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1、.12A210成员:舍长:车明祥成员:宋通、郭天昊、王慎云、康瑶、魏乾宽建筑工程系工程管理三班制作人:宋通.2中西方文化差异Cultural differences between China and the West.3中西方文化差异Cultural differences between China and the West.4宗教信仰religious belief中国主要信仰佛教、道教。The main belief in Buddhism and Taoism in china.西方主要信仰基督教。Christianity in the west.5节日差异Festival diff

2、erence中国传统节日有春节、元宵节、端午节、中秋节。西方的节日有隆重的圣诞节,感恩节、复活节。在节日方面,中西方表现出巨大的差异。Chinese traditional festivals have Spring Festival, Lantern Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid Autumn Festival.Western festivals have a grand Christmas, Thanksgiving, easter. In festivals, the Chinese and the West show great differe

3、nces.6问 候To Greet 表现:中国人打招呼,一般都以对方处境或动向为思维出发点,而西方人往往认为这些纯属个人私事,不能随便问。 Performance: Chinese people say hello, generally in the other side of the situation or trends for the starting point, and the Westerners tend to think that these are purely personal matters, not just ask.7 西方人总奇怪于中国人在见面是问“您吃了吗?”中国

4、朋友的话等于英语中的Hello或Hi,但如果照字面译成Have you eaten yet?或Have you had your lunch?外国人听起来就很怪。? 美国人会以为,这种打招呼似乎是说:“我也没有吃。走吧,我们一起去吃点东西吧。”或者说:“如果没有吃的话,我正要请你到我家去呢。”;总之,这样打招呼有时意味着邀请对方去吃饭 。 The west is always strange to the Chinese people in the meeting is to ask, do you eat it? Chinese friends words are equivalent to

5、 English in the Hello or Hi, but if literally translated into you eaten yet Have? Or you had your lunch Have? Foreigners sound strange. Americans will think that this kind of greeting seems to be saying, I didnt eat it. Come on, lets go and have something to eat. Or, if you dont eat it, Im going to

6、invite you to my house. In a word, it is sometimes mean to invite someone to dinner.8 再如,汉语中的“上哪儿去啊?”和“到哪儿去啦?”这样打招呼的话直译成英语就是Where are you going?和Where you have been?用这两句英语来打招呼,大部分讲英语的人听了会不高兴,他们的反应很可能是:Its none of your business! 你管得着吗! For example, in Chinese, where are you going? And where are you g

7、oing? So say hello word translated into English is are you going Where? And you have been Where? With these two English to say hello, most English speaking people will not be pleased to hear, their response is likely to be: s none of It business your!.9幸而,打招呼的话并不都令人感到奇怪或者引起对方反感。有许多打招呼的话是相似的,有些只是说法不同

8、。在许多语言里,打招呼的话往往是相似的,有些只是说法不同。在许多语言里,打招呼的话往往与时间有关,但即使在一种语言中也有不一致的地方。英语中有Good morning, Good afternoon, good evening 都相当于汉语中的“您好”,只是说的时间不同而已,但不说Good noon。而 Good night (晚安;明天见;再会)根本不是打招呼的话,这只是告别时说的话。Fortunately, not all greetings sound strange or arouse displeasure. There are a lot of greeting words tha

9、t are similar, some of which are just different. In many languages, greeting words are often similar, some of which are just different. In many languages, greetings are often associated with time, but even in a language, there are inconsistencies. English has morning Good, afternoon Good, evening go

10、od are equivalent to the Chinese in the hello, just say that the time is different, but do not say noon Good. Good night (good night; see tomorrow; goodbye) is not a greeting at all, this is just to say goodbye.10 事例:有一次,一个刚到中国不久的外国留学生结结巴巴地用汉语说:“你们为什么老问我吃了饭没有?我有钱。”他以为人们总问他“吃饭了吗”是因为怕他没钱吃饭。他显然对这种问法感到生

11、气。 Examples: once, a just to China not long ago foreign foreign students stammered in Chinese said: why do you always ask me to eat a meal without? I have money. He thought people always asked him to eat because he was afraid he had no money to eat. He was obviously angry at this kind of question.11

12、赞美和祝贺Compliments and Congratulations 表现:听到别人赞扬,美国人和中国人的回答有些不同:美国人一般表示接受赞扬,中国人则一般表示受之有愧。 Performance: hear others praise, Americans and Chinese peoples answer is somewhat different: Americans often said to accept a compliment, Chinese people generally said dont deserve it.12 事例一:一位中国青年妇女在美国,身上穿着一件漂亮的

13、服装。当别人对她说“你这件衣服真雅致,颜色美极了”。这位中国青年妇女很高兴,但有些不好意思,就按中国习惯回答说:“这是件普通的衣服,我在中国国内买的”。 Example one: a young Chinese woman in the United States, wearing a beautiful dress. When someone says to her you this dress is really elegant, beautiful color. This young Chinese woman is very happy, but some embarrassed, a

14、ccording to the Chinese custom replied: this is an ordinary clothes, I buy in china.13事例二:一位中国学者刚到美国,到一所大学去参加招待会。女主人是他的老朋友。两个人正在谈话,女主人的一个熟人走过来。她对那个人说:“罗恩,我来介绍一下,这位是陈先生,他是杰出的物理学家,是一位很了不起的人。”陈先生同刚走过来的人握手,看看女主人,笑着说:叫我脸红呢,还是跟他说您只是开个玩笑呢?”Case two: a Chinese scholar has just arrived in the United States t

