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1、1 2022 风华中学九年级英语练习卷 一、单项选择(本题共 20 分,每小题 1 分)选择最佳答案。 ( )1.In the following words, which underlined letters have a different sound? A. whole B. wheel C. whether ( )2.Which pair of the words with the underlined letters has the same sound? A. crowd bowl B. crime prime C. pale brand ( )3.Which of the fol

2、lowing words doesnt have the same stress as the others? A. Compass B. Effort C. Perform ( )4.Jimmy, what do you want to be when you grow up? I want to be _ engineer. A. a B. an C. the ( )5. The 44-year-old Liu Yang rode Shenzhou-14 into space _ June 5th,2022. She will stay in space for six months wi

3、th the other two astronauts. A.in B. on C.at ( )6.-_ advice Mrs. Wu gave us! - Yes. If you follow her words, we will succeed in the High School Entrance Exam. A. What useful B. What a useful C. How useful ( )7. Our teachers and parents will be proud of us because we have grown up and can be responsi

4、ble for _. A. themselves B. ourselves C. yourselves ( )8. The Hong KongZhuhaiMacao Bridge, the worlds _ crosssea bridge, won another international prize in December, 2018. A. longer B. longest C. the longest ( )9.-Where is Monica? I cant find her anywhere. -She be in the library. She loves reading b

5、ooks when she is free. A. must B. need C. cant ( )10.-Cathy sold some of her things in a yard sale and _the money to a childrens home. - She is so kind and always helps the children in need. A. gave away B. gave up C. gave out ( )11.-High-speed trains are seen as one of the new Four Great _ of China

6、. - Of course, it makes travel from one city to another more convenient. A. Achievements B. Agreements C. Environments ( )12.-How long have you _ your cap? It looks cool. -About two weeks. A. borrowed B. bought C. had 2 ( )13.-What do you think of your class meeting about environmental protection? -

7、Wonderful. A lot of useful suggestions yesterday. A. are offered B. were offered C. was offered ( )14.-I wonder _. -Someone who can make me a better person. A. when you met your friends B. how do you make your friends happy C. who you want to make friends with ( )15.- This Sunday is Fathers Day. Wha

8、ts your surprise for your father? -The first thing _ I will do is to make a card for him. A. who B. where C. that ( )16.-I like the TV program The Reader best. I think we should spend as much time as we can _ in our spare time. - I quite agree with you because reading makes a full man. A. read B. to

9、 read C. reading ( )17. - I know so few words _ I have never tried to keep new words in mind. - Dont worry. Its never too late to begin. A. that B. because C. though ( )18. _ is one of the festivals in western countries. On that day people may play jokes on each other. A. Halloween B. April Fools Da

10、y C. Thanksgiving ( )19. In order to keep away from the virus(病毒) and have a healthy body, we should_. wash hands before dinner often open the windows and let the fresh air in go to the supermarket with many people there eat some wild animals to be stronger often take exercise and eat healthy food A

11、. B. C. ( ) 20. Kate has 100 yuan as her pocket money every month. The table shows the money she uses for the following things every month. Then she spends _ on sports in half a year. A. 20 B. 120 C. 60 Swimming Food School things Clothes Badminton ? 35% 30 15 10 3 二、完形填空 (本题共 10 分,每小题 1 分) My frien

12、ds and I joined a two-day survival(生存)training course in the mountains. The first day was really 21 -there was so much to do! Arriving at the campsite(营地), we were divided into groups and give a tent, some food, a 22 and a compass(指南针). Standing next to a small river, Fanny 23 camping in the grassy

13、area nearby. However, our instructor, Mr. Lee, pointed out that it might flood(淹没) if it rained. In the end, we found a higher area. Putting up the tent was hard. Luckily, Mr. Lee helped us a lot. By the time we had put up the tent, 24 was really hungry. “We wouldnt have got this hungry if we had br

14、ought some snacks.” Peter said. We all told him to stop complaining and help us start a fire to cook our food 25 . Realizing we were having trouble making the fire, he finally helped out. The next day started early. Woken by a strange noise, Peter went to see what was 26 . “Some cows have eaten our

15、breakfast!” he shouted. “Thats all because you didnt 27 the food properly last night,” said Mr. Lee. Worried that Mr. Lee was angry with us, we tried very hard on our next 28 -using the map and compass to find a secret location(地点). We made it to the location before the other groups did. We all felt

16、 very _29_ . The survival training course was a great 30 . Now I feel I could survive anywhere! ( ) 21. A. disappointed B. difficult C. different ( ) 22. A. map B. book C. knife ( ) 23. A. suggested B. finished C. enjoyed ( ) 24. A. everyone B. anyone C. no one ( ) 25. A. yet B. too C. instead ( ) 2

