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1、Module 3the violence of nature1. Can you name some disasters?2. Have you ever experienced one of them? 3. Do you know anyone who has experienced one of them?4. Can you describe it?5. Do you know anything about the events?floodhurricanelightningthunderstormsandstormtornadoearthquakevolcanic eruption洪

2、水飓风闪电雷暴沙尘暴龙卷风地震火山喷发Disasters of NatureLightning The flash of light which happens during a thunderstormtornadoa column of air that turns very quicklyflooda lot of water in an area which is usually drya very strong tropical storm a very strong tropical storm at a speed of 120k/h or moreat a speed of 1

3、20k/h or moreHurricane Hurricane thunderstorma lot of rain falling quickly , with loud noises and flashes of lightVolcanic eruption 汶川大地震汶川大地震tornadoeshurricanes400k/hin the USa rotating column of air each year, 800 tornadoescausingabout 80deaths 1,500injuriesa very strong tropical storm at a speed

4、of 120k/h or moreHurricane Hurricane cause huge waves, heavy rain,floodIn the Atlantic Ocean .killed 6000 people, destroyed 3600 buildingsCanadaAmericaPacific OceanThe Atlantic Gulf of Mexico1. What is a current? A. A kind of electricity B. A movement of water C. A kind of wind2. What kind of things

5、 flow? A. Water B. Time C. Money3. If two places are on the same latitude, they are on the same line_. A. east/west B. north/south BAARead the passages and answer these questions.1.How strong are tornado winds?2.What can happen to furniture when a house is destroyed by a tornado?3.How many tornados

6、are there in the US every year?4.How many people died in the worst tornado of all time?More than 400 km/h.It stays where it was.About 800.More than 700.1. More than 400 Km/h.2. It stays where it was.3. About 800.4. More than 700.5. It has huge waves.6. 8th September, 19007. No, he wasnt8. His coffin

7、 was dropped in the sea by a hurricane and carried to Canada by the Gulf Stream. 5.what happens at sea during a hurricane?6.When was the worst hurricane of all time?7.Was the actor Charles Coghlan killed in it?8.What happened to him after the hurricane?It has huge waves.8th September,1900.No,he wasn

8、t.His coffin was dropped in the sea by a hurricane and carried to Canada by the Culf Stream.Answers: _ _ _ _ _1. _ fur tropical disaster feathers bury occurRead the text quickly ,then answer the following questions1.How many disasters are mentioned in the text ?2. What is the Tornado?3.What is the H

9、urricane?twoA Tornado is a rotating column of air from a thunderstorm to the ground.A hurricane is a tropical storm that forms in the North Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean Sea And the Gulf of Mexico. 3) Do a thorough reading and fill in the blanks.A tornado is a _ _of air from a_ to the ground. On (th

10、e) average, there are _ tornadoes each year, _ about 80_ and 1500_. The worst occurred in_, _ three US states and making 700_ and 2700_. rotating column thunderstorm800causingdeathsinjuries1925affectingdead/killed injuredHomework: writing 根据下面的提示写一篇根据下面的提示写一篇120-150词的短文,词的短文,可适当增添细节。可适当增添细节。 2008年年5

11、月月12日,一次特大地震袭击了汶日,一次特大地震袭击了汶川,数以万计的人员伤亡,更有许多人无川,数以万计的人员伤亡,更有许多人无家可归。震后,交通阻断,水电供应也中家可归。震后,交通阻断,水电供应也中断了,灾区情况严峻。消息传出后,全国断了,灾区情况严峻。消息传出后,全国人民纷纷伸出援助之手,众多国际组织和人民纷纷伸出援助之手,众多国际组织和外国政府实施紧急救援,帮助灾区人们渡外国政府实施紧急救援,帮助灾区人们渡过难关。过难关。Can you use the expressions in your writing? be in ruins in a flash as a result beco

12、me homeless whats worse lose ones life take action donate money raise/collect money call on sb. to do share pains and sorrows with. in a short time make contributions to变成废墟变成废墟顷刻间顷刻间结果结果无家可归无家可归更糟糕的是更糟糕的是丧生丧生采取行动采取行动捐钱捐钱筹集资金筹集资金号召某人做号召某人做与与分担痛苦与伤悲分担痛苦与伤悲在短时间里在短时间里为为做出贡献做出贡献some useful sentences for

