Unit 4 词汇讲解ppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、Confucius 孔子Temple of Confucius 孔庙philosopher 哲学家philosophy哲学mansion mnn: n. 公馆公馆;宅第宅第cemetery semtri: n. 墓地墓地;公墓公墓 tomb tum: n. 坟墓坟墓 grave: n. 坟墓坟墓 cemeteryphilosophy flsfi: n. 哲学哲学philosopher flsf(r): 哲学家哲学家descendant dsendnt: n. 后裔后裔;后代后代;1)Confucius has over 3 million descendants. 2)As one of Co

2、nfucius descendants, Xiao Kongs name is recorded in the family tree. individual ndvdul: n. 个人个人 adj. 单独的单独的;个别的个别的 person: n. 人人 people: n. 人人; 民族民族 collective adj. 集体的集体的heel阿喀琉斯阿喀琉斯, 是凡人英雄是凡人英雄珀琉斯珀琉斯和海洋女神和海洋女神忒忒t提斯提斯的爱子。忒提斯为了让儿子炼成的爱子。忒提斯为了让儿子炼成“金钟罩金钟罩”, 在他刚在他刚出生时就将其倒提着浸进冥河。遗憾的是出生时就将其倒提着浸进冥河。遗憾的是,

3、阿喀琉阿喀琉斯被母亲捏住的脚后跟却不慎露在水外斯被母亲捏住的脚后跟却不慎露在水外, 在全身留在全身留下了唯一一处下了唯一一处 “死穴死穴”。后来。后来, 阿喀琉斯被帕里斯一阿喀琉斯被帕里斯一箭射中脚踝而死去。后人常以箭射中脚踝而死去。后人常以 “阿喀琉斯之踵阿喀琉斯之踵” 譬譬喻这样一个道理:即使是再强大的英雄,也有致命喻这样一个道理:即使是再强大的英雄,也有致命的死穴或软肋。的死穴或软肋。Achilles heel 阿喀琉斯的脚跟阿喀琉斯的脚跟/之踵之踵zhng kingdom kdm : n. 王国王国;领域领域emperor 皇帝empire 帝国king: 国王国王 queen: 女王

4、女王; 王后王后prince:王子王子; 王孙王孙; 亲王亲王princess:公主公主; 王妃王妃The Uinted Kingdomchief tif: adj. 最重要的最重要的;最高级别的最高级别的 n.(公司或机构的公司或机构的)首领首领;酋长酋长(复数复数: chiefs) main/major: adj.主要的主要的 important: adj. 重要的重要的 importance: n. 重要重要; 重要性重要性 the chief problem/reason: 主要问题主要问题/原因原因(理由理由)According to the text, what are two c

5、hief advantages of studying the history of a country? 1. Confucius is a great 2. Confucius 点拨精讲点拨精讲 (20)1. Getting to know a little bit about British history will help you solve this puzzle. (教材教材P40)n. 谜;难题谜;难题1) n . 谜;难题I am in a puzzle about getting along with my new classmates. Their reason for

6、doing it is still a puzzle to me. be in a puzzle 感到困惑;不知如何是好be a puzzle to sb. 对某人来说是个谜 (2) vt. 迷惑;使困惑What puzzles me is why his books are so popular. Karen puzzled over the question all evening. He was trying to puzzle out why he had been brought to the house.puzzle over/about 仔细琢磨;冥思苦想puzzle out 仔

7、细考虑;琢磨出的答案(3) His puzzlement showed that he was puzzled about your puzzling behavoiur. n. puzzlement 迷惑;困惑adj. puzzled 感到迷惑的be puzzled about . 对迷惑不解的adj. puzzling 令人迷惑的1.The first week was a little _.2. He wore a expression, maybe the problem was quite _.3. Some people are puzzled _ the fact that he

8、 is still single. 4. _(使我困惑的是)is that I dont know the exact time for the test.puzzling/confusingaboutpuzzledconfusedGetting to know a little bit about British history will help you solve this puzzle. puzzle:vt _ n _adj _ ( confused) adj _ (confusing)puzzledpuzzlingpuzzling/confusing迷惑;使困惑迷惑;使困惑谜;疑问谜