17、6. A. developing B. happening C. beginning ( ) 27. A. sell out B. put away C. eat up ( ) 28. A. plan B. task C. problem ( ) 29. A. embarrassed B. uneasy C proud ( ) 30. A. experience B. activity C. competition 三阅读理解(本题共计 20 分,每小题 1 分) (A) What Will You Do With a Dollar I will hide the dollar in the

18、most beautiful place that I can find, and then create a map to the dollar. I hope someone will discover this map years later and have a magic travel to go on. Philip Stockton 4 I will buy a cup of coffee for the most successful person in New York and ask for his/her secret of success. Patrick Martin

19、e A single dollar gets me almost nothing, so I will get my friends together and ask each of them to give a dollar. We will give an open-air concert in our town. I hope the show can brighten(使明亮) the day of the town. David Andrew In my travels, I find people need clean drinking water most. I once saw

20、 in Africa 40-50 people travel 25 miles for water. So I will use the dollar to provide free drinking water for people in need. Ben Harrison *Follow us at https:/just for if living for more. 根据语言材料内容选择最佳答案。 ( ) 31. Patrick Martine will _ with a dollar. A. go on a magic trip B. hold an open-air concer

21、t C. ask for the secret of success ( ) 32. David Andrew will ask each of his _ to give a dollar for a concert. A. neighbors B. friends C. classmates ( ) 33. _ wants to help people in need of free drinking water. A. Philip Stockton B. David Andrew C. Ben Harrison ( ) 34. Which of the following is TRU

22、E according to the material? A. If you want to know more, you can search https:/just for if living. B. Philip Stockton will create a map for the dollar and have a magic trip by himself. C. Ben Harrison will buy a cup of coffee for the happiest person in New York. ( ) 35. Where does the material prob

23、ably come from? A. A film magazine B. A travel guide C. A website (B) Once a father wanted to teach his two sons something. So he asked his two sons to come and meet him at the start of a track(小路) which was near a forest. When the two sons got there, the father showed them the track and said, “You

24、both have to start here and reach the end of the track. Completing this track will also influence the result of the test which will happen next week.” 5 Then the two sons started together. Just after a while, they saw that the track was divided into two paths(小道). The little brother decided to follo

25、w the path which seemed clear and was easier to go through. The elder brother decided to go through the path which was blocked (堵住) by a lot of fallen trees. The elder brother found his little brother was waiting for him when he got to the end of the track. His little brother said proudly, “Im glad

26、I chose the easier path of the two.” But the elder brother thought that he never regretted. For the next test, the brothers were called near a ravine(溪谷). The father looked at them and said, “You have to jump to the other side of this ravine.” The little brother never did that before. He got scared

27、and stepped back. The elder brother remembered his road of his last test and how he jumped wide gaps(豁口)there. He jumped into the air and he made it! After the test, their father said to his little son, “When you chose the easier path last week, it helped you to complete that test easily, but you we

28、re not able to prepare for harder tests.” 根据短文内容判断正误,正确的写(A),错误的写(B) 。 ( ) 36. The father asked his two sons to find an easy path to reach the end of the track. ( ) 37. The elder brother regretted choosing the path that was difficult to follow. ( ) 38. The little brother got to the end of the track

29、before his elder brother in the first test. ( ) 39. At last, both of the two brothers didnt jump to the other side of the ravine. ( ) 40. The passage tells us that hard time can help us prepare for the future. (C) Many years ago, Dennis Sorensen, from Denmark, was holding fireworks(烟花) in his hands

30、during a family holiday. Then, something bad happened to him. He had a serious accident and lost his left hand. Dennis later wore a bionic hand(仿生手) . But like all people who have lost a hand, Dennis couldnt get back the feeling in his hand. Recently, scientists from Europe, including Italy, Germany

31、 and Switzerland, have made a special bionic hand. It allows people to feel. This is the first bionic hand of its kind. During tests, scientists covered Dennis eyes. Then, they asked him to feel different things. The team then put sensors(传感器) on the bionic hand. These sensors hold information about

32、 the sense of touch. They sent the information to a computer and transferred it into Dennis nerves (神经) on his arm. He was able to tell the shape and hardness of things by using the bionic hand. Dennis told BBC News “ The biggest difference is when I touch something I 6 can feel what I was touching

33、without having to look.” The experts were also pleased with their experiment. Dr. Stanisa Raspopovic, a member of the team, said, “It was a very exciting moment when after endless hours of testing. Dennis turned to us and said with great excitement, This is really magic! I can feel the closing of my

34、 hand.” Unluckily for patients like Dennis, they may be waiting a long time before the hand is ready for them to use. Scientists think it could be 10 years until it goes on sale. 根据短文内容选择最佳答案。 ( ) 41 The underlined word “transferred” in the passage means “_” in Chinese. A. 加快 B. 改变 C. 转移 ( ) 42 Acco

