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1、国家开放大学电大一网一平台理工英语1一体化考试机考形考任务1题库及答案形考任务1题库一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从A、 B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题1-Goodbye, everyone. -Bye, Sally! Dont forget to write.选择一项:A.Stay in touchB.Sounds greatC.Just wait and see试题2-Are you good at Building Materials, Rose?But I will try to study it well this term. 选择一项:A.Quite

2、 wellB. Thats all right C.Not very good试题3To solve this problem, New York city planners are challenging tradition and sta工ting to , , more. micro uni ts. 选择一项:A.designB. inventC.create试题4Lets meet at 7: 30 outside the gate of _. 选择一项:A.Peoples ParkB. the Peoples ParkC. the People Park试题5Each apartme

3、nt only_15 to 30 选择一项:A.makeB. spend C. takes 试题6square meters for one unit. 二、翻译:从以下A、B、C三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译1.Thats why tiny little apartments with a bedroom, a kitchen and a bathroom come into being.()A. 这就是为什么小公寓的卧室,一个厨房和一个浴室。B. 这就是为什么小的小公寓有一个卧室,一个厨房和一个浴室。C. 这就是只有一卧一厨一卫的微型公寓形成的原因2. A beautiful lit

4、tle room with love and happiness is a great place to live. ()A. 一个美丽的小房间,爱和幸福是一个居住的好地方。B.一间充盈爱和幸福的小美屋就是宜居的好地方。C.一个美丽的小房间,爱和幸福是一个伟大的地方住。3. It can also meet the need of people who are short on cash but determined to live in theirown places. ()A. 它也能满足一些人的需要,他们缺钱,但又决心拥有一个自己的家。B. 它也可以满足人的需要,缺钱但决定住在自己的地方

5、。C. 它也能满足需要的人谁是短期的现金,但决心生活在自己的地方。4. Ted and冒illiam have lived under the same roof for five years. ()A. 泰德和威廉已经在同一屋檐下生活了五年了B. 泰德和威廉在同一个屋檐下生活了五年。C. 泰德和威廉一起生活了五年。5. If you travel alone and want to know better family life in Britain, youd better stayin B & Bs. ()A如果你独自旅行,想知道更好的家庭生活在英国,你最好呆在B & Bs。B如果你独自

6、旅行,想了解英国的家庭生活,你最好呆在家里。C如果你独自旅行并且想更好地了解英国的居民生活,你可以住在B & Bs。一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从A、 B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题1-Hello, Im Harry Potter. -Glad to meet you. Im Miller. But 选择一项:A. call me Paul.B. call me at Paul.C. call my Paul.试题2Havent seen you for ages, Mike. -Pretty good. Everything goes well.选择一项:A

7、.Hows it going?B. What are you doing? C.How are you?试题3一Can I help you, sir? 一Id like to have 100 选择一项:A.pieces of paperB.pieces of papersC.piece of paper试题4I want my students to draw pictures. I hope you11 _working with us in the future. 选择一项:A.achieveB.applyC.enjoy试题5The technological advances mad

8、e it possible for the middle classes to enjoy what had once been_ only to the very rich. 选择一项:a.manageableb.measurablec.affordable试题6二、阅读理解: 阅读下面的对话, 选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。(操作提示: 将代表正确答案的选项“A、“ B”等输入答案框即可。 )Sun Li: Nice to meet you. Im Sun Li. Henry: (C) Are you a student of this university, too? Sun Li: Y

9、eah, this is my second year. I study Architecture. And what s your major? Henry: ( D) So, what subjects do you study this term? Sun Li: (A) Henry: Oh, I see. I have English classes too. I have Air Pollution Control, Pollution Analysis, and Climate Change Control Technology. Sun Li: Oh, really?! What

10、 do you think of your major? Henry: Its wonderful. ( B) but Pollution Analysis isnt my best subject. I like Climate Change Control Technology better. ( E) Sun Li: I like Building Materials best. A. This semester we study English, Engineering Drawing, Construction Technology, and Building Materials.