13、 writing They call on people to do anything in their power to help those in need. Many people are doing their part to help poor people out. What we can do will make much difference to our society. I am firmly convinced that they will overcome their difficulty and build a new future with the help of

14、us.TornadoHurricaneDefinitionSpeedPlaceThe worstexamplea rotating column of airstrong tropical stormsover 400km/h120km/h or morein the USin the Atlantic Ocean.1925 US1900 GalvestonActivity4 Read and fill in the blanks _the late 1890s, he _ _ to Galveston, _ he died in 1899, a year before the hurrica

15、ne _. The cemetery _ Coghlan was buried was_ by the hurricane and Coghlans coffin _ _ in the sea. Byhad moved wherestruckwheredestroyedended up Put these events in order, according to the time.vhe moved to Galveston vhe moved to New York vthe hurricane happenedvhe died in1899vhe went to live in Cana

16、daRead the third part carefully, then do the following exercise. 325411.Tonadoes can pick up cars, trains and even houses and put them down in the next streetpick up: 1)拾起,捡起,偶然学会 The monkey picked up a stone.2)用车接,搭人或带货 放学后在门口等我, 我会去接你。 Wait at the gate after school and Ill pick you up.3. Almost al

17、l of them occur in the US, in the area from Texas in the southeast to South Dakota in the north.occur:发生=happen Vi他告诉我那事故是怎样发生的.He told me how the accident occurred.Sth occur to sb想起,浮现今天早上起床时,我突然想到了一个好主意.An excellent idea occurred to me when I woke up this morning.我突然想到要到欧洲旅游.It occurred to me that

18、 I would travel to Europe. 4. On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries. Causing作结果状语, 表示两个动作之间具有必然的因果关系,通常放在句末. 80多个国家都踢足球,使得它成为世界上最流行的运动. Football is played in more than 80countries, making it the most popular game in the world. V+ing形式可以作状

19、语,表伴随或结果,表主动 5. By the time+从句(一般过去时), 主句(过去完成时) By+过去时间(时间状语), 句子(过去完成时) 6.leave+宾语+宾语补足语(分词.形容词.副词.不定式.介词短语) with+宾语+宾语补足语(分词.形容词.副词.不定式.介词短语)3. On average, there are 800 tornadoes in the US each year, causing about 80 deaths and 1,500 injuries. on average:平均起来 鸡蛋价格平均为每公斤8元. The price of the egg i

20、s eight yuan per kg on average 6. The cemetery where Coghlan was buried was destroyed by the hurricane and Coghlans coffin ended up in the sea. end up with 以结束 begin with 以为开始 start with 以 为开始 没有你的帮助, 这实验将以失败告终. Without your help, the experiment will end up with failure. 8. The Gulf Stream had carri

21、ed it 3000 kilometres up the eastern US coast to Prince Edward Island.(爱德华王子岛) Up to a place 沿着某个地点,常常是由南向北,由下至上.假如方向相反, 则用down.experience Vt.经历n 经历(可数)、经验(不可数)flood Vt. 淹没、 泛滥 n 洪水cause Vt. 导致、引起 n 原因、起因(+of)reason n 原因、理由(+for)lead to result in 导致、引起 the cause_failuresuccessthe reason _being lateo

22、ffor affect Vt 影响 n effect 影响 4. -Gennys mother died last night. -No wonder her spirits has been _ greatly. A. effectedB. affectedC. caused5.天气的突然变化影响了他的健康。天气的突然变化影响了他的健康。 The sudden change of weather _ his health.6. 我想知道这一事件是什么时候发生的。我想知道这一事件是什么时候发生的。 I want to know when this event_.affectedoccurred

23、昨天下午,爸爸给我讲述人年轻时的经历。 Yesterday afternoon, father told me about his_ as a young man.2. 我国在过去三十年经历了巨大的变化。 Our country _ great changes in the last thirty years.3. Before we moved into the new house, we bought many _.furnituresB. furnitureC. Pieces of furniture D. pieces of furnituresexperienceshas exper