9、;疑问What puzzles me 巩固内化巩固内化 (1) The firemen were _ a puzzle about the cause of the fire.(2) Ive puzzled _ this question for a while, and Im still not sure what the right answer is. (3) He lay looking at the sky, trying to puzzle things _. (4) Everyone was a bit _ (puzzle) by her sudden departure. (5

10、) The spelling of English is often _ (puzzle).单句语法填空单句语法填空in单句写作单句写作她脸上困惑的表情暗示了她正在思考那个令人困惑的数学题。她脸上困惑的表情暗示了她正在思考那个令人困惑的数学题。The _ look on her face suggested she was _ over the _ math problem.overoutpuzzledpuzzlingpuzzledpuzzlingpuzzling句子翻译:大桥把香港和珠海连接起来。句子翻译:大桥把香港和珠海连接起来。 nearby nba: adv. 在附近在附近 adj.

11、附近的附近的;邻近的邻近的(常在名词前常在名词前)near: 在在.附近附近be near to.: 距距.近近be far from.: 距距.远远Her mother lives in a nearby town. Her mother lives in a town nearby. join .to 把连接或联结起来 =connect .toHong kong is joined to Zhu hai by a bridge. 她妈妈住在附近的小镇。 联系拓展联系拓展:同义辨析同义辨析:join, join in, take part in, attend四者都常译为“参加join指加入

12、一个团体、组织、群体,成为其中的一员join a club加入一个俱乐部join in和 take part in均指参与某活动, take part in稍微正式 join in参加;加入join the army参军 Can I join in(the game)? 我加入(这个游戏)行吗? take part in a discussion/game/celebration 参加讨论/比赛/庆祝attend多指参加、出席会议等Only12 people attended the meeting.只有12个人参加了这次会议。即学活用翻译句子。1.我想知道你是否方便和我一起去参观展览。_2.

13、据说有超过200多个学生参加这个讨论。_I wonder if it is convenient for you to join me in visiting the exhibition.It is said that more than two hundred students have joined in the discussion 2. Finally, in the 20th century, the southern part of Ireland broke away from the UK, (教材教材P40)读句子,感受break away from 用法:1) The t

14、eenager broke away from the volunteer and ran away. 2) With so many problems unsettled, a few countries wanted to break away from the Union. 脱离脱离脱离脱离挣脱挣脱这名少年从志愿者手中_逃跑了。因为有这么多问题尚未解决,所以有些国家想要_联邦归纳拓展(1) break away from 脱离;背叛;逃脱(2) break up 打碎;分裂,解体;结束;( (关系等) )破裂(3) break down 出故障;垮掉;失败(4) break into 破

15、门而入;突然.起来(及物动词短语)(5) break in 破门而入;打断,插嘴(不及物动词短语)(6) break out ( (战争、洪水、火灾等) )突然发生,爆发(7) break through 突破(8) break off 中断;折断 巩固内化巩固内化 (1) The Union first consisted of several countries, which broke away _ it later because of conflicts. (2) It was the fact that his car broke _ on the way this afterno

16、on that made him late for the meeting.(3) -Im surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have broken _. -So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them. (4) We arrived at work in the morning and found that somebody had broken _the office during the night. 单句语法填空单句语法填空downfromintoup3.belongTh

17、e four countries that belong to the United Kingdom work(P40)Where do these plates belong? 这些盘子这些盘子_哪里?哪里?Papercutting has a history of over 1,500 years, belonging to traditional art in China 剪纸剪纸有有1,500多年的历史多年的历史,_中国中国传统艺术。传统艺术。She packed a few of her belongings in a bag and left 她她把她的几把她的几件件_装进装进包里

18、便离开了。包里便离开了。属于属于vi. 应在(某处);适应应在(某处);适应 东西东西应放在应放在belongings n. 附属品;财物附属品;财物belong to 属于属于;是是的成员的成员/一部分一部分 不用于被动语态和进行时态belonging to做后置定语时,相当于一个定语从句归纳总结1.belongvi. 应在(某处);适应应在(某处);适应 belong to属于属于;是是的成员的成员/一部分一部分 belong to不用于被动语态和进行时态。belonging to做后置定语时,相当于含有belong to的定语从句。belong to中的to是介词,后接名词或代词作宾语,

