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1、精选三大从句三大从句精选三大类从句 名词性从句名词性从句 主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句 同位语从句 形容词性从句形容词性从句 定语从句 副词性从句副词性从句 状语从句精选名词性从句名词性从句 名词可以做什么成分?名词可以做什么成分? 主语,宾语,表语,同位语主语,宾语,表语,同位语精选两大类连接词两大类连接词 1. that + S + V +只起到引导作用不充当成分本身无词义省略? 2. wh- what, who, whom, which, where, when, why, how, whether充当成分不能省略句子语序精选规律:规律:名词性从句的理解问题wh- / how what

2、+ S + V - S V 的内容:what he said where + S + V - S V 的地点:where I stay精选 when + S + V - S V 的时间:when Jack left why S + V - S V 的原因why Jenny refused Forrest精选 how + S + V - S V的方式;S如何地Vhow students should behave how much S + V - S V的程度; S在多大程度上V; S有多么地Vhow much I love you精选 whether + S + V - S是否VWhether

3、 he comes to the party or not is none of my business. 精选主语从句- that 连接词 That he survived in the earthquake is a miracle. He survived in the earthquake. X is a miracle. That Bill divorced Juliet is not surprising. Bill divorced Juliet. X is not surprising. 主语从句中的that连接词不能不能省略!精选That引导的主语从句后置引导的主语从句后置

4、避免头重脚轻 +尾部焦点原则 1. It + be + adj. + that-从句It is natural that they should have different views.It was obvious that she did not want to come.It is strange that he knows nothing about it.精选写作练习写作练习 如果一个社会想要进步,抛弃传统很必要。 It is important that important / essential / vital / crucial / significant / 进步make p

5、rogress 抛弃传统reject traditions It is essential that a society should reject its traditions, if it wants to make progress.精选That引导的主语从句后置 2. It + be + n. + that-从句It is a pity that he cannot swim.Its a wonder that he is still alive.It was a disappointment to your mother that you failed the exam.精选写作练习

6、写作练习 保护和推广自己国家的历史和文化遗产是年青保护和推广自己国家的历史和文化遗产是年青一代不可避免的任务。一代不可避免的任务。 It is an unavoidable task that 保护和推广conserve and promote 国家的历史和文化遗产national historical and cultural heritages 年青一代young generations It is an unavoidable task that the young generations conserve and promote their national historical an

7、d cultural heritages.精选That引导的主语从句后置3. It + be + v-ed + that-从句从句规律:规律:it后面跟动词的被动语态形式,再接后面跟动词的被动语态形式,再接that从句从句 无主语,理解成无主语,理解成“据。据。” It is said that there has been an earthquake in India. It is reported that the enemy troops have crossed the border. “人们人们”作主语,进行主动理解;或者直接砍掉,做肯定作主语,进行主动理解;或者直接砍掉,做肯定理解

8、理解 It is believed that Japanese are weird. It was rumoured that he was suffering from a kidney stone. It must be pointed out that English is actually not difficult.精选写作练习写作练习 人们普遍认为国际旅游业促进了跨文化交流。 It is widely accepted that 国际旅游业international tourism 促进promote 跨文化交流cross-cultural communication It is

9、widely accepted that international tourism has promoted cross-cultural communication.精选That引导的主语从句后置引导的主语从句后置4. It + vi. + that-从句;从句;It + vt. + O + that-从句从句 It happened that she was not in that day. 碰巧碰巧 It turned out that she used to be a man. 结果是结果是 It occurred to me that perhaps she was lying.

