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1、-1-UnitUnit 1 Lifestyles1 LifestylesCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习我们有很多健康的生活方式可以选择,然而我们却往往选择了不太健康的生活方式,形成了不健康的生活习惯。拥有健康的生活方式,寻求更好的自己,是我们的目标。Have you ever wondered about changing your life for the better?There are many ways for us to live a healthy lifestyle.So it seems strange

2、 that although we know a lot about how to live healthily,many people continue to do things which may be bad for their health.CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习First,there are many parts of our lifestyles which allow us to live healthily.For example,we all know about the importance

3、 of choosing healthy food and fitting enough exercise and physical activities into our daily life.Second,nowadays good-quality fresh food and sports facilities(设备) are available to us,so it should be easy to form healthy living habits.However,today there are also many things which prevent people fro

4、m having a healthy lifestyle.First,industry and traffic have caused serious environmental pollution.What is more,we spend a lot of time sitting in the chair,and this often means we have little time for activities which can keep us fit.For example,there are many people who spend many hours sitting in

5、 front of computers working,studying or playing computer games.Besides,many people do not eat the right food.CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习All in all,although we have plenty of chances to follow a healthy lifestyle,in practice we often choose a less healthy lifestyle.Its true

6、that modern lifestyles have good and bad aspects(方面),but the lifestyle we choose depends on ourselves.So,try to live healthily and be your best self.导读诱思According to the passage,how can we live a healthy lifestyle?答案:If we have healthy food,do enough exercises or physical activities and form healthy

7、 living habits,then we can live healthily.-5-Warm-up and Lesson 1A Perfect Day?CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习一二三四五一、每个人的生活都各有不同。请谈谈你心目中最理想的生活方式及生活状态答案:略 Pre-reading CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习一二三四五二、根据英文释义及首字母提示写出单词1.to express feelings of pain,or dis

8、satisfactionc 2.not involving a war,violence or argumentp 3.that needs to be dealt with immediatelyu 4.a short film that is made by photographing a series of drawingsc 5.a written or printed paper with the original or official,form of somethingd 6.being tired of somethingb 7.that can be carried or m

9、oved easilyp 8.the middle of the night,specifically 12 oclock at night m complain peaceful urgent cartoon document bored portable midnight CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习一二三四五三、短语翻译1.醒来 2.打开电视 3.锻炼 4.抱怨 5.占据 6.(铃、爆竹等)响 7.带回 8.充满着 9.转换频道,转变 10.遥控 wake up switch on the TV do some

10、 exercise complain about take up go off bring back be filled with switch over remote control CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习一二三四五四、根据课文内容,选择正确答案1.Brian Blakey watches different programmes on TV except . A.sportB.old moviesC.TV seriesD.advertisements2.Brian Blakey besides watchi

11、ng TV. A.does a lot of exerciseB.goes to workC.walks his dogD.makes meals答案:D答案:CWhile-reading CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习一二三四五3.What does Bob Black most likely do?A.A teacher. B.A secretary.C.A cleaner. D.A doctor.4.Bob Black reads some documents when he gets home because

12、. A.it is not lateB.he cant finish his work in the officeC.he likes doing some reading before going to bedD.he must prepare for the next days work答案:B答案:DCHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习一二三四五5.Which of the following can explain the reason for Bobs hard work?A.He can make more mo

13、ney.B.His wife and children drive him to do so.C.He doesnt enjoy staying with his family.D.He cant stand his familys complaint.答案:ACHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习一二三四五五、阅读课文,完成下列表格,每空一词 switches/turns lunch nightportable feet Post-reading CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E

14、ZUO XUE XI合作学习making answers documents little boring 一二三四五CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习123456789101.As long as I get good marks in my tests,it doesnt matter if I can speak English or not.只要我在考试中能得高分,是否会说英语没多大关系。考点matter vi.要紧,有重大关系【高考典句】(2016全国卷)Its our experience of the gard

15、en that matters.重要的是我们在花园里的经历。Does it matter if were a bit late?我们晚到一会儿有关系吗?It doesnt matter how much it costs.买它花多少钱并不重要。归纳 matter通常用作不及物动词,多用于疑问句和否定句中,有时也可用于肯定句。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910考点延伸 (1)阅读下面的句子,体会matter的含义。Whats the matter with you?你怎么了?含义 问题(通常与the连用

