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1、 八年级上学期学科竞赛英语试题一、完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。Sometimes, I doubt (怀疑) if there is any love between my parents, They 1 say: I love you. For them, its really difficult to say. Every day they are 2 trying to make money. They dont act in the romantic (浪漫的) way that I read in

2、books and I see on TV.One day, my mother was sewing (缝) a 3 .I sat down beside her quietly.Mom, I have a 4 to ask you, I said after a short time.What? she replied, 5 doing her work.Is there love 6 you and Dad? I asked her.She didnt answer and still 7 . I was worried 8 I thought I had made her unhapp

3、y. After some time, she said to me with a smile, Susan, look at this thread (线), she said. Sometimes it appears, but most of it 9 in the quilt. It makes the quilt strong. 10 life is a quilt, then love should be a thread. You can hardly see it anywhere or anytime, but its really there. Love is 11 .Th

4、e next spring, my father suddenly got very sick. My mother had to stay with him in the hospital for a month. After they 12 , she helped my father walk slowly down the road every day. To my surprise, Father was weak but really very 13 .Dad, how are you feeling now? I asked him one day.Susan, dont 14

5、me, he said. I just like walking with your mom.Once, I thought love meant flowers and gifts. Now, I know that love is just a 15 in the quilt of our life. Love is inside, making life strong and warm.1AalwaysBoftenCneverDonce2AfastBearlyClateDbusy3AdressBhatCquiltDshirt4AwordBquestionCproblemDreason5A

6、stillBevenCalreadyDever6AbetweenBbehindCfromDthrough7AtalkedBlistenedCwonderedDworked8AwhenBbecauseCbutDthough9AdisappearsBlosesCfindsDpaints10ABecauseBButCIfDAlthough11AoutsideBinsideCeverywhereDanywhere12Aturned downBran awayCgot onDgot back13AsadBhappyCangryDupset14Aworry aboutBlook afterClook fo

7、rDhear from15AgiftBthreadChatDflower二、阅读理解 (本题共有15小题,每题2分,共30分)阅读理解My name is Diana and Im fourteen years old. I have a younger brother, Daniel, and a happy family. This summer my family will go to the countryside where my grandparents live. My parents work in a really big company so they are very b

8、usy and they will stay only for a week. Luckily, my brother and I will stay there for about a month.My grandparents live in a big house near a river. There are lots of fish in that river. My brother and I want to go fishing with our father and uncle this time. We love to have a picnic next to the ri

9、ver so we will make a fire there and cook the fish.My mom will help my grandma because every summer she makes lots of jam (果酱). My aunt speaks French and she will teach us French this summer. I love French because I think French is the most beautiful language in the world. My cousin, Jack, loves bio

10、logy very much. He won many biology competitions. He made a resolution that he would study 20 kinds of insects (昆虫) this summer. So we will go together to look for insects though I prefer to go to museums to learn about history.Im sure that I will have a great time and that my holiday will be full o

11、f fun, scientific activities and learning!16How long will Diana stay in her grandparents house? AFor about a week.BFor about two weeks.CFor about three weeks.DFor about four weeks.17From the passage, we know that _. ADianas father is good at fishingBDianas brother is fourteen years oldCDianas mother

12、 works in a big companyDDiana thinks English is a beautiful language18What will Diana and her brother do near her grandparents house? AGo swimming.BLook for insectsC Make jam.D Go climbing.阅读理解Long, long ago there was no zero. To write the number sixty-three people wrote 63. To write six hundred and

13、 three, people wrote 6 3.The space between six and three was there to mean not any tens. Sometimes people did not remember the space. It was hard to see and read. Later people used a dot to hold the space. Six hundred and three looked like this 63. But the dot (点) was hard to see. So people put a ci

14、rcle around it like this 63.Then people could see the dot. They remembered the space. At last, only the circle around the dot was used. It was like a zero. This is one story of how the zero came to be used. Now zero has many important uses .Zero tells how many. Can you tell some other ways of using

15、zero?19Long, long ago people didnt know how to _. AwriteBwrite zeroCwrite numbersDsixty-three20Long, long ago if they wrote two hundred and eight, people wrote_. A28B2 8C228D20868.21Later _ was used to mean space. Anot anyBletter 0CzeroDa dot22The story tells us _. Ahow zero came to be usedBhow to w

