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1、.Book 2 Unit 1 GrammarThe Restrictive and Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses By WendyEnping No. 1 Middle School.Teaching aims:1. Revise what we have learned in Book 1 Unit 4 and Unit 5;2. Master the Restrictive Attributive Clauses and the Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses and tell the differences

2、 between them;3. Application of the Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses. .定语从句:定语从句:在复合句中,修饰主句中的在复合句中,修饰主句中的一个名词或代词的句子一个名词或代词的句子先行词就是被定语从句修饰的名先行词就是被定语从句修饰的名词或代词,它总是出现在定语从词或代词,它总是出现在定语从句的前面。句的前面。关系词指用来引导定语从句的词。关系词指用来引导定语从句的词。先行词:先行词:关系词:关系词:.关系代词:关系代词:关系副词:关系副词:定语从句定语从句who, whom, whose, that, which,

3、aswhen, where, why关系词的三个作用关系词的三个作用 1.1.起着起着连接连接主句和从句的作用主句和从句的作用, ,2.2.指代指代被修饰的先行词被修饰的先行词, ,3.3.作作定语从句的一个定语从句的一个句子成分句子成分。.关系词关系词指代指代在定从中充当成分在定从中充当成分关系关系代词代词thatwhichwhowhomwhose关系关系副词副词wherewhenwhy人或物人或物物物人人人人人或物人或物地点地点时间时间原因原因主、宾、表主、宾、表主、宾主、宾主、宾主、宾宾宾定语定语状语状语.1. This is the school _ is the most famou

4、s in the city.一找二还三替换一找二还三替换The school is the most famous in the city.the school 在句中充当主语在句中充当主语which/that 选用关系词的方法:选用关系词的方法:.例如:例如:2. This is the school _ I once studied.I once studied at the school.添加添加介词介词在句子中充当地点状语在句子中充当地点状语where一找二还三替换一找二还三替换.用合适的关系词填空用合适的关系词填空 ( 3)1. The boys_ are playing footb

5、all are from Class One. 2. The girl _ the teacher often praises is our monitor. 3. Football is a game_ is liked by most boys. 4. The film _they went to see last night was not interesting at all. 5. They still lived in the house _ roof had been blown away. 6. I still remember the day _ I first came t

6、o this school. 7. This is the most expensive cell phone _ I have used. 8. Please tell me the reason _ you missed the plane. 9. The house _ I lived ten years ago has been pulled down. 10. The man with _ you just now talked is my uncle.用合适的关系词填空:用合适的关系词填空:1. The boys_ are playing football are from Cla

7、ss One. 2. The girl _ the teacher often praises is our monitor. 3. Football is a game_ is liked by most boys. 4. The film _they went to see last night was not interesting at all. 5. They still lived in the house _ roof had been blown away. who/that whom /who/that/ which/ thatwhich/that/ whose.6. I s

8、till remember the day _ I first came to this school. 7. This is the most expensive cell phone _ I have used. 8. Please tell me the reason _ you missed the plane. 9. The house _ I lived ten years ago has been pulled down. 10. The man with _ you just now talked is my uncle.thatwhomwhenwherewhy.Compare

9、 the two sentences in the same group and find out the differences between them.A The old man has a son, who is in the army.B The old man has a son who is in the army.A中的从句是中的从句是_ 定语从句,作用:定语从句,作用:_.翻译:翻译:_.(隐含的意思:(隐含的意思:_).B中的从句是中的从句是_定语从句定语从句, 作用:作用:_.翻译:翻译:_.(隐含的意思:(隐含的意思:_).非限制性非限制性补充说明补充说明限制性限制性限

10、制修饰限制修饰这老人有一个儿子,他是个军人这老人有一个儿子,他是个军人他有一个当兵的儿子。他有一个当兵的儿子。他只有一个儿子他只有一个儿子他不止一个儿子他不止一个儿子.Translate the following sentences by using attributive clauses.In the class, there are 36 students who are interested in pop music.In the class, there are 36 students,who are interested in pop music.这个班有这个班有36个喜欢流行音乐

