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1、ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNLesson 14The Mobile OfficeENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and freeENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and free“That we endure the discomfort of stuffy, banal meeting rooms and uncomfortable furniture and umbersome audio - visual technology remains

2、 a mystery to all but the Wilkhahn designers from Germany. This Wilkhahn honors face - to - face communication. At last! Bill Stumpf, IDSA“对于除了来自德国的Wilkhahn设计师的所有人来说,那些我们所忍受的由乏味、平庸组成的会议室和不舒适的家具以及累赘的试听技术所产生的不适仍是一个谜。最后这些都是Wilkhahn由面对面交流而得来的荣誉!”-Bill Stumpf,美国工业设计师协会。前 言ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSim

3、ple, Powerful and freeFlat - hierarch y organizations, goal - oriented conferencing and advanced technology have revolutionized the workplace, and the new breed of business just doesnt fit into the same old office layout. Enter Wilkhahn , an international manufacturer of seating, tables and rack sys

4、tems for offices, conference areas and public and transportation buildings. 平级的组织机构,目标导向型的会议和先进的技术革新了工作场所,新型的企业就不宜跟千篇一律的老套的办公室布局规划在一起。进入Wilkhahn,你们将看到的是一个有着国际制造商的座椅、桌子和行李架系统、会议区域以及公共运输的建筑物。WilkhahnENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and freeDesign permeates every aspect of the company from

5、 its Frei Otto - and Thomas Herzog - designed manufacturing plant in Bad Munder, Germany, to its industry - leading ecology rogram and its many award - winning products. Each product design is based on criteria that stipulate the greatest possible conservation of resources, environmental compatibili

6、ty, recyclability and structural de-mountability . 通过其在Bad Munder的由Frei Otto-和Thomas Herzog设计的生产中心可以看到,设计渗透于公司的方方面面。在德国,有着其行业领先的生态程序和许多获奖作品。每一件产品的设计都是基于标准规定且最大限度地节约资源、具有环境兼容性和回收再循环以及结构上的可拆卸性。ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and freeWilkhahn成功的领导了人体工学椅设计l 1991年9月由Produkt Entwicklung Roer

7、icht设计的一款令具业界震撼的“Picto”人体工学椅,号称“绿色设计”经典的办公椅。l 1994年的德国科隆办公家具展(Orgatec) Wilkhahn又推出了一款由Klaus Franck、Wernerauer及Wiege设计公司共同设计的新型人体工椅“Modus”。l Wilkhahn在1 992年开始实施“环境控制”计划,于1996年获得欧洲最高誉一一德国生态奖。 上世纪90年代开始德国Wilkhahn率先将“生态环保”为企业经营哲学之一与真诚设计、社会责任并列成为其经营学的三项基石。ModusON 椅 On椅由德国Wiege公司设计,开发过程花费了五年,涉及人体运动学到材料科学等

8、大量学科。 其独特之处在于,它具有好几处“关节”,能允许倚面向前后左右不同方向倾斜摆动,使用者坐姿也可以随心所欲的变化。ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and freeIn that context, Wilkhahn initiated a basic research study regarding communication behaviors within changing corporate environments, in cooperation with a group of designers from Germany

9、, Japan and the US. Systematic studies of meeting practices around the world revealed that clients today need a flexible solution to the design of conference space in layout, furnishings and technology. This need is particularly evident in the area of team environments, training rooms, continuing ed

10、ucation classrooms and technology - intensive departments. 在此背景下,针对沟通行为改变企业内部环境的现象,Wilkhahn 在与一群来自德国、日本和美国的设计师的合作中发起了一个基本的研究。会议系统研究实践表明,如今世界各地的客户对于会议空间的设计布局、室内陈设和技术需要一个灵活的解决方案。这个需求在该地区的团队环境、培训教室、持续性教育教室和技术密集型部门的领域尤为明显。调 研ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and freeAmong the many logical re

11、asons cited for the changing needs were the growing flow of information and the fluctuating framework for economic decisions that have led to a noticeable increase in personal communications. Advanced technology has also had a profound effect on peoples ability to confer long distance. Whether class

12、ic conferencing or experimental workshop, group work or seminar, conferences take place anywhere, anytime and with ever - changing rules. Clearly, conventional conference furnishings failed to respond to these changing and growing needs. 为满足不断变化的需求,许多合乎逻辑的原因都指向了不断增长的信息交流和经济决策的波动体制使得个人交流明显的增长。先进的技术同时

13、对于人们远距离交流也有了深远的影响。不论是普通的会议还是实验室,小组工作还是研究室,会议都可以在任何地点任何时间,甚至任何情况下召开。很明显,传统的会议布置不能跟上变化增长的需求。提出问题ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and freeHaving identified the need in the marketplace, Wilkhahn commissioned its independent development company, Wiege, to design a line of flexible conference