24、iencedC7. 这个主意是他在梦中想到的。这个主意是他在梦中想到的。 The idea _ him in a dream.8. 平均每年有平均每年有400人死于这种疾病。人死于这种疾病。 400 people a year die of this disease_.9.公共汽车在机场外接乘客。公共汽车在机场外接乘客。 The bus _passengers outside the airport.occurred toon averagepicks upPeriod 2Module 3 The Violence of NatureGrammar 1The past perfect pass

25、ive 一.用法: 1.表示在过去某一时间时间或动作之前动作之前已经完成 了的被动动作 eg. The classroom had been cleaned before we came. 表示动作发生的时间是表示动作发生的时间是过去的过去过去的过去;这一这一 过去时间可用过去时间可用by at before 等构成的短语或等构成的短语或 When after until等引导的从句或通过上下文来等引导的从句或通过上下文来表示表示.The past perfect passive 2.表示从过去某一时间开始,延续到过去另 一时间的被动动作eg. Much work had been done

26、since she arrived here. 3.用在含有被动形式的间接引语或宾语从 句中 eg. My classmates told me that he had been punished by his teacher. 点击名题点击名题: 1.The policemans attention was suddenly caught by a small box which_placed under the workers car. A. has been B. had been C.was being D.would be 2.At the end of the meeting,it

27、 was annouced that an agreement_. A. has been reached B. had been reached C.has reached D.had reachedBB 3.John had to have his car repaired In a garage becauce it_seriously. A.damaged B.was being damged C.had damaged D.had been damagedD1.By the time the tornado ended, more than 700 people had been k

28、illed.2.Coghlan traveled back to Canada after he had been buried in Texas.3.My computer had been all right till last week.动作在过去某一时刻之前已经完成,且动作在过去某一时刻之前已经完成,且谓语动词与发出这一动作的主语存在被动关系。谓语动词与发出这一动作的主语存在被动关系。句中常用句中常用by, before, until, when等词引导等词引导时间状语。时间状语。Answers1. saw, had disappeared2. returned, found, had

29、 been buried3. arrived, had taken4. left, had finished5. tried, passed当从句由当从句由after, before, when或或as soon as引导时,引导时,主句和从句都可以用主句和从句都可以用一般过去时。一般过去时。Answers1. had been killed / had died2. had been destroyed / had fallen down3. had been flooded / destroyed4. had been destroyed5. had died / had been kil

30、ledI _ you not to move my dictionarynow I cant find it.(04 全国全国)A. asked B. ask C. was taking D. had askedAccording to the art dealer, the painting _ to go for at least a million dollars.(04全国全国)A. is expected B. expects C. expected D. is expectingAA3. - The window is dirty. - I know. It _ for weeks

31、.(04 全国全国) A. hasnt cleaned B. didnt clean C. wasnt cleaned D. hasnt been cleaned4. More patients _ in hospital this year than last year.(04 江苏江苏)A. treated B. have treated C. had been treated D. have been treatedDD5. The first use of atomic weapons was in 1945, and their power _ increased enormousl

32、y ever since. (04 上海上海) A. is B. was C. has been D. had been- How long _ at this job? - Since 1990. A. were you employed B. have you been employed C. had you been employed D. will you employedCB 1.The old man who_in the deserted house alone for ten years has been settled in a nursing home now. A. li

33、ved B.had lived C. has lived D.has been living 2.I had hoped to see her off at the station, but I_ too busy. A. was B. had been C.would be D.would have beenAA 3.I called John many times yesterday evening, but I could t get through. His brother_on the phone all the time.A was talking B.has been talki

34、ng C.has talked D. talkedA短文改错 2010年陕西省的短文改错从“按行挑错”变为 “按句挑错”.要求考生对每个句子进行判断, 这就要求考生在答题习惯和思路上要有所 改变,答题时从句子的整体上分析,查找错误 Helen is one of my best friends. She taught our English when I attended training couse two years ago. Helen always made good preparation for the lessons, she tried her best to make her

35、 class lively and interesting. I was used to do poorly in English, especilly in written English. But now I am able to writing letters and reports in English Correct. I still remember how she helps me with my English patiently. Teacher s Day s Come. I am going to send to her a card and give her best

