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1、1Speaking TestTOEFL IBT2标题添加点击此处输入相关文本内容点击此处输入相关文本内容前言点击此处输入相关文本内容标题添加点击此处输入相关文本内容3口语部分:lIndependent Task: 12 (own idea)lIntegrated Task: 364IBT考试的Challengesl耳麦l口语影响听力lTyping writinglTime is limited5口语考试必备技能lReading(通知、训练)lListening(系统方法、训练)lNotes Taking(系统方法、训练)lSummarizing(思路、模版)l休息的时候默写模版lParaphr

2、asing信息转述的能力(思路、模版)lSpeaking(英语口语表达的能力)l观点论证,条理逻辑(思路、模版)l语法词汇(口头翻译造句练习)l语音语调流利,语速语言连续(语音语调训练)6口语的提高:lRetell (listening passage)l近义词典 elated = happy extrinsic = outsidel能多说就多说,没有机会创造机会 也要说7题型:Q1: person, place, object, event describe and give reasonsQ2: which is preferable reasons and details15s prep

3、are45s answer8题型:Q3: read a passage (about campus life) 建、拆、改 + reason listen two people discussing: ask the stronger s opinion and prove9题型:Q4*:Academic subject; read + listen; 观点 + 论据- from social psychology 社会心理学Q3 + Q4: 30s prepare, 60s answer10题型:Q5:listening (2 people) campus lifeQ6*:listen to

4、 a lecture20s prepare60s answer11Campus LifelStudy: classroom building, library, study room, computer centerlAccommodation: in and out of campus, dormitory, departmentlEat: cafeteria, refectory, dining roomlMedical TreatmentlParkinglSubject or Major12Relevant PracticelQ1, Q2: repeat the model 模板背诵lQ

5、3, Q4: read a passage, close it, and repeat it in EnglishlQ5, Q6: listen to a passage, stop, and repeatl背诵 script, Deltas13评分标准及分析14语言要求lClearlylCoherentlylAccurately15Tongue TwisterslPeter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. If Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers, how many pickled pepp

6、ers did Peter Piper pick?lShe sells sea shells on the sea shore. The shells she sells are the sea shells Im sure. For it she sells sea shells on the sea shore, then Im sure she sells sea shore shells.16lSpring is gay with flowers and song. Summer is hot and the days are long. Autumn is rich with fru

7、its and grain. Winter brings the New Year again.lThis is the cow with the crumpled horn that tossed the dog that chased the cat that caught the rat that ate the malt that lay in the house that Jack built.17lHow much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?18Q1Q1Argument (topic s

8、entence)Reasons (supporting details) Transitional (logical need)Details*19Q1:两种能力: l Note-takingl Brain-storming 20Note-taking:l1. Q1 和Q2 main ideal2. 例子中的最关键的两三个词。21lWhat would you want to be professionally in ten years? Use spcefic details and examples to support your response.lBrain-storming: Whi

9、ch career do I like most? Why do I like it? 原则:熟悉性原则 同时,做note-takingPractice 122lTopic: In ten years, I would like to own an important business.lSupporting ideas: 1) Next year, I will be staring a masters program in business. I will be getting this degree because I hope to start my own business and

10、make it successful some day. 2) After I finish my masters degree three years from now, I will most likely take a position in another company for a few years because I need to make some money and to spend some time planning my own business.lConclusion: With ten years, I hope to have my own company an

11、d be on the way to making it a success.23Practice 2lDescribe one of the most important inventions in the last 100 years. Use specific details and examples to support your answer.24 In my point of view, television is one of the most important inventions in the last century. Since the invention of TV,

12、 human history has started a new page. First of all, TV allows people to learn about whats going on in the world. With such information, they are able to get a better understanding of the world they live in. Secondly, TV provides a lot of interesting programs that many people enjoy after a long days

13、 work. Its visual effect makes people feel less stressed and more relaxed. Last but not least, Television has a great influence on the way people think and talk.25作业:lDescribe the person that you admire most. Use specific details and examples to support your answer.lWhat do you think are the charact

14、eristics of a good leader? Use specific details and examples to support your answer.26lThe person I admire most is my best friend Shelley because of the following reasons.lFirstly, Shelley is a versatile girl. She plays piano very well, so every time we have a party she will have a performance and s

15、hiny like a party queen. Besides, she is a great photographer.lSecondly, she is always ready to help others. Whenever we turn to her for help, she will give us a hand.lMoreover, Shelley is a girl with perseverance. Her major is Physics, but thorough her university life, she learnt Germany by herself

