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1、【鼓鼓楼楼区区英英语语】2021 八八下下期期末末考考试试试试卷卷+答答案案+解解析析一一、听听力力部部分分(共共 15 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,计计 15 分分) 略略二二、单单项项填填空空(共共 15 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 15 分分)请请认认真真阅阅读读下下列列各各题题,从从题题中中所所给给的的 A、B、C、D 四四个个选选项项中中,选选出出最最佳佳选选项项,并并在在答答题题卡卡上上将将该该选选项项涂涂黑黑。1. In the film My sister, the elder sister is expected to raise her younger

2、 brother _ he can take care ofhimself.A. sinceB. afterC. tillD. when2. Diana, dont jump to any conclusion, _ when you dont think about it carefully.No worries, dad. I will not.A. exactlyB. especiallyC. mostlyD. nearly3. Mum, I failed the maths exam again. Its too difficult.Dont be afraid of that. Ki

3、tes rise highest _ the wind, not with it.A. againstB. aboveC. acrossD. along4. Oh, my god. Ive left my keys at home again.Why not choose a smart lock? You _ search for keys any more. Just use your finger.A. mustntB. cantC. needntD. shouldnt5. Dont _ your dictionary while reading. Try to guess the me

4、aning of the new words.A. turn onB. carry onC.click onD. depend on6. Jim, youve forgotten to return my book Robinson Crusoe.Oh, sorry. I havent finished reading it yet. Ill make it if I _ another two days.A. giveB. am givenC. will giveD. will be given7. Mum, please change the channel. Our school is

5、on TV at 7:30 tonight.I watched it just now. It_ for a while.A. has been overB. was overC. has finishedD. finished8.According to the text on the right, ideas are organized in the way of_Rain is filling all around. Itfalls on the fields and trees.It rains on the umbrella.Andit rains on the ships at s

6、ea.A. time orderB. general to specificC. space orderD. specific to general9. David, do you know Michael will go to study in another school?Why? He says he enjoys life here, but I think _.A. walls have earsB. seeing is believingC. its better to think twiceD. there is no smoke without fire10. What do

7、you think of my project, Mr. Zhang? _. You can do anything well if you put your heart into it.A. My pleasureB. No problemC. Come onD. Good job三三、完完形形填填空空(共共 10 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分10 分分)请请认认真真阅阅读读下下列列短短文文,从从短短文文后后各各题题所所给给的的 A、B、C、D 四四个个选选项项中中,选选出出最最佳佳选选项项并并在在答答题题卡卡上上将将该该项项涂涂黑黑。Bethany Hamilton is f

8、rom Hawaii. When she was just 13 years old, she and her friend were surfing in theocean. While they were surfing, a shark attacked(袭击) Hamilton and she_11_ her left arm after that.Hamilton was sent to the hospital right away. When she arrived, she had already lost more than half of herblood and _12_

9、 died. But doctors saved her life. Hamilton loved surfing, and she didnt want to stop._13_, it was much harder for her now because she only had one arm. First, she got a special surfboard(冲浪板). This board was thicker and it was _14_ to control (控制). Then, she started to exercise her legs. Sheneeded

10、stronger legs because she had to kick more to push the board through the water. Finally, she learned how tosurf with only one arm.Less than one month after the _15_, she was surfing again.Today, Hamilton is a professional(职业的) surfer. She surfs in competitions around the world. She has been incompet

11、itions in the USA, Brazil, andAustralia. In total, she has _16_ four important competitions. She nolonger needs a special surf board. She uses the same _17_ of surfboard that everyone else uses.Hamilton uses her experiences to _18_ people to never give up. She wrote a book about the shark attackand

12、her difficulties. She also goes on TV shows. In 2011,her experiences were even made into a(n) _19_. Shehas also won several awards for her courage(勇气).Hamilton says that helping people has been a wonderful experience for her. She says that she has learned a lotabout _20_, love, and being strong. How

13、ever, although so many things have happened to her, she says she isstill just a surfer.11.A. lostB. cutC. brokeD. hurt12.A. badlyB. closelyC. almostD. even13.A.Above allB. Of courseC. By the wayD.At first14.A. easierB. saferC. quickerD. softer15.A. activityB. accidentC. dangerD. disease16.A. heldB.

