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1、青岛中考卷结构、题型、分值、时间分布青岛中考卷结构、题型、分值、时间分布题类题类项目项目题量题量计分计分答题时间答题时间选选择择题题第一部分第一部分人机会话人机会话 (听力、口语)(听力、口语)303030(提前考试)(提前考试)第二部分第二部分语言知识语言知识 运用运用单项单项填空填空202012第三部分第三部分阅读理解阅读理解151518非选非选 择题择题第四部分第四部分综合填空综合填空(单词、词形(单词、词形变化、短文填空)变化、短文填空)202015第五部分第五部分阅读阅读短文短文任务型任务型阅读阅读202030第六部分第六部分书面表达书面表达11515总计总计85+3585+3512

2、0得阅读者得天下1 1、快速浏览。、快速浏览。2 2、带着问题,找答案。、带着问题,找答案。 (找出处、划线)(找出处、划线)3 3、仔细斟酌不确定的答案。、仔细斟酌不确定的答案。4 4、核对。(总体把握)、核对。(总体把握) 阅读理解答题阅读理解答题步骤步骤 如何才能巧答阅读理解题呢?可以采取以下如何才能巧答阅读理解题呢?可以采取以下几种应试技巧和解题步骤:几种应试技巧和解题步骤:注意:注意:阅读基本技能阅读基本技能 1 1 略读略读skimming(适用于判断短文(适用于判断短文 主旨大意及中心思想)主旨大意及中心思想) 2 2 扫读扫读scanning ( (适用于细节搜索、适用于细节搜

3、索、 捕捉、提取及理解捕捉、提取及理解) ) 3 3 细读细读(careful reading) (适用于(适用于 推理判断、揣摩、理解作者意图)推理判断、揣摩、理解作者意图) 细节理解细节理解推理判断推理判断猜测词义猜测词义主旨大意主旨大意10%20%10%60%阅读理解考点所占比例阅读理解考点所占比例中考中考How to find the main idea:1. Its usually at the beginning or the end of the article.2. Sometimes, you may find out the key sentences of each pa

4、ragraph, then sumthem up.3.Maybe you have to infer the main idea according to the writers ideas. Methods: skimming(略读)(略读)1. 归纳主旨题归纳主旨题(Main idea)My Spring Festival is special. My uncle and my aunt came back from Shanghai. And it was the most exciting festival of all the festivals. On New Years Eve,

5、 my father and my uncle talked about We all thought the dumplings were delicious. On the first day of the New Year, we visited our relatives. It was more alive than any other time of a year. On the second and the third days, we spent a wonderful weekend We all enjoyed ourselves. Its about _ (从第一句话得知

6、)(从第一句话得知)C. the writers special Spring Festival.略读略读 How to guess the new wordsNext, we can guess it according to the key words in the context.(上下文上下文)First, we must make sure the right part of speech(词性词性) .Secondly, we can guess it according to wordbuilding.()If your robot stops working, remember

7、 to check its battery.Having a robotDont (1)_ to check its battery if it doesnt work.forgetThe robot also ironed Mr. Jiangs shrits and made a lunch box for him every day.AdvantagesIt could help Mr. Jiang make lunch(2)_ every day.boxes名词单复数转换名词单复数转换反义词转换反义词转换词义猜测题词义猜测题例例 1通过词型转换猜词通过词型转换猜词 Sam was a f

8、ifteen-year-old boy living with his little sister, Julie. Their parents passed away long ago. Sam had taken care of Julie by himself. (2013中考)中考) “Their parents passed away long ago. ”, means “Their parents _ long ago” .A. died B. went onC. left home D. passed by 词义猜测题词义猜测题例例 2 People love proverbs.

9、 They are always impressed because the proverbs express a lot of imformation in just a few words. A good proverb quickly sums up ideas that are sometimes hard to express. And the person can understand it at once. (2014中考)中考) a (good) proverb词义猜测题词义猜测题例例 3请从文中找出第一段划线单词请从文中找出第一段划线单词 it 指代的内容指代的内容_ How

10、 to understand details 1.We must read the questions carefully, catch the key words 2. We may find the details in the article easily and quickly.3. We have to find out the similar or opposite words, but we must admire the article itself. Often a new dish is given the name of its inventor. The Chinese

11、 dish Gongbao chicken was created in Sichuan Province by Ding Baozhen. He served the hot dish when he was governor (总督总督) of the province. After Ding died, people named the dish for him. The fisherman Willem Beukelz begin to pickle(腌腌制制) fish in the 14 century. His method of pickling fish was widely

12、 used, but people didnt pronounce his name “Beukelz”. Soon “pickles” became popular in many countries. (2014中考)中考) Who created the hot dish Gongbao chicken? A .Maria Ann Smith B. Willem Beukelz C. Ding Baozhen D George W.G. Ferris细节理解题细节理解题例例1 Many people call toy bears Teddy Bears, but this name ha

13、s only been used since the early 1900s.The name “Teddy is short for Theodore, and there was an American president named Theodore Roosevelt. While he was out hunting one day, Roosevelt refused to kill a bear. As soon as people heard about this, they started calling their toy bears Teddy. (2012中考)中考)

14、细节理解题细节理解题例例2 Toy Bears are often called Teddy Bears because_.A.of President Roosevelt B.Teddy is another name of bearsC.a man called Teddy sold bears D.it is a name of a famous storybook bear The worlds first robot teacher is Sally. With her human-like face, she can show expressions like happiness,