10、突然想起突然想起 It struck me that we ought to make a new plan. 我忽然想起我忽然想起 (strike)精选写作练习写作练习 父母和教育家认为,电视“成功”阻碍了孩子心理的发展。 It occurs to parents and educators that a successful destroyer 心理的发展mental development It occurs to parents and educators that TV has been a successful destroyer of childrens mental devel

11、opment.精选主语从句特殊疑问词主语从句特殊疑问词 what, who, whom, which, where, when, why, how, whether 不能用if精选 人们是否应该到了某一年龄就应该被强制退休是一个公众人们是否应该到了某一年龄就应该被强制退休是一个公众话题。话题。 at a certain age be forced to retire 公众话题 public focusWhetherWhether people should be forced to retire at people should be forced to retire at a certain

12、 age has been a pubic focus.a certain age has been a pubic focus.精选 找到能够处理我们越来越多垃圾的地方是许多政府都非常找到能够处理我们越来越多垃圾的地方是许多政府都非常头疼的一件事。头疼的一件事。 处理处理dispose ofdispose of headacheheadache WhereWhere we can dispose of the increasing we can dispose of the increasing rubbish is a great headache to many rubbish is a

13、 great headache to many governments.governments.精选 (1) mounting + n. mounting修饰的名词 n. 为抽象抽象、不可数名词不可数名词Eg. mounting price / criticism / complaint / praise精选 (2) ever + adj. 比较级:The English exam is becoming ever more difficult.精选 (3) increasing 修饰可数名词:an increasing number of + 可数名词复数 修饰不可数名词:an increa

14、sing amount of +不可数名词 修饰形容词:increasingly + adj. The English exam is becoming increasingly difficult. 精选宾语从句宾语从句 that 类连接词 Experts confirmed that a puma will not attack a human being unless it is cornered. 不充当成分 只起到连接作用 可以省略精选 wh- 连接词连接词 谓语动词的宾语谓语动词的宾语 I wonder why he deserved his well-paid position.

15、 介词的宾语介词的宾语 That will depend on where we shall go. 不定式的宾语不定式的宾语 Armed with a torch, the vicar went up into the clock tower to see what was going on.精选宾语从句特殊疑问词宾语从句特殊疑问词 what, who, whom, which, where, when, why, how, whether 可以用if精选 说到教育,大部分人认为其是终生的学习。说到教育,大部分人认为其是终生的学习。 When it comes to When it come

16、s to the majority of the majority of a life time studya life time study When it comes to education, the When it comes to education, the majority of people believe majority of people believe thatthat it it is a life time study.is a life time study.精选 他们声称,通过补习,孩子可以获得很多他们声称,通过补习,孩子可以获得很多实践技能和有用的知识。实践技

17、能和有用的知识。 补习补习extra studiesextra studies 声称声称claim, maintainclaim, maintain obtain, gainobtain, gain practical skills practical skills useful knowledgeuseful knowledge By extra studies, they maintained By extra studies, they maintained that their children are able to that their children are able to o

18、btain many kinds of practical obtain many kinds of practical skills and useful knowledge.skills and useful knowledge.精选 一项调查显示,许多农民工认为在城市打一项调查显示,许多农民工认为在城市打工不仅有较高的收入,而且能学到一些新工不仅有较高的收入,而且能学到一些新技术。技术。 show / demonstrateshow / demonstrate farmer laborers / rural emigrantsfarmer laborers / rural emigran

19、ts An investigation shows An investigation shows thatthat many many rural emigrants consider rural emigrants consider thatthat working at cities can provide working at cities can provide them with not only a high salary them with not only a high salary but also the opportunity to learn but also the

20、opportunity to learn new skills.new skills.精选 我想知道,这个做法是否经得起推敲。我想知道,这个做法是否经得起推敲。 经得起推敲经得起推敲bear closer analysisbear closer analysis I wonder I wonder whether / if whether / if this practice this practice can bear closer analysis.can bear closer analysis.精选表语从句 that 类连接词类连接词 The truth is that he lack

21、s the decisiveness to be a leader. What I dislike about the deal is that it is really dishonest. 不充当成分不充当成分 只起到连接作用只起到连接作用 不可以不可以省略省略精选表语从句表语从句wh-类连接词 what, who, whom, which, where, when, why, how, whether 不能不能用用if精选 The kings concern is who will succeed to his throne. The question put forward by th