15、o attend a reception at a university. The hostess is his old friend. Two people are talking, the hostess of an acquaintance come. She said to the man, Ron, let me introduce you. This is Mr. Chen. He is an outstanding physicist. He is a great man. Mr. Chen, who has just come over to shake hands, look

16、 at the hostess, said with a smile: that I blush, or to tell him that you are just a joke? .14道 歉Apology 表现:有一个词,从早到晚挂在美国人的嘴边上,那就Sorry Performance: one word, from morning to night on the lips of Americans, then Sorry.15 当生活出现小摩擦时,美国人并不去考虑是谁的责任,只要是给对方带来了不便,都要说一声sorry。这样一来,即使有一方受点伤害,在人家的sorry声中心境也会平和下

17、来。而没受伤害的一方则体会到人与人之间的友善,这恐怕也是我从未在美国的公共汽车、地铁、街道上看到有人吵架的原因吧。 When life is a little friction, the Americans are not to consider who is responsible, as long as it is to bring the inconvenience to each other, to say a sorry. In this way, even if there is a point of damage, in the peoples sorry sound cente

18、r will be flat and down. And no harm on the one side will feel the friendly between people, this is probably the reason I have never seen in the United States, the bus, subway, street, there is a quarrel.16 事例:有一次,一位中国人乘电梯时不小心踩了一位先生的脚,他赶忙说了一声sorry,可同时,从那位先生的口中也冒出了这个词。那位中国人不禁暗自发笑:你有什么必要sorry呢?事后一个美国朋

19、友解释,按照美国人思维方式,电梯间是公共场所,谁都有权站在那儿。由于自己首先占据一块地方,别人才没有足够的地方站稳当,难道不该表示sorry吗?Example: once, a Chinese man accidentally stepped on a mans foot in the elevator, he hastened to say a sorry, but at the same time, from the mouth of the man also came out of this word. The Chinese can not help but secretly laug

20、h: what do you need sorry? Later an American friend explained, according to the American way of thinking, the elevator is a public place, who have the right to stand there. Because of their first occupy a place, they dont have enough place to stand, isnt it sorry?.17打电话phone 表现:中国人在打电话时的用语与平时讲话用语没多少

21、差异。”喂,您好。麻烦找一下xxx” Performance: the Chinese people in the phone when the terms and the usual speech is not much difference. Hello, hello. Trouble to find a xxx.18 而英语中打电话与平时用语差别很大。“Hello, this is John speaking.” “Is that Mary speaking?”西方人一接电话一般都先报上自己的号码或者工作单位的名称。 “Hello, 52164768, this is Jim.” In

22、English, the telephone is very different from the usual terms. This, is John speaking. Is that Mary speaking Hello? in the west, a phone call is generally first reported on their number or the name of the work unit. Hello, 52164768, is Jim. this.19差异小结Difference summary 不了解中西文化差异是学生语用失误的重要原因。中西文化差异在

23、语言交流中涉及面非常广,如日常见面时的问候、称赞、致谢、道歉以及委婉语、禁忌语乃至身势语言。西方人认为,在日常交往中,直接打听别人的经济收入、年龄、宗教、和政治信仰、婚姻状况等是一种侵犯,因那是属于与提问者无关的内容。而谈论天气的办法来打开与西方人谈话的话题是非常明智的。Not knowing the difference between Chinese and Western culture is an important reason for students pragmatic failure. Chinese and Western cultural differences in th

24、e language of communication involves a very wide range, such as the daily greetings, compliments, compliments, apology, as well as euphemism, taboo language and body language. Westerners believe that in daily contact, directly to inquire about other peoples economic income, age, religion, and politi

25、cal beliefs, marital status, and so is a violation, because it is not related to the content of the question. It is very sensible to talk about the weather and to open up a conversation with the West.20产生差异原因Reason of difference 首先,文化背景不同。中国历史悠久,延续了几千年的传统文化,含蓄内向。打招呼时多考虑别人,而西方尤其美国,多种文化的交融,形成了开放外向的文化。

26、其接受赞美时的表现可证明这一点。 First of all, the cultural background is different. China has a long history, the continuation of thousands of years of traditional culture, implicit. Say hello to others, while the west, especially the United States, a variety of cultural integration, the formation of an open and o

27、utward culture. The performance of its acceptance of praise can prove this point.21 其次,发展程度不同,中国长期受困于温饱问题的解决,因而见面以“您吃了吗”打招呼也合情合理,而西方的经济发达,隐私观念强,因而对收入,婚否等问题予以回避。 Secondly, different levels of development, China long trapped to solve the problem of food and clothing, and meet with have you eaten? gree

28、ting is reasonable, and the economy of western developed, strong sense of privacy and on income, marital status and other issues is to be avoided.22 再次,生活方式不同,中国人见面往往以一些家常琐事打开话题,而西方人则感兴趣与天气。打电话时的差异也体现这东西方生活方式明显的不同。 Again, the way of life is different, the Chinese people tend to meet some of the chor

29、es to open the topic, while the western people are interested in the weather. The difference in calling also reflects the difference in the way of life of the East and the West.23 总之,希望大家在与外国人交往过程中,注意中西方文化的诸多差异,避免不必要误会,更好地达到沟通目的。 In short, we hope that in the process of communication with foreigners, pay attention to the many differences between Chinese and Western culture, to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, to better achieve the purpose of communication.24谢谢!Thank You!


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