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1、1.1 What is Biology?1.2 The Origin of Life1.3 The Significance of Biology in Your Life1.4 The History of Biology Additional Reading Chapter 1 Biology1Biology is the study of life. Alongside physics and chemistry, biology is one of the largest and most important branches of science. At the highest le

2、vel, biology is broken down based on the type of organism being studied: zoology, the study of animals; botany, of plants; and microbiology, of microorganisms. Each field has contributed to mankind or the Earths well-being in numerous ways. Most prominently: botany, to agriculture; zoology, to lives

3、tock and protection of ecologies; and microbiology, to the study of disease and ecosystems in general.1.1 What is Biology?2Professional Words and Phrasesbiology baildi n. 生物学organism :gnizm n. 生物体zoology zuldi n. 动物学botany btni n. 植物学microbiology maikrubaildi n. 微生物学microorganism maikru:gnizm n. 微生物

4、well-being welbi:i n. 健康,福利agriculture griklt n. 农业livestock laivstk n. 家畜,牲畜ecology i:kldi n. 生态学disease dizi:z n. 疾病ecosystem ekusistm n. 生态系统3 Besides classifications based on the category of organism being studied, biology contains many other specialized sub-disciplines, which may focus on just

5、one category of organism or address organisms from different categories. This includes biochemistry, the interface between biology and chemistry; molecular biology, which looks at life on the molecular level; cellular biology, which studies different types of cells and how they work; physiology, whi

6、ch looks at organisms at the level of tissues and organs; ecology, which studies the interactions between organisms themselves; ethology, which studies the behavior of animals, especially complex animals; and genetics, overlapping with molecular biology, which studies the code of life, DNA.1.1 What

7、is Biology? (Continued)4Professional Words and Phrases (Continued)classification klsifikein n. 分类,类别biochemistry baiukemistri n. 生物化学molecular biology 分子生物学molecular level 分子水平cellular biology 细胞生物学physiology fizildi n. 生理学tissue tisju: n.(生物的)组织organ :gn n.(生物的)器官interaction intrkn n. 相互关系,相互作用etho

8、logy i:ldi n. 动物行为学genetics dinetiks n. 遗传学overlap uvlp n. 重叠,重复code kud n. 密码,法则5 The foundations of modern biology include four components: cell theory; that life is made of fundamental units called cells; evolution, that life is not deliberately designed by rather evolves incrementally through ra

9、ndom mutations and natural selection; gene theory, that tiny molecular sequences of DNA dictate the entire structure of an organism and are passed from parents to offspring; and homeostasis, that each organisms body includes a complex suite of processes designed to preserve its biochemistry from the

10、 entropic effects of the external environment.1.1 What is Biology? (Continued)6Professional Words and Phrases (Continued)cell theory n. 细胞理论evolution i:vlu:n n. 进化random mutation 随即突变natural selection 自然选择gene theory 基因理论molecular sequence 分子序列parent prnt n. 亲本,母本offspring :fspri n. 后代,子孙homeostasis

11、 humisteisis n. 自动平衡,体内平衡entropic effect 熵效应7 The basic picture in biology has stayed roughly the same since DNA was first imaged using x-ray crystallography in the 1950s, although there are constant refinements to the details, and life is so complex that it could be centuries or even millennia befo

12、re we begin to understand it in its entirety. But it should be made clear that we are moving towards complete understanding: life, while complex, consists of a finite amount of complexity that only appreciably increases on relatively long timescales of hundreds of thousands or millions of years. Evo

13、lution, while creative, operates slowly.1.1 What is Biology? (Continued)8 In recent years, much excitement in biology has centered on the sequencing of genomes and their comparison, called genomics, and the creation of life with custom-written DNA programming, called synthetic biology. These fields

14、are sure to continue grabbing the headlines in the near future.1.1 What is Biology? (Continued)9Professional Words and Phrases (Continued)x-ray crystallography x 射线晶体衍射学genome di:num n. 基因组genomics dnumiks n. 基因组学synthetic biology 合成生物学10Notes to the Difficult Sentences Besides classifications based

