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1、Unit 8.Youll be able to:1. give and follow instructions;2. describe new inventions.Warming up听录音,将下列标识语与图片匹配。听录音,将下列标识语与图片匹配。Listen and match.1Key sentences:Handle With CareKeep DryThis Side UpKeep Away From HeatOpen HereWarming upThis Side Up此面朝上此面朝上Warming up Keep Away From Heat远离高温远离高温Warming up

2、Keep Dry保持干燥保持干燥Warming upOpen Here在此处开启在此处开启Warming upHandle With Care 轻拿轻放轻拿轻放2. Keep Away From Heat Handle With Care远离高温远离高温轻拿轻放轻拿轻放Read and discuss.以下标识语常见于哪些产品的以下标识语常见于哪些产品的Warming up2(134)(12)(45)(4)(2)包装上?包装上?Listening and Speaking听录音,学习下列词语。听录音,学习下列词语。Listen and learn. vend correctpress inse

3、rtcoinv. . 出售出售adj. . 正确的正确的v. . 用手按用手按v. . 插入插入n. . 硬币硬币billn. . 纸币纸币change playerturn downn. . 零钱零钱n. . 唱机,播放器唱机,播放器使音量等降低使音量等降低volumen. . 音量音量1Listen and practice.听录音,练习谈论如何使用听录音,练习谈论如何使用Clerk: May I help you? Jill: Could you show me how to use the ticket vending machine?Clerk: Sure. First, choos

4、e the correct line, and then press your station on the screen. Jill: What should I do after that?Clerk: Now, insert coins or bills into the machine. Jill: And then?Clerk: Just take your ticket and change from the machines coin- return. Jill: Thats so easy! Many thanks!Listening and Speaking2地铁售票机。地铁


6、更有礼貌。显得更正式,更有礼貌。Listening and SpeakingListen again and order.再听录音,将使用地铁再听录音,将使用地铁3售票机的步骤排序。售票机的步骤排序。2413press your station on the screentake your ticket and changechoose the correct lineinsert coins or bills into the machine Jill: Hi, Jack. Would you show me how to use this MP3 player?Jack: Sure. Fi

7、rst press the On button to start it. Then press the Play button, and it will play the song. Jill: What shall I do if I want to listen to the next song?Jack: Just press the Next button. Jill: How can I turn the volume down?Jack: Here is the Volume Down button. Just press it. Jill: Well, its easy. Tha

8、nk you.Jack: Youre welcome.Listen and practice. Listening and Speaking参考译文参考译文听录音,谈论如何使用听录音,谈论如何使用MP3播放器。播放器。4吉尔:你好,杰克。你可以告诉我怎样使用这个吉尔:你好,杰克。你可以告诉我怎样使用这个MP3播播 放器吗?放器吗?杰克:好的。首先按杰克:好的。首先按On即开始键开启它。接着按即开始键开启它。接着按Play即即 播放键,它就能放歌了。播放键,它就能放歌了。吉尔:如果我想听下一首歌该做什么?吉尔:如果我想听下一首歌该做什么?杰克:就按一下杰克:就按一下Next即下一首键。即下一首键

9、。吉尔:我怎么样把音量调低一点?吉尔:我怎么样把音量调低一点?杰克:这儿有杰克:这儿有Volume Down即降低音量键。就按一下它。即降低音量键。就按一下它。吉尔:嗯,挺容易的。谢谢。吉尔:嗯,挺容易的。谢谢。杰克:别客气。杰克:别客气。 MP3播放器是很多年轻人喜爱的电子产品,主要播放器是很多年轻人喜爱的电子产品,主要用来听音乐。现在绝大多数手机也都有这个功能。用来听音乐。现在绝大多数手机也都有这个功能。Listen again and fill.再听录音,写出再听录音,写出MP3播放器播放器Listening and Speaking按键的功能。按键的功能。 Stop5FunctionB

10、uttonPlay Next Volume Down Reading and Writing Read and learn.读下列洗发液的说明书。读下列洗发液的说明书。Suitable for:Oily hairFunctions:Remove dust and eliminate itching. For those who are troubled by hair loss.Directions:Wet hair. Apply right amount of shampoo onto hair and rub into foam. Rinse well. Can be used every

11、 day.Warnings:For external use only. Not to be swallowed. Avoid contact with eyes. For adult use only.1参考译文参考译文适用于适用于:油性头发油性头发功能功能:除尘,止痒。专为有掉发困扰的人群设计。除尘,止痒。专为有掉发困扰的人群设计。用法说明用法说明:打湿头发。抹适量洗发液在头发上,并揉搓出沫。清洗干打湿头发。抹适量洗发液在头发上,并揉搓出沫。清洗干净。可每日使用。净。可每日使用。警告警告:仅限外用。不可吞咽。避免与眼睛接触。仅限成年人使用仅限外用。不可吞咽。避免与眼睛接触。仅限成年人使用。

