Unit 1 Writing ppt课件-(2019)新人教版高中英语必修第二册.pptx

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1、S e c t i o n Wr i t i n g 如 何 写 关 于如 何 写 关 于文 化 遗 产 保 护 的 新 闻 报 道文 化 遗 产 保 护 的 新 闻 报 道新闻报道是指用客观叙述的方法及时传递的新闻信息。在写作中,作者要客观、如实地叙事,且内容要简明、准确、及时。在体裁上,新闻报道属于应用文,但在写作中,考生可以适当添加说明、议论或抒情的成分。此类文章可分为三段:1 1导语:简要地写出本消息中最有新闻价值的信息,主要是事件发生的时间、地点及其基本情况等。2 2主体:消息的主干部分,将导语中涉及的事件详细展开,使消息更加具体。3 3结尾:对整个消息进行总结、说明等。新闻写作的语

2、言特点:1 1具体。新闻要用事实说话,五个W W和一个H H(When, Where, Who, When, Where, Who, What, WhyWhat, Why和HowHow)是构成一则完整消息不可缺少的要素,即记叙一则新闻具体的时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过和结果等。2 2准确。新闻中引用的数字、引语、以及其他背景材料都必须有据可依。新闻语言不能含糊其词、模棱两可,也不能夸大或缩小事实。3 3简练。新闻语言要简明扼要、直截了当。本单元的写作任务是要求学生写一篇介绍保护文化遗产的人物或组织的新闻报道。在写作时,应以人物或某一群体为描述主体,围绕着这个主体,以时间、空间等为线索,对

3、其所作所为及其目的交代清楚,并能让读者根据其行为、言语把握主体的情感和思想。具体的写作要呈现以下几个特点:1 1要设定一个概括文章主要内容、反映中心思想和行文结构、具有悬念而吸引读者的文章题目。2 2导语部分介绍人物、时间、地点、行为与目的等,力求语言简明扼要。3 3在主体部分,详细介绍事情发生的过程,并可适当引用确凿、可信的数据、引语、背景信息作为支撑。写作时,尽量运用定语从句、状语从句、名词性从句、非谓语动词、强调句型等多样化的句法和句式结构。4 4结尾段对前文内容进行概括、归纳,也可作简短的评论。常用表达1 1In order to raise the awareness of., we

4、 held.In order to raise the awareness of., we held.2 2Cultural heritage is a symbol of great ancient Cultural heritage is a symbol of great ancient civilization.civilization.3 3Cultural heritage is of great value and protecting it Cultural heritage is of great value and protecting it can make us fee

5、l proud of our nation.can make us feel proud of our nation.4 4The more they know about the importance of cultural The more they know about the importance of cultural protection, the stronger the support we can get from the protection, the stronger the support we can get from the public.public.5 5It

6、is important/significant/ones duty to protect It is important/significant/ones duty to protect cultural heritage.cultural heritage.6 6The protection of national and folk culture is of great The protection of national and folk culture is of great significance.significance.7 7We should take more effec

7、tive steps to better protect We should take more effective steps to better protect cultural heritage.cultural heritage.8 8We are calling for people to take action to save the We are calling for people to take action to save the cultural relics.cultural relics.假定你是新华中学的学生李华,某中学生英语报就“保护中国文化遗产”为主题举行新闻报

8、道征文活动。请你根据身边熟悉的人或团体写一篇新闻报道,介绍他们保护文化遗产的事迹,给该报投稿,稿件内容包括:1 1人物或团体的名称;2 2保护中国文化遗产的事迹及影响;3 3评价。注意:1 1自拟标题;2 2词数8080左右;3 3可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_ _ _ _ _ _ _教你审题题目要求写一篇新闻报道,介绍保护中国文化遗产的一个人或一个团体。从内容要点看,本文通篇宜用一般现在时,所举的事例要用一般过去时;人称以第一人称和第三人称为主。从行文要点和结构上看,文章可以分为三段。第一段是新闻的导语部分,要点出人物、事件等信息。第二段是新闻的主体部分,要对第一段的内容进行详细叙述。第

9、三段是新闻的结尾部分,应对全文内容进行概括总结。范文展示Young ProtectorsYoung ProtectorsThere are varieties of clubs in my school, of which the most popular is “Young Protectors”, a club which aims to preserve the excellent traditional Chinese culture 【1】Set upSet up in 2016 【2】, the club has attracted 820 members until now, i