19、但不能接名词所有格或名词性物主代词。2.belongings n. 附属品;财物附属品;财物a sense of belonging归属感 (1)单句语法填空The house had belonged _ her family for three or four generationsMany of her personal _ (belong) had been stolen(2)单句写作离开教室之前记得带走属于你的所有东西。belongingstoRemember to take everything that belongs to you before leaving the clas

20、sroom.Remember to take everything belonging to you before leaving the classroom.4. as well asas well as share the same currency and military defence.(P40)Amy, as well as her brothers, was given a warm welcome when returning to the village last week艾米艾米,_她她的哥哥们,上周回到村子的时候受到了热烈欢迎。的哥哥们,上周回到村子的时候受到了热烈欢迎。

21、Were repairing the roof as well as painting the walls我们正在修屋顶我们正在修屋顶,_粉刷粉刷墙壁。墙壁。Few guitarists can sing as well as they can play; Eddie, however, is an exception很少有吉他手唱歌很少有吉他手唱歌能能_弹吉他弹吉他_,然而埃迪是个例外。然而埃迪是个例外。也在也在像像还有还有还还一样好一样好也也同(一样同(一样好好)连接两个名词作主语时,“就远原则”连接两个谓语动词时,时态保持一致归纳总结(1)单句语法填空They visited some

22、factories, hospitals as _ as the schoolThe movie star as well as a lot of fans _ (be)photographed a lot by TV stations and newspapers Students should develop their own interests as well as _ (do) their schoolwork(2)单句写作阅读可以拓宽我们的视野,还可以提高我们的写作能力。wellwasdoReading can broaden our horizons as well as imp

23、rove our writing skillscurrency krnsi : n. 通货通货; 货币货币 money: n. 钱钱 paper currency 纸币 cash: n. 现金现金 bill/note: n. 纸币纸币 coin: n. 硬币硬币military mltri : adj. 军事的军事的;军用的军用的 military training: 军训军训military defence 军事力量军事力量1)They had their military training last month.2)We may have to take military action.1

24、.defenceas well as share the same currency and military defence.(P40)The immune system is our main defence against diseaseMr Green stood up in defence of the little boyI have to say in her defence that she knew nothing about it beforehand.n. 防御;保卫防御;保卫 免疫系统是我们抵御疾病的主要屏障。免疫系统是我们抵御疾病的主要屏障。defence again

25、st sth. 对对的防御物的防御物/防御能力防御能力 格林先生站起来为这个小男孩辩护。格林先生站起来为这个小男孩辩护。in defence of 保护保护; 为为辩护辩护我得为她说句话,她事先并不知道此事。我得为她说句话,她事先并不知道此事。in ones defence 为某人辩护为某人辩护点拨精讲点拨精讲 2121protect from . preserve from . keep from . Our forefathers built this wall to defend themselves from invasion我们的祖先修建这座城墙是为了抵挡入侵。我们的祖先修建这座城墙

26、是为了抵挡入侵。defend vt. 防御防御;保护保护;辩护辩护defend from/against . 保护保护免受免受的伤害的伤害(1)单句语法填空In addition, firewalls are no defence _ internal hackers Strength lies not in _ (defend) but in attack(2)单句写作我们不应该忘记那些为保护人民的健康和安全而献身的医护人员。We shouldnt forget _ peoples health and safetydefenceagainstthe doctors and nurses w

27、ho died in defence of legal li:l: adj. 法律的法律的;合法的合法的 legally: adv. 法律上法律上;合法地合法地 illegal li:gl: adj. 不合法的不合法的;违法的违法的 illegally: adv. 不法地不法地 law: n. 法律法律 【in- im- un- dis- -less il-】1)For example, England, Wales, Scotland, and Northern Ireland all have different education systems and legal systems. 2

28、)Everyone must earn money in the legal way. surroundings They live in very noisy surroundings. n.周围的事物,环境surroundvt.包围,围绕They are surrounded by the flag.be surrounded by/with surroundingYou should pay attention to the surrounding environment.adj. 周围的surroundings npl 周围的环境 surround vt.围绕;包围be surroun

29、ded by/with 被包围surround .with. 用包围surround vt.围绕;包围surrounding adj.周边的 in.surroundings 在.环境之中 巩固内化巩固内化 (1) The _ (surround) villages have been included into the growing city.(2) The buildings have been designed to blend in with their _ (surround).(3) The poet _ (surround) by a crowd of people, eager