16、rite zeroCwhats the use of zeroDthat zero means a dot, a circle or space阅读理解Uncle Li and Uncle Wang are good friends. They live next to each other and their farms are both at the foot of the mountain. So they can help each other. But neither of them likes to use his head. Theyre both poor though the

17、y work hard. Most villagers have built new houses, but they still live in the low and broken houses. They never find out why.Once Uncle Li went to town to buy some medicine for his wife. In the town he heard the apples in a city were expensive. He told Uncle Wang about it as soon as he went back. Th

18、ey decided to carry some apples to the city. They borrowed some money from their friends and bought nearly 1,000 kilograms of apples in the villages and carried them to the city on a tractor (拖拉机). Bad luck! A lot of apples have already been carried there when they arrived. A few days later they had

19、 to sell them at a low price .They felt unhappy and returned to their village.I cant understand why we sustained (蒙受) losses in business while others always profit (盈利) Uncle Li asked one day.The tractor was too small Uncle Wang said without thinking. Well carry more apples on a truck next time!I ag

20、ree! said Uncle Li. How foolish (傻的) we were! 23The two farmers carried the apples to the city to _. Amake a tripBvisit some places of interestCmeet their friendsDmake a profit24The two farmers had to sell their apples at a low price because _. Atheirs werent as good as the othersBtheirs were much l

21、ess than the othersCa lot of apples had been already carried to the cityDthey forgot to carry them on a truck25Uncle Li and Uncle Wang were unhappy because _. Athey had sustained losses in businessBthey had lost some money in the cityCsomething was wrong with the tractorDother people profited in the

22、 city26Which of the following is true? AThe two farmers found out why they were poor.BThe two farmers will soon get rich.CNeither of the farmers is clever.DThe two farmers decided to buy a truck.阅读理解When we see well, we do not think about our eyes very often. It is only when we cannot see perfectly

23、that we realize how important our eyes are.People who are near-sighted can only see things that are very close to their eyes. Everything else seems blurry (=unclear). Many people who do a lot of work, such as writing, reading and sewing become nearsighted. People who are far-sighted (远视) suffer from

24、 just the opposite problem. They can see things that are far away, but they have difficulty in reading a book unless they hold it at arms length. If they want to do much reading, they must get glasses, too.Other people do not see clearly because their eyes are not exactly the right shape. They have

25、what is called astigmatism (散光). This, too, can be corrected by glasses. Some peoples eyes become cloudy because of cataracts (白内障). Long ago these people often became blind. Now, however, it is possible to operate on the cataracts and remove them.Having two good eyes is important for judging(判断) di

26、stances(距离). Each eye sees things from a slightly different angle. To prove this to yourself, look at an object out of one eye; then look at the same object out of your other eye. You will find the objects relation to the background and other things around it has changed. The difference between thes

27、e two different eye views helps us to judge how far away an object is. People who have only one eye cannot judge distance as people with two eyes.27We should look after our eyes well _. Aonly when we can see wellBonly when we cannot see perfectlyCeven though we can see wellDonly when we know how imp

28、ortant our eyes are28When things far away seem unclear, one is probably _. Anear-sightedBfar-sightedCastigmaticDsuffering from cataracts29Having two eyes instead of one is especially useful for _. Aseeing at nightBseeing objects far awayClooking over a wide areaDjudging distances30Which of the follo

29、wing shows the structure (结构) of the passage? ABCD三、任务型阅读(本题有5小题,每小题1分;共计5分)阅读下列五则志愿者招聘广告,然后在AE中找出与它们相匹配的信息。A nurse wantedTo work in an old peoples home;be able to sing and dance;be patient with old people;having nursing experience;aged 20-3031 A volunteer wantedFor caring for homeless dogs;be kind

30、to animals;ever keep one or two pets at home;be free on weekends32 . A teacher wantedTo teach English in a small village;have good teaching experience;get used to village life;have to stay there for half a year33 . A volunteer wantedTo help hand out public-spirited (公益的) posters; have to work betwee