11、B. I think the classes are really interesting,C. Nice to meet you too. D.Oh, My major is Energy and Environment.E.How about you?一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题1一How are you? 选择一项:A. Fine, thanks.B. Nice to meet you. C. How do you do.试题2 - Hello, Im Harry Potter. -Glad to meet you. I

12、m Miller. But 选择一项:A. call me Paul.B. call me at Paul.C. call my Paul.试题3-Could you please tell me something about the two_? They arc exchange students of No. 1 Middle School. 选择一项:A.Frenchmen; Yes, pleaseB. Germen; Not at all C. Germans; All right 试题4Tony has many Chinese _. 选择一项:A.a stampB. stamps

13、C.stamp试题5Now this tiny housing solution is 选择一项:A.gain ground onB.gain groundC.gain ground upon试题6in urban areas in the U. S., and Canada. 二、阅读理解: 阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Housing is the living places for human beings. As the population keeps climbing, People in the city have to face the r

14、eality that housing is in short supply. To solve this problem, New York city planners are challenging tradition and sta工ting to design more micro units. Micros, also known as hostel-style apartments, usually offer less than 200 square feet (18. 5 square meters) in area. Could you imagine living in 1

15、50 square feet (14 square meters)? These uni ts usually have only room for a bed, a table mini-fridge and the basic living essentials. Why is the micro apartment so appealing? The reasons are rather straightforward. It is perfect for single people who dont have a lot of things. It can also meet the

16、need of people who are short on cash but determined to live in their own places. Micro apartments are very common in cities like Tokyo and Hong Kong, where there are so many people living. Now this tiny housing solution is gaining ground in urban areas in the U. S. , and Canada. The micro apartment

17、is an experiment in simplicity in American culture. So small-scale home life is part of a hot trend in U.S. real estate. Some people are proud of it. Some of them can find the humor and fun in their small places. But not everyone is in favor of the trend. 1. According to the passage, the next big tr

18、end in U. S. real estate is (). A. big houseB. micro apartmentC. traditional house2. As the population keeps climbing, people in the city have to face the reality that () . A. housing is in short supplyB. housing is very sufficientC. housing is a luxury goods3. Why is the micro apartment so appealin

19、g? ()A. It meets the need of someone.B. Its very strange.C. Its excellent.4. Micro apartments are very common in some cities like () . A. BeijingB. LondonC. Tokyo5. How do people think of the micro apartment? ()A. Everyone 1 ikes it very much.B. Some people think its humorous and fun.C. Not everyone

20、 is in favor of the trend.一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题1- Goodbye, everyone.- Bye, Sally! Dont forget to write.选择一项:A.Sounds greatB.Stay in touchC.Just wait and see试题2一How are you? 选择一项:A. Nice to meet you.B. Fine, thanks.C.How do you do.试题3The are eating _ at the foot of the moun

21、tain. 选择一项:A.sheeps, grassesB. sheep, grassC. sheeps, grass 试题4To solve this problem, New York city planners are challenging tradition and starting to more., micro uni ts. 选择一项:A.create B. inventC.design试题5-Could you please tell me something about the two_?They arc exchange students of No. 1 Middle

22、School. 选择一项:A.Frenchmen; Yes, pleaseB. Germans; All right C. Germen; Not at all 试题6二、阅读理解: 阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Building a house costs quite a lot of money. Suppose you plan to build a house. Your first step will be to find a right piece of land. Your choice will depend on many differe

23、nt things. You will probably try to find a sunny place, with pleasant surroundings(环境)near shops and bus stops, not too far from your friends and the place where you work. Next you will find a good builder, and together with the builder you will work out a plan. The builder will draw the plan. It wi

24、ll show the number of rooms, their position and size, and other parts, which must be noticed, such as windows, doors, and electric outlets. The builder will work out how much money is needed to build your house. He will work out the cost of the wood, bricks, the glass, and everything else that must

25、be used in building the house. Later on, when he starts to build, this estimate(预算)must be corrected and revised(修订)His estimate is based on existing prices, but prices of such things may change, and many other things may happen between the time when he makes the estimate and the time when he builds

26、 the house. When the builder gives his estimate, you may wish to change your plan. (You may also wish to change your builder, if his estimate is too high!)You may find that the house you wanted at first costs too much, or that you can spend a little more and add something to your plan. The builders