11、的学生。个喜欢流行音乐的学生。这个班有这个班有36个学生,他们都喜欢流行音乐。个学生,他们都喜欢流行音乐。.The novel, which I read last night, is very interesting.The novel is very interesting, which made me interested in it.先行词可以是名先行词可以是名词或代词,也可词或代词,也可以是句子以是句子.限制性定语从句限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句形式上形式上意义上意义上作用上作用上翻译时翻译时关系词关系词The differences不用逗号不用逗号用逗号用逗号去掉

12、后句意不完整去掉后句意不完整去掉后,句意完整去掉后,句意完整修饰限制修饰限制只可修饰先行词只可修饰先行词补充说明补充说明可修饰先行词或主句可修饰先行词或主句作宾语时可以省略作宾语时可以省略不可省略且不能用不可省略且不能用that , why 引导引导译为译为“的的”可译为并列句可译为并列句.Lets have a try(5)1. China, _ was founded in 1949, is becoming more and more powerful. 2. He was late again, _ made his teacher unhappy.3. His mother, _ l

13、oves him very much, is strict with him. 4. Sun Yida, _ everyone likes very much, is one of the best athletes in our class.5. Angles, _ native language is German, can read and write in several foreign languages. 6. The play, _ style is informal, is popular with the young people. 7. They went to Londo

14、n, _ they lived for six months.8. He will put off the picnic until May 1st, _ he will be free. 9. Last summer I visited the Peoples Great Hall, _ many important meetings are held every year. 10. I had told them the reason, for _ I didnt attend the meeting.Lets have a try:1. China, _ was founded in 1

15、949, is becoming more and more powerful. 2. He was late again, _ made his teacher unhappy.3. His mother, _ loves him very much, is strict with him. 4. Sun Yida, _ everyone likes very much, is one of the best athletes in our class.5. Angles, _ native language is German, can read and write in several

16、foreign languages. whichwhichwhowhomwhose.6. The play, _ style is informal,is popular with the young people. 7. They went to London, _ they lived for six months.8. He will put off the picnic until May 1st, _ he will be free. 9. Last summer I visited the Peoples Great Hall, _ many important meetings

17、are held every year. 10. I had told them the reason, for _ I didnt attend the meeting.whosewhere/in whichwhen/ on whichwhere/in whichwhich._ is known to us all, Yao Ming is one of the greatest basketball players.As as 也可以用来引导非也可以用来引导非限制性定语从句,但限制性定语从句,但只只用来指代主句用来指代主句。后面的谓语动词多是后面的谓语动词多是see, know, expe

18、ct, say, mention, report等。等。. as which指代指代位置位置意义意义功能功能as,which引导非限制性定语从句的区别引导非限制性定语从句的区别主句的内容主句的内容既可指代既可指代主句的内容主句的内容,又可指代主句的一部分又可指代主句的一部分可位于可位于主句之前,主句之前,之中或之后之中或之后放于放于主句之中或之后主句之中或之后,不能放于主句之前不能放于主句之前“正如正如”“这,那这,那”起连接上下文的作用,起连接上下文的作用,表达说话人的观点、表达说话人的观点、看法,并指出主句内看法,并指出主句内容的根据或出处等容的根据或出处等引导的从句在意义上相引导的从句在

19、意义上相当于一个并列句当于一个并列句.As everyone can see, she is always working hard.She is always working hard, as everyone can see.She is always working hard, which everyone can see.正如正如大家所看到的那样,她工作一直很努力。大家所看到的那样,她工作一直很努力。The wheels, as you can see, are running very fast.正如你看到的那样,这轮子转得飞快。正如你看到的那样,这轮子转得飞快。众所周知,吸烟有害健

20、康。众所周知,吸烟有害健康。As we all know, smoking is harmful to ones health.Smoking is harmful to ones health, as we all know.正如报道的那样,他所做的事情是真的。正如报道的那样,他所做的事情是真的。As is reported, what he has done is true.What he has done is true, as is reported.Consolidation (group work) (5)Join the pairs of sentences using attr

21、ibutive clauses (restrictive or non-restrictive) Here are the farmers. They discovered the underground city last month. Hangzhou is a famous city in china. Many people come to buy tea in that city. She got so angry. I dont know the reason. The old man saw some Germans taking apart the Amber Room and