22、e consultant is what the management is to do with the workers strike.精选 其中一个争论的问题是一个人是否应选择其中一个争论的问题是一个人是否应选择舒适的衣服,而不管是不是时尚。舒适的衣服,而不管是不是时尚。 One of the questions under One of the questions under debatedebate 不管不管regardless ofregardless of One of the questions under One of the questions under debate is

23、 debate is whetherwhether a person should a person should choose comfortable clothes, choose comfortable clothes, regardless of fashion.regardless of fashion.精选 被一些人忽视的是,国际旅游可能会给当地被一些人忽视的是,国际旅游可能会给当地环境和历史带来灾难性的影响。环境和历史带来灾难性的影响。 What some people fail to see What some people fail to see 灾难性的灾难性的disast

24、rousdisastrous impactimpact What some people fail to see is What some people fail to see is thatthat international tourism may international tourism may bring about a disastrous impact on bring about a disastrous impact on our environment and local history.our environment and local history.精选同位语从句同位

25、语从句 很多(抽象)名词后可以跟 that 引导的从句,说明其具体内容,这样的从句就是同位语从句。 There is no doubt that he was an excellent scholar. He was conscious of the fact that she did not approve of what he was doing. We received a message that he would be absent.精选同位语从句举例 We have proof that this man committed the crime. I have expressed

26、the opinion that she can act. I had the impression that she chose her words with care.精选后面经常跟同位语从句的名词后面经常跟同位语从句的名词 doubt, fact, message, proof, opinion, hopes, impression, evidence, idea, belief, feeling, conclusion, rumour, report, possibility, guarantee, thought, assurance, news, story, order, etc

27、.精选 毫无疑问,需求的增长导致了价格的上涨。毫无疑问,需求的增长导致了价格的上涨。 There is no doubt thatThere is no doubt that There is no doubt There is no doubt thatthat the the increase in demand leads to the increase in demand leads to the rise in prices.rise in prices.精选 当今的年轻人以自我为中心、对人冷漠和当今的年轻人以自我为中心、对人冷漠和不顾及他人这样的事实,在很大程度上是不顾及他人这样的

28、事实,在很大程度上是孩童时期父母对他们过分纵容的结果。孩童时期父母对他们过分纵容的结果。 self-centeredself-centered indifferenceindifference inconsiderateinconsiderate The fact The fact thatthat young people young people nowadays are self-centerednowadays are self-centered,indifferent and inconsiderate is indifferent and inconsiderate is larg

29、ely the outcome of parental largely the outcome of parental overindulgence.overindulgence.精选 没有人能否认这一重要事实:最近几年交没有人能否认这一重要事实:最近几年交通问题在全世界受到了普遍关注。通问题在全世界受到了普遍关注。 No one can deny the essential No one can deny the essential fact fact thatthat the traffic problem over the last the traffic problem over th

30、e last years has attracted wide public years has attracted wide public concern all over the world.concern all over the world.精选定语从句定语从句 在句子中作为定语,修饰一个名词或代词 “的人”“的东西” 先行词 连接词 关系代词: who, whom, whose, that, which, as 关系副词: when, where, why被修饰的名词或者代词精选关系代词引导的定语从句关系代词引导的定语从句(1) 1. who, whom, that 代替人代替人 Y

31、oung people who abuse their aged parents should be condemned. Young people should be condemned. Young people abuse their aged parents. Young people, abusing their aged parents should be condemned.精选 养宠物能够把孩子变成具有同情心的人。养宠物能够把孩子变成具有同情心的人。 Pet raising 同情心同情心caring mind turn into Pet raising can turn chi

32、ldren into citizens who have a caring mind.精选先行词作宾语先行词作宾语 The girls who he employs are always complaining about their pay. The girls are always complaining about their pay. He employs the girls.精选先行词作宾语先行词作宾语 The man with whom I was travelling did not speak English. The man did not speak English. I

