Unit 5Music过去分词作表语和状语ppt课件 -(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、1.理解表语和状语2.掌握过去分词作表语和状语的意义3.掌握非谓语动词作状语的区别东明一中 贾卫宽学习目标思考1:什么是表语?它有什么意义?1.My father is an engineer.2.My sisiter is twelve.3.This bag is mine.4.The sun is up.5.I feel better today.6.The patient is out of danger.7.The trouble is that I have lost his address.结论:表语是由“名词、数词、代词、形容词、副词、介词短语或从句”等充当8.Seeing is

2、 believing.9.To see is to believe.10.Iam interested in English.结论:表语还可由“动名词、不定式或过去分词”等充当。意义:表语在句中可以表示主语的“身份、性质、品性、特征和状态”,它常位于系动词后。思考2:系动词有哪些?1.状态系动词:be(am,is,are, was,were, been,being)2.持续系动词:keep, rest, remain, stay, lie, stand等3.表像系动词:seem, appear, look4.感官系动词:feel, smell, sound, taste等5.变化系动词:bec

3、ome, grow, turn, fall, get, go, come, run等6.终止系动词:prove, turn out等,表示“证实”“变成”He appears to know this.The weather turned out to be fine. 天气转晴了。This matter remains a mystery. 此事仍是一个谜。This flower smells very sweet.这朵花闻起来很香。The rumor proved false. 这谣言证实有假。She grew rich within a short time.她没多长时间就富了。思考3:

4、过去分词作表语和被动语态的区别是什么?Please remain seated. He seemed embarrassed. 以上两句中的过去分词用作“_”,表示“_”He was driven away in a police car. The guests were introduced to Jane. 以上两句中的过去分词表示“_”,用在了“_”中。表语状态动作被动语态巩固练习:巩固练习:1. 海滩上的人吓得尖叫起来。海滩上的人吓得尖叫起来。2.我非常感动,再次感谢他的诚实。我非常感动,再次感谢他的诚实。3.从那以后,我变得不那么担心了,说话的时候更自信了。从那以后,我变得不那么担心

5、了,说话的时候更自信了。The people on the beach were so frighened that they all screamed.I was so moved that I thanked the man again for his honesty.After that I became less worried and more confident when talkng.难点突破:非谓语动词用表语的区别结论:to do 不定式作表语 可以表示主语的内容或某次具体的将来的行为。doing作表语表示主语的内容或通常性行为,或主语的某种特征。done作表语表示主语的某种特

6、征或心理状态。思考4:什么是状语?它有什么意义?He speaks English very well. He is playing under the tree.I come specially to see you.Ten years ago, She began to live in Dalian.If I am not busy tomorrow, I will play football with you.Hearing about Mikes decision, Christine and David decided they would meet him there when h

7、e arrived.结论:状语是修饰“_等的成分,它是由“_等充当的”。状语主要是说明地点、时间、原因、目的、结果、条件、程度、方式和伴随状况的。动词、形容词、副词、句子副词、形容词、介词短语、名词短语、从句、分词思考5:过去分词状语有哪些意义和作用?Born in a poor family, Nadia had only two years of schooling.由于出生于贫寒家庭, 纳迪亚只上过两年学。(表原因)When asked her future plans, the girl said that she wanted to be a teacher.当问到未来的计划时, 这

8、个女孩说她想成为一名教师。(表时间)Some medicines, if wrongly taken, can kill a person.当误服时, 有些药可以要人命。(表条件)作用:过去分词作状语可以表示_,_ 等,相当于各自的状语从句或并列句。原因,时间,条件,让步方式,结果Encouraged by his parents, he still has no confidence in overcoming the difficulties.尽管受到了父母的鼓励, 他仍然没有信心克服困难。(表让步)The patient got off the bed, supported by the

9、 nurse.那个病人在护士的搀扶下下了床。(表方式)The girl met with an accident when crossing the road, wounded in the head.那个女孩过马路时出了事故, 头部受了伤。(表结果)结论:过去分词作状语相当于状语从句或并列句疑难突破1: 过去分词作状语的意义Seen from the hill, the city looks magnificent. 从山上看, 这座城市非常壮观。(只表被动)Discussed (=Having been discussed) many times, the plan was carried

