山东省临沂市2022届高三下学期2月一模考试 英语 试题 (含解析).doc

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1、2022年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(模拟)英语注意事项:1.答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号等填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWriters Digest Annual Writing CompetitionWriters Digest has been shin

2、ing a spotlight on up and coming writers in all genres (体裁) through its Annual Writing Competition for more than 80 years. Enter our 89th Annual Writing Competition for your chance to win and have your work be seen by editors and agents!PrizesOne Grand Prize winner will receive:$5.000 in cash and an

3、 interview with them in Writers Digest (Nov/ Dec 2022 issue) and on Writers Digest. com. A paid trip to the Writers Digest Annual Conference, including special recognition at the keynote.All top winners will receive:Their names and the title of their winning piece listed in Writers Digest and on Wri

4、ters Digest. com A one-year subscription (new or renewal) to Writers Digest magazineA one year subscription to Writers Digest Tutorials20% discount off of purchases made at Writers Digest UniversityPricing and DeadlinesEarly-Bird Deadline: May 6, 2022Poetry entry$20 for the first entry; $15 for each

5、 additional poetry entry.Manuscript entry$ 30 for the first entry; $25 for each additional manuscript entry.Regular Deadline: June 6, 2022Poetry entry$25 for the first entry; $20 for each additional poetry entry.Manuscript entry$35 for the first entry; $30 for each additional manuscript entry.Prepar

6、ing your entryPlease submit text only; illustrations are not accepted.Cover pages are optional; titles are not requested or necessary.Word counts are not to include entry title.Accepted file formal: pdf. Do not attach zipped files, or documents stored on the web.How to EnterCreate your free Submitta

7、ble account by clicking the SUBMIT button. If you already have a Submittable account, simply log in!1. What will all top winners receive?A. Their winning piece published in Writers DigestB. A paid trip to the Writers Digest Annual Conference.C. Free permenant subscription to Writers Digest magazine.

8、D. Purchases at a 20% discount at Writers Digest University.2. If someone submits two manuscript entries on May 22nd, how much should he pay?A. $65B. $55.C. $45.D. $353. Which of the following must be submitted in an entry?A. Titles.B. Cover pages.C. Texts in pdf.D. Illustrations【答案】1. D 2. A 3. C【解

9、析】【导语】这是一篇应用文。作家文摘的年度写作比赛已经举办了80多年,它一直是所有流派中崭露头角的作家的关注焦点,这是一篇作家文摘年度写作比赛的征文启事。【1题详解】细节理解题。根据“All top winners will receive”部分最后一句“20% discount off of purchases made at Writers Digest University”(在作家文摘大学买东西可以打八折)可知,所有优胜者都可以在作家文摘大学享受8折购买优惠。故选D。【2题详解】细节理解题。根据“Pricing and Deadlines”部分“Regular Deadline: Ju

10、ne 6, 2022”中的最后一句“Manuscript entry$35 for the first entry; $30 for each additional manuscript entry.”(稿件投稿:第一次投稿$35;每增加一篇稿件30美元。)可知,如果有人在5月22日提交两份稿件,他应该支付65美元。故选A。【3题详解】细节理解题。根据“Preparing your entry”部分第一句中的“Please submit text only”(请只提交文字)和倒第二句“Accepted file formal: pdf.”(接受文件格式:pdf。)可知,pdf格式的文本必须在条

11、目中提交。故选C。BA letter written to a 12-year-old girl in Lithuania was delivered in December, almost 51 years after it was sent by a pen pal in Poland. “I thought that someone was pranking me,” said Genovefa Klonovska after being handed the letter, which included a handmade colored rose and two paper dol

12、ls.The letter, together with 17 others, fell out of a ventilation hole (通风口) this summer, dirty and wrinkled, as a wall was taken down in a former post office on the suburb of Vilnius. Jurgis Vilnius, owner of the building immediately called the post office. “Im so happy they got interested,” said h

