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1、Unit 4Making the news Using Language 【单词认知】1. 描述性词汇(1)_ answers富于想象力的答案(2)a _ survey彻底的调查(3)a _ writer一个有天赋的作家imaginativethoroughgifted(4)_ phrases 惯用语(5)_ description准确的描写(6)a _ attitude一种消极的态度(7)a _ leader一位主要领导人(8)_ and clear简明而清晰(9)a _ man一位年长的男士idiomaticaccuratenegativechiefconcisesenior2. 行为词汇

2、(1)_ your shoes擦亮你的鞋(2)_ the new plan 批准新的计划(3)_ food in a new way用新方法加工食物polishapproveprocess【短语体验】. 选词填空1. Have you _with their general manager? made an appointment2. Recently, Ive _ some _ on Chinese characters. 3. Ive got no idea about how to _ the clothes. 4. The following is what you _do at sc

3、hool during an earthquake. doneresearchdeal withare supposed to5. _, please bear in mind that the party will start at 7 pm. Last of all. 用适当的介词或副词填空1. If it is convenient _ you, I would like to call on you at 3 p. m. this Saturday. 2. The best way is to go to the train station ahead _ time and buy y

4、our ticket. forof3. In the evening, I was a hardworking student working _ my courses. 4. We must sort _ the good apples from the bad ones. 5. Many good qualities should be passed on _ next generations. onoutto. 文本整体理解: 提取语篇关键要素1. Whats the main idea of the passage? _ The passage tells us the process

5、 of writing andprinting for a newspaper article.2. Match the ideas with each paragraph. Para. 1 A. His story was passed on to different editors of the newspaper. Para. 2 B. Zhou Yang found a famous film star lying. Para. 3 C. The news was ready to be printed. Para. 4 D. Zhou Yang began to write his

6、story carefully. 答案: Para. 1 _Para. 2 _Para. 3 _Para. 4 _BDAC. 文本细节理解: 探寻语篇细节信息根据文章细节信息完成下列问题。1. Whats the main idea of the passage? A. It is about how Zhou Yang got the scoop. B. It is about why the story has to be sent to so many people before being printed. C. It is about the writing and printing

7、 process for a newspaper article. D. It is about how a news story is printed. 2. According to the first paragraph, we know that _. A. Zhou Yang has interviewed a famous film starB. the editor writes articles according to the covered storiesC. Zhou Yang has written an article on the famous film starD

8、. Zhou Yang doubts if it is a scoop3. It seems that_. A. Zhou Yang is especially good at getting a scoop. B. Zhou Yang has got some experience as a reporter. C. Zhou Yang is in charge of the International News Department. D. Zhou Yang accused the famous film star of his lies. 4. Whats the right orde

9、r of the writing and printing process for a newspaper article? a. The article is checked and approved by the chief editor. b. You do some research to see whether the story is true or not. c. All the stories and photos are set and the colour negatives for the printing are made ready. d. The article i

10、s given to a native speaker to check the use of English and improve the style. e. You go on an interview to get the information for your story. f. You give the article to another editor to check and copy the piece and design the main headline and smaller heading. g. You begin to write the story usin

11、g the notes from the interview. h. The first edition of the newspaper is printed. A. e-b-g-d-f-a-c-hB. e-b-f-g-d-c-a-hC. b-g-e-f-d-c-a-hD. e-b-g-f-d-a-c-h答案: 14. CABD【备选题】根据文章内容完成空格。What do they do? Reporter(1)_ the person, then have to be accurate and concise too. At last, (2)_ it down. Interviewwr

12、iteSenior-editor(3)_ the evidence and read itCopy-editor(4)_ the piece and (5)_ the headline and smaller heading. Native speaker(6)_ the styleCheckEditdesignPolishCheckstraightDesk-editor(9)_ the pages and (10)_ them into film negativesSetprocess. 文本素养提升: 阅读技能综合运用1. 根据课文语境与语句知识细致解构语句。译文: 因为这篇文章要用英文来

13、写, 所以周阳又拿了一份稿子给了一位母语为英语的外国雇员, _请她对报道的语言风格进行润色。译文: 每一种主色要用一张底片, _四张底片结合起来就制成一张报纸的彩页。2. 结合文章内涵回答问题。Think of as many practical situations as you can, where being“on the spot” is very important to understanding what is happening. _ Gossip of public figures; The scene of a major event;Scene of accident,