36、regards.usaswritelyhelpedcomingandGrammar 2 Welcome to my classI am a beautiful girl.She said that she was a beautiful girl.直接引语直接引语: :直接引用别人的话直接引用别人的话, ,把它放在引号内把它放在引号内. . ( (direct speech)direct speech)间接引语间接引语: :用自己的话转述别人的话用自己的话转述别人的话 ( (indirect indirect speech)speech)He said, “Eleven thousand pe

37、ople live here and six thousand left last week.”He said that eleven thousand people lived there and six thousand had left the week before.present simple becomes past simple;past simple becomes past perfect;time phrase “Im still working because there is a lot to do.” he said.He said that he was still

38、 working because there was a lot to do.present simple becomes past simpleHe often says, “China is great.”He often says (that) China is great.“I dont want to play football.” he said.He said (that) he didnt want to play football.1.陈述句陈述句变为间接引语变为间接引语, ,要用要用that引导从句引导从句, ,口语中常可省略口语中常可省略He says,“Is Tom a

39、n Englishman?”He asked whether/if Tom was an Englishman.He asked me“ Do you want to go?”He asked me if/whether I wanted to go.2.2.一般疑问句一般疑问句变成间接引语变成间接引语, ,要由连词要由连词if/whetherif/whether引导引导, ,并将原来的疑问句语序变为并将原来的疑问句语序变为陈述句陈述句语序。语序。He said, “Where is she going?”He asked where she was going.He asked me “wh

40、at did you do?”He asked me what I had done.3.3.特殊疑问句特殊疑问句变为间接引语变为间接引语, ,引导词仍用引导词仍用特特殊疑问词殊疑问词, ,但疑问语序要变为但疑问语序要变为陈述陈述语序语序. .“Tom,” he said to him, “come here, please.”He asked Tom to go there.Father said to me ,“Dont do that.”Father told me not to do that. 4.4.祈使句祈使句变为间接引语时变为间接引语时, ,用用ask / tell / ask

41、 / tell / order sb. to/not to do sth. order sb. to/not to do sth. 连接。连接。 直接引语变间接引语时: 1. 变时态(一般过去过去完成;一般现在- 一般过去) 2. 变人称 I-you 3.变时间状语 last week-the week before 4.变语序 (疑问-陈述) 5.去双引号 6.变地点状语 here-thereGrammar 2 4.Exercise(5m) Finish the exercise at Activity 2, Page 26.Answers: volcanic eruptions didnt

42、 happen very often on the island. no one was/had been on the island during the volcanic eruption. the thunderstorm would put out the fires. the residents could go back to their homes. several eruptions had taken place in the previous 20 years ago. the residents would travel back to the island when t

43、he danger was over.Grammar 2 5.Exercise(5m) Change the following sentences into indirect speech. He asked me,“You are a student, arent you?” “Where is the station?” said Tom. “Why dont you stay here over the weekend?” she said.He asked me if I was a student.Tom asked where the station was.She sugges

44、ted I should stay here over the weekend.I _ you not to move my dictionarynow I cant find it.(04 全国全国)A. asked B. ask C. was taking D. had askedAccording to the art dealer, the painting _ to go for at least a million dollars.(04全国全国)A. is expected B. expects C. expected D. is expectingAA3. - The wind

45、ow is dirty. - I know. It _ for weeks.(04 全国全国) A. hasnt cleaned B. didnt clean C. wasnt cleaned D. hasnt been cleaned4. More patients _ in hospital this year than last year.(04 江苏江苏)A. treated B. have treated C. had been treated D. have been treatedDD5. The first use of atomic weapons was in 1945,

46、and their power _ increased enormously ever since. (04 上海上海) A. is B. was C. has been D. had been- How long _ at this job? - Since 1990. A. were you employed B. have you been employed C. had you been employed D. will you employedCBEveryday English 1.Matching (7m) sadlyluckilyhopefullythankfullyfortunatelyunfortunatelyEveryday English 2.Exercises (8m) Finish the exercises at Activity 2, Page 28.Answers:Fortunately/ Thankfully/ LuckilyUnfortunately/ SadlyFortunately/ Thankfully/ LuckilyHopefully/ Fortunately/ Thankfully/ Luckily5. Unfortunately/ Sadly6. Fortunately/ Thankfully/ Luckily


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