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1、1消费者行为学 Consumer Behavior2整 体 概 述THE FIRST PART OF THE OVERALL OVERVIEW, P L E A S E S U M M A R I Z E T H E C O N T E N T第一部分3教 材 消费者行为学(英文影印版.第6版) 【作 者】迈克尔.R.所罗门 【出 版 社】 中国人民大学出版社 【书 号】 7300072992 【出版日期】 2006 年5月 4I S B N:9787300106540 当 当 价:¥44.10 I S B N:9787300122403 当 当 价:¥40.20 5参考资料 消费者行为学(英

2、文版原书第10版) 【原 书 名】 Consumer Behavior:Building Marketing Strategy 【作 者】 (美)德尔 I.霍金斯;戴维 L.马瑟斯博 【译 者】 符国群 译注 【出 版 社】 机械工业出版社 【书 号】 9787111223771 【出版日期】 2007 年7月 6 消费者行为是一门激奋人心的课程,你选择这门课程意味着你有可能考虑以市场营销或者广告作为职业生涯。若果真如此,你应对人们为什么这样或那样行为抱有极大的好奇心,因为,市场营销的核心就是了解和预期消费者的需要,并在此基础上找到满足这些需求的办法、途径。7 一些学生正在寻求那样一些相对不变

3、,放之四海而皆准的规则,以便为其所面临的问题找到唯一正确的答案。对这些学生,不断变化、难以逆料且固执己见的活生生的消费者所带来的不确定性确实令人沮丧。然而,如果他们能够接受与消费者打交道就意味着无穷无尽的不确定性这一事实,运用消费者行为知识发展市场营销战略与策略就会变得极富刺激和趣味盎然。 运用消费者行为学知识发展市场营销策略是一门艺术。当然这并不意味着科学的原理和方法没有用武之地,而是指这些原理成功运用于具体情景时需要人的判断,这种判断远非几条固定的规则所能涵盖。8 让我们更详细地讨论营销与艺术的类似性。假设你想成为一名艺术家,你就会学习那些公认的关于如何把不同颜色、视角融为一体以获得良好视

4、觉效果的原理,然后,你会在实践中对它们加以运用,直到发展出能创造“过得去”的艺术品的能力。如果你具有某种天赋,又巧遇良师,并选择了合适的主题,你甚至可能创造出艺术杰作。希望成为营销经理、销售人员或广告经理的人也应当采取同样的方法,他们应当对影响消费者行为的不同因素或原理做深入全面的分析,在此基础上运用这些原理于实践以制定出“可以接受”的营销战略与策略。虽然知识和实践的结合通常能产生“过得去”的策略,但与众不同的或出奇制胜的营销策略,就像艺术珍品或艺术杰作,要求有特别的天赋、勤奋、时机,甚至某种程度的运气。91011Taking it From Here:The Plan of the Book

5、 Section I Consumer Behavior Section II Consumers as Individuals Section III Consumers as Decision Makers Section IV Consumers and Subcultures Section V Consumers and Culture12The Wheel of Consumer BehaviorFigure 1.3131415Ethnic Products Tex-Mex cuisine(烹调风格) is popular in Scandinavia(斯堪的纳维亚). This

6、ad appeared in a Swedish(瑞典的) magazine.16 ,提出了自己的想法:可口可乐必须研发出适合消费者需要的产品,而且应该是纯日本口味,即使是“茶”这种东方饮料也不应拒绝。认为,可口可乐声名在外,只要稍做调整就会立见成效。年月,他成为可口可乐(日本)公司的高级副总裁,负责销售一种名为佐治亚的罐装咖啡。在日本,罐装咖啡由男人消费,而男人为什么要喝盛在易拉罐里的咖啡呢?经过调查,发现,当男人结束一天的职场压迫后,需要放松同时恢复个性,而他们只有在接近女人时,才凭着自我感觉表现出最好的状态。于是可口可乐(日本)公司请漂亮的知名女艺人在电视上大抛媚眼,并且还使出一个请君入

7、瓮的计策:每位消费者只要集齐一定数额的咖啡罐,就有机会得到一件佐治亚西服上衣。通过这两个手段,在年至年的宣传攻势中,约有万日本人向公司索要纪念品西服。 可口可乐在日本171971年的电视广告“我教全世界如何歌唱”,此首广告已经播出变引起轰动,这首歌曲也登上流行歌曲排行榜。 18Id like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love, Grow apple trees and honey bees, and snow white turtle doves. Id like to teach the world to sing in per