15、 surprise, sadness, dislike, fear and anger, which look much like a real teachers. What makes Sally look real? A. Her face and rich expressions.B. Her clothes and shoes.C. Her walking and running speedD. Her rich knowledge细节理解题细节理解题例例4推理判断题推理判断题例例 Why isnt your newspaper reporting any good news?All

16、I read about is robbery, disasters, and death. To be honest, Im sick of all this bad news. (2014中考)中考) This writer is _ the newspaper reporting. A . pleased with B. patient with C. not satisfied with D. not angry with1.The writer began to love her mothers desk _. A. after Mother died B. after she be

17、came a writer D. when Mother gave it to her细节题细节题4. What did the mother do with her daughters letter? A. She had never received the letter.B. For years, she often talked about the letter.C. She didnt forgive her daughter at all in her life.细节题细节题C. when she was a childC. when she was a childD. She r

18、ead the letter again and again till she died.D. She read the letter again and again till she died.试题比较简单,看懂文章就能答题试题比较简单,看懂文章就能答题2. The passage shows that _.A.Mother was cold on the surface but kind in her heart to her daughter.B. Mother was very angry with her daughter in words.C. Mother cared much

19、about her daughter in words.D. Mother wrote to her daughter in careful words.推理判断题推理判断题5. Whats the best title of the passage?_A. A letter to Mother B. Mother and daughterC. Daughters life D. Mothers life主旨大意题主旨大意题AB3. The word “gulf” in the second paragraph means_.A. 礼物礼物 C. 建议建议 D. 方法方法词义猜测题词义猜测题B

20、. 鸿沟鸿沟B. 鸿沟鸿沟任务型阅读AB/C图片表格图片回答问题找同义 句 猜测词义、 指代 匹 配 英译 汉 *Never stand with your face over a pan of frying food. Popping oil can hurt your eyes. Put your computer screen five to nine inches below eye level. This keeps your eyes partly closed, allowing them to blink correctly and remain moist. *Never a

21、llow children to play with or light fireworks.(2012中考)中考)任务型阅读任务型阅读例例 1任务任务1. 从文中找出与所给句子意思相同或相近的句子从文中找出与所给句子意思相同或相近的句子Your face should never be over a pan of frying food._任务任务2. 请根据上下文,写出句中画线单词请根据上下文,写出句中画线单词them指代的意思。指代的意思。them _Never stand with your face over a pan of frying food.Your eyes 任务型阅读任务

22、型阅读例例 2 When we think of heroes, we often think of strong, brave people. A hero is someone who helps another person in the face of difficulties or in danger. Fred Hollows was such a person. Fred Hollows wanted to help the people in Africa. But he couldnt go to Africa because he had become sick. So h

23、e started the Fred Hollows Foundation. This foundation collected donations from people in rich countries. Now the foundation helps save the eyesight of poor people all over the world. Even after his death, Fred Hollows is still helping people. He is a true hero. 任务任务1. 根据短文,根据短文, 猜测划线词组猜测划线词组in the

24、face of difficulties 的的汉语意思汉语意思。_。 任务任务2. 根据内容完成句子。根据内容完成句子。 每空每空不超过两个词不超过两个词 Fred Hollows learned that many Aboriginal Austrailians needed small eye surgeries, money and _ture eye disease, so he _ a program and foundation. 任务任务3. 回答问题回答问题 Why does the writer believe Fred Hollows is a true hero? 回答不

25、超过回答不超过10个词个词Because _。面对困难面对困难doctorsset up/ startedhe is still helping people even after his death.阅读图表,完成短文,每空一词每空一词。Living with parentsFriends18%任务型阅读任务型阅读例例 3(10中考) Diagram 1 shows the fact that leftover children” want _most. _ of the students love to go to the library. 58% of the students like

26、 to live with their _better than with their grandparents. Most students feel happiest at _. love10%parentsschool借助标志词,直接找信息借助标志词,直接找信息 Diagram 1 shows the fact that leftover children” want _most. _ of the students love to go to the library. 58% of the students like to live with their _better than wi

27、th their grandparents. Most students feel happiest at _. love10%parentsschool借助标志词,直接找信息借助标志词,直接找信息One day my brother was flying a kite. Suddenly it rained _ . He had to stop flying his kite. The kite and his clothes were wet. A few minutes _, the rain _ and the sun came out. He flew his kite again.

28、 He put his_ on the line(线)to make them _. How clever the boy was!任务型阅读任务型阅读例例 4hard/heavilylaterstoppedclothesdryOne day my brother was flying a kite. Suddenly it rained _ . He had to stop flying his kite. The kite and his clothes were wet. A few minutes _, the rain _ and the sun came out. He flew

29、his kite again. He put his_ on the line(线)to make them _. How clever the boy was!任务型阅读任务型阅读例例 4hard/heavilylaterstoppedclothesdry看图了解大意,看图了解大意,依据语法逻辑确定词形依据语法逻辑确定词形How to do a task-based reading? Steps(步骤)? Skills(技巧)?DiscussiDiscussionon任务型阅读任务型阅读阅读理解阅读理解浏览浏览看首位段,看首位段,抓内容抓内容略读略读 看首尾句,看首尾句,抓大意抓大意检查,检

30、查,仔细斟酌仔细斟酌核对答案核对答案细读细读抓关键词抓关键词定答案定答案Action is better than thinkingPractice makes perfect主谓一致吗?主谓一致吗?语态正确吗?语态正确吗?时态正确吗?时态正确吗?有有“半截话半截话”吗?吗?符合英语表达习惯吗符合英语表达习惯吗? ?1.Read the passage about reading skills and finish the reading exercises in your test paper.2.Review the strategies we learned in this class.


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