13、e.Street names and their numbering have changed in Vilnius, and post office workers spent months looking for the right houses and talking to current renters and neighbors, tracking down where the recipients moved to. Only five were found. In several cases children of late recipients were handed a lo

14、st letter.“We felt a moral duty to do this,” said Deimante Zebrauskaite, head of the customer experience department at Lithuania Post.One lady compared the experience to receiving a message from a bottle thrown into sea. People were emotional. “Some felt they saw a part of daily life of their deceas

15、ed parents,” Zebrauskaite said.In the letter to Klonovska, sent from Koezary in Poland and stamped in 1970, a girl named Ewa complains buses no longer reach her village, so she has to walk in minus 23 degree Celsius cold, and asks for pictures of actors.Now in her 60s, Klonovska has no memory of Ewa

16、. She probably wrote Ewa after finding her address advertising for pen pals in a newspaper, and the relationship ceased after the letter got undelivered.“So good that the letter didnt matter much. The loss was not life-changing,” said Klonovska “What if they delivered a lost letter from a suitor (求婚

17、者) to his love, and their wedding never happened?”4. What does the underlined word “pranking” in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Brightening.B. Embarrassing.C. Tricking.D. Pleasing.5. What happened to the letters in Paragraph 2?A. They were accidentally found.B. They remained well-preserved.C. They were deliver

18、ed by the former post office.D. They were hidden by the owner of the building.6. Which of the following best describes the present post office in Vilnius?A. Generous.B. Dutiful.C. Honest.D. Cautious.7. What can we learn from what Klonovska said?A Klonovska refused a suitor.B. Klonovska stopped the w

19、edding.C. The undelivered letter ruined the relationship.D. The undelivered letter made little difference to her.【答案】4. C 5. A 6. B 7. D【解析】【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道,主要讲的是今年夏天,维尔纽斯郊区的一家前邮局的一堵墙被拆掉时发现了18封很久以前发出的信,邮局工作人员很负责任地花了数月时间寻找合适的收信人。【4题详解】词句猜测题。根据划线词前“A letter written to a 12-year-old girl in Lithuania was

20、delivered in December, almost 51 years after it was sent by a pen pal in Poland.(一封写给立陶宛一名12岁女孩的信于去年12月才送达,但距波兰笔友寄出这封信的时间已经近51年了。)”可知,立陶宛的女孩收到了51年前寄给她的信,由此推知当她收到信时,她难以相信,甚至可能觉得有人捉弄她,结合选项和女孩的话“I thought that someone was pranking me,”可推知,划线词pranking的意思是“欺骗”,即Tricking,故选C。【5题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段的“The letter,

21、 together with 17 others, fell out of a ventilation hole (通风口) this summer, dirty and wrinkled, as a wall was taken down in a former post office on the suburb of Vilnius.(今年夏天,维尔纽斯郊区一家前邮局的一堵墙被推倒,这封信连同另外17封信从通风孔里掉了出来,既脏又皱。)”可知,那些信是偶然发现的,故选A。【6题详解】推理判断题。根据第三段的“Street names and their numbering have cha

22、nged in Vilnius, and post office workers spent months looking for the right houses and talking to current renters and neighbors, tracking down where the recipients moved to.(维尔纽斯的街道名称和编号都发生了变化,邮局工作人员花了数月时间寻找合适的房屋,并与当前的租客和邻居交谈,追踪收件人搬到了哪里。)”及第四段的“We felt a moral duty to do this(我们觉得这样做是一种道义上的责任)”可推知,邮

23、局费劲地寻找收信人,说明邮局是尽职的,即Dutiful,故选B。【7题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段Klonovska的话“So good that the letter didnt matter much. The loss was not life-changing(好在这封信无关紧要。损失并没有改变生活)”可知,那封未送达的信对Klonovska没有什么影响。故选D。CWhen evaluating people on various psychological tests, psychologists often distinguish between markers of absol