8、fect harmony, Id like to buy the world a Coke and keep it company. Repeat the last two lines, and in the background: Its the real thing, Coke is what the world wants today. 19 Id Like to Teach the World to Sing New SeekersCoca-Cola 1971 Commercial On a hilltop in ItalyWe assembled young peopleFrom a

9、ll over the worldTo bring you this messageFrom Coca-Cola BottlersAll over the worldIts the real thing - Coke.And they sang. Id like to buy the world a homeAnd furnish it with loveGrow apple trees and honey beesAnd snow white turtle doves.Chorus:Id like to teach the world to singIn perfect harmonyId

10、like to buy the world a CokeAnd keep it companyThats the real thing.(Repeat chorus)Id like to teach the world to singIn perfect harmonyId like to buy the world a CokeAnd keep it companyThats the real thing20 Chorus 2:What the world wants todayCoca-Cola (background)Is the real thing (Repeat chorus 2)

11、What the world wants todayCoca-Cola (background)Is the real thing Id like to teach the world to singSing with me (background)In perfect harmonyId like to buy the world a CokeAnd keep it companyThats the real thing(Repeat chorus)Id like to teach the world to singIn perfect harmonyId like to buy the w

12、orld a CokeAnd keep it companyThats the real thing.(Chorus 2)What the world wants todayCoca-Cola (background)Is the real thing (Repeat chorus 2)What the world wants todayCoca-Cola (background)Is the real thing 21Id Like to Teach the World to Sing(齊聲歡唱) Id like to build the world a homeAnd furnish it

13、 with loveGrow apple trees and honey beesAnd snow-white turtle doves Chorus:Id like to teach the world to singIn perfect harmonyId like to hold it in my armsAnd keep it company(thats the song i hear)Id like to see the world for once(let the world sing today)All standing hand in handAnd hear them ech

14、o through the hillsFor peace throughout the land Thats the song i hear(thats the song i hear)Let the world sing today(let the whole wide world keep singing)A song of peace that echoes onAnd never goes away (repeat 1st stanza and chorus) Put your hand in my handLets begin todayPut your hand in my han

15、dHelp me find a way 221971年 无限风光在险峰 一群不同肤色、不同国籍的年轻人汇集在意大利的山顶上,每人手里举着一只可乐瓶子,唱着:“Id Like to Buy the World a Coke!” 先是一个女孩开唱,歌声不断汇集,愈来愈整齐雄壮,镜头在每个人的脸上掠过,越来越多的年轻人纳入观众的视野,他们面向朝阳,散布在山坡上,镜头在直升飞机拍摄的俯景和角色的特写间切换,气势恢弘。23 这是可口可乐公司在1971年推出的广告,作为对“Things Go Better with Coke”的一个结束。从这部片子开始,可口可乐的口号开始变为“Its the Real T

16、hing24 广告在英国南海岸多佛的著名险峰拍摄,McCann组织的摄制团队浩浩荡荡开到峰顶,数千名年轻人计划在这儿表演大合唱。演员们还接受了“唇形同步”的训练,让嘴唇整齐动作发出静音。但之后因为气候关系,摄制组不得不转移到意大利,在意大利他们遭遇了许多困难,比如连绵的大雨,拍摄十分艰苦。 该片先在伦敦放映,反响平平,但转战美国后迅速获得了热烈响应,可口可乐公司收到了约10万封热情的来信。这首由Roger Greenaway和Roger Cook作曲的主题曲也成为当时最流行的时髦曲子,人们争相打电话到电台点播,如今,这首歌仍是广告史上最著名的一首跨越时空国界、深入民心的广告歌。hilltop从

17、头到尾以这样一首歌演绎广告,让人感觉十分新鲜,而歌中的和平、片子的温馨之意亦在当时极受欢迎。这一阶段诞生了可口可乐历史上另一经典和激动人心的广告。 25 時光倒流,回到1971年。當年,可口可樂推出了一首風行全球的經典廣告主題曲Id Like to Buy the World a Coke。在廣告片中,一大群不同國籍的兒童在山峰上合唱這首歌,輕快悠揚的旋律,讓小小年紀的我,對這首西洋歌曲留下深刻印象。 這首歌曲當時是由McCann-Erickson(麥肯廣告公司)策劃,由60年代澳洲民歌團體The New Seekers(搜尋者樂團,也有人譯為夢想家合唱團)所演唱,由於Coca-Cola的廣告