30、 to hear his speech. 单句语法填空单句语法填空完成句子完成句子The football star always _ (与.在一起) crazy fans. surrounds himself with surroundingsis surroundedsurrounding4. evidenceyou will be surrounded by evidence of four different groups of people who took over at different times throughout history.(P40)There is a lot

31、of evidence that stress is partly responsible for diseaseIt was evident that she had once been a beautyThe first signs of spring are in evidence.Evidently, he has not made up his mind yetn. 证据;证明证据;证明 evident adj. 明显明显的;的;清楚的;明白的清楚的;明白的有很多证据证明压力是致病的部分原因。有很多证据证明压力是致病的部分原因。There is evidence that. 有有证据

32、证明证据证明 很明显她曾经是个美人。很明显她曾经是个美人。显然他还没有拿定主意显然他还没有拿定主意不可数名词春天的初迹象已显然可见。春天的初迹象已显然可见。in evidence 显眼;显而易见显眼;显而易见evidently adv. 明显明显地地;据说据说It is evident that 很明显很明显(1)单句语法填空There is no evidence _ the meeting actually took place_ (evidence), the Spanish team is likely to win the World CupThe police are always

33、 _ evidence at football matches(2)单句写作 很明显他是有罪的。thatEvidentlyinIt is evident that he is guilty Evidently, he is guilty 归纳总结:(1)a sense of achievement成就感make an achievement取得成就(2)achieve vt完成;达到vi成功achieve ones goal达到目标achieve ones success 取得成功即学活用 Even a small success can give you _即便是小小的成功也能给你一种成就感

34、。His laziness makes it impossible for him to _他的懒惰使他不可能达到目标。 a sense of achievement achieve his goal 1)It is a suitable for a new airport. 2)The factory at the foot of a hill. location lken : n. 地方地方;地点地点;位置位置 locate : v. 使位于使位于;确定准确地点确定准确地点be located in/at/to: 位于位于;坐落在坐落在 location is located适当形式填空c

35、onquer kk(r) : v. 占领占领;征服征服;控制控制I believe that we can conquer cancer in the near future. 25.battle btl : n. 战役战役;搏斗搏斗 v. 搏斗搏斗;奋斗奋斗 war: n. 战争战争 war - campain - battle - fightportimportexportfascinating fsnet : adj. 极有吸引力的极有吸引力的;迷人的迷人的1)The UK is a fascinating mix of history and modern culture, with

36、both new and old traditions. 3)Guilin is the most fascinating place that I have ever been to. keep your eyes open (for)留心;留意catch ones eye have an eye for in ones eyes look sb. in eye(s) she has a good eye for beauty.她对美很有鉴赏力。我正在做作业,这时一只鸟引起了我的注意。I was doing my homework when a bird caught my eye.引起某人

37、的注意对.有鉴赏能力依某人看,在某人眼里直视某人4. keep your eyes open (for) keep ones eyes open for keep back 阻止;隐瞒;抑制 keep/bear . in mind 记住 keep in touch with sb 与某人保持联系 keep off 不接近;远离 keep up with 跟上;与保持联系拓展:fix ones eye on注视;盯着看keep an eye on照看,留意;密切注意have an eye for对有鉴赏能力look sb. in the eye(s) 直视某人留心;留意单句语法填空When sh

38、opping, keep your eyes _ for those energysaving machinesShe was unable to keep _ her tears, and wept freelyI managed to stick to the diet and keep _ sweet foods 单句写作这就是为什么我们要时刻关注新的机遇的原因。Thats why we have to _ new opportunities openbackoffkeep our eyes open for charge t:d: v. 收费收费; 指控指控; 主管主管;充电充电 n.

39、 主管主管; 收费收费;主管主管free of charge: 免费charge ( sb.) sth.( for sth.)收费.charge (.)for.(向)收.的费用take charge of: 负责; 主管be in charge of: 负责; 主管be in the charge of: 由负责/主管v. n.收费,要价get charged: 受指控charge sb with: 指控v.n控告,指控n. 掌管,负责 巩固内化巩固内化 (1) -How much do you charge me _ it? -No. In fact it is free _ charge