16、)Take some reading matter with you on your trip.你旅行时可以随身带点读物看。含义 东西;物品(2)阅读下面的句子,体会matter相关短语的含义。I dont like her,as a matter of fact.事实上我不喜欢她。To make matters worse,some people do not follow traffic rules.更糟糕的是,有些人不遵守交通规则。It doesnt matter whether you agree to the plan or not.你是否同意这项计划并不重要。CHENDUWANSO

17、NG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910Never mind.Its not a matter of life and death.别太在意了。这不是什么生死攸关的大事。You never listen no matter what I say.不论我说什么,你从来不听。as a matter of fact(=in fact) 事实上to make matters worse 更糟糕的是it doesnt matter whether. 没关系。a matter of.是的事情no matter what/how/who.不论

18、什么/怎样/谁CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习123456789102.I think a shepherds life is peaceful and relaxingbut maybe its boring sometimes.我认为牧羊人的生活是平静和放松的但有时候或许有点无聊。考点一peaceful adj.平静的;和平的China is a peaceful country.中国是一个

19、和平的国家。The park is peaceful.公园内很安静。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910考点延伸 (1)阅读下面的句子,体会peace的词性和含义。We have enjoyed more than fifty years of peace.我们享受和平已经超过50年了。词性 名词含义 和平,安宁(2)阅读下面的句子,体会peace的搭配和含义。Its possible that well soon be at peace with our neighbours.我们可能不久就会与邻居和

20、平相处。搭配 (be)at peace with含义 与和平相处 She passed away in peace.她走得很安心。搭配 in peace含义 平安地;安心地 CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910考点二relaxing adj.轻松的,放松的I find swimming very relaxing.我发现游泳可以让人非常放松。If you need some help to slow down,turn on relaxing music.如果你需要些帮助放松下来,打开令人轻松的音乐。C

21、HENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910考点延伸 (1)阅读下面的句子,体会黑体词的词性和含义。A hot bath will relax you after a days hard work.辛苦工作了一天后洗个热水澡可以帮你放松自己。词性 动词含义 (使)放松;松开,松懈I feel so relaxed when Im by the sea.在海边时我觉得非常放松。词性 形容词含义 松懈的;放松的I play golf for relaxation.我打高尔夫是为了消遣。词性 名词含义 消遣;休息CHE

22、NDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910(2)易混辨析:relaxing和relaxedThey had a relaxing meal with their friends.他们和朋友们享受了一顿轻松的大餐。Christie looked relaxed and calm as she faced the press.克里斯蒂面对记者时,显得镇定自若。归纳 relaxing 通常修饰“物”,意为“令人放松的,令人轻松愉快的”; relaxed通常修饰“人”,意为“感到轻松的,放松的”。CHENDUWANSONG

23、晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910语法填空(3)She spent a (peace) afternoon by the river,reading a novel;no one was around. (4)Although the two countries were officially peace,fighting continued. (5)They came back from their long walk and got into bed,tired and (relax). CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵

24、Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910(6)John felt (relax) after the exam. (7)He likes to listen to music at weekends (relax) himself. (8)Fishing is his favourite (relax). 答案:(1)leave her in peace(2)is at peace/gets on well(3)peaceful(4)at(5)relaxed(6)relaxed(7)to relax(8)relaxationCHENDUWA

25、NSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习123456789103.suppose vt.认为,猜想They supposed him (to be) a hero.他们认为他是一个英雄。Tom supposed him (to be) dead.汤姆以为他去世了。What makes you suppose (that) Im against it?你凭什么认为我反对这件事?Will he come?I suppose so/not.他会来吗?我想他会来。/我想他不会来。I dont suppose you are serious,are yo

26、u?我认为你不是认真的,对吗?CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910归纳 suppose一般是指在证据不全、情况未确定时所作的猜想。可指缺乏确切的事实但可根据一些现象来推测;也可指提出合乎逻辑推理的假设来论证某事。其基本用法如下:(1)为及物动词时,可接名词、代词或从句作宾语,还可接(to be)n./adj.,动词不定式等充当宾语补足语;(2)suppose的主语是第一人称、后接表示否定意义的宾语从句时,须使用否定转移结构,即在suppose前加not;(3)为避免重复,suppose后可用so/not