14、for example, there was a fire in theneighbourhood.3. 结合课文主题使用本单元词汇与句型, 根据提示写一篇50个词左右的短文。(1)周洋采访(interview)完一个著名电影明星之后开始写(begin to work on)文章。(2)文章结束后, 他会把故事交给资深编辑(senior editor)审查。(3)随后, 故事被交给版面编辑(copy editor)来编辑版面和设计标题(design the main headline)。(4)故事还会被送至本地人手中让其检查并润色(polish)。(5)最终, 这篇新闻准备印刷(print)了

15、。 Zhou Yang began to work on his story, after an interview with a famous film star. Story finished, he handed it to a senior editor who would check the evidence. Then, the story was sent to the copy editor to edit the piece and design the main headline and smaller heading. The story also would be ch

16、ecked and polished by a native speaker. Finally, the news was ready to be printed. 1. ahead of 在前面; 先进的, 超越别人的*(2018全国卷)Exercising makes you more awake and ready to handle whatever is ahead of you for the day. 锻炼会让你更加神清气爽, 准备好应对一天当中发生的任何事情。*Would you like to arrive in China ahead of time to get fami

17、liar with your learning environment? 你想提前来中国熟悉一下你的学习环境吗? *If you need your parents help, youd better go ahead to say it out to them. 如果你需要父母的帮助, 那就去向他们说出来吧。【语块积累】(1)ahead of time/schedule提前(2)go ahead继续向前, 说吧, 干吧, 请吧【即学活用】(1)Shanghai Railway Administration launched the extra trains _ _ _ _ _. 上海铁路局在

18、旅游高峰前推出了额外的列车。aheadofthetravelpeak(2)To make the travel fun, knowing some famous attractions _ _ _ is necessary. 为了使这次旅行有趣, 提前知道一些名胜古迹是必要的。aheadoftime/schedule(3)Edison said, “I find what the world needs, then I _ _ _ _ to invent it. ”爱迪生说: “我先发现世界需要什么, 然后开始着手并努力发明它。”goaheadandtry2. senior adj. 年长的;

19、 高年级的; 高级的*The first person who saw his article was a senior editor from his department. 第一个看到他这篇文章的人是他部门里的一位高级编审。*We are supposed to show our respect to those who are senior to us. 我们应该尊重年长于我们的人。 *Im five years senior to him. Im senior to him by five years. 我比他大五岁。【语块积累】(1)be senior to比年长/职位高(2)jun

20、ior adj. 较年幼的; 职位低的【即学活用】(1)He always looks up to those who _ _ _ _ in rank. 他总是仰慕比他地位高的人。areseniortohim(2)I have confidence that we can get used to the _ _ _ _ by doing so. 我有信心通过这样做我们能够适应高中生活。seniorhighschoollife(3)It is not wise to send children to foreign countries for education, especially thos

21、e at _ _ _ school level. 把孩子送到国外接受教育是不明智的, 尤其是那些还是初中或高中水平的孩子。juniororsenior3. polish vt. 擦亮; 磨光; 润色*I have finished my draft and I am wondering if you can help me polish the language. 我已经完成了初稿, 我在想你是否能帮我润色一下语言。 *I hope I can polish my ability by making contributions to the activity. 我希望能够通过为这个活动做贡献来

22、增强我的能力。【巧学助记】【即学活用】(1)用polish的适当形式填空。Everyone is expected to pick up the rubbish _ _ the beauty of the scenery. His essay is not perfect and it needs _. topolishpolishing/to bepolished(2)Would you spare some time to _ _ _ _ _ _ to make it better? 你可以挤出点时间改正并润色我的演讲稿以使其更好一些吗? correctandpolishmyspeechw

23、riting4. approve vt. 赞成; 认可, 批准*The new course is approved by the Department for Education. 新课程已获教育部核准。*Most Chinese universities tend not to approve of studies interruption except for reasons like illness. 大部分中国大学倾向于不同意中断学业, 像患病这样的原因除外。*Seeing what we were doing, many passengers smiled at us in app

24、roval. 看到我们的所作所为, 很多乘客赞许地对着我们微笑。【语块积累】(1)approve sth. 批准/通过(2)approve vi. 赞成, 同意approve of sb. /sb. s doing sth. 赞同, 同意某人做某事(3)approval n. 赞成, 同意; 批准, 通过meet with ones approval得到某人的批准【名师点津】微观approveapprove作“批准”讲时, 常用作及物动词; 作“赞成, 同意”讲时, 常用作不及物动词, 构成短语approve of。【即学活用】 (1) 语法填空 Thank you for reading m

25、y letter. I hope my suggestions will meet with your _(approve). As far as I am concerned, I do not approve _ photoshopping personal pictures. approvalof(2)Id appreciate it _ _ _ _ _ _ _. 如果我的申请能够被同意, 我将不胜感激。ifmyapplicationcouldbeapprovedof5. process vt. 加工; 处理 n. 过程; 程序; 步骤*All the information was t