35、rding to the passage, we know that scientists from _ countries have made a special bionic hand. A. three B. two C. four ( ) 43 What is the biggest difference when Dennis touched something with the special bionic hand? A. He wasnt able to tell the shape and hardness of things by using the bionic hand

36、. B. He could hardly move his arms easily. C. He could feel what he was touching without having to look. ( ) 44 Which of the following is TRUE? A. People can buy the bionic hand in less than five years. B. Dennis was excited about the result of the experiment. C. The experts didnt think the experime

37、nt was successful. ( ) 45 What is the main idea of the passage? A. The special bionic hand brings hope for the disabled. B. Scientists have great difficulty making a new kind of bionic hand. C. All the patients can get back the feeling by themselves. (D) In the world, more and more people are studyi

38、ng Chinese as a second language and the situation is developing rapidly. _46_ Many people say its more difficult to write Chinese than to write the other languages. A famous quote(语录) says, “When you have children, you should be sure to teach them Chinese. Chinese is going to be the most important l

39、anguage.” _47_ The first reason is that Chinese is the language spoken by the most people. China has the largest population. More reasons: Culture- _48_ Whether you are interested in history, art, music or food, knowing the knowledge of Chinese will help improve your understanding of 7 Chinese cultu

40、re. Travel-China offers exciting travel chances. _49_ Business-China is becoming more and more powerful. _50_ It is much easier to develop all important relationships if you can speak Chinese. 46._ 47. _ 48. _ 49. _ 50. _ 四、交际应用(本题共 10 分,每空 1 分) 从 A-G 选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项补全对话(选项中有两项是多余的) A: How long hav

41、e you been in China? B: _51_ A: Wow! Thats a long time. B: Yes. And Im going to stay longer to see how the Mid-Autumn Festival is celebrated here. A: _52_ B: Can I? Thats very kind of you! A: _53_ Well celebrate it in the countryside. B: _54_ A: Yes. Im sure youll learn a lot about Chinese tradition

42、s there. B: Sounds great! _55_ A: Im expecting your coming. A. Thats not true. B. For about three months. C. How do you celebrate it? D. I believe you will love it E. You mean in your hometown? F. I cant wait for the coming of that day. G. If so, you can come to celebrate it with my family. 51. _ 52

43、. _ 53. _ 54. _ 55. _ (B) 填入一个适当的词补全对话,每空一词。 A: Hi, Jason. Long time no see. You look stronger that before. B: I _56_ to playing sports for a long time. A: You mean you keep exercising to stay fit every day? B: Thats for sure. A. Why do more and more people want to learn Chinese? B. Business people

44、from all over the world who speak Chinese have a huge advantage in developing the huge Chinese market. C. Traveling around is much easier if you can speak Chinese. D. With thousands of years of history, Chinese culture is very fascinating. E. Written Chinese is difficult to learn. 8 A: _57_ and wher

45、e do you often play sports? B: In the park every morning. It really helps a lot. A: Sounds wonderful. I think I should take exercise _58_ well. B: You are right. Why not _59_ me tomorrow morning? A: Good idea, but Im sorry, Jason. Im going to have a driving test tomorrow. And I have to _60_ for it.

46、How about this Sunday? B: Thats a deal. Everybody wants to enjoy exercising on Sunday. Lets meet at the gate of the park at 6 oclock, shall we? A: OK. Ill arrive there on time. See you then. B: See you. 56. _ 57._ 58. _ 59. _ 60. _ 五、任务型阅读(A)、(B)、(C)三篇短文,然后根据题目要求及所给语境完成下列五项内容。 (本题共 20 分,每小题 1 分) (A)

47、 Xu Yuanchong is a famous Chinese modern translator. Born in Nanchang, Jiangxi Province in 1921, He went to University of Paris for 61 study after graduating from Tsinghua University. His translations are more than 120 or so,_62_ The Book of Songs, The Songs Chu and The Red and The Black, with a spe

48、cial focus on poetry. Xu is also the only person in China who_63_ translated poems to and from Chinese, English and _64_, in an 65 and beautiful way. His works are often _66_ as textbooks for foreign language learners. Xu pays much attention to the 67 of image(印象), sound and form. As a result, he al

49、ways leaves something out and adds something. In order to make the truth clearer, there are many 68 between Xu and other translators. Now Xu is 100 years old. He is writing more about his own life. To everyone, he sends a wish “Good, better, best. Never let it rest until your good is better, and you

50、r better is best.” (B) Living with Less These days, it seems that many people try to live with less. Those people throw away all the less-used things or some things that are not necessary. They are discovering the pleasure of spending their time and money on the things that matter most. Here are adv


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