1、1Basic Writing Skills写作的基本技能2Chapter OneGeneral Knowledge of English Writing英语写作常识3. Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 lThe comma (,)lThe period (.)lThe semicolon (;)lThe colon (:)lThe question mark (?)lThe exclamation mark (!)lQuotation mark (“”)lParentheses/brackets ()lSquare brackets (【】)lThe dash(-)lThe slas
2、h (/)lUnderlining and Italics41. 顿号“、”。英语没有顿号,一般用逗号取代。汉语中用顿号表示一句话中间并列的词和词组之间的停顿。如:This kind of machine is widely used in India, Russia, the U.S.A. and China. (这种机器在印度、俄罗斯、美国、中国广泛应用。)2.书名号。 汉语书名号为,表示书籍、报刊等名称。英语中不用书名号,而是用斜体字或字下 线表示。在手写稿和打印稿中,字下线和印刷品中的斜体字功用相同。例如: He reads the Peoples Daily every day. W
3、uthering Heights is one of his favorite novels.Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 53.句号。 英语的句号是是实心的小圆点,即 “.”, 常用于陈述句和祈使句之后。而汉语的句号是空心圆圈,即“。”。4.冒号。 英语中的冒号可对主句进行说明、引申、解释等等;也用于引语之前。冒号在记时间时可用来区分小时与分钟,可表示赛事的比分,可在事务性信件中放在称呼之后,可在演讲稿中放在对听众的称呼之后。例如: Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 6 1. The year is divided into four seasons: spring, s
4、ummer, autumn and winter.(一年分为四季:春、夏、秋、冬。) 2. My grandpa often mentions one saying by Confucius: “To say you know when you know, and to say you do not when you do not, that is knowledge.” 3. The train leaves at 10:45 a.m. China beat Japan 3:2 in the womens volleyball game. Dear Mr. Brown: Ladies and
5、 gentlemen:冒号的用法冒号的用法 75. 逗号 “,” 。 在英语中,引起直接引语的说明以及一般函件开头的称呼语等一类用语后都用逗号,而不象汉语那样用冒号。(但美国用冒号)。逗号是英文写作中最常用的标点符号。对中国学生而言,也是最容易出错的地方。因为以中国人写作的思维,只要一句话意思没完,便要用逗号,而对于英文写作,只要句子结构完整便要用句号。例如:Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 8逗号误用:I set out for the biggest bookstore in town, at the school gate I saw a girl of my class, sh
6、e was going there, too, we decided to go together, we walked, the bookstore was not far away.正确的句子:I set out for the biggest bookstore in town. At the school gate I saw a girl of my class. She was going there, too. We decided to go together. We walked. The bookstore was not far away.(我开始去城里最大的书店。 在学
7、校门口我看见了班里的一个女孩, 她也要去那儿, 我们决定一起去。我们走着,书店就在不远处。 )Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 96. 分号表示短暂而明确的停顿,连接两个内容相关但语法逻辑上完整的独立分句。分句之间不用连词,分号就相当于逗号与连接词的组合。如: The project was finally completed; we were very pleased.(我们很高兴我们终于完成了计划。) 相当于The project was finally completed,and we were very pleased.Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 107. 省略号
8、(ellipsis)。 英语的省略号是三个实心的小圆点,位于一行的中间。英语etc.不能和省略号连用而汉语则可以。如:标点误用:There is a pen, two apples, three oranges etc. in the box.正确的句子:There is a pen, two apples, three oranges, etc. in the box.Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 118. 引号。英语中有单引号和双引号;汉语一般只用双引号。引号用来表示文中的直接引语。当直接引语超过四行或多于40 个字词时, 一般不用引号而改用黑体字以便与文章的其它部分界线清晰
9、。句号和逗号必须置于引号(双引号和单引号) 之内。例如:“Well, ” the foreigner said to him ,“ you look like an engineer. ” 引号中如再加引号可用单引号。“I heard stop thief, stop thief being shouted, ” he said.Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 121)文章、短篇故事、短诗及歌曲等的题目和书中各章节的题目,应用引号标出。但书刊名称应用斜体字或字下线标明。 The Peoples Daily carries an important article today: The