15、 on the category of organism being studied, biology contains many other specialized sub-disciplines, which may focus on just one category of organism or address organisms from different categories. 生物学的内容除了包括根据所研究生物种类的不生物学的内容除了包括根据所研究生物种类的不同对其进行分类的有关知识,还包括许多其它专同对其进行分类的有关知识,还包括许多其它专业化的分支学科知识,这些学科知识可能

16、集中在业化的分支学科知识,这些学科知识可能集中在一类生物或者生活在同一生境的各类生物方面。一类生物或者生活在同一生境的各类生物方面。11Notes to the Difficult Sentences (Continued) The basic picture in biology has stayed roughly the same since DNA was first imaged using x-ray crystallography in the 1950s, although there are constant refinements to the details, and l

17、ife is so complex that it could be centuries or even millennia before we begin to understand it in its entirety. 直到直到20世纪世纪50年代,用年代,用X射线衍射得到射线衍射得到DNA的结的结构之前,人们对于生物学的认识一直是粗浅的。构之前,人们对于生物学的认识一直是粗浅的。尽管人们对生物学进行了不断地探索,但生命现尽管人们对生物学进行了不断地探索,但生命现象如此的复杂,以至于彻底研究清楚可能需要成象如此的复杂,以至于彻底研究清楚可能需要成百上千年的时间。百上千年的时间。 121.

18、1 Exercises - Matching1). biology a). the study of animals2). zoology b). the interface between biology and chemistry 3). botany c). the study of the behavior of animals 4). microbiology d). the study of life5). biochemistry e). looks at life on the molecular level6). molecular biology f). studies t

19、he code of life7). ecology g). the study of plants8). ethology h).the study of microorganisms9). genetics i). studies the interactions between organisms d a g h b e i c f13 The origin of life are thought to have occurred sometime between 4.4 billion years ago, when the oceans and continents were jus

20、t starting to form, and 2.7 billion years ago, when it is widely accepted that microorganisms existed in vast numbers due to their influence over isotope ratios in the relevant strata. Where exactly in this 1.7 billion year range the true origin of life can be found is less certain. A controversial

21、paper published in 2002 by the UCLA paleontologist William Schopf argued that wavy geological formations called stromalites in fact contain 3.5 billion year-old fossilized algae microbes. Some paleontologists disagree with Schopfs conclusions and estimate the first life at around 3.0 billion years o

22、f age instead of 3.5 billion. 1.2 The Origin of Life14 Evidence from the Isua supracrustal belt in Western Greenland suggests an even earlier date for the origin of life - 3.85 billion years ago. S. Mojzis makes this estimate based on isotope concentrations. Because life preferentially uptakes the i

23、sotope Carbon-12, areas where life has existed contain a higher-than-normal ratio of Carbon-12 to its heavier isotope, Carbon-13. This is widely known, but the interpretation of sediments is less straightforward, and paleontologists do not always agree on their colleagues conclusions.1.2 The Origin

24、of Life (Continued)15Professional Words and Phrasesorigin of life 生命的起源isotope aistup n. 同位素strata streit n. 地层geological dildikl adj. 地质学的stromalite strumtlait n. 叠层石fossilize fsilaiz vt. & vi. 使成化石, 使陈腐algae ldi: n. 水藻,海藻 alga的复数形式microbe maikrub n. 微生物paleontologist plintldist n. 古生物学家supracrusta

25、l sju:prkrstl adj. (地层、岩组等)覆盖基底岩 石的, 上地壳的carbon k:bn n. 碳sediment sedimnt n. 沉淀16 We do not know the exact geological conditions of this planet 3 billion years ago, but we do have a rough idea, and can recreate these conditions in a laboratory. Stanley Miller and Harold Urey recreated these conditio

26、ns in their famous 1953 investigation, the Miller-Urey experiment. Using a highly reduced (non-oxygenated) mixture of gases such as methane, ammonia, and hydrogen, these scientists synthesized basic organic monomers, such as amino acids, in a completely inorganic environment. Now, free-floating amin

27、o acids are a far cry from self-replicating, metabolism-imbued microorganisms, but they at least give a suggestion as to how things might have gotten started. 1.2 The Origin of Life (Continued)17geological condition 地质条件laboratory lbrt:ri n. 实验室oxygenate ksidineit v. 以氧处理, 氧化 n. 氧化剂methane meein n.