16、, now she can even speak this language better than most student majored in Germany. 27lAmong all the characteristics of a good leader, I would single out the following three as the fundamental ones. First of all, a leader should own the ability of team building and help each individual in the team t

17、o perform their very best. In addition, a good leader should master impressive professional knowledge and skills, in order to decide the direction of team development and help the subordinates to solve practical problems. Furthermore, a good leader should respect the work and be willing to work with

18、 other team members. These qualities can make a good leader. 28Language:lPronoun(代词)l单复l动词时态29l空手套白狼: Make something out of nothing. Gains without pains.l八字没一撇呢: Nothing tangible is in sight yet. / is for sure yet. Everything is still in the air.l强扭的瓜不甜: Happiness goes hand in hand with willingness.

19、l你们免费送货? Could you send the product to my house for free? / free of charge? Do you provide free delivery service?30People: Appearance & CharacteristicsAppearance:lfigure: tall, short, slim(苗条), skinny, stout(矮胖)lSkin: dark, tanned, fair and clearlFace: deep eyes, dark eyebrowslOverall: stunning, sex

20、y, charming, attractive31People: Characteristics*:l积极的,乐观的:optimisticl外向的:extroverntl内向的:introvertl多才多艺的:versatilel适应性强的:adaptablel细心的:considerablel坚持的:persistent32l务实的:practical, realisticl果断的:resolutel世故的,圆滑的:sophisticated,diplomaticl大度的:magananimous33People: 一、本身素质二、对待别人素质三、描述团队领袖素质现实型:现在时理想型:sho

21、uld be34lDescribe There are a lot of _s that I admire/ like most. But if I was supposed to describe one of them, I have to say it is _.lWhat are the characters of a _. Among the many factors that make up a good _, I would single out A, B, C as the fundamental ones.35Place:lImportant frequently visit

22、edl本身功能 通常辅助功能 与人交流36必备模板:Municipal LibrarylIt has the largest book collection among all libraries in my city. As a student, I often need to write essays and papers and thats where I can find most reference books as materials. The rare book section could give me access to a lot of first hand informa

23、tion about history and culture which can not be found else where.lThe library also has a computer room where all the computers are connected to the Internet, which offers me a great variety of information sources, especially the latest information in my field of study.37lI seldom go to the library m

24、yself, because I need to have discussion with friends after I acquire certain amount of information. Several of my best buddies go there with me all the time. Apart from studying, we may also exchange ideas, share laughter, talk about life dilemmas and encourage each other to move on in life. 38Big

25、cities VS Small cities39Cities (B or D)lTransportation: Buses, taxies, subwayslRecreation FacilitieslEducation FacilitieslJob OpportunitieslTraining Opportunities and Facilities40lYou can take the bus subway, taxi to almost anywhere you like within 20 or 30 minutes. Even if there is emergency, you c

26、an get in time help or treatment.lWe can find 4-Dimensional Cinemas, KTVs, recreation centers, parks etc in almost every district. The moment we get bored, we will be able to find a way to entertain ourselves.41lCity libraries, district libraries, community libraires are almost open to everywhere. T

27、hey not only have a large mount of book collection, but also provide s with other information sources, such as newspaper, magazine, and Internet access.lJob opportunities abound in big cities, which offer us more freedom in job hunting and career development. Most big corporations locate their head

28、quaters or important branches in big cities, thus created the need for more talented employees.42Countriside (S or S)lEnvironmentlHealthlSafety43lCleaner Environment Due to the small number of industries located in small cities, the quality of air is much superior here to that in big industrial citi

29、es. I believe I could enjoy a longer life in small cities.lDespite the fact that public transportation is not highly developed in small cities, we might enjoy better health because of more exercises we can do as we walk from home to school or work every day.lWith a small population, the crime rate w

30、ill commonly drop to an acceptable level, which gives everyone a source of security while you are taking a walk along a lack or a park.44升级(人物类)l富有:rich, wealthy,lDetails: According to the latest list of the richest men in out province, he is the second richest with more than 2 billion yuan worth of

31、 stock. Besides, he has real estate worth more than 10 million yuan under his own name alone.45l勤奋: diligent, industriouslDetails: Even though his current wealth can sustain for the rest of his life, he continues to work his ass off for more success, Even now many of his employees constantly report

32、that their boss works the longest hours in their company because whenever they come to the company, he is seen already there in his office.46l慈善: charity, philanthropiclDetails: He is not working only for the accumulation of his own wealth. More importantly, e is making constant endeavor to help the