10、 Present Situation in the Balkans. “Life in the Cave,” one of the chapters of My Adventures, is very interesting.引号的用法引号的用法 132)引号和其他标点符号配合使用时,美国的通行办法如下: 句号和逗号放在引号之内: John, she said, Ive lost my gloves. You should read his article on New Criticism, which is very interesting. 引号的用法引号的用法 14 冒号和分号放在引号之
11、外: First he talked about New Criticism; then he discussed postmodernism. The dictionary gives a brief explanation of postmodernism: a style of building, decoration, art, etc., which uses an unusual mixing of old and new forms. 引号的用法引号的用法 15 破折号、问号和感叹号,如只是与引语有关,放在引号之内;如与整个句子有关,则放在引语之外: She asked, Wha
12、t does modernism mean? What is the meaning of New Criticism? H e l p ! H e l p ! s h e c r i e d . Stop crying I want it! 引号的用法引号的用法 169. 圆括号1)用来标明插入性的、补充性的或注释性的词语: A PLO (Palestinian Liberation Organization) delegation is to visit China next month. Bai Juyi (772-846) was a great poet of the Tang dy
13、nasty. He is teaching two courses (Linguistics and Theoretical Grammar) this semester. Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 179. 圆括号2)表示细目的数字或字母一般放在圆括号中: The word revolution means (1) a great, sudden social and political change by force; and (2) circular movement round a fixed point. Coordinate clauses are linked b
14、y (a) a comma and a conjunction, (b) a semicolon or a colon, and (c) a dash. Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 1810. 方括号1)用来标出引语中引用者加的改正或说明部分: He wrote: One great poet of the Song dynasty Su Shi said that in Wang Weis poetry there was painting and in his paintings there was poetry.”2)如圆括号中还需要用括号,则用方括号代替圆括号: Will
15、iam Strunk Jr. and E. B. White wrote a very useful little book for students learning to write (The Elements of Style New York: Macmillan, 1972). Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 1911. 破折号 表示思想的中断或语气的改变: I went through a lot of terrible ordeals in those chaotic years - but who didnt? He might do many good things
16、 for the people of the city - if he was elected. 2)表示没说完或被打断的话:1) My idea is - You want to quit, dont you? This is really - really - disappointing. Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 2011. 破折号3) 也可用来标出插入语: Three countries - Spain, Italy and Hungary - abstained. His old problems - such as asthma and high blood pre
17、ssure - are still worrying him. 4)有时在一系列名词之后引出一个总结性的从句: Poor management, insufficient supply of raw material, and shortage of skilled workers - these were the main causes of the failure of the factory. Father, Mother, John and Susan - all were surprised by my announcement. Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 2111.
18、 破折号5) 有些作家在叙述对话时用破折号代替引号: -H a v e y o u s e e n m y h a t ? - It is on the chair over there. 6)破折号有时可用来标明副标题或作者: T h e G r o w t h o f t h e G r e e n P a r t i e s - A G e n e r a l S u r v e y We learn from history that men never learn a n y t h i n g f r o m h i s t o r y . - Hegel Punctuation
19、标点符号标点符号 2212. 斜线1) 表示两项皆可采用,如: This university provides scholarships and/or loans. When students meet after the winter vacation, they often ask each other, How was your vacation/life at home? Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 2312. 斜线2) 在连续地抄写诗句时,可用斜线分开原来的诗行: In this well-known poem Shelley wrote:Be through my
