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1、Chapter SixInternational Cargo Transportation and Insurance国际货物运输保险法国际货物运输保险法Contentso6.1 Introductiono6.2 Law of Cargo Transportationo6.3 Bills of Ladingo6.4 Law of Cargo Insurance6.1 国际货物运输法国际货物运输法o 国际海上货物运输法国际海上货物运输法(海商法海商法)o 国际航空货物运输法国际航空货物运输法o 国际铁路货物运输法国际铁路货物运输法o 国际多式联运国际多式联运o 海上事故及处理海上事故及处理6.2

2、 Law of International Carriage of Goods by Sea(海商海商法法)o 1681年,法国年,法国海事条例海事条例o 1924年,英国年,英国海上货物运输法海上货物运输法o 1893年,美国年,美国哈特法哈特法o 1936年,美国年,美国海上货物运输法海上货物运输法 COGSAo 1929年,国民党年,国民党海商法海商法、船舶登船舶登记法记法o 1992年,中国年,中国中华人民共和国海商法中华人民共和国海商法海商法的统一规则海商法的统一规则(P185-187)o1924,海牙规则,海牙规则o1968,维斯比规则,维斯比规则o1978,汉堡规则,汉堡规则o1

3、980,联合国国际货物多式联运公约,联合国国际货物多式联运公约o1910年,船舶碰撞公约年,船舶碰撞公约o关于船舶所有人责任限制的国际公约关于船舶所有人责任限制的国际公约o约克约克-安特卫普规则安特卫普规则(共同海损理赔规则共同海损理赔规则)2022-6-56Contract of Shipment Question: Whats the meaning of “contract of shipment”? A contract of shipment is in writing, by which the owner of a ship or other vessel lets the wh

4、ole or a part, to a merchant or other person for the conveyance of goods for a certain amount of time or voyage, in consideration of the payment of freight.Types of Contract of Shipment There are two types of contract of shipment. A contract of shipment may take the form of a charter party(租船契约租船契约)

5、, or a bill of lading.Charter party A charter party may be for a particular period, or for a particular voyage. In the former it is called a time charter party and in the latter case it is called a voyage charter party.Classifications of charter partyoVoyage charteroTime charteroDemise or bareboat c

6、harterVoyage charter定程租船定程租船 In a voyage charter, the charterer hires the vessel for a single voyage, while the vessels owner provides the master, crew, bunkers and supplies. The owner and his crew manage the vessel. Time charter定期租船定期租船 In a time charter, the vessel is hired for a specific amount o

7、f time. The owner manages the vessel but the charterer selects the ports of destination and controls the operation of the ship. 光船租船光船租船Bareboat charter The charterer takes full control of the vessel along with the legal and financial responsibility for it, including the crewing the maintenance of t

8、he ship during the time of the charter.案例:青岛远洋公司航次租船案例:青岛远洋公司航次租船合同纠纷案合同纠纷案 原告大洋与被告青岛约定,由船舶所有原告大洋与被告青岛约定,由船舶所有人的人的“北门北门” 将租船人的铁矿石自巴西运将租船人的铁矿石自巴西运往中国,未签署租船合同。该装货港为巴往中国,未签署租船合同。该装货港为巴西古埃巴港西古埃巴港(有内锚地及外锚地有内锚地及外锚地)。2005年年11月月17日日,船长在外锚地递交装货准备船长在外锚地递交装货准备就绪通知书,尽管当时的内锚地可以使用,就绪通知书,尽管当时的内锚地可以使用,但因费用比较高,所以船长选

9、择了外锚地但因费用比较高,所以船长选择了外锚地抛锚。港口泊位紧张,船舶抛锚。港口泊位紧张,船舶27日才靠泊装日才靠泊装货。货。29日,船舶装货完。日,船舶装货完。 双方争议的点双方争议的点o 1.1.具体的合同条款具体的合同条款。船舶人认为,本次租船的。船舶人认为,本次租船的基本前提是,不管船舶是否靠泊、是否在港均基本前提是,不管船舶是否靠泊、是否在港均可递交就绪通知。而租船人认为,准备就绪通可递交就绪通知。而租船人认为,准备就绪通知书只有在内锚地不能使用的情况下,在外锚知书只有在内锚地不能使用的情况下,在外锚地递交。地递交。 o 2.2.无效就绪通知书的接受、放弃抗辩与禁止反无效就绪通知书的