33、 poor from the third world. According to an incomplete survey, he has already donated more than one half of his total income each year to to the development of sanitation, education, and disease prevention in poverty- inflicted areas around the world.47l胸怀宽广: magnanimouslDetails: His wide popularity

34、 among his friends is evident proof of his magnanimity. All his friends say that even though they had looked down upon him and insulted him verbally before he was successful, he never held any grudge against anyone and offered all help he could when his friends turn to him.48Q2 pair-choice question:

35、 l note-taking, brain-storminglSome students study for classes individually. Others study in groups. Which method of studying do you think is better for students and why?49lQ2分为两大题型: personal preference and agreement l1. Personal choice(个人爱好题):lWhich one do you think is better? Which one do you pref

36、er?l2. Agreement(同意题):lDo you agree or disagree with the statement?50l两种题型模版和第一题是一样的: T S C模版l在Q2的模版中要包含的东西:lFirst, you should clearly state your opinion. lThen, you should offer detailed reasons. lWhats more, you should use transitions in your answer. 51Topic中可以说:lI prefer to do sth. lPersonally sp

37、eaking, I would choose.lI agree with the statement that.lWhile, I dont think the answer should be a simple A or B, because it all depends on what situation we are talking about.52Personal preference:lAbout life in school or university:lSome college students like studying in big cities but other stud

38、ents would like to stay in a small city or even a small town to complete their university life. Which style do you prefer? Please include details and examples in your explanation.l(类似真题2, some people prefer to live in a small town. Other prefer to live in a big city. Which place would you prefer to

39、live in?)53l In my point of view, I prefer to study in big cities for the following reasons. Firstly, many prestigious universities lie in mega-cities, like Beijing and Shanghai, also more professional curriculum or classes are available in big cities. With the help of these courses, one can have a

40、sharper competitive edge in job hunting. In addition, one will gain more chances of finding full-time or part-time jobs as many famous companies have their branches in big cities. Thus a graduate has more opportunities to work with the most successful people in his or her career. Last but not least,

41、 life is convenient in metropolitan cities since there are a lot of life facilities like supermarkets, cinemas, and gyms.54lSome college students would like to live by himself or herself. Others would like to live with a roommate. Which lifestyle do you prefer?55l To me, living alone is better becau

42、se of the following reasons. Reason number one, living alone provides me with a quiet place, where I can study and rest without any disturbance from others. For example, Id like to do some reading quietly in the afternoon, if I have a roommate who likes heavy metal music a lot, I will not be able to

43、 enjoy my reading. Reason number two is that I can enjoy my life with a high level of privacy. When I want to have a call with, to say, my best friend, I will not have to close the door of my room. Last but not leat, differences between roommates will probably lead to conflicts and negotiations, whi

44、ch annoys me a lot and could be avoided otherwise.56策略lChoose onelIt depends - 实在不好区分,用年龄划分57lI dont think this question can be answered with a simple choice between A or B, because it all depends on te situation. I would prefer A if_, for the simple reason that_; while I would prefer B if_, because

45、_.lI dont think the choice can be made without any reference to the occasion because my personal preference on this issue may vary from situation to situation. If_, I would_, because_; while on the other hand, if_, I think I would_.58lEvent working, accommodation, studing, culture, accommodation, mo

46、st.lAccommodation: Area(where) city or countryside? Downtown or Suburban area? Dorm or apartment? Who: alone or with parents? What (house): dream house59lStudying: what: major; who: along or in group?lWork: what: major; Where: city or countryside.lRecreation: Travel, Sport, Music: pop, rap folk, cla

47、ssicallMovie, literature: books magazines, fiction, poetry, dream60Studying:lMajor: Medical Science/ physician/ surgeonlFrom the prospective of money: doctors are not only respected in my country, but more important, they are better- off than most of others. My neighbor, Joey is a doctor in a nearby

48、 hospital, and he has a summer house, a Benz and a big bank account. I want to live such a life.lThe job gives me a greater sense of fulfillment because I have the power to save lives. When you see a dying people and you are able to set his heart beating normally again, what else you need in this wo

49、rld?61lOf course, there is another personal reason. If Im a doctor, I could help my family members when they are ill, or at least I can provide them with first class medical treatment by pulling my strings in the medical community.62Place: Study Room(Design)lThere are several comfortable leather sof

50、a in it, on which I can always relax and read at ease.lA computer and Internet access are available, which enables me to do relevant work for my research when I have inspiration. Such as searching for necessary data, communicating with my colleagues, etc.lEquipped with first class stereo system. If


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