31、n 4 and 5 each afternoon; be outgoing and energetic34 . A kid helper wantedFor looking after stay-at home children (留守儿童); be good at telling stories;can draw and sing; like to stay with children; best to be girl of 18-2035 . A. Lisa is a young singer. She loves kids and she is planning to do someth

32、ing for them. She has a lot of free time during the week. B. Sam loves animals. He takes good care of his two dogs at home and he has a two-day weekend every week. C. Judy often volunteers with many of her friends. She likes talking with people and is always full of energy. She is usually free after

33、 three in the afternoon. D. Ann is 20 years old. She will graduate from a medical college this July. Shes looking for a chance to be a volunteer. E. Helen is an English teacher in a city school. She always pays attention to improving rural childrens English. She is never afraid of any difficulty in

34、life. 四、词汇运用(本题有15小题,每小题1分;共计15分)根据短文内容及所给汉语提示,写出空缺处各单词的正确形式,每空一词。Im writing this in my room. Its 36 (几乎) midnight, but I cant sleep. I am 37 (琢磨) what my life will be like in ten years! Every day, my parents ask me, What do you want to be when you 38 (生长、成长) up? The problem is: I dont know! My mom

35、wants me to be a doctor. But to be a doctor, you have to study for a long, long time, and thats not my idea of fun. My dad says, Be a 39 (飞行员)!He knows Im scared of flying! And I have to be really good at math. 40 (虽然) I like math, Im not good at it.Well, I dont 41 (介意) being a rock star. You dont h

36、ave to be very smart-at least not smart in things like math and science. I am 42 (有天赋的) in singing. Maybe one day, I will become 43 (成功的)and 44 (著名的). Now I am getting tired, so Im going to bed. I can think about my 45 (将来) in bed.根据短文内容,用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空,每词限用一次。as long as pollute possible during litt

37、le46The water is serious in this city. 47He is the best teacher though he has the experience. (经验) 48You can go out, you can come back before 10:00 p.m.49I saw Tina once my stay in London last year.50The question is too difficult. It is for him to answer it. 五、语法填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分;共计10分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的

38、语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Happiness is important for everyone. Most people want to be happy but few people know 51 to find happiness. Money and success dont bring lasting happiness. Happiness depends on themselves. In other words, we make our own happiness.Here are some52 (way) to hel

39、p you be happier.The first secret of happiness is to enjoy the simple things in life. We spend so much time 53 (think) about the future. You should enjoy lifes simple pleasure, such 54 reading a good book or listening to your favorite music.The 55 secret is to be active. Many people go dancing or pl

40、ay sports. People can forget about their problems and only think about the activities.Finally, many people find happiness in helping 56 (other). According to students, when they volunteer(主动提供) their time to do many 57 (meaning) things for other people, they get a feeling of satisfaction. If you wan

41、t to feel happier, do something nice. You can help a friend 58 his or her studies or go shopping to get food for 59 old neighbor.Now, try 60 (find) your own happiness.六、书面表达(本题有1小题;共计20分)61紧张的月考过后,同学们肯定想好好地放松一天。在这一天中,你会做些什么呢? 请你根据下面的提示,写一篇短文说说自己想做的事,并谈谈原因。Things to do Reasons have a good sleepfeel r

42、eally tiredgo shoppingbuy my mother a gifthave a big dinner with go to the movies注意:1)文中应所有提供的内容和要点,可适当发挥;2)文中不能出现真实的姓名和校名;3)词数80 (短文开头不计入总词数,考生可以选择使用。)A Relaxing DayThese days Im busy studying for the test. I really want to spend a relaxing day after the test.答案解析部分【答案】1C;2D;3C;4B;5A;6A;7D;8B;9A;10

43、C;11B;12D;13B;14A;15B【答案】16D17C18B【答案】19B20B21D22A【答案】23D24C25A26C【答案】27C28A29D30A【答案】31D;32B;33E;34C;35A【答案】36almost;37wondering;38grow;39pilot;40Although;41mind;42talented;43successful;44famous;45future【答案】46pollution47least48as long as49during50impossible【答案】51how;52ways;53thinking;54as;55second;56others;57meaningful;58with;59anyour;60to find61【答案】暂未更新


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