28、甲烷,沼气ammonia munj n. 氨hydrogen haidrdn n. 氢organic :gnik adj. 器官的, 有机的monomer mnm n. 单体amino acid 氨基酸inorganic in:gnik adj. 无机的, 无生物的self-replicate selfreplikeit v. 自我复制metabolism metblizm n. 新陈代谢Professional Words and Phrases (Continued)18 In the large warm oceans of early Earth, quintillions of th

29、ese molecules would randomly collide and combine, eventually making a rudimentary proto-genome of some sort. However, this hypothesis is confused by the fact that the environment created in the Miller-Urey experiment had high concentrations of chemicals that would have prevented the formation of com

30、plex polymers from the monomer building blocks.1.2 The Origin of Life (Continued)19quintillion kwintiljn n. 百万的三次方molecule mlikju:l n. 分子rudimentary ru:dmentri: adj. 基本的, 初步的, 未充分发展的proto-genome n. 原始的基因组hypothesis haipsis n. 假说, 假设, 猜测polymer plim n. 多聚体Professional Words and Phrases (Continued)20

31、In the 1950s and 1960s, another researcher, Sidney Fox, made an early-Earth-like environment in a lab and studied the dynamics. He observed the spontaneous formation of peptides from amino acid precursors, and saw these chemicals sometimes arranged themselves into microspheres, or closed spherical m

32、embranes, which he suggested were protocells. If certain microspheres formed which were capable of encouraging the growth of additional microspheres around them, it would amount to a primitive form of self-replication, and eventually Darwinian evolution would take over, creating effective self-repli

33、cators like todays cyanobacteria.1.2 The Origin of Life (Continued)21dynamics dainmiks n. 力学, 动力学, 动态peptide peptaid n. 肽membrane membrein n. 薄膜,膜状物proto-cell n. 细胞的原始状态microsphere maikrsfi n. 微球体, 微滴primitive primitiv adj. 原始的, 简陋的self-replication n. 自我复制Darwinian evolution 达尔文进化cyanobacteria sainu

34、bkti n. 蓝细菌cyanobacterium 的复数形式Professional Words and Phrases (Continued)22 Because life preferentially uptakes the isotope Carbon-12, areas where life has existed contain a higher-than-normal ratio of Carbon-12 to its heavier isotope, Carbon-13. This is widely known, but the interpretation of sedim

35、ents is less straightforward, and paleontologists do not always agree on their colleagues conclusions.Notes to the Difficult Sentences 因为生命优先吸收同位素碳因为生命优先吸收同位素碳-12,所以在生命存,所以在生命存在的地方含有比正常值更高的碳在的地方含有比正常值更高的碳-12与更重的同与更重的同位素碳位素碳-13的比值。这是众所周知的,但是用沉的比值。这是众所周知的,但是用沉淀物来解释并不够直接,所以古生物学家们并淀物来解释并不够直接,所以古生物学家们并不完

36、全认同他们同行的结论。不完全认同他们同行的结论。23 Using a highly reduced (non-oxygenated) mixture of gases such as methane, ammonia, and hydrogen, these scientists synthesized basic organic monomers, such as amino acids, in a completely inorganic environment. Now, free-floating amino acids are a far cry from self-replicat

37、ing, metabolism-imbued microorganisms, but they at least give a suggestion as to how things might have gotten started.Notes to the Difficult Sentences (Continued) 这些科学家使用高度还原的(非氧化)甲烷、这些科学家使用高度还原的(非氧化)甲烷、氨和氢等的气体混合物,在一个绝对无机环境氨和氢等的气体混合物,在一个绝对无机环境中合成了氨基酸等基本的有机单体。尽管这些中合成了氨基酸等基本的有机单体。尽管这些游离氨基酸远不同于现在的自我复制并

