6,000_ 23famousprotectedstonesMount TaistepsWhile-Listening EXAMPLE Thepalacewasdestroyedyearsago.Bystudyingoldphotosoftheformerpalace,theyhavemadethenewonelookexactlyliketheoldone. Clues: destroyedyearsago;studyingoldphotos;madethenewpalaceliketheoldone Guess: Theformerpalacemeans“thepalacethat_”.While-Listening4 Practise using context clues to guess the meaning of new words. Look and fill in the blank. was built before but was destroyedUse context to guess words To guess the meaning of new words, look at the other words and use what you know about the topic. 5 Listen again and use the context to guess the meaning of the words below. Tick the reason why you were able to guess the words. While-ListeningReasonPreservePromoteCypressThe word is an example of a group/type I know.The word is explained by the speaker.The word means the opposite of a word I know.The word means the same as a word I know.I know the general meaning of the word.The speaker gives an example of the word. 6 Help the reporter to complete the news report based on what you hear and the interview notes. InternationalYouthCampMembersCreateMountTaiAppTaian, 18 June 2019. AgroupofhighschoolstudentswhoaretakingpartinaninternationalyouthcampatMountTaiarecreatinga(n)_aboutChinasmostfamousmountain.Thepurposeofthecampisto_MountTaibyintroducingittoyoungpeopleinafunandeasyway.ThestudentsaremakinganappaboutMountTaiandtakingphotosofthe_andstones.Thevolunteersalsovisitmiddleschoolsintheareainordertotalktolocalteenagers.LiuBin,amemberofthecamp,saysthatheis_tohelpMountTaiaspeoplehavedoneformorethan3,000years.While-ListeningapppromotetemplesproudWould you like to take part in a project like this? Why or why not?Could you think of more ways to protect the cultural heritage?1. Listen and tick the word that you hear. present / pleasant crew / grew scream / cream exist / exists twelve / twelfth confident / confusedCheck your answers with a partner. Then listen again and repeat.2. Read the sentences and pay attention to the underlined words. Yuanmingyuan? Just across the street. Yuanmingyuan? Just cross the street. Bruce referred to the guidebook. Bruce preferred the guidebook. The dragon followed its tail. The dragon followed its trail. It is a different context. It is a different contest. The trays were dark green. The trains were dark green.3. Listen and repeat.1.1.参与;参加参与;参加2.2.基于基于3.3.拍照片拍照片4.4.国际青少年夏令营国际青少年夏令营5.5.写下;记下写下;记下6.6.参考;查阅参考;查阅take part inbe based ontake photosan international youth campwrite downrefer to 1. Finish the exercises in Learning English.2. Preview Reading and Thinking on pages4-5.Please enjoy the pictures about cultural heritage.BYE-BYE!
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