14、choseC. enteredD. won17.A. styleB. materialC. kindD. form18.A. warmB. askC. expectD. teach19.A. interviewB. novelC. programmeD. movie20.A. healthB. knowledgeC. lifeD. education四四、阅阅读读理理解解(共共 15 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 15 分分)阅阅读读下下面面短短文文,从从各各题题所所给给的的 A、B、C 和和 D 四四个个选选项项中中,选选出出最最佳佳选选 项项,并并在在答答题题卡卡上上将将该该

15、项项涂涂黑黑。ALeaflet for Field Trip DayOn Friday, June 25, our class will take a field trip to North Park Zoo. The Zoohas lions, elephants, and otherinteresting animals. Many of the animals we are studying will be there for us to watch closely.Our class will be divided into six teams. Each team will have

16、 five students and one leader. The leaders arelisted in the table below.What You Need to KnowOn the morning of the trip, the students will be divided into teams. One student from each team will receive acamera. The camera person will take pictures of the team, the animals, and other fun sights at th

17、e zoo.All the students should wear blue shirts. Be sure to wear comfortable shoes because we will be walking all day.Please bring a bag lunch and a drink. We will have a picnic at the park inside the zoo. Bring a healthy snack, suchas a piece of fruit and a drink, for later in the day.When we are at

18、 the zoo, always stay with your team. Do not leave the team without telling the team leader.Feeding the AnimalsThe ONLYanimals that students are allowed to feed are those in the Childrens Zoo. Special food can bebought at the zoo for 5 yuan and given to these animals. Do not feed your lunch to them.

19、 It is not good for theanimals.21. The chart shows what will happen in the field trip. Which can be put in the empty box?A. The class visits the animalsB. The class stops for a snackC. The class is divided into teamsD. The class feeds the animals22. The main purpose to have the field trip is _.A. to

20、 enjoy the beautiful viewsB. to work with team leadersC. to see animals they are studyingD. to have a picnic inside the zoo23.After reading this leaflet, the students can _ .A. understand directions to the zooB. know new facts about animalsC. find out what animals are at the zooD. learn what is need

21、ed for the field tripBIn front of the house there was a beach. Peter liked to lie on the stand(看台) when the sun was warming it.From the back door of the house he would walk along a path as far as the sand, and stand by the water looking atthe sea. When nothing very interesting was happening on the w

22、ater, he would go down on his knees and take ahandful of sand. Through his fingers ran the sand until only small stones and shells were left. Then, with a largesweep of his arm and with as much strength(力气) as possible, Peter would throw them away as far as he could.At other times, he would lie on h

23、is back and look at the clouds, his hands idly(漫不经心地) searching the sandat his sides. He never stopped playing with the sand and feeling it run through his fingers. He lost himself in thechanges of the clouds.From time to time, some fishing boats came close enough to the beach. Peter could see what

24、the fishermenwere doing. Then with his hands clasped(紧握) he would look and look, while his whole body moved with the boatfrom side to side. When the fishermen pulled their nets or threw them into the water, Peter would do the same withan imaginary(想象的) net from his place on the beach.On this small b

25、each, Peter had a world of his own.24. This passage mainly tells about.A.the beachB. the fishermenC. Peters love for the beachD. the house by the beach25. When did Peter lie on the sand?A. When the sun was warming the beach.B. When the clouds were flying by.C. When fishermen were throwing the nets.D

26、. When fishing boats were coming to the beach.26. What was the last thing Peter did?A. He moved his body from side to side.B. He pulled and threw his net in his mind.C. He felt the sand run through his fingers.D. He looked at the boats with his hands clasped.CSome people think that if they dont have

27、 a yard, they cant keep a garden. Luckily, thats not true. For peoplewho live in apartment buildings, theres another choice(选择): rooftop gardensgardens on the roofs(屋顶).Rooftop gardens are very popular in cities. Most building roofs go to waste. Putting a garden on your roof is anice way to turn an

28、empty space into something pretty and relaxing.Rooftop gardens are not a new idea.About 2,600 years ago, people in Ancient(古老的) Mesopotamia builtrooftop gardens. There were such gardens in Ancient Rome and Ancient Egypt. These gardens were very important.Many ancient cities had walls. If an army att

29、acked (袭击) the city, the people hid behind the walls. The armyusually tried to burn the citys food, so the people in the city kept their gardens on top of their walls. That way, theycould continue to grow food.Todays rooftop gardens dont keep us alive, but they still have nice benefits(好 处). Plants

30、take in heat tomake the whole building cooler.As a result, people in the building use their air conditioners less. It means moreelectricity(电) will be saved. One study found that if every roof in Tokyo had a garden, the city would save morethan a million dollars a day on electricity.Rooftop gardenin

31、g is hard. Here are a few tips. First of all, be safe. Build a fence around your garden. Youdont want the wind to blow plants off your roof!Also, remember that rooftop gardens get more sun. If you have aplant that shouldnt get too much sun, remember to put it in the shade sometimes.There are many ot

32、her things to keep in mind before you start a rooftop garden. Do some research and thengive it a try.Youll make your little part of the city much nicer.27. Why did people in the past have rooftop gardens?A. To grow their crops.B. To make the cities prettier.C. To make their houses cooler.D. To prote

33、ct themselves from attack.28. Most building roofs go to waste. What does this sentence mean?A. People turn the roofs into a waste bin.B. People dont use that space for anything.C. People often throw the waste onto the roofs.D. People dont waste time on rooftop gardening.29. What can rooftop gardens

34、do for a building today?A. To make the whole building cooler.B. To stop people from throwing rubbish.C. To produce electricity for the building.D. To protect the building against the wind.30. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?A. Rooftop gardening is more energy-saving.B. Ro