12、suitable:适用的;适用的;oily:油性的;油性的;eliminate:消除;消除;rinse:清洗。清洗。Reading and Writing Read again and fill. 再读上文,填写下表。再读上文,填写下表。2Suitable foroily hairFunctionsRemove dust and eliminate itching.How to use Apply right amount of shampoo onto hair and rub into foams. Rinse well.Users should noteFor external use

13、only. Not to be swallowed. Avoid contact with eyes. For adult use only.Reading and Writing Read and learn. 读下文,了解怎样保护笔记本电脑。读下文,了解怎样保护笔记本电脑。Keep liquids away from your laptop. Spilled liquids may cause electrical damage to the laptop.Dont expose your laptop to extreme temperatures. When bringing your

14、 laptop indoors in winter, let it warm to room temperature before you turn it on.Avoid placing heavy things, such as books, on top of your laptop. This can push the screen into the keyboard.Clean your laptop regularly. But remember, turn it off before cleaning.3参考译文参考译文 There are a number of easy th

15、ings you can do to keep your laptop in better shape. 让液体远离你的电脑。溢出的液体可能会导致电脑的让液体远离你的电脑。溢出的液体可能会导致电脑的电路损坏。电路损坏。2.2.别把你的电脑暴露在极端的天气环境中。在冬天把电别把你的电脑暴露在极端的天气环境中。在冬天把电脑拿回室内的话,等它达到室温时再启动。脑拿回室内的话,等它达到室温时再启动。3.3.避免将像书之类的重物放在笔记本电脑上。这有可能避免将像书之类的重物放在笔记本电脑上。这有可能让屏幕和键盘相互挤压。让屏幕和键盘相互挤压。4.4.定期清洁你的电脑。但请谨记在清洁之前关机。定期清洁你的

16、电脑。但请谨记在清洁之前关机。 有很多简单的方法可以使你的笔记本电脑保持良好有很多简单的方法可以使你的笔记本电脑保持良好的状态。的状态。 该句中包含一个该句中包含一个that引导的定语从句引导的定语从句you can do,you can do前面省略了关系代词前面省略了关系代词that。Look and find.看图,指出使用电脑时的不当做法。看图,指出使用电脑时的不当做法。Reading and Writing 4Look and find.看图,指出使用电脑时的不当做法。看图,指出使用电脑时的不当做法。Reading and Writing 4Reading and Writing 参

17、考译文参考译文Read and learn. 读下文,学习制作读下文,学习制作PPT演示文档。演示文档。 If you want to create slides for a presentation, Microsoft PowerPoint proves to be a useful tool. Follow the steps below, and youll find it easy to get the job done. First, open PowerPoint to get a blank “slide”. Insert a title and a subtitle here

18、 if necessary. Then, to create more presentation pages, select Insert and New Slide on the menu bar to get a new blank slide. Once you have created all your slides, go to Format on the menu bar and select Slide Design. The design options will appear on the right side of the page. Simply click on the

19、 different designs to see how your slides would look. Finally, go to View on the menu bar and select Slide Show. Your presentation will then appear.5 如果你想为演讲制作幻灯片的话,微软如果你想为演讲制作幻灯片的话,微软PPTPPT被证明被证明是个很有用的工具。遵循以下的步骤,你会发现完成这是个很有用的工具。遵循以下的步骤,你会发现完成这项工作很轻松。项工作很轻松。 首先,打开首先,打开PPTPPT,出现一个空白的幻灯片。如果有,出现一个空白的幻灯


21、片放映幻灯片放映”。你的演示文档就会出。你的演示文档就会出现了。现了。 PPT是是PowerPoint的简称,是美国微软公司出品的简称,是美国微软公司出品的办公软件之一。该软件是功能强大的演示文稿制作的办公软件之一。该软件是功能强大的演示文稿制作软件,主要用来制作幻灯片。软件,主要用来制作幻灯片。Reading and Writing Discuss and list. 讨论并列举你知道的其他办公软件。讨论并列举你知道的其他办公软件。6 Microsoft Word Make a PPT.自己制作一个自己制作一个PPT演示文档。演示文档。7Reading and Writing Susan:

22、Can you give me a hand? Bill: Sure. Whats the problem?Susan: The printer is jammed. Could you help me fix it? Bill: Dont worry. Ill show you how to fix it. First open the door and then push the blue button and remove the paper.Susan: Oh, I see. Thats easy. Thanks. Bill: My pleasure.More ActivitiesRe