33、was travelling with the man.精选 医生对病人说谎,病人可能活得更长。医生对病人说谎,病人可能活得更长。 enjoy a longer life white lie A patient may enjoy a longer life. Doctors tell white lies to a patient. A patient to whom doctors tell white lies may enjoy a longer life. 精选关系代词引导的定语从句关系代词引导的定语从句(2) 2. whose,在定语从句中作定语在定语从句中作定语, 可以指人,也可

34、可以指人,也可以指物以指物 Youngsters whose minds are corrupted by pornographic contents are highly likely to go astray. He saw a house whose window were all broken.精选 医生会进退两难,如果他的病人身患医生会进退两难,如果他的病人身患癌症。癌症。 be in a dilemma get cancer A doctor whose patient gets cancer will be in a dilemma.精选关系代词引导的定语从句关系代词引导的定语从

35、句(3) 3. which, that 代替物代替物 It is a virtuous course to provide the poor with good jobs that allow them to support their families.精选 广告上出现的具有欺骗性的、误导性的内广告上出现的具有欺骗性的、误导性的内容受到猛烈批评。容受到猛烈批评。 cheating and misleading ads and commercials Cheating and misleading materials, which appear in ads and commercials,

36、have been strongly criticized.精选关系副词引导的定语从句关系副词引导的定语从句 1. 引导一个定语从句 2. 在从句中的成分状语where 地点状语when 时间状语why 原因状语 3. 关系副词 = prep. + 关系代词精选 This is the hotel where we stayed last summer. We stayed in the hotel last summer. where = in which精选 There are occasions when one must lie. There are occasions. One mu

37、st lie on occasion. when = on which There are occasions on which one must lie.精选 Can you tell me the reason why you are so unhappy? why = for which Can you tell me the reason for which you are so unhappy?精选 这就是富国拒绝帮助穷国的理由。这就是富国拒绝帮助穷国的理由。 This is the reason why; for which This is the reason why rich

38、countries refuse to aid their poor counterparts.精选限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句限定性定语从句与非限定性定语从句The beauty over there is YHs girlfriend who dresses in red.The beauty over there is YHs girlfriend, who dresses in red. 规律:非限定性定语从句,理解成插入语,或者直接删除;限定性要翻译理解成明确的定语。精选名词后名词后that引导的从句引导的从句 名词后面跟随that引导的从句时,一般有两种可能: (1)that引

39、起定语从句定语从句,该名词是先行词,在后面的句子中充当成分,通常是主语或宾语; (2)that引起同位语从句同位语从句,解释说明该名词的具体内容。精选名词后名词后that从句的判断标准从句的判断标准 判断标准有两个: 第一,看名词。如果that前面的名词是具体名词,那么that从句通常是定语从句;如果that前面的名词是抽象名词,那么that从句通常是同位语从句。精选名词后that从句的判断标准 第二,看从句。如果从句中缺少成分,一定是定语从句,而that在从句中充当的就是那个缺少的成分,通常是主语或者宾语;如果从句内容完整,一般是同位语从句,that在从句中没有词意,只起到引导作用。精选名词

40、后that从句的判断标准 第三,看先行词和从句的关系同位语从句和先行词是同等的关系;定语从句是用来修饰先行词,是从属的关系。精选状语从句状语从句 状语从句状语从句状语从句是行使状语功能的从句,状语从句是行使状语功能的从句,其作用相当于副词,因此也称为副词性从其作用相当于副词,因此也称为副词性从句。句。精选状语从句状语从句 种类:种类: 时间状语从句时间状语从句 地点状语从句地点状语从句 原因状语从句原因状语从句 结果状语从句结果状语从句 目的状语从句目的状语从句 条件状语从句条件状语从句 让步状语从句让步状语从句 方式状语从句方式状语从句 比较状语从句比较状语从句精选1、时间状语从句 常见引导