22、 removing it. You are talking to an old man. The woman remembered the day. She saw Nazis burying something near her home .1.Shaanxi Province is a place with many cultural relics. They are well looked after. Here are the farmers. They discovered the underground city last month. Here are the farmers w

23、ho discovered the underground city last month. 2. Hangzhou is a famous city in China. Many people come to buy tea in that city. Hangzhou is a famous city in China, where many people come to buy tea. 3. She got so angry. I dont know the reason. I dont know the reason why she got so angry.4. The old m

24、an saw some Germans taking apart the Amber Room and removing it. You are talking to an old man. The old man, whom you are talking to , saw some Germans taking apart the Amber Room and removing it.5. The woman remembered the day. She saw Nazis burying something near her home . The woman remembered th

25、e day when she saw Nazis burying something near her home .6. Shaanxi Province is a place with many cultural relics. They are well looked after. Shaanxi Province is a place with many cultural relics, which are well looked after.1. Apples, that are good at peoples health, should be eaten every day.2.

26、She heard a terrible noise, and which brought her heart into her mouth. 3. He told his teacher the reason , why he didnt go to school this morning. whichfor which. 1. 2016年天津卷年天津卷9. We will put off the picnic in the park until next week, _ the weather may be better. A. when B. that C. where D. which

27、 2. 2016年全国年全国III卷卷 Some people think that the great Chinese scholar Confucius (孔子孔子), 67 lived from roughly 551 to 479 B.C., influenced the development of chopsticks. A. where B. that C. who D. /3. 2015 北京北京24. Opposite is St. Pauls Church, _ you can hear some lovely music. A. where B. that C. who

28、D. /.1. Charles Smith , _ was my former teacher, retired last year.2. After the war he went to the America, _ he found a job.3. He pretended not to know me, _ I found quite strange.whowhichwhere.1.1.有一个美丽的小女孩,她的名字叫做小薇。有一个美丽的小女孩,她的名字叫做小薇。There is a pretty girl, whose name is Xiaowei.2.2.遥远的东方有一条江,它的名

29、字就叫长江。遥远的东方有一条江,它的名字就叫长江。 In the distant East, there is a river whose name is Yangtze River. 3. 3. 我有个哥哥,他长得很英俊。我有个哥哥,他长得很英俊。I have a brother, who is very handsome.Translate the following sentences into English. 2016年北京卷年北京卷22. I live next door to a couple _ children often make a lot of noise. 2016年

30、江苏卷年江苏卷23. Many young people, most of _were well-educated, headed for remote regions to chase their dreams. 2015 江苏江苏21. The number of smokers, _ is reported, has dropped by 17 percent in just one year. whosewhomas. 2015 重庆重庆14. He wrote many children s books, nearly half of _ were published in the

31、1990s. 2014天津卷天津卷12. English is a language shared by several diverse cultures, each of _ uses it differently. 2014浙江卷浙江卷5. I dont become a serious climber until the fifth grade, _ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree. whichwhichwhen.Fill in the blanks with proper words

32、. I am Wang Hui. Im a student 1_ is still studying in Grade 3 in a senior school. I have a good friend, 2_ name is Zhang Ying. When at school, she studied very hard for her dream. To her delight, the day 3_ she had been looking forward to came at last. She was admitted to a famous university in Hang

33、zhou, 4_ there are many places of interest. She became a university student in 2013, 5_ I was in Grade 2. She will study there for another four years, during 6_ I think she will study as hard as ever. whowhosethat/whichwherewhenwhich.After all, she is always a hard-working student. Last week, she wr

34、ote a letter to me, 7_ tells me something about her. This year, she has taken many courses, one of 8 _ is what she likes best. And there she has made many friends, some of 9 _ are also from the countryside. She is having a meaningful and colorful life. How I envy her! 10. _ a saying goes, no pains, no gains. So Ive made up my mind to study harder from now on. I want to go to such a famous university as hers. Im sure that my effort will pay off.whichwhichwhomAs .Step 4 Homework:1. Revise what we learned today.2. Finish exercises on P.


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