14、 furniture that would meet the requirements for static, variable and dynamic conferencing. Wiege President Fritz Frenkler and two associates, Justus Kolberg and Jens Korte created the Confair line of conference furnishings , in association with Andreas Storiko, who designed the folding table. 已经意识到市

15、场的需求,Wilkhahn委托他的独立发展公司Wiege设计一个灵活的会议设施来满足静态的,动态的,灵活的会议要求。Wiege的部长Fritz Frenkler和他的两个同事,Justus kolberg 和Jens Korte创造了The Confair line of conference furnishings ,并和设计折叠桌子的Andreas Storiko共同合作。解决方法ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and freeENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and fr

16、eeAccording to Fritz, “Our objective was to design an interactive line of lightweight, affordable, conference furnishings that roll, fold and stack, allowing quick and easy reconfiguration. In fact, our original concept was to develop a kit of parts or toolbox of mobile, flexible conference area pro

17、ducts where users can choose whatever tool they need to meet their specific conferencing needs. As those needs change or grow clients can add additional tools to meet their growing needs. The Confair line of furniture adapts to the people rather than asking people to conform to the furniture, suppor

18、ting the new workplace. 根据Fritz的观点,“我们的目标是设计一款轻量交互式的,可承重的,滚动的,可折叠的,层叠的会议设施,并且可以快速简单的重新组装。事实上,我们原先是想增加一个像“某部分成套的工具”或是一个可移动的工具箱,这种灵活的会议区产品,这样使用者可以选择任何他们想要的工具来组合他们特殊需求的会议场所。随着需求的变化或是增长的顾客,可以增加额外的工具来满足他们增长的需求。”Confair系列家具是要适应人们的需求而不是要求人们去适应家具设施,他们支持这种新的工作场所。目 标ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerf

19、ul and freeThe products in this line work together , or complement and augment a clients existing furniture. Featuring clean, contemporary lines and a wide range of colors and materials that allow the products to work well in many different environments, the line includes: 所有产品在这里可以全部摆放,或是用来补充,或将一个顾

20、客已有的家具增加进来。它们的特点是干练,现代的流线型线条和大范围的颜色和材质使得产品在不同的环境当中都能很好的表现.这一系列包括:方 案ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and freeA folding table, which provides space for eight people with legs that provide unobstructed leg room, then folds in half and rolls away for easy storage;Mobile desks with a comfor

21、tably angled writing surface and horizontal surface at the top for coffee cups or supplies;Stack chairs with aluminum frame and black polypropylene seat shell and backrest; Mobile servers, which roll easily on casters, support a wide variety of accessories, office materials and AV equipment such as

22、monitors, video recorders and overhead or slide projectors. They also can accommodate special catering needs during conferences;Pin boards, covered on both sides with gray felt in which pins leave no trace;Flip charts with work surface of laminated plywood, which can be attached at three different h

23、eights on a foldable easel;A lectern that glides easily on two casters.l 一张可折叠的桌子,用它那于人体无碍的桌腿可提供8个人的空间,而后为了贮藏它还可以折叠成一半并被滚动着弄走;l 可变动的写字台,书写面有舒适的角度,顶部水平,用于放咖啡杯或生活用品;l 堆叠的椅子,有着铝制的框架、黑色聚炳烯材料制成的椅面外壳和靠背;l 可移动的托盘,带有小脚轮,可以轻易地滚动,可以支撑许多多样化的附件,办公材料和会议使用的音频与视频设备,如监听器、录影机和架高的或滑动的投影仪。它们也可以提供会议期间的特殊的就餐需要;l 两边被灰色的东

24、西覆盖的插线板,在它的里边插脚好象没有留下任何的痕迹;l 活动挂图板,工作面由薄片层叠压而成,可以在可折叠的板架上以三种不同的高度挂起;l 带两个脚轮的可滑动的小讲台。ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and freeThe designers paid special attention to comfort, safety and ease of use in the engineering of these products. They withstand heavy use, and the beautifully engine

25、ered mechanisms make them easy to roll, fold or stack, so they can be moved or reconfigured easily during a meeting, between sessions or from department to department, and then can be stored when not in use. Wiring access for telecommunications equipment is readily accommodated. 设计师们在工程开发过程中就特别注意这些产

26、品的舒适度,安全性和方便使用性。他们可以承受过重的使用,并且精美的工程机构设计使他们容易转动,折叠和堆放,所以他们可以在一个会议中被很容易的移动或者组装,尤其在开会一段时间后需要从一个部门换到另一个部门,同时当他们不被使用时可以储存起来。这里线路可以很容易接入电信设备。创新点ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and freeConstructed of aluminum, birch laminated plywood and polypropylene, the products are designed to last 20 to

27、30 years with parts the user can easily repair, thus providing increased value. Since ecological responsibility is a key element of Wilkhahns business philosophy, all materials in the Confair line can be fully recycled and are free of toxic ingredients and heavy metal. Wood surfaces are finished wit