20、lips to un-awakened earth/The trumpet of a prophecy! Oh, wind, /If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 2412. 斜线3) 句中的分数中分子和分母用斜线分开: A kilometre is 31/50 of a mile. 4)斜线有时表示“每”的意思: Rent: 50 yuan/sq.m. Punctuation 标点符号标点符号 25Summaryl结构完整的句子,不论长短,后面都打句号。l不要用逗号连接两个并列从句;应用逗号加连词,或
21、用分号。l在疑问句后用问号,但在改为间接引语的问句后不用问号:l“Have you done your exercises?” the teacher asked.lThe teacher asked whether we had done our exercises.26Summaryl直接引语应放在两个引号之间。说话人和表示“说”的动词可放在引语前面、后面或中间:lShe said, “I have decided to take the examination.”l“I have decided to take the examination,” she said.l“I have de
22、cided,” she said, “to take the examination.”27Summaryl在一行的开端不可用逗号、句号、分号、冒号、问号或感叹号,这些标点符号如果需要的话,应放在一行的末尾。可是方括号、圆括号和引号的前一半不能放在行尾。表示一个词移行的连字符应打在上行的末尾,而不是下行的开端。28Exercise将下面的段落加上标点,并在需要处用大写字母: We entered the room jane looked around and asked where is the cat she must have run away I answered she doesnt
23、like to stay at home we must go and find her jane said lets go at this moment the cat walked out from under the chair. 29Answers We entered the room. Jane looked around and asked, “Where is the cat?”. “She must have run away;” I answered, “she doesnt like to stay at home.” “ We must go and find her,
24、” Jane said. “ Lets go.” At this moment, the cat walked out from under the chair. 30. 移行移行l快写到一行的末端时,应看看还剩下多大的空处。如果写不下你要写的那个词,应考虑是移行还是把整个的词写在下一行。要避免把一个词挤塞在纸边上。l移行的基本原则是按照音节把词分开。31. 移行的注意事项移行的注意事项l单音节词,如through, march, brain, pushed, 不能分开。l不要把词的一个字母,即使那个字母构成一个音节,写在行末或行首,如along, tricky。l不要把只有两个字母的音节写在
25、行首,如hated, cabin。l避免把人名和地名分开写,如China, Austen。 32. 移行的注意事项移行的注意事项l已带有连字符的复合词只可在连字符处分开,如father-in-law, empty-handed 。l有前缀或后缀的词,应在前、后缀和词根之间分开,如restatement, unrelenting。l双音节词有重复的辅音字母时,可在这两个字母间分开,如struggle, shatter。l词的分写有时并不容易。没有把握时,应查词典。 33. 题目的写法题目的写法 题目应写在第一行的中间。题目的第一个和最后一个词应用大写字母开始,中间的词(包括复合词中在连字符后面的
26、词)也都应大写,但冠词、并列连词(and, or, but, nor, for)、介词和不定式的to除外,例如:34.题目的写法题目的写法 My First Visit to the Palace Museum The People Without a Country Rules to Abide By Dickens and David Copperfield What Can the Artist Do in the World of Today? What Reform Means to China The Myth of a Negro Literature The English-S
27、peaking People in Quebec 35. 题目的写法题目的写法 题目后不加句号。如题目是疑问句,应加问号;如是间接引语形式的疑问句,则不加问号。题目中引用的词语或文章的标题,应加引号;书名则在下面画线或用斜体标明。36. 大写大写 大写字母主要用于三处:句子的开头,标题中的实义词和专有名词。 不只是完整的句子,就是当句子使用的不完整句,也应用大写字母开头。 引语(两个引号之间的词语)如是完整的句子,也用大写字母开头。如引用的一句话分成两部分,放在两对引号之中,第二部分不用大写字母开始,除非第一个词是专有名词或由专有名词变来的形容词:37ExampleslHe said, “My
28、 trip to Mount Tai was interesting but tiring.”l“My trip to Mount Tai,” he said, “was interesting but tiring.”lI asked, “When do you usually go home?”lShe answered, “At weekends.”38. 大写大写la famous universityla broad streetla large lakelthe president of the universitylPeking UniversitylChangan Street
29、lLake ErielPresident Brown 普通名词已成为专有名词的一部分时,也要大写。39. 大写大写lmiddle, agellabor, daylpeople, republiclthe Middle AgeslLabor Daylthe Peoples Republic of China 普通名词已成为专有名词的一部分时,也要大写。40写在最后写在最后成功的基础在于好的学习习惯成功的基础在于好的学习习惯The foundation of success lies in good habits41谢谢聆听 学习就是为了达到一定目的而努力去干, 是为一个目标去战胜各种困难的过程,这个过程会充满压力、痛苦和挫折Learning Is To Achieve A Certain Goal And Work Hard, Is A Process To Overcome Various Difficulties For A Goal