24、ute performance and relative performance. Absolute performance reflects the raw measurement of something, like the time it takes to run a mile. Relative performance is how a person rates in relation to their peers, as in what place a runner gets in a race.The standards we use to evaluate ourselves a

25、re almost always relative, as we compare ourselves to our peers and the standards that are most familiar to us. For instance, in my private practice, I have one patient I will call “Omar” who is dependent on social services and makes less than $30,000 per year at his job. While this level of poverty

26、 would lead most people to wake up depressed each day, Omar is one of the most optimistic and appreciative individuals I know. Why? Because most of his closest peers his siblings and friends from childhood have lives far worse than his.In contrast to Omar, I have another patient, an adolescent Ill c

27、all “Lena”, whose family has property over $5 million. Lena, however, lives in an upper-class neighborhood where her family is at the lower end of the income level. Though Lenas family allows her to enjoy possessions and experiences that less than I percent of her peers across the world can share, s

28、he consistently feels “less than”. Why? Because Lena doesnt compare herself to the rest of the world; This is too abstract an exercise for her, as it would be for most of us.Accordingly, whether a psychologist is psychodynamic or cognitive-behavioral, therapy (疗法) with individuals struggling with si

29、tuational or psychological depression aims to solve the problems associated with basing ones self-worth on comparisons with others. Psychologists try to help people focus on personal growth around the achievement of concrete goals in line with their values. independent of the achievement of others.

30、For all of us, defining these goals, especially during Periods of emotional calm, can go a long way in helping us to avoid the trap of relativity that often leads to situational and psychological depression.8. What is the function of Paragraph 1?A. To show the significance of evaluating people.B. To

31、 motivate readers to study psychological tests.C. To help people perform well in psychological tests.D. To provide some background information on evaluating people.9. Why does the author mention his two patients?A. To measure different achievement.B. To introduce the standards to evaluate people.C.

32、To explain relative performance with examples.D. To contrast relative performance and absolute performance.10. What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?A. Setting goals in life is essential for everyone.B. Its important to avoid unhealthy comparisons.C. A sense of achievement can affect ones h

33、appiness,D. Improving self-worth can help get rid of depression.11. What is the best title for the text?A. Happiness: Is it all relative?B. Self-worth: Is it measurable?C. Self-worth: Is it based on efforts?D. Happiness: Is it associated with achievement?【答案】8. D 9. C 10. B 11. D【解析】【导语】本文为一篇说明文。文章话

34、题为“幸福是否与成就有关?”文章通过两个幸福与收入的不同的相对性表现进行了论证,并建议大家要避免陷入不健康的攀比。 【8题详解】推理判断题。根据第一段“When evaluating people on various psychological tests, psychologists often distinguish between markers of absolute performance and relative performance. Absolute performance reflects the raw measurement of something, like th

35、e time it takes to run a mile. Relative performance is how a person rates in relation to their peers, as in what place a runner gets in a race.(当通过各种心理测试来评估一个人时,心理学家通常会区分绝对表现和相对表现的标志。绝对性表现能反映了对某些东西的原始衡量,比如跑一英里所需的时间。相对性表现是指一个人在与其同伴的比较中如何评价自己,比如一个跑步者在比赛中所处的位置)”可知,第一段提供了一些信息:心理学家用“绝对性表现“和“相对性表现”来做评估区分。

36、故选D项。【9题详解】推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“While this level of poverty would lead most people to wake up depressed each day, Omar is one of the most optimistic and appreciative individuals I know. Why? Because most of his closest peers his siblings and friends from childhood have lives far worse than his.(虽然这种贫困水平会

37、导致大多数人每天醒来都很沮丧,奥马尔是我认识的最乐观、最有欣赏力的人之一。为什么?因为他最亲密的同龄人他的兄弟姐妹和童年朋友的生活比他糟糕得多)”可知,Omar尽管收入不高,但是他是他的圈子里钱最多的,所以他乐观;第三段第一句“In contrast to Omar, I have another patient, an adolescent Ill call Lena, whose family has property over $5 million. Lena, however, lives in an upper-class neighborhood where her family