40、at the weekend. (2) He was charged _ murder and sentenced to death.(3) Mother puts the baby in _ charge of the baby-sitter while she is out. 单句语法填空单句语法填空forofwiththe一句多译一句多译这家公司在格林小姐的掌管之下。这家公司在格林小姐的掌管之下。Miss Green is the company.The company is Miss Green.The company is .in charge ofin the charge ofi

41、n Miss Greens charge announcement : n. 通告;宣告 announcer n.广播员;播音员 announce nans: v. 宣布宣布;通知通知;声称声称announce sth. to sb向某人宣告某事It is announced that 据宣布.make an announcement 宣布2. announce., we heard it announced that there were no audio guides left.Its announced that Professor Wang is coming to make a sp

42、eech about his adventures at sea.They announced their engagement to the family.(2016.天津卷完形)As is announced in todays paper, they have succeeded in solving many problems in accordance the new theory.n. announcementvt.宣布;指控;声称宣布;指控;声称Professor Wang is announced _ _ (come) to make a speech about his ad

43、ventures at sea.I will always _ my goals _ the world.(announce)单句写作:正如新闻所说,单句写作:正如新闻所说,78岁的拜登岁的拜登(Biden)将成为美国的新一届总统。将成为美国的新一届总统。据宣布据宣布向某人宣布向某人宣布正如宣布的那样正如宣布的那样 summarysummary exercise exerciseto comeannounce toAs is annouced in the news,the 78-year-old Biden will become the new president of the Unite

44、d States.拓展:拓展:“动词动词+sth to sb”结构结构向某人解释 explain sth to sb 向某人介绍 向某人提议 向某人报告 introduce sth to sb suggest sth to sb report sth to sb 联想:联想:“It is +过去分词过去分词+that”结构结构有人建议 人们认为 据报道 It is suggested that . It is considered/thought that . It is reported that . amount n金额;数量a large amount of +不可数 大量,许多larg

45、e amounts of +可数 大量,许多in large/ small amounts 大量地;许多地 大大量量 a large amount of + 不可数名词不可数名词 + 单动单动large amounts of + 不可数名词不可数名词 + 复动复动1)A large amount of water has been polluted.2)Large amounts of water have been polluted.gallery32.gallery lri: n. 展展览览馆馆;画画廊廊 an art gallery: 美术馆美术馆 the National Galler

46、y: 国家美术国家美术馆馆1)We found ourselves very surprised by the large number of visitors and the amount of noise at the entrance of the national Gallery. 2)Her pictures are on display at the art gallery. 3. It was hard to approach the painting as there were so many people around.(教材教材P42)读句子,感受approach的词性,

47、词义及相关用法:1) As you approach the town, youll see the college on the left.2) Whats the best way of approaching this problem? 3) Spring is approaching. 4) In my view, the best approach to working out is to go jogging every day. vt.接近接近vt. 接近接近vt. 着手处理着手处理vi. 靠近靠近n. 方式方式approach 用法归纳(1) approach vt . 接近;

48、接洽;着手处理接近;接洽;着手处理 approach the house 走近房子走近房子 approach the problem/matter 处理问题处理问题(2) approach n. 方法;途径;接近方法;途径;接近 the approach of . .的来临的来临/临近临近 at the approach of 在在.快到的时候快到的时候 an approach to (doing) sth.(做)某事的方法(做)某事的方法/方式方式(3) approachable adj. 可接近的;和蔼可亲的;易理解的可接近的;和蔼可亲的;易理解的 approaching adj. 接近的

49、接近的;逼近的;逼近的易混辨析易混辨析approach,way,method,meansapproach除了意为除了意为“方法方法”之外,还有之外,还有“接近;途径接近;途径”的意思,的意思,常用常用 an/the approach ton./doing sth.way使用范围广,常用于具体事物或口语中;前面与使用范围广,常用于具体事物或口语中;前面与in搭配,后搭配,后面接面接to do/of doing。method指条理的、系统的办法;前面与指条理的、系统的办法;前面与with搭配,后面接搭配,后面接ofn. /doingmeans指实现目的的手段或使用某种交通工具的方式;前面与指实现目

50、的的手段或使用某种交通工具的方式;前面与by搭配,后搭配,后面接面接of doingin the way to do/of doing sth.with the method of + n./doing sth.by the means of doing sth. 巩固内化巩固内化 (1) What we need are new approaches _ solving the problem.(2) Facing up to your problems rather than running away from them is the best approach to _ (work) t


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