26、hen ready to be processed into film negatives. 此后, 所有的报道材料就要被加工成胶片。*(2019北京高考)They bury carbon in the deep ocean, an important process that helps to regulate the global climate. 它们把碳埋在深海, 这是一个很重要的过程, 它有助于调节全球气候。*(2019浙江高考)With any luck, hell turn a few more heads in the process. 幸运的话, 在这个过程中他将会挽救这一态

27、势。【语块积累】in the process of 在的过程中in the process在过程中; 与此同时【即学活用】 语法填空(1)(2017北京高考)The memory _(process) that take place while we sleep have been unclear. (2)Hard work also plays an important part _ the process of his success. processesin(3)(2018天津高考) Future 3D food printers could make _(process) food h

28、ealthier. processed6. appointment n. 约会; 任命*(2018北京高考)They take their driverless car to an appointment and set the empty vehicle to circle the building to avoid paying for parking. 他们开着无人驾驶的车去赴约, 让空车绕着大楼转一圈, 以避免停车的费用。*Owing to a severe headache, I have made an appointment with a specialist. 由于头疼得厉害,

29、 我已经和医生预约好了。*They made the appointment of Peter as chairman of the union. 他们任命彼得为工会主席。*Yi Gang, 60, was appointed the Partys deputy chief of the central bank. 易纲, 60岁, 被任命为中央银行党委副书记。【语块积累】(1)have an appointment with sb. 与某人有约定make an appointment (with)与预约(2)appoint vt. 任命; 委派appoint sb. as (sth. )任命

30、某人为appoint sb. to do sth. 委派某人做某事【即学活用】(1)语法填空。The headmaster appointed me _ a student representative to attend the award ceremony. Im afraid that I will fail to keep your _ (appoint). asappointmentMake sure you have understood all the details and try to get there a few minutes before the _ (appoint

31、) time. appointed(2)A rescue team _ _ _ _ for the missing ship. 一支救援队被派去搜寻那艘失踪的船。(3)_ _ _ _ at 7: 00 pm next Sunday at the library. 让我们约定在下周日下午七点在图书馆见。wasappointedtosearchLetsmakeanappointment7. Although he realized the man had been lying, Zhou Yang knew he must not accuse him directly. 尽管他意识到那个人一直在

32、说谎, 但周阳懂得, 他一定不能直接指责那个人。【句式解构】(1)此句为主从复合句。although引导了让步状语从句。(2)句中“had been lying”为过去完成进行时形式, 强调“动作一直在进行”。*Although we may have some hard time studying and doing homework, we can also enjoy ourselves a lot. 尽管我们在学习和做作业中会有些困难, 但是我们更多的是快乐。 *(2018浙江高考) People had been writing novels for a centurymost ex

33、perts date the first novel to Robinson Crusoe in 1719. 一个世纪以来, 人们一直在写小说大部分专家认为第一部小说是1719年的鲁滨逊漂流记。【即学活用】(1)(2019北京高考)_ _ _ _ _ early in life, she wasnt driven primarily by profit. 尽管她很早就建立了自己的公司, 但是她并没有完全受到利益的驱使。 Althoughshefoundedhercompany(2)I heard that Mrs Wang, who _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, would retire

34、the next month. 我听说教了我们两年英语的王老师下个月将要退休。 hadbeenteachingusEnglishfortwoyears【要点拾遗】accurate adj. 精确的; 正确的*However, not all of the information on the Internet is accurate and reliable. 然而, 网上的所有信息并不都是准确和可靠的。*As the explanations of the words are of great accuracy, it will be easy for us to understand. 因

35、为词语的解释很准确, 所以我们理解起来很容易。 * I had difficulty pronouncing English words accurately before, and once wanted to give up. 之前我难以准确读出英语单词的发音, 并且我曾经想要放弃。【语块积累】(1)accuracy n. 精确; 准确(2)accuratelyadv. 精确地; 准确地【即学活用】选词填空(accurate/accuracy/accurately)。(1)I doubt the _ of your statement. (2)I hope you can offer me

36、 the _ address of your school. accuracyaccurate(3)You need to pronounce each word _ and keep to the right tune and rhythm(曲调和节奏). accurately 新闻报道【文体感知】1. 文体特点新闻报道一般来说由四个部分构成: 标题(headline)、导语(lead), 正文(body)和结语(ending)。标题通常起着提纲挈领、吸引受众的作用, 被视为新闻的“眼睛”; 导语概括通篇, 旨在导读, 被视为新闻的“灵魂”; 正文则具体描写, 被视为新闻的“躯干”; 结语总