28、h water - based lacquer, or water - based stain. 采用铝,白桦胶合板和聚丙烯的产品计划可以使用20到30年,有的地方用户可以轻松的修理,从而提供了附加价值。因为生态责任是Wilkhahn经营理念的一个重要因素,所有在Confair line 的材料都是可以被全部循环使用并且没有有毒成份和重金属。木头表面都是被水性漆或者水性着色剂处理的。材料与安全性ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and freeConsumers are proving that the companys instinc

29、ts were on target. Diane Barnes, president of Wilkhahn, Inc. , in the US, says, This new product line has enabled Wilkhahns trained sales staff and dealers to work with our customers both end users and designers to help them solve specific problems within the workplace. It provides a new approach to

30、 relationship - building and allows them to go beyond the straight selling process. “ 消费者的反应可以说明公司的意图已经达到。 Diane Barnes, president of Wilkhahn, Inc说,“这一新系列的产品使得Wilkhahn受过培训的销售人员和经销商与我们的消费者一起共事最终的用户和设计师帮助他们解决办公场地的特殊问题。它提供了一种新的方法去建立关系和容许他们超越直线销售过程。 直线销售关注的是与顾客建立一种直接的关系,让顾客能够直接与公司互动。利用这种销售手段最成功的例子就是戴尔公

31、司。通过这种互动,不管是在国际互联网上,还是通过电话,或者与销售员面对面互动,戴尔的顾客都可以十分方便地找到他们所需要的机器配置。这样,公司可以按照客户的订单制造出完全符合顾客需求的订制计算机。同时戴尔也将直线销售模式引入服务领域。直线销售直线销售结 论ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and free可折叠家具 可移动的“家” 搬家很累人,特别是对租赁族而言,从整理、分类、打包、搬运、组装,到最后的清洁,想到就觉得辛苦。行动生活概念mobile living style不光在网络上可以嗅到,这几年也让“组装家具”有了更崭新的诠释。眼前

32、这个神奇的盒子里面,竟然包括了一个衣橱、一张桌子、一张可调整的椅子、两张普通椅子、六层的书架,与一个有床垫的床! Casulo是2007年由德国KISD设计学院学生Marcel Krings和Sebastian Muhlhauser所设计的的毕业作品,盒子的尺寸大约长120厘米宽80厘米。两个人就可以将它拿起来,当然也易于组装与还原(还原成盒子后就易于搬迁),一套家俱约只需10分钟组装,而盒子的外部也会当做家俱的一部分,完全没有多余浪费的包装。很适合在外租屋的人们,也十分符合环保与简单的生活态度。Casulo也有代客搬家服务(全部加起来也有170公斤重)、暂时存放“你的家”等服务。ENGLIS


34、 Powerful and freeENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and freeENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and freeENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and free折叠创意家具设计Simic的折叠桌由立方体变成带椅子的四人桌,这就是设计师Srdjan Simic的办公用叠板桌。ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and free折叠椅梯 据说这种

35、折叠椅梯最初由美国总统本杰明.富兰克林设计。它翻转过来立刻就变成了一把方便的合梯,可用于厨房、图书馆、车库及储藏室。ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and free笔记本便携平板折叠烧烤架 这是一套袖珍的可折叠烧烤架,设计初衷就是为了便于携带。它重4公斤。好了,你只需要把它带到选好的地点,然后1.展开它;2.填入木炭;3.点火。ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and freeAlma Urban婴儿床 您想要一张婴儿床,它便于组合、使用安全,当孩子长大些以后(或者不用的时候)

36、便于存放,高度要适宜,使您使用时不必深度弯腰。这样的以及更多的精确细节要求会将您引向Alma Urban婴儿床,它的动感设计比一般的婴儿床更胜一筹。它采用极简主义的做法,具有独特简约的专利折叠和双层床垫设计。它的优势在于既是一个摇篮又是一个婴儿床。这种床可供宝宝用两年,之后就可以升级到大床了。ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and freeBrabantia墙固定式折叠晾衣架 Brabantia墙固定式折叠晾衣架是令人羡慕的严肃设计作品。然而它的打开与撤收并不是一种愉快的体验。这种设计创意也不便宜;Ikea出售的霜牌衣架才二十美元左右

37、,而Wallfix高达140美元。但是如果你把晾衣所耗费的体力计算在内,你会发现买这种衣架还是挺划算的。ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and free收作镜子的折叠式餐桌 意大利厂商Porada出品的折叠式餐桌是一款非常有趣的家具。当把这件家具折叠以后,组合在墙上就可以用作镜子。尤其当您的就餐空间有限时,它也可以被用作一张小巧优雅的折叠桌。需要多长时间折叠和展开这张桌子并不清楚。但是我认为这个创意的确很酷。ENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and free现在是椅子,过一会就变成凳子了! “折叠”是由Fredrik Farg出品的一种椅子,它只需简单叠放就能很容易地变成凳子。您还在等什么呢?把您的椅子折叠起来享用这款凳子吧。THANKSENGLISH FOR INDUSTRIAL DESIGNSimple, Powerful and free


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