41、词:常见引导词: when, while, as, before, after since, until as soon as; hardly when; scarcely when精选 当有许多方法可以代替动物实验的时候,当有许多方法可以代替动物实验的时候,就没有必要在动物身上进行试验了。就没有必要在动物身上进行试验了。 alternatives It is unnecessary to . It is unnecessary to conduct experiments on animals when there are a number of alternatives.精选 一旦食物链断

42、裂,一旦食物链断裂, 整个生态系统就会整个生态系统就会永久被改变。永久被改变。 food chain/web ecosystem As soon as the food chain is broken, the whole ecosystem could be forever changed.精选2. 地点状语从句地点状语从句 where, wherever 有人类的地方,野生动物都被迫离开。有人类的地方,野生动物都被迫离开。 Wild animals are forced to leave wherever there is humanity.精选 3 3、原因状语从句、原因状语从句 该从句

43、表示原因该从句表示原因, ,作原因状语作原因状语, ,引导词包括引导词包括: : because, as, since, now that, considering ( that )精选 because 因为 有目标的人取得成功,因为他们方向明确。 People with goals succeed because they know where they are going.精选 as / since / for 因为 As you werent there, I left a message. I will seek to balance career and family since b

44、oth are important to me. I will laugh for this is the great secret of long life.精选 now that 因为.既然 可以和 since 换用 Now that youve passed the test you can drive on your own. Now that you mention it, I do remember the incident.精选 considering ( that )考虑到 考虑到计划还没有实施,会议取消了考虑到计划还没有实施,会议取消了。 实施carry out The co

45、nference was cancelled considering that the plan has not been carried out.精选4、结果状语从句 该从句表示结果,作结果状语,引导词包括: so that, such that精选 so / suchthat如此以至于 Youth is so wonderful that it is a crime to waste it. Most people pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it.精选5、条件状语从句 该从句表示条件,作条

46、件状语,引导词包括: if, unless, in case, as long as ( so long as ) assuming suppose ( supposing ), provided ( providing ), 精选 if 如果 Just imagine how horrible the world would be, if humans are the only creature in the world.精选 unless 除非,如果不 在意义上,相当于在意义上,相当于 ifnot 要记住: 如果没有百分之百的把握就不要承诺任何如果没有百分之百的把握就不要承诺任何事情事情。

47、 Dont promise anything unless you are 100 percent sure.精选 in case 假如 要记住: 假如你失败了,不要气馁。要继续努力。假如你失败了,不要气馁。要继续努力。 In case you fail, dont be discouraged. Keep trying.精选 as / so long as 只要,如果 要记住: 只要一息尚存,我就要坚持。只要一息尚存,我就要坚持。 So long as there is breath in me, I shall persist.精选 suppose ( supposing ) 假如 和 i

48、f 同义 Suppose ( supposing ) you make some mistakes, it is not the end of the world. 精选 provided ( providing ) 假如 和 if 同义 Provided that you have the money in your account, you can withdraw up to $ 1000 a day.精选6、目的状语从句 该从句表示目的,作目的状语,引导词包括: so that, in order that, lest, in case, for fear that精选in order

49、 that/so that He left early in order that he should / would / might / arrive on time.精选 lest, in case, for fear that 以防,以免以防,以免 I must concentrate on action, lest / in case / for fear that I wither in despair. 我们必须专注于行动,以免在绝望中消沉下去。精选7、让步状语从句 该句表示让步关系,作让步状语,引导词包括: although, though, while even if, eve

50、n though, no matter (what, who, which, when, where, how ) whatever, whoever, whichever, whenever, wherever, however精选 although / though / while尽管,虽然 although 语气较重 尽管世界充满苦难,但苦难总是能够克服。尽管世界充满苦难,但苦难总是能够克服。 Although the world is full of sufferings, they can always be overcome.尽管胜利并不重要,但努力去获胜却很重要。尽管胜利并不重要


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