27、来替代前面的句子或句子成分;(4)在构成反意疑问句时,如果陈述部分是含有否定转移的主从复合句,suppose用作主句谓语动词时,则反意疑问部分应同从句的主谓语一致。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910考点延伸 be supposed to 应当,理应【高考典句】(2016北京卷)The college years are supposed to be a time for important growth in autonomy.大学期间应该是一个自主性有重大发展的时间。They are suppose

28、d to obey the person of a higher rank.他们应该服从级别更高的人。归纳 be supposed to表示按照约定、规则、规律或义务“应当/理应”去做某事,其语法特点同have to,be about to,be going to一样,其语意相当于ought to。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习123456789104.Then I get up,go dow

29、nstairs and switch on the TV in the living room.接着我起床,下楼,打开起居室的电视。At nine thirty,if there is a good play on BBC 2,I switch over and watch it.Then at night,I watch more films and I usually switch off the TV at about two oclock.九点半的时候,如果英国广播公司第2频道有好看的电视剧,我会调过去看看。然后在夜里,我接着看更多的电影,通常到深夜两点左右才关电视。CHENDUWAN

30、SONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910考点一switch on/off 开/关(电器)We only switched on the TV halfway through the programme.节目放到一半时我们才打开电视机。Please switch the lights off when you leave the room.你离开房间时请把灯关掉。考点延伸 (1)易混辨析:switch on/off和turn on/offTurn/Switch on the TV,please.Its time for the

31、 weather report.请把电视打开,天气预报的时间到了。Turn off the tap.You should not waste water.(不能用switch off)把水龙头拧上。你不该浪费水。归纳 电器的“开/关”用turn on/off或switch on/off;水或煤气的“开/关”只能用 turn on/off。 CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910(2)switch vt.& vi. 转换,转变He switched the conversation from one sub

32、ject to another.他转换了话题。My family used to cook on gas,but now weve switched to electricity.我家过去用煤气做饭,但现在已换成用电了。 考点二switch over 转换频道,转变Lets switch over to CCTV 5.Its time for sports news.让我们转到中央电视台第5频道吧,体育新闻的时间到了。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU

33、YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习123456789105.Meetings and phone calls take up a large part of the day.整天会议、电话不断。考点take up 占据Im sorry to have taken up so much of your valuable time.占用了你那么多宝贵的时间,真抱歉。I must get rid of this large table.It takes up too much room.我得把这张大桌子扔掉,它太占地方了。归纳 take up表示“占据,占用”时,其宾语常常是表

34、示时间或空间的名词。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910考点延伸 (1)阅读下面的句子,体会take up的含义。He took up the receiver and answered the phone.他拿起听筒接听电话。含义 拿起I think Ill take up oil painting in my spare time.我想我将要在业余时间学习油画。含义 开始(从事)(2)阅读下面的句子,体会take相关短语的含义。After he retired,his eldest son took

35、 over the company.他退休后,他的长子接管了这家公司。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910The students took down the notes which the teacher had written on the blackboard.学生们把老师写在黑板上的注释抄了下来。I am sorry.I took you for your brother.对不起,我把你当作你哥哥了。I take back what I just said.我收回我刚才说的话。I cant ta

36、ke my boots off;theyre so tight!靴子太紧了,我脱不下来!Who has taken my dictionary away?谁把我的字典拿走了?CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910take over 接管take down 记下take.for. 误以为;当作take back 收回take off 脱下take away 拿走CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910CHENDUWANS

37、ONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习12345678910CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习561234789106.Every minute of the day is filled with urgent matters.几乎每一分钟都充斥着急待处理的事情。考点be filled with充满着【高考典句】(2017天津卷)I was filled with the fear that I would run into the same difficulties tha

38、t beat me before.我内心充满了恐惧,害怕遇上以前曾经击败我的那些困难。He was filled with horror at the bad news.听到这个坏消息,他心里充满了恐惧。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习56123478910考点延伸 (1)be filled with的主动形式为fill .with .。This thought filled me with pleasure.这个想法使我心里充满了喜悦。Please fill me this glass with water.=Plea