23、ad and practice.读对话,学习处理打印机故障。读对话,学习处理打印机故障。1参考译文参考译文苏珊:你能帮个忙吗?苏珊:你能帮个忙吗?比尔:好的。怎么了?比尔:好的。怎么了?苏珊:打印机卡纸了。你能帮我修修吗?苏珊:打印机卡纸了。你能帮我修修吗?比尔:别着急。我告诉你怎么修。先打开打印机的比尔:别着急。我告诉你怎么修。先打开打印机的 门,接着推这个蓝色的按钮,然后取出这张门,接着推这个蓝色的按钮,然后取出这张 纸。纸。苏珊:噢,我明白了。挺容易的。谢谢。苏珊:噢,我明白了。挺容易的。谢谢。比尔:很高兴能帮上忙。比尔:很高兴能帮上忙。Read again and act.再读对话,根

24、据提示表演对话。再读对话,根据提示表演对话。More Activities2More ActivitiesS1: Can you give me a hand?S2: Certainly. Whats the matter?S1: The printer runs out of ink. Could you help me fix it?S2: Dont worry about it. Ill tell you how to fix it. First, raise the lid on the printer and take out the old ink cartridge. Secon

25、d, place the new ink cartridge into the holder. Then, press the cartridge down till you hear it click into place. Finally, put the printer back into place.S1: Oh, I see. Thats easy. Thanks.S2: My pleasure.Around the World参考译文参考译文 One of the most striking differences between humans and other animals

26、is that humans can use machines. But recently, pets like dogs and cats have also used their owners smart electronic products. Some companies have even developed some iPad games for cats. How smart these products have become! 人与动物最主要的差别之一是人能使用机器。但在人与动物最主要的差别之一是人能使用机器。但在最近,像猫狗之类的宠物已经开始使用它们主人的智能最近,像猫狗之

27、类的宠物已经开始使用它们主人的智能电子产品了。一些公司甚至已经开始为猫咪们开发一些电子产品了。一些公司甚至已经开始为猫咪们开发一些苹果电脑游戏了。这些产品太智能了!苹果电脑游戏了。这些产品太智能了! A flying car, or roadable aircraft, is a vehicle that can legally travel on roads and also take off, fly, and land as an aircraft. If you think its impossible to see such a strange thing, youre wrong.

28、 Recently, China and the US have successfully invented this new vehicle. Its time to rock like Hollywood films do.Around the World参考译文参考译文 会飞的汽车或是飞行汽车,是一种可以在路面上会飞的汽车或是飞行汽车,是一种可以在路面上合法行驶的车辆,它也可以像飞机一样起飞,飞行和合法行驶的车辆,它也可以像飞机一样起飞,飞行和着陆。如果你认为不可能看到这种奇怪的玩意,那你着陆。如果你认为不可能看到这种奇怪的玩意,那你就错了。最近,中国和美国已经成功地研制出了这种就错了。

29、最近,中国和美国已经成功地研制出了这种新型的车辆。现在,人们也可以像好莱坞大片中那样新型的车辆。现在,人们也可以像好莱坞大片中那样去感受前所未有的刺激了。去感受前所未有的刺激了。 Before the invention of 3-D TV, people could only go to the cinema to experience 3-D films. But nowadays many countries have developed not only 3-D TVs but also 3-D TV channels. With a pair of 3-D glasses, youl

30、l feel just like you are in a movie theatre.Around the World参考译文参考译文 在在3D3D电视发明之前,人们只能去电影院体验电视发明之前,人们只能去电影院体验3-D3-D电影。但现在很多国家不仅开发了电影。但现在很多国家不仅开发了3D3D电视,还开发了电视,还开发了3-D3-D电视频道。只需戴上一副电视频道。只需戴上一副3D3D眼镜,你就会感觉自己眼镜,你就会感觉自己身处电影院一样。身处电影院一样。.Fun Time try/tr/Nothing is difficult to the man who will try.childre

31、n /dr/ Children are what the mothers are.1世上无难事,只怕有心人。世上无难事,只怕有心人。耳濡目染,言传身教。耳濡目染,言传身教。.Fun Time 参考译文参考译文2Teacher: Gerald, whats the shape of the earth? Gerald: Its round.Teacher: How do you know its round? Gerald: All right, its square then. I really dont feel like getting into an argument about it!

32、 老师:杰拉尔德,地球是什么形状的?老师:杰拉尔德,地球是什么形状的?杰拉尔德:它是圆的。杰拉尔德:它是圆的。 老师:你怎么知道它是圆的?老师:你怎么知道它是圆的?杰拉尔德:好吧,那它是方的。我真觉得争论这件事杰拉尔德:好吧,那它是方的。我真觉得争论这件事 没什么意思!没什么意思!笑话 My Progress CheckI can give and follow instructions with:correct press insert coin bill change volumefunction suitable push turn downWhat should I do after that?Would you show me how to use this MP3 player?Great! I want to learn more!


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