38、is at the lower end of the income level.Though Lenas family allows her to enjoy possessions and experiences that less than 1 percent of her peers across the world can share, she consistently feels less than. (与奥马尔不同的是,我还有一个病人,我称她为“莉娜”,她的家庭财产超过500万美元。然而,莱娜住在一个上流社会的社区,她的家庭收入在这个社区里属于水平较低的。虽然莉娜的家庭允许她享受不

39、到世界上1%的同龄人能分享的财产和经历,但她始终感到不足)”可知,Lena在她的社区里属于下层地位,尽管她已经很有钱。通过两个案例,作者介绍了什么叫做幸福和收入的相对性表现。故选C项。【10题详解】主旨大意题。根据最后一段最后一句“For all of us, defining these goals, especially during Periods of emotional calm, can go a long way in helping us to avoid the trap of relativity that often leads to situational and ps

40、ychological depression.(对我们所有人来说,确定这些目标,特别是在情绪平静的时期,可有利于我们避免落入相对型表现的陷阱,它经常导致情境性心理抑郁)”可知,情境性心理抑郁是不健康的比较方式造成的,所以我们得避免陷入它的陷阱。故选B项。【11题详解】主旨大意题。通读全文分析文章结构可知,第一段介绍说当通过各种心理测试来评估一个人时,心理学家通常会区分绝对性表现和相对性表现的标志。第二、三段通过两个例子介绍了不同的幸福与收入的相对性表现:穷的人过得很开心,有钱的依旧在喊穷。第四段则介绍对于那些患有情境性或心理抑郁症的人应该避免陷入相对性表现的陷阱。所以,D项“Happiness

41、: Is it associated with achievement?(幸福:它与成就有关吗?)”,符合题意。故选D项。DA study of teenage girls selfie-taking (自拍) behaviors found that taking and sharing selfies on social media is not linked to poor body image or appearance concerns. However, when adolescent girls spend too much time struggling over which

42、photo of themselves to post, or rely heavily on editing apps to alter their images, there may be cause for concern.The study, by researchers at the University of Arizona, found that selfie editing and time invested in creating and selecting the perfect selfie were both related to self-objectificatio

43、n, which led to body shame, appearance anxiety and more negative appearance evaluations in teen girls. “Self-objectification is the idea that you come to think of yourself as an external object to be viewed by other people,” said senior study author Jennifer Aubrey, an associate professor at the UA.

44、Based on a study of 278 teenage girls, “Our main finding was that we really shouldnt be too worried about kids who take selfies and share them; thats not where the negative effects come from. Its the investment and the editing that yielded negative effects,” Aubrey said. “Selfie editing and selfie i

45、nvestment predicted self-objectification, and girls who self-objectify were more likely to feel shameful about their bodies or anxious about their appearance.”“Self-objectification is the pathway to so many things in adolescence that we want to prevent,” Aubrey said. “So, interventions really should

46、 focus on how we can encourage girls to develop an awareness of themselves that doesnt only depend on what they look like to other people.” The researchers said parents and caregivers of adolescent girls should be aware that if a teen seems to be obsessed (痴迷的), it might be time for a talk.The resea

47、rchers also note that there can be different motivations for sharing selfies. “Selfies are a part of the media landscape, but you should post them for reasons other than trying to get people to admire your appearance or your body.” Aubrey said. With an estimated 93 million selfies taken each day, th

48、ey arent going away anytime soon, nor should they. The important thing to remember is: Selfies arent bad. Just dont obsess.12. What behavior of adolescent girls may cause concern?A. Taking selfies.B. Caring about their images.C. Sharing selfies on social media.D. Overusing editing apps to beautify their images.13. From the text, what can we learn about self-objectification?A. It predicts selfie investment.B. It is linked to selfie obsession.C. It prevents problems in adolescence.D. It contributes to objective evaluati


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