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1、广西玉林市2019-2021年三年中考英语试卷分类汇编完形填空2021年玉林市中考英语试题(二)完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,从各小题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。A teacher decided to let her class play a game. The teacher told each child in the class to bring along a plastic bag with a few potatoes. The teacher said, “Each potato 36 a name of a person th

2、at you hate. So the number of potatoes that you will put in the plastic bag will depend on the number of people you hate. The more people you hate, the more potatoes you will carry.”When the day came, every child 37 some potatoes with the names of the people he or she hated. Some had two potatoes an

3、d some 38 while some up to six potatoes. The teacher then told the children to carry the potatoes in the plastic bag with them 39 they go for one week.As days passed, and the children started to complain(抱怨)because of the 40 smell let by the rotten(腐烂的)potatoes. Besides, those having six potatoes al

4、so had to carry 41 bags. After one week, the game was 42 over. The teacher asked, “How did you feel while carrying the potatoes with you for one week?” The children started complaining of the trouble 43 they had to go through carrying the heavy and smelly potatoes here and there.Then the teacher tol

5、d 44 the hidden meaning behind the game. The teacher said, “This is exactly the situation when you carry your hatred(仇恨)for somebody inside your heart. The hatred will 45 your heart. If you cannot stand the smell of the rotten potatoes for one week, can you imagine what it is like to have the hatred

6、 in your heart for your lifetime?”36. A. will be given B. will give C. wont giveD. wont be given37. A. bought B. brought C. plantedD. sold38. A. one B. four C. seven D. eight39. A. whoever B. however C. whereverD. whenever40. A. pleased B. pleasing C. pleasant D. unpleasant41. A. heavy B. heavier C.

7、 light D. lighter42. A. carefully B. hardly C. finally D. suddenly43. A. that B. what C. when D. whether44. A.usB. him C. herD. them45. A. be good to B. be helpful to C. be harmful to D. be important to 答案:3640 ABBCD4145 BCADC2020年玉林市中考英语试题(二)完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。A

8、young and successful manager was travelling down a street, going a bit too fast in his new car. He was worried there were kids 36 from between parked(停着的)cars, so he slowed down. As his car passed, no kids appeared but a(n) 37 was throwing into the side door of his car. The manager stopped his car a

9、t once and drove back to the place where the stone had been thrown. He jumped out of the car, caught a kid and pushed him 38 one of the parked cars. What were you doing that for? The stone yow threw is going to 39 a lot of money, Do you know? Thats my new car, my expensive new car! the man shouted 4

10、0 .Please, sir. please. Im sorry, but I didnt know 41 to do, said the kid I threw the stone because no one would stop. The kid was crying as he pointed around the parked cars. Its my brother. His wheelchair hit a stone, and he fell out of the wheelchair. But I cant lift him up. The kid was so sad, a

11、nd he went on asking the manager. Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? Hes 42 heavy for me to carry.The manager was touched deeply. and he said nothing: He lifted the young man back into the wheelchair, checked him that 43 was going to be OK. Thank you! Thank you very much! the

12、 kid said to the manager. The manager watched the kid push his brother towards their home. It was a long walk back for the manager to his cata long, slow walk. Since then, he 44 the side door of his car. I reminds him of the stone 45 was thrown to the side door. It also reminds him not to go through

13、 life so fast that someone has to throw a stone at him to get his attention some day.36. A. giving out B. helping out C. hanging out D. rushing out37. A. ball B. stone C. toy D. apple38. A. against B. into C. onto D. up to39. A. spend B. cost C. pay D. take40. A. angrily B. politely C. quietly D. ha

14、ppily41. A. who else B. when else C. what else D. where else42. A. so B. such C. too D. very43. A. something B. everything C. anything D. nothing44. A. didnt repair B. doesnt repair C. hasnt repaired D. couldnt repair45. A. who B. whom C. what D. which答案:3640 DBABA 4145 CCBCD2019年玉林市中考英语试题(二)完形填空(每小

15、题10分, 共10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。21. (10分) Years ago, I celebrated my 40th birthday with friends in a(1) restaurant. Many arrived earlier and waited outside the restaurant, As I was on the roadside, a homeless man came near to me and(2) money. I let him know I didnt have any cash (

16、现金)with me. With a quiet smile on his face, he moved on. Just then a friend arrived and called out, Happy Birthday! Hearing this, the man turned and asked, Hey, man, its your birthday?Yes, I said. He walked (3) , smiled and said, Happy Birthday!I was not(4) ready for what happened next. He took out