18、播出後廣受歡迎,索性將歌詞改編成倡導世界和平的Id Like to Teach the World to Sing(齊聲歡唱),並正式以單曲發行。26可口可乐的经典错误 背景: 20世纪80年代初期,可口可乐尽管仍旧是软饮料行业的市场领导者,但其市场份额正逐年下降,并转移到百事可乐手中,并且一系列播映的关于味觉测试的节目都显示了,很多消费者更喜欢百事可乐的更甜的味道,到1985年,百事可乐已经占据了2%的市场份额,相当于零售业的12亿美元,于是可口可乐不得不采取行动挽救自己的市场份额。272829可口可乐的行动 可口可乐公司开始了公司历史上最大规模的新产品调查研究项目,在配方确定之前,公司用了

19、两年时间,耗费了400万美元投资在调查研究上,它进行了20万次的口味测试最后配方的3万个单独测试。在无视觉测试中,60%的消费者选择了新可乐而非老可乐,52%的消费者选择了可口可乐而不是百事可乐。调查显示新可乐将成为一个成功的品种,公司满怀信心地推出了它。30新可口可乐的推出 开始时,新可口可乐销售得很好,这主要得益于狂轰滥炸的产品介绍广告和宣传品的作用。但很快令人震惊的公众反应又使销售量变得低迷,每天可口可乐公司开始从不满的消费者那里收到大量的邮件和超过1500个电话。一个名为“喝老可乐的人们”的组织发出抗议,分发T恤,并威胁说如果可口可乐公司不能重新使用老的可乐配方的话,他们将提起公诉。3

20、个月后,可口可乐公司重新采用了老可乐的配方,被称为“经典可乐”的老可乐和新可乐并排放在超市的货架上,那年年末,超市中经典可乐的销售量是新可乐的2倍。31 可口可乐公司增强了经典可乐的投入,同时把新可乐推到了一个次要地位的角色,经典可乐再次成为公司的主要品牌,并且引领着全国的软饮料行业。新可乐成为公司的“攻击品牌” 作为百事可乐的拦路者,其广告公然地与百事可乐做对比。但新可乐只占据了2%的市场份额。1990年春,公司重新包装了新可乐,并再次发动了一场营销战役,把它冠以新名字“可乐”以作为品牌的延伸。今天经典可乐约占领美国软饮料市场份额的17%,而“可乐”却悄无声息地退出了市场。32一种看法 可口

21、可乐公司把它的市场调查研究仅局限在一个狭小的范围里,调查仅仅测试了味觉,它并没有顾及当消费者失去老可乐,而以一种新可乐取而代之时的感觉,它没有考虑到那些无形的东西可乐的名字、历史、包装、文化传承和联想。然而,可口可乐已经和篮球、热狗、苹果派一样,被太多人当成了一种美国直觉,他代表了美国特质。对于多数消费者来说,可口可乐的形象已经衍化为一种比味觉更重要的东西。广泛的研究可以探测出这些消费者的强烈感觉。规模如此巨大而且资源丰富的市场导向的可口可乐公司为何会犯下如此严重的研究错误?33Some Issues That Arise During Stages in the Consumption Pr

22、ocessFigure 1.134Consumer Behavior InvolvesMany Different Actors Consumer: A person who identifies a need or desire, makes a purchase, and then disposes of the product Many people may be involved in this sequence(顺序) of events.Purchaser / User / Influencer Consumers may take the form of organization

23、s or groups.35Consumers Impact onMarketing Strategy Market Segmentation: Identifies groups of consumers who are similar to one another in one or more ways and then devises marketing strategies that appeal to one or more groups Demographics: Statistics that measure observable aspects of a population

24、Ex.: Age, Gender, Family Structure, Social Class and Income, Race and Ethnicity, Lifestyle, and Geography36A Lesson Learned Nike was forced to pull this advertisement for a running shoe after disabilities rights groups claimed the ads were offensive. How could Nike have done a better job of getting

25、its message across without offending a powerful demographic?37Market SegmentationFinely-tuned marketingsegmentation strategiesallow marketers toreach only thoseconsumers likely to beinterested in buyingtheir products.38Consumers Impact onMarketing Strategy (cont.) Relationship Marketing: Building Bo

26、nds with Consumers Relationship marketing: The strategic perspective that stresses the long-term, human side of buyer-seller interactions Database marketing: Tracking consumers buying habits very closely, and then crafting products and messages tailored precisely to peoples wants and needs based on

27、this information39Marketings Impact on Consumers Marketing and Culture: Popular Culture: Music, movies, sports, books, celebrities, and other forms of entertainment consumed by the mass market. Marketers play a significant role in our view of the world and how we live in it.40 Popular CultureCompani