37、结概括, 重申主题或者升华主题。2. 话题词汇organize组织hold举办host主办方interview/cover采访program项目heated热烈的meaningful有意义的as is reported正如报道的那样take an active part in积极参加3. 话题句式(试着替换方框中的黑体部分, 变成你需要表达的意思) As it is reported , a group of students coming from Britain visited Hua Wen Middle School last week. 正如报道的那样, 上周, 一批英国学生访问了华

38、文中学。In the past few years, there has been a boom in Electronic Business . 在过去的几年里, 在电商方面出现了蓬勃发展。Nowadays, most dangerous for our society is lack of natural resources . 目前, 我们社会最危险的是自然资源的缺乏。Now there is a growing awareness that we should live a low carbon life . 现在, 人们日趋意识到我们应该过上低碳生活。【典题演练】(2019南昌高二检

39、测) 假如你是高二学生李华, 本周是你们学校的文化艺术节( Cultural and Art Festival)。周三你们有幸邀请到北京大学外籍教师Hudson教授给你们上了一节英语课。请你用英语为校报写一篇词数100个左右的报道。 要点: 1. Hudson教授上课生动有趣, 口语流利, 发音清晰; 2. 学生们非常喜欢Hudson教授的课, 积极参与课堂活动; 3. 对学英语的启示。 注意: 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。【谋篇】【遣词】1. _激励, 激发2. _积极参加 3. _高度称赞4. _得出结论 inspiretake an active part insing high

40、praise forcome to a conclusion that【造句】1. 完成句子(1)这位教授以有趣的英语故事开始他的课。_ The professor began the class with an amusing Englishstory.(2)这立刻吸引了所有学生的注意力。_ (3)大部分学生备受鼓舞。_ (4)大部分学生积极参与到他的课堂中来。_This attracted the attention of all the students at once.Most of the students were greatly inspired.Most of the stud

41、ents took an active part in his class. 2. 句式升级(5)用非限制性定语从句提升(1)和(2)_ The professor began the class with an amusing Englishstory, which attracted the attention of all the studentsat once.(6)用非谓语动词提升(3)和(4)_ Greatly inspired, most of the students took an activepart in his class.【成篇】 On Wednesday of th

42、is Cultural and Art week, we had the honor of inviting Professor Hudson, a foreign teacher from Peking University, to give an English lesson to the students of Grade 2. All the students were deeply impressed by this unforgettable English lesson. The professor began the class with an amusing English

43、story, which attracted the attention of all the students at once. He spoke fluently and clearly so that students could follow him well. Greatly inspired, most of the students took an active part in his class. After class, many students interviewed sang high praise for his teaching. They said never b

44、efore had they experienced so interesting a class. From his lesson, students came to a conclusion that it is not so difficult to learn English if they try various ways. 【导语】朗读者是德国教授本哈德施林克于1995年撰写的长篇小说。朗读者讲述了男孩米夏和女人汉娜之间的恋情。而故事的深层意义则是近代德国人对于历史暴行与原罪的自我鞭笞式的反思。 The Reader (excerpt) by Bernhard SchlinkWHE

45、N I was fifteen, I got hepatitis. It started in the fall and lasted until spring. As the old year darkened and turned colder, I got weaker and weaker. Things didnt start to improve until the new year. January was warm, and my mother moved my bed out onto the balcony. I saw sky, sun, clouds, and hear

46、d the voices of children playing in the courtyard. As dusk came one evening in February, there was the sound of a blackbird singing. The first time I ventured outside, it was to go from Blumenstrasse, where we lived on the second floor of a massive turn-of-the-century building, to Bahnhofstrasse. Th

47、ats where Id thrown up on the way home from school one day the previous October. Id been feeling weak for days, in a way that was completely new to me. Every step was an effort. When I was faced with stairs either at home or at school, my legs would hardly carry me. I had no appetite. Even if I sat

48、down at the table hungry, I soon felt queasy. I woke up every morning with a dry mouth and the sensation that my insides were in the wrong place and too heavy for my body. I was ashamed of being so weak. I was even more ashamed when I threw up. That was another thing that had never happened to me be

49、fore. My mouth was suddenly full, I tried to swallow everything down again, and clenched my teeth with my hand in front of my mouth, but it all burst out of my mouth anyway straight through my fingers. I leaned against the wall of the building, looked down at the vomit around my feet, and retched so

50、mething clear and sticky. When rescue came, it was almost an assault. The woman seized my arm and pulled me through the dark entryway into the courtyard. Up above there were lines strung from window to window, loaded with laundry. Wood was stacked in the courtyard; in an open workshop a saw screamed


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