35、oftop gardens make the city much nicer.C. Plants in rooftop gardens can get more sun.D. The idea of rooftop gardens is born recently.DCameron Oliver loves to care for the desert animals. He got the Abu DhabiAward as a community hero for hiscontributions(贡献) to society. He was only 11 years old when

36、he began his own campaign(运动) to save camelsfrom eating plastic. “I found out that camels are eating rubbish people leave behind and its killing them,” says theSouth African boy. “I love animals, so when I saw how the camels were dying, I thought I must do something tosave them.”He was excited about

37、 getting this award. He said, “My life changed after I got the award because itopened a lot of doors for me. I am able to do a lot more for my campaign.”“I just want to make it clear that the campaign is all about the camels,not me. Although I got the award, I stillhave a lot to do. I believe that t

38、he campaign will grow bigger and better from here.” _, he is putting upposters at shopping malls and asking taxi drivers to place bumper stickers(车尾贴) on their cars. Cameron said,“Earlier, I only had the support of my parents. However, with all the attention(注意) the campaign has got, a lotmore peopl

39、e are interested. My friends are helping me too.” He talked to different kinds of experts(专家) over thepast few months and they told him that he needed to improve the situation.Avisit to a camel farm in July 2008 was the turning point of Camerons life. “At the time, I go to ride camelsand one baby ca

40、mel kept licking(舔) my ear. I was deeply sad when I found such sweet animals were dying becauseof our carelessness. So I want to put a stop to it.”31. How did Camerons life change after he got the award?A. He got his parents support.B. He got more peoples help.C. He had to do more for camels.D. He b

41、ecame interested in camels.32. Which of the following is the best to fill in the blank in Paragraph 4?A. In order to get support from the public.B. In order to raise money for the campaign.C. In order to share his experience with others.D. In order to make people know about camels.33. Which of the f

42、ollowing might be Camerons poster?A. Keep off the desert,/ Leave camels alone!B. Camels,/ Our friends!C. Less plastic,/ More camels!D. Protect camels,/ Protect ourselves!34. Why does the writer mention (提到) Camerons visit to a camel farm in 2008?A. To tell the importance of the campaign.B. To show t

43、he purpose of the campaign.C. To introduce the result of the campaign.D. To explain the reason for the campaign.35.According to the passage, which is the correct order?a. Cameron talked to different kinds of experts.b. Cameron started his own campaign.c. Cameron got theAbu DhabiAward.d. Cameron visi

44、ted a camel farm.A. d-b-c-aB. d-a-b-cC. b-d-c-aD. b-a-c-d非非选选择择题题(共共 50 分分)五五、语语言言基基础础知知识识(共共 20 小小题题;每每小小题题 1 分分,满满分分 20 分分)A)根根据据括括号号中中所所给给的的汉汉语语或或音音标标写写出出单单词词,使使句句子子意意思思完完整整正正确确。36. How do you come to school every day, Jim? I ride to school _(除了之外) when it rains.37. Your dog is so cute, Uncle Wan

45、g.Thanks, Lily.You can _ (触摸) and hold her.38. You look unhappy today. Whats the matter?My mum has decided to _ (惩罚) me because I got home late without telling her.39. “Every child has a _ (权利) to education. You must send your daughter to school,” a policeman said to ayoung father.40. Linda is my be

46、st friend because we have _(相似的) hobbies and interests.B)根根据据句句子子意意思思,用用括括号号中中所所给给词词的的适适当当形形式式填填空空。41. _ (medicine) teams from across China rushed to Hubei to help in January, 2020.42. My aunt is an excellent eye doctor. She does more than 300 _ (operate) every year.43. During the summer holiday, we

47、 should not only finish our homework but also have something_ (meaning) to do.44. The north and south of Nanjing are _(separate) by the Yangtze River.45. Dont cut in on someone while they are talking, or _(explain) something to you.C)根根据据短短文文内内容容,从从下下方方方方框框中中选选择择适适当当单单词词或或词词组组填填空空,使使内内容容完完整整正正确确。wor

48、k forreadyso farcomfortableset upMSF stands for Mdecins Sans Frontires. Its also known as Doctors Without Borders (无国界医生).Mdecins Sans Frontires is French. This organization was _46_ by some French doctors in 1971.Since then, MSF has sent trained doctors all over the world to help people who have su

49、ffered from disasters, suchas wars and illness.Every year, about 3,000 doctors and nurses_47_ MSF.And over 27,000 doctors havevolunteered for MSF_48_. The organization received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1999.All kinds ofdoctors can volunteer for MSF. They need to be _49_ to go anywhere in the world.

50、Most of MSFswork is in Africa. When MSF chooses doctors for a task, they have to go for at least six months.But why would doctors leave a _50_ life and a good pay to join MSF? Some of them say theexperience is a great help in their life.And they say that its great to give others a helping hand.D.请请根


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