10、接受、放弃抗辩与禁止反悔问题悔问题。船舶人认为,由于其递交的通知书已。船舶人认为,由于其递交的通知书已被港口接受,所以租船人不再具有抗辩权,不被港口接受,所以租船人不再具有抗辩权,不得反悔。租船人则认为,港口无权代表租船人。得反悔。租船人则认为,港口无权代表租船人。因此,不涉及放弃抗辩和禁止反悔的问题。因此,不涉及放弃抗辩和禁止反悔的问题。 案件评论案件评论o 1 1、租船合同条款。有些当事人不签订合同的最、租船合同条款。有些当事人不签订合同的最终文本,只签订一些零散的协议,或者在协议终文本,只签订一些零散的协议,或者在协议中只引用其他合同的条款,却不说明一旦发生中只引用其他合同的条款,却不说

11、明一旦发生冲突哪些条款优先适用,这将给案件的审理带冲突哪些条款优先适用,这将给案件的审理带来了很大的困难。来了很大的困难。o 2 2、接受通知、放弃抗辩与禁止反悔。租船人了、接受通知、放弃抗辩与禁止反悔。租船人了解就绪通知递交的过程,为了保护其利益不受解就绪通知递交的过程,为了保护其利益不受损害,在这个过程他随时可以干预,以免给船损害,在这个过程他随时可以干预,以免给船舶所有人造成虚假的印象。航运界的做法也是舶所有人造成虚假的印象。航运界的做法也是如此。如此。6.3 Bills of lading(P189)oAs evidence of the contract of carriageoAs

12、 a receipt of goods receivedoAs a document of title to goods6.3.2 The Carriers Obligations(P196)oSeaworthiness of the shipoManagement of the goodsoCommencement of voyageoNon-deviation of voyageoDangerous goods not be shipped承运人应尽义务承运人应尽义务o船舶的适航性船舶的适航性o尽职、适时谨慎地装载、搬运、积载、尽职、适时谨慎地装载、搬运、积载、运送、保管、照料和卸下所载货

13、物运送、保管、照料和卸下所载货物o承运人应按约定的或地理上的航线将承运人应按约定的或地理上的航线将货物运往卸货港货物运往卸货港o不刻意绕道不刻意绕道o不运输危险货物不运输危险货物Seaworthiness Seaworthiness is a term meaning that the ship is fit to undertake the particular voyage and to carry the particular cargo. 2022-6-521 Question: Whats the meaning of seaworthiness?Two meanings of se

14、aworthinessothe ship is reasonably fir to encounter the “perils of the sea”; othe carrier shall properly man, equip and supply the ship and make all the ship fit and safe for the carriage and preservation. 2022-6-523 Question: What if the cargo owners want to file a claim for the ships seaworthiness

15、? If the cargo owner has damages because of the seaworthiness, he needs to show the ship was unseaworthy and there was a causal link between it and the loss or damage.6.4 Law of International Cargo Insurance(P203) Question: Whats the meaning of a policy insurance? A policy of insurance is a contract

16、 under which one party (the insurer) agrees, in return for a consideration, to indemnify another (the insured) for loss suffered as a result of the occurance of a specified event.Related terms oInsurer 保险人保险人oAssured 被保险人被保险人oInsurable interest 可保利益可保利益oPremium 保险费保险费Types of insurance policy oValue

17、d policy 定值保单定值保单oVoyage policy and time policyoFloating policy 流动保单流动保单oOpen policy 预约保单预约保单Valued policy Valued policy means that the insurer pays a specified amount irrespective of the extent of loss and without making any allowance for appreciation or depreciation. 定值保单定值保单:确定货物保险额。:确定货物保险额。不定值保

18、单不定值保单:在货物:在货物到达目的地时估算保险额。到达目的地时估算保险额。Voyage policy and Time policy Voyage policy covers risks arising during an entire transit period irrespective of how long it takes. Time policy covers risks arising during specified period, e.g. three months, six months or one year.Floating policy 流动保险单是指对一定期限内(

19、一般流动保险单是指对一定期限内(一般1 1年)陆续分批出运的货物所订立的一种年)陆续分批出运的货物所订立的一种保险合同。保险合同。 流动保险单适用于包销合同形式的贸流动保险单适用于包销合同形式的贸易和定期发运的货物保险。易和定期发运的货物保险。Open policy Open policy is an insurance policy in which the insurer agrees to cover any voyage undertaken by the policyholders vessel or any cargo shipped by a particular shipper. 预约保险单是保险人承保被保险人在预约保险单是保险人承保被保险人在一定时期内发运的,以一定时期内发运的,以CIFCIF价格条件成交价格条件成交的出口货物或以的出口货物或以FOBFOB价格条件成交的进口价格条件成交的进口货物的保险单。货物的保险单。


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