39、se fill this glass with water for me.请替我把这个玻璃杯装满水。(2)同义短语:be full of 充满Because his mouth was full of food,I couldnt understand what he was saying.由于他嘴里塞满了食物,我不明白他在说什么。注意be full of和be filled with一样,都强调“充满”的状态,而主动形式fill .with .则强调动作。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习56123478910CHEND

40、UWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习675123489107.My family complains about it.我的家人为此抱怨。考点complain vi. 抱怨And then,how many adults,who now complain about the long drives to work,eagerly drove for hours at a time when they first obtained their drivers license?并且有多少成年人,在刚开始拿到驾照时曾经急切地想一下子开几小时

41、的车,他们现在却抱怨开长时间的车去上班?She complained of cleaning the classroom for a week.她对要打扫一星期的教室感到不满。Mrs Jones complained to the doctor that her back always hurt.琼斯太太向医生抱怨说她背部老是痛。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习67512348910归纳 complain可与不同的介词搭配,后接about或of sth.时,表示“抱怨某事”;后接to sb.时表示“向某人抱怨”。CHEN

42、DUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习67512348910考点延伸 (1)阅读下面的句子,体会complain的词性和含义。I will complain about the fridge I bought last month;it stopped working again.我上个月买的冰箱又不能用了,我要投诉了。词性 动词含义 投诉He complained that he had been unfairly treated.他抱怨说受到了不公正的待遇。词性 动词含义 抱怨CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU

43、 XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习67512348910(2)阅读下面的句子,体会complaint的词性、搭配和含义。Id like to make a complaint about the noise.我要就噪音问题进行投诉。词性 名词搭配 make a complaint about 含义 对进行投诉CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习67512348910CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习786512349108.Beside

44、s,I get bored if theres nothing to do.再者,要没事可做我会觉得非常无聊。剖析if引导条件状语从句,其中不定式to do作后置定语修饰nothing。考点一besides adv.而且,此外Besides,through ironing Ive learned the method for solving even the most troublesome problems.而且,通过熨衣服,我学会了解决最棘手问题的方法。Its too late to go for a walk now;besides,it begins to rain.现在去散步太晚了,

45、何况又开始下雨了。Peter is their youngest child,and they have three others besides.彼得是他们最小的孩子,他们另外还有三个孩子。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习78651234910考点延伸 阅读下面的句子,体会besides的词性和含义。There will be five of us for dinner,besides John.除约翰外,还有我们五个人要一起吃饭。词性 介词含义 除之外(还有)考点二bored adj.厌烦的,不感兴趣的He was

46、getting bored with doing the same thing every day.每天都一成不变地做着同一件事令他感到厌烦。归纳 bored常用作表语,可与介词with连用,表示“对感到厌烦”。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习78651234910考点延伸 辨析:bored和boringHe is bored with his fathers words.他厌倦了父亲的话。He is such a boring man.他就是这么一个令人厌烦的人。归纳 bored用于形容人的感受,表示“感到厌烦的”;b

47、oring 用来描述人或物本身具有的性质、特征,表示“令人厌烦的”。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习78651234910CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习897651234109.复习一般现在时考点一表示经常性、习惯性的动作及现在存在的特征或状态,常与表示频度的时间状语连用。I leave home for school at 7 oclock every morning.我每天早晨7点钟离开家去学校。She often gets up early

48、.她经常早起。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习89765123410考点二描述客观规律、正确事实、科学真理或客观存在及用于格言中。The earth moves around the sun.地球绕着太阳转。All the living things on the earth depend on the sun.地球上万物生长靠太阳。Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习8

49、9765123410考点三在由从属连词if,unless,before,when,as soon as,once等引导的条件、时间状语从句中,需用一般现在时表示将来发生的动作。If you work hard,youll succeed in passing the exam.你如果努力学习,就会成功地通过这次考试。Well go out for a walk as soon as the rain stops.雨一停我们就出去散步。考点四用于戏剧、电影的剧本解说、体育比赛的解说以及图片的说明等。Tom carries the ball to the left.汤姆把球带到左边。The pic

50、tures show us how they built the motorway last year.这些照片向我们展示他们去年是怎样建造这条高速公路的。CHENDUWANSONG晨读晚诵Z I ZHU YU XI 自主预习H E ZUO XUE XI合作学习89765123410(2)Whenever you (buy) a present,you should think about it from the receivers point of view. (3)On Monday mornings it usually (take) me an hour to drive to wor


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