28、es often create product icons to develop anidentity for their products. Many made-up creatures andpersonalities, such as Mr. Clean, the Michelin tire man andthe Pillsbury Doughboy, are widely recognized figures inpopular culture.41著名的米其林米其林指南(亦称红色指南)于1900年首次出版,起初只是 一本简易方便的手册,为驾车者提供一些实用资讯,如关于车辆保养的建议、

29、行车路线推荐、汽车修理行的地址以及酒店、餐馆的地址等等。后来米其林 红色指南开始每年为法国的餐馆评定星级,并因此而著名。绿色指南源于前者,它提供法国、欧洲乃至世界其它国家的风景、文化、历史以及饮食、住宿和交通方面的信息,着重介绍各旅游胜地的相关数据和信息。(绿色指南有更多的语言版本 -英, 德, 意, 荷, 西, 希伯来, 葡, 日) 至今已有近80年的历史,受到世界各地热爱旅游人士的喜爱。4243“必比登”(Bibendum) 444546 米其林指南现有70名专职监察员,他们的身份对外是保密的,惟一出名的是他们传统与苛刻的共性。以餐厅评星为例,从一进门开始,就施展起眼观六路的本领:装修品位

30、怎样、餐具的质量怎样、侍者的态度是不卑不亢,还是过分热情?甚至服务的姿态都被他们看在眼里,其后才是针对烹饪和装盘技巧的一系列评判。出现在米其林指南上的餐馆至少先要获得一副刀叉的标记,这种标记是指南对餐馆的基础品评标准,从最高的副到副不等,表明餐馆的舒适度。在此之上,才是米其林星级,从一颗星到最高的三颗星,主要代表烹饪水准。米其林指南的星号是这样定义的:一颗星是同类饮食风格中特别优秀的餐厅;两颗星餐厅的厨艺非常高明,值得绕道前往就餐;而获得三颗星的餐馆则有令人永志不忘的美味,值得打“飞的”前去用餐。这样的餐厅通常经过米其林至少数年的观察,只有一直保持高水平,才能得到三颗星。47 每个监察员平均每

31、年对餐馆作240个品餐,130个住宿检查,大约完成800个左右的参观检查。对于有星级的餐馆或酒店的光顾会更频繁些,如果有必要,他们会在一年内对同一家餐馆进行12次品餐。在2004年版的米其林指南中,共有49家餐馆被评为三星,其中有27家在法国,22家在其它欧洲国家。 48 正因不愿饮鸠,巴黎一位老牌三星厨师亚伦桑德兰(Alain Senderens)在一次记者会上宣布,将其长达27年历史的米其林三星级餐厅卢卡斯卡藤(Lucas-Carton)改为高级大型啤酒屋,人均消费也从三星级别的300欧元降至100欧元。他坦言:最难的不是拿到三星而是维持荣誉,这种时刻完美的压力难以承受;而不知何时造访的密

32、探,令人每天战战兢兢,最后却连判官是谁都不知道。 而在此之前,两位英国的米其林三星厨师马克皮埃尔怀特(Marco Pierre White)和尼科兰德内斯(Nico Landenis)也早已拒绝再被米其林玩弄于股掌。另一位法国沙隆(Chalons)小镇上晨曦餐厅的主厨西里尔(Cyril)也在米其林意欲“加冕”时,拒绝了这顶厨师“高帽”:“我不是为米其林做菜的,食客的满足对我来说比一颗星更重要。” 49 据米其林的一位匿名密探透露,当一名美食密探以普通食客的身份走进一家餐厅后,工作就开始了。他会首先注意到门面、紧跟而来的内部环境和装修的质量。他会阅读菜单。如果菜单很长,说明原料不很新鲜,有些说不

33、定还是冰箱里的冷冻食品。如果相反,只有几样菜,或者菜单写在小木板上,则说明厨师那天清晨刚刚去过市场选择原材料。他还会看餐厅是否顾客盈门,其他人吃的饭菜是不是看起来很诱人。另外,他会留意等待上菜的时间、侍者的态度和专业程度。当然,最重要的是对饭菜品质的把握,首先要评判的是原料的质量,还要考虑菜肴是如何烹饪的,味道及调味如何。50米其林红色指南法国卷2009版主要数字: 推介的酒店和餐厅共8499家,其中包括4429家酒店、539家客栈和3531家餐厅 授予星级的餐厅共548家,其中包括26家三星级(新增1家),73家两星级(新增9家)和449家一星级(新增63家) 星级上升的餐厅共19家,其中1