10、ncluding me. Not only do we get together once a week to learn about the cultural heritage, but we pay visits pay visits toto the local cultural relics regularly 【3】. In order to raise peoples awareness ofraise peoples awareness of preserving Chinese cultural relics, my club often gives lecturesgives

11、 lectures to let more people know that preservation of cultural heritage is of great significance 【4】As the organizer put it, As the organizer put it, “Its our duty to serve as protectors to keep up and carry forward the outstanding cultural heritage of our nation.”名师指津本文结构完整、层次清晰,语言精准,句式多样,符合新闻报道的写

12、作要求。【1】of which the most popular is “Young Protectors”是“介词关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,修饰clubs; a club.culture是“Young Protectors”的同位语,其中又包含一个which引导的定语从句。【2】此处是过去分词短语作状语。【3】此处是“not only.but (also)”句型,not only所在的分句是部分倒装语序。【4】此处是“be of名词”结构。写作训练假定你是光明中学高一学生李华,你校正在举办传统文化摄影展,以提高学生们传承中国优秀传统文化的意识。请你以“Protecting the T

13、raditional Culture Is Our Duty”为题就此活动写一篇英文报道向校英语报投稿。注意:词数80左右。Protecting the Traditional Culture Is Our DutyProtecting the Traditional Culture Is Our Duty_One possible versionOne possible version:Protecting the Traditional Culture Is Our DutyOur school is holding a photography exhibition with the th

14、eme of “Inheriting and Carrying forward our nations outstanding traditional culture”, aiming to raise students awareness of the importance and value of our brilliant civilization.So far, 426 copies have been collected from the students and are on exhibition in the schools library. Seeing the photos

15、of different cultural heritage, the students cant help admiring the extraordinary wisdom of our ancestors, but some photos show that some of the cultural heritage is being damaged and some intangible cultural heritage is in danger of disappearing. Those photos have aroused our determination to prese

16、rve and carry forward our fine cultural heritage.The photography exhibition is a great success. We should remember that its everyones duty to protect the traditional culture.假定你是新华中学的学生李华,某中学生英语报就“保护中国文化遗产”为主题举行新闻报道征文活动。请你根据身边熟悉的人或团体写一篇新闻报道,介绍他们保护文化遗产的事迹,给该报投稿,稿件内容包括:1人物或团体的名称;2保护中国文化遗产的事迹及影响;3评价。注意

17、:1自拟标题;2词数80左右;3可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。_写作训练假定你是光明中学高一学生李华,你校正在举办传统文化摄影展,以提高学生们传承中国优秀传统文化的意识。请你以“Protecting the Traditional Culture Is Our Duty”为题就此活动写一篇英文报道向校英语报投稿。注意:词数80左右。Protecting the Traditional Culture Is Our Duty_ 随着经济的发展,越来越多的文化遗产遭到破坏。假设你是红星中学高中生李华,请给当地英文报社写一封信,就以下两个方面谈谈你的看法。要点:1文化遗迹的重要性;2呼吁人们保护文

18、化遗产。注意:1要涵盖所给要点,词数80左右;2可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。Dear Editor,_Sincerely,Li huaDear EditorDear Editor, I am Li Hua, a senior student from Hongxing High School. Nowadays, more and more I am Li Hua, a senior student from Hongxing High School. Nowadays, more and more cultural relics are facing t

19、he danger of disappearing . So we must attach cultural relics are facing the danger of disappearing . So we must attach importance to the problem and try our best to protect them.importance to the problem and try our best to protect them. First, cultural relics represent our historic cultures, which

20、 offer us a great First, cultural relics represent our historic cultures, which offer us a great opportunity/chance to learn about what happened in the past. Also, they can help us opportunity/chance to learn about what happened in the past. Also, they can help us make our traditional cultures hande

21、d down from generation to generation. More make our traditional cultures handed down from generation to generation. More importantly , most of them have survived for a long time and they are usually very importantly , most of them have survived for a long time and they are usually very rare and valuable.rare and valuable. So I hope more and more people will become concerned about protecting our So I hope more and more people will become concerned about protecting our cultural relics.cultural relics. SincerelySincerely, Li huaLi hua


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