17、a dollar from his dirty bag, and gave it to me, saying, Here man, take this. Happy Birthday! Thats(5) . I expected he was making a joke! Although I(6) deeply by his generosity (慷慨), accepting money from a homeless man was embarrassing for me. I felt very uncomfortable. (7) I replied, Thanks, butLook

18、ing directly into my eyes, he said, God, s so good to me Every night, I always end up with a place to sleep and enough food to eat. Please take this. I held out my hand(8) thinking twice. saying, thank you This was one of my(9) life lessons however poor we may feel, we always have something valuable

19、 to share with others. From then on I often helped people in need and treated everyone with kindness and (10) , spreading love and joy everywhere I went. (1)A. two floorsB. twofloorsC. two floorsD. twofloor(2)A. asked forB. looked forC. paid forD. cared for(3)A. downB. alongC. backD. ahed(4)A. compl

20、etelyB. wiselyC. HardlyD. simply(5)A. enjoyableB. luckyC. impoliteD. amazing(6)A. movedB. was movedC. was movingD. am moved(7)A. ButB. AsC. SoD. Since(8)A. withB. inC. withoutD. for(9)A. greatB. greatestC. badD. worst(10)A. fameB. warmthC. disbeliefD. power答案:21. 【解答】1. D. 考查数词. A, 两个楼层, B, 两层楼, C,

21、两个楼层的, D, 两层楼的. 句意:我在一间两层楼的饭店与我的朋友们庆祝我的40岁生日. 两层楼的用数字名词, 从而构成形容词, 两层楼的, twofloor, 故选:D. 2. A. 考查动词. A, 询问, B, 寻找, C, 支付, D, 关心. 句意:一个无家可归的男人走向了我并向我讨钱. 根据上文a homeless man came near to me 可知他是个无家可归的人, 所以他想向我讨钱, ask for sth. 请求要某物, 故选:A. 3. C. 考查介词. A, 向下, B, 一起, C, 在.后面, D, 在.前面. 句意:他走回来. 根据上文 he move

22、d on他走开了, 而又根据下文He took out a dollar from his dirty bag他给来了我一英镑, 可知他是又回来了, walk back走回来, 故选:C. 4. A. 考查副词. A, 完全地, B, 机智地, C, 几乎不, D, 简单地. 句意:对于接下来发生的事情我完全没有准备好接受. 根据上文a homeless man 他是个无家可归的人, 而此时却在得知我生日就He took out a dollar from his dirty bag, and gave it to me给我一英镑, 可知作者是完全不能接受的, 文中not是不的意思, 结合选项

23、, 故选:A. 5. D. 考查形容词. A, 享受的, B, 幸运的, C, 不礼貌的, D, 惊奇的. 句意:那很惊奇. 根据下文I expected he was making a joke我期待他只是在和我开玩笑的, 因为他的行为让我很惊讶, 不可思议, 结合选项, 故选:D. 6. B. 考查动词. A, 感动, B, 被感动的, C, 过去正感动的, D, 被感动的. 句意:尽管我被他的慷慨深深感动. 根据下文by his generosity (慷慨)被他的慷慨, be done .by sth. 被sth. 所怎么样, 联系上文, 一个无家可归的人在我生日也慷慨地给了我一英镑,

24、 我是被他的行为所感动的, 全篇是过去的事所以用过去式, 结合选项, 故选:B. 7. C. 考查连词. A, 但是, B, 作为, C, 所以, D, 自从. 句意:所以我回复谢谢. 根据上文I felt very uncomfortable接受一个无家可归的人的钱让我觉得很不舒服, 所以我回复一句谢谢的, 可知这两句话存在因果关系的, 结合选项, 故选:C. 8. A. 考查介词. A, 和一起. B, 在里面, C, 在之外, D, 为句意:我再三思考后还是伸出了双手. 根据上文accepting money from a homeless man was embarrassing fo

25、r me接受他的钱让我觉得很尴尬的, 但经过再三思考后我就I held out my hand伸出双手接受他的好意的, 再三思考, with twice thinking, 故选:A. 9. B. 考查形容词. A, 很好的, B, 最好的, C, 很坏的, D, 最坏的. 句意:这是我一生中最好的教育课中的一课. 根据one of mylife lessons之一用最高级, 结合选项, 本文通篇是讲了一个暖心的无家可归的人, 所以是最好的, 故选:B. 10. B. 考查名词. A, 名声, B, 温暖, C, 不相信, D, 力量. 句意:从那以后, 我经常帮助有需要的人, 我自己的热心和爱心对待他们. 根据上文with kindness 有爱心的, 结合选项, and是并列连词, 所以此空填的也是和kindness相似的词, 故选:B.


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