34、4家为首度获得一星,5家为首度获得二星51Marketings Impact on Consumers: The Meaning of Consumption The Meaning of Consumption: People often buy products not for what they do, but for what they mean. Types of relationships a person may have with a product: Self-concept attachment Nostalgic attachment Interdependence Lo

35、ve 52 What kind of statement does the Nike Swoosh make?Discussion Question53Marketings Impact on Consumers: The Meaning of Consumption (cont.) Consumption includes intangible experiences, ideas and services in addition to tangible objects. Four types of Consumption Activities: Consuming as experienc

36、e Consuming as integration Consuming as classification Consuming as play54Marketings Impact on Consumers: The Global Consumer By 2006, the majority of people on earth will live in urban centers. Sophisticated marketing strategies contribute to a global consumer culture. Even smaller companies look t

37、o expand overseas. Globalization has resulted in varied perceptions of the United States (both positive and negative).55The Global ConsumerAmerican products like Levi jeans are indemand around the world.56Marketings Impact on Consumers: Virtual Consumption The Digital Revolution is one of the most s

38、ignificant influences on consumer behavior. Electronic marketing increases convenience by breaking down the barriers of time and location. U-commerce: The use of ubiquitous networks that will slowly but surely become part of us (i.e., wearable computers, customized advertisements beamed to cell phon

39、es, etc.) Cyberspace has created a revolution in C2C (consumer-to-consumer) activity.57Virtual Brand Communities58Blurred BoundariesMarketing and Reality Marketers and consumers coexist in a complicated two-way relationship. Its increasingly difficult for consumers to discern the boundary between th

40、e fabricated world and reality. Marketing influences both popular culture and consumer perceptions of reality.59Blurred BoundariesMarketing managersoften borrow imageryfrom other forms ofpopular culture toconnect with anaudience. This line ofsyrups adapts the “look”of a pulp detectivenovel.60Marketi

41、ng Ethics and Public Policy Business Ethics: Rules of conduct that guide actions in the marketplace The standards against which most people in the culture judge what is right and what is wrong, good or bad Notions of right and wrong differ among people, organizations, and cultures.61Needs and Wants:

42、Do Marketers Manipulate Consumers? Consumerspace Do marketers create artificial needs? Need: A basic biological motive Want: One way that society has taught us that need can be satisfied Are advertising and marketing necessary? Economics of information perspective: Advertising is an important source

43、 of consumer information. Do marketers promise miracles? Advertisers simply dont know enough to manipulate people.62 This ad was created by the American Association of Advertising Agencies to counter charges that ads create artificial needs. Do you agree with the premise of the ad? Why or why not?Di

44、scussion Question63Public Policy and Consumerism Consumer efforts in the U.S. have contributed to the establishment of federal agencies to oversee consumer-related activities. Department of Agriculture Federal Trade Commission Food and Drug Administration Securities and Exchange Commission Environme

45、ntal Protection Agency Culture Jamming: A strategy to disrupt efforts by the corporate world to dominate our cultural landscape64The Consumer Product Safety Commission65Culture Jamming Adbusters Quarterly is a Canadian magazine devoted to culture jamming. This mock ad skewers Benetton.66Consumerism

46、and Consumer Research Kennedys “Declaration of Consumer Rights” (1962) Green Marketing: When a firm chooses to protect or enhance the natural environment as it goes about its activities Reducing wasteful packaging Donations to charity Social Marketing: Using marketing techniques to encourage positiv

47、e activities (e.g. literacy) and to discourage negative activities (e.g. drunk driving)67Consumer Related IssuesUNICEF sponsored this advertising campaign against child labor. The field of consumer behavior plays a role in addressing important consumer issues such as child exploitation.68The Dark Si

48、de of Consumer Behavior Consumer Terrorism: An example: Susceptibility of the nations food supply to bioterrorism Addictive Consumption: Consumer addiction: A physiological and/or psychological dependency on products or services Compulsive Consumption: Repetitive shopping as an antidote to tension,

49、anxiety, depression, or boredom69The Dark Side of Consumer Behavior (cont.) Consumed Consumers: People who are used or exploited, willingly or not, for commercial gain in the marketplace Illegal Activities: Consumer Theft: Shrinkage: The industry term for inventory and cash losses from shoplifting a

50、nd employee theft Anticonsumption: Events in which products and services are deliberately defaced or mutilated70Consumer BehaviorAs a Field of Study Consumer behavior only recently a formal field of study Interdisciplinary influences on the study of consumer behavior Consumer behavior studied by res


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