10、 out at last.在讨论了许多次之后, 这个计划最终被执行了。(既表被动, 也表完成)Faced with so many problems, they never gave up.面对如此多的问题,他们从未放弃。(表示状态)疑难突破2 :分词与从句的转换:The film star got off the train, surrounded by her fans. The film star stepped out of the train and she was surrounded by her fans. 那位电影明星走下火车, 被她的粉丝团团围住。After he was

11、given a lot of money, he lived a better life. Given a lot of money, he lived a better life. 给他许多钱后, 他的日子过得好多了。When ice is heated, it will be changed into water._, ice will be changed into water.The professor came into the lab; a group of students followed him._, the professor came into the lab.When

12、heatedFollowed by a group of students思考6:to do, doing和done作状语的区别He came here to see me.(目的)He came here only to find his bike lost.(意外结果)He came here running very fast. (方式)He came here, accompanied by his mother. (方式)翻译:我们用电脑节约时间。见到猫,老鼠就跑了。 当你的朋友我感到骄傲。他匆忙赶到那屋子里,发现已经空无一人。如果多给点时间,我们可以做得更好。We used the

13、 computer to save time.Seeing the cat, the mouse ran off. Im proud to be your friend. He hurried to the house only to fond that it was empty. Given more time, we could have done it better. 难点释疑:比较同源分词Are you excited about going to Beijing? (修饰人)He told us an exciting story yesterday. (修饰物)特例:The thi

14、ef spoke in a _ voice and the little boy was very _. (frighten)修饰与人有关的“voice,smile,scream,cry,look,expression等用过去分词”。不定式在表语形容词或形容词作宾补的后面或看作状语或固定搭配The passage is easy to understand. 这篇课文容易懂。I find the passage easy to understand. 我觉得这篇短文容易懂。frightenedfrightened难点突破3done与having been done/having done作状语

15、的区别Led by the local guide, they had no difficulty reaching their destination.在当地导游的带领下,他们毫不费力地到达了目的地。Having been well tended for half a year, my granny became far better.被精心照料半年后,我奶奶的情况好多了。Asked / Having been asked to stay, I couldnt very well leave. 被邀请留下,我不便离开。Having finished his homework,he went

16、home.写完作业后,他回家了。练习:_ (tell) many times, he finally understood._ (suffer) heavy loss in the hurrican, the farmer didnt expect to have a good harvest._ (see) from the top of the hill,the city looks more beautiful to us._ (see)from the top of the mountain, I found the city was beautiful. Having been to

17、ldHaving sufferedSeenSeeing 练习:用所给动词正确的非谓语形式完成句子。1._(encourage) by my music teacher,I began to fall in love with classical music.2.When_(tell)that their performance was a success,the performers felt_(satisfy).3.I felt very _(excite) when I jumped onto the stage to receive the award.4._(give) the opp

18、ortunity to show my musical talent,I couldnt let the audience down.EngouragedtoldsatisfiedexcitedGiven5._(move) by the performance _(give) by our band, the audience could hardly calmdown.6._(award) for his excellent performance, the piano player became _ (inspire).7.The classical music_(perform) by

19、the band enabled the audience to forget their troubles.8._ (compare) with the original composition, this translation is not good enough.MovedgivenAwardedinspiredperformedCompared用分词填空1.William became _at his _job. (bore)2.The tiger looked _but Lily wasnt _. (frighten)3.His speech was very_. Mary bec

20、ame_. (inspire)4.Charles wasnt _though the story you had told was _.(amuse)5.The scene was quite _ Catherine got_ . (amaze)6.The result of the examination was _,so Judy became _(disappoint)boredboringfrighteningfrightenedinspiringinspiredamusedamusedamazingamazeddisappointingdisappointed12. The grea

21、t mans death was Henry became at it.(astonish)13.Karen felt at the party last night.(excite)14.The noise is very.Peter has become(annoy) 15.Nancy was by his questions. (puzzle)16. Your explanation is Mark has got (confuse)17.Alice felt because there was an silence.(embarrass)18.The trains delay was Bill felt (frustrate)19.Helen is because she has made progress in her study. (please)20.Anna was by my words. (encourage)


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