38、具有各游离氨基酸远不同于现在的自我复制并具有各种新陈代谢的微生物,但是它们至少暗示生命种新陈代谢的微生物,但是它们至少暗示生命是怎样发生的。是怎样发生的。241.2 Exercises - Matching1). stromalites a). a scientist who studies paleontology, learning about the forms life that existed in former geologic periods, chiefly by studying fossils.2). proto-genome b). a proposed explanat

39、ion for a phenomenon.3). paleontologist c). the primitive form of a genome4). Proto-cell d). wavy geological formations5). hypothesis e). the primitive form of a celld c a e b251.3 The Significance of Biology in Your Life Biology is the science that deals with the study of varieties of living organi

40、sms including ourselves. The significance of biology in your daily life lies in the fact that biology attempts to find out the unifying principle that exists among diverse organisms having morphological and functional inequalities. The significance of biology in your daily life can be considered fro

41、m the two natural divisions of the science itself, plant life and animal life.26Professional Words and Phrasesmorphological m:fldikl adj. 形态学的functional fknl adj. 功能的, 实用的inequality inikwlti n. 不平等, 不平均, 不平坦division divin n. 划分, 部门27Agriculture plays great role in narrating the significance of biolo

42、gy in your daily life. Agriculture is largely the result of mans taking the advantage of the interrelations of soil, climate and natural habitat to select those particular combinations that meet his basic requirements. Thus to provide necessary food, man depends entirely on green plants that can alo

43、ne capture the solar energy. High yielding varieties of crop plants like rice, wheat, jute, sugar cane, pulses etc are now bred experimentally. Disease-resistant grains and vernalized seeds are made. Biological control strategies are undertaken as pest control emphasizing the significance of biology

44、 in your daily life. Modern man does not depend on fishing and hunting like our ancestors and instead rears fishes as well as cattle and various other domestic animals to get food and other necessities of life. This has resulted in the development of fishery and animal husbandry. The importance of b

45、iology in your daily life lies in the production of clothes and timber for making furniture, in supplied raw materials for paper, dyes, etc. Fossils are important in locating underground oil and natural gas reserves. Even coal and mineral oil formed from decomposed plant bodies are key to industrial

46、 prosperity. 1.3 The Significance of Biology in Your Life (Continued)28interrelation intrilein n. 相互关系habitat hbitt n. 栖息地, 产地green plants 绿色植物solar energy 太阳能jute du:t n. 黄麻纤维sugar cane 甘蔗pulse pls n. 豌豆和豆类等结荚植物可食性种子Disease-resistant adj. 抗病的grain grein n. 谷物, 谷类vernalize v:nlaiz v. 施以春化处理, 以人工方法促进

47、发育biological control 生物学防治pest control 昆虫防治domestic dmestik adj. 驯养的fishery firi n. 渔场, 渔业animal husbandry 畜牧业decompose di:kmpuz vi. 分解, 腐烂 vt. 腐烂Professional Words and Phrases (Continued)29 Medical advancement also shows the significance of biology in your daily lives. The study of dreaded diseases

48、, their causative agents, cure as well as the actions of drugs are a way of biological enlightenment that strives minimizing human suffering. The significance of biology in your daily life also lies in finding and curing hereditary abnormalities like haemophilia, Downs syndrome, etc. Biology aims in

49、 making effort to better human race through eugenics. Biology study has a vital role in controlling environmental pollution and attracted sense of art and beauty.1.3 The Significance of Biology in Your Life (Continued)30medical medikl adj. 医疗的, 医学的, 医药的, 内科的medical advancement 医学进展dread dred adj. 可怕

50、的, 恐怖的v. 恐惧, 害怕causative k:ztiv adj. 引起 . 的causative agent 病原体,病原物hereditary hireditri adj. 世袭的, 遗传的abnormality bn:mliti n. 异常,畸形haemophilia hi:mfili n. 血友病, 出血不止Downs syndrome 唐氏综合症eugenics ju:deniks n. 优生学environmental pollution 环境污染Professional Words and Phrases (Continued)31Notes to the Difficul


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