27、estimate depends on the plan, but the final plan depends on the builders estimate. 1. The best title of this passage would be (). A. Building a House Costs Much MoneyB. Estimate Is ImportantC. Planning a House2. The first thing for a person to build a house is (). A. to get as much money as possible

28、B. to find a suitable piece of landC. to work out a plan3.The phrase draw a plan in this passage means (). A. making a picture of a building or a roomB. making a planC. working out a plan4. When the builder starts to build a house, his estimate will have to be corrected and revisedbecause ( A. it is

29、 wrongly worked out by a workman B. the future owner of the house thinks the estimate is so high that he cannot afford thebuilding. C. The prices of building materials and the expenses(费用)of labor may be different fromtheoriginal prices and expenses 5. What is the relationship(关系)between the estimat

30、e and the plan? () A. The plan depends on the estimate.B. The plan has nothing to do with the estimate. C. The estimate and the plan depend on each other.国家开放大学电大一网一平台理工英语1一体化考试机考形考任务2题库及答案形考任务 2 题库一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从A、 B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题1Have you had a nice journey? 选择一项:A.SureB. I dont l

31、ike traveling.C. You are welcome.试题2Thanks for all the information, Peter. It sounds like you have an interesting job. 选择一项:A. I work for the ABC company.B. Yes, its very interesting, but stressful, too! C. Yes I love my job. 试题3- Which city has _population, Beijing, Guiyang or Nanchang?- Beijing, o

32、f course.选择一项:A. the mostB.the largest C. the smallest试题4Tony is going camping withboys. 选择一项:A. two other littleB. two little otherC. little two other试题5Tom is_ than any other players in the school team. 选择一项:A. tallestB. tallerC. tall试题6二、阅读理解: 阅读下面的对话,选择合适的内容将对话补充完整。(操作提示: 将代表正确答案的选项“A、“B等输入答案框即可

33、。)Mary Johnson: Good morning, Mr. Liu! How good to see you! Have you had a nice journey? Liu Hua: (D) Mary: May I introduce an old friend of mine to you? Tony Smith is an architect and has a special interest in bridge design. TonySmith: ( A) Liu Hua: How do you do? Mr. Smith. Nice to meet you. Tony:

34、 Nice to see you, too. I know, you are the design leader of the Island & Tunnel Project of the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. It s my honor to meet you here. Liu Hua: (E ) Tony: It is said that the bridge is the longest cross-sea bridge in the world. How long is it? LiuHua: Sure. You know, this brid

35、ge connects Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau. It has a total length of 49. 9 68 km, of which 35. 578 km will be built over the sea. Tony: ( B) Mary: It sounds fantastic. I also want to see it when it s finished. LiuHua: No problem, you are welcome! Mary: Now we11 send you to the hotel and you can take a

36、rest there. We 11 have a meeting on bridge design tomorrow morning. Liu Hua: (C) Tony: You re welcome. A. How do you do? Mr. Liu.B.That s great! I hope someday I can witness such a miracle!C. Thank you very much for your help.D. Glad to see you, too, Mary. Indeed, it s been a very nice journey.E. Th

37、ank you very much.一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题1Whats your present job? 选择一项:A. Im a film-ma.ker.B. I just graduated from college.C. I am 24 years old.试题2Excuse me. You must be Mr. Liu Hua from China? 选择一项:A. Thank you.B.How do you do?C. Yes, nice to meet you. 试题3You know, this br

38、idge_ Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macau. 选择一项:A. likesB.connectsC. comes试题4- Sonia, do you think you are different from Linda?一Yes. Im _ at drawing than her.选择一项:A. well B. better C. good 试题5Architect Mayur Kanaiya spoke_ of the Langkawi Sky Bridge 选择一项:A.goodB. wellC.highly试题6二、阅读理解: 阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容从A、B、C

39、三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Londons River Thames has twenty-seven bridges. But Tower Bridge, the first bridge over the Thames as you travel to London from the sea, is the most famous of them all. What makes Tower Bridge so exciting? Why do visitors come from all over the world to see it? The thing that is surpris

40、ing about Tower Bridge is that it is open in the middle. It does this to let the big ships through to the Pool of London. If you are lucky enough to see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air, you will never forget it. On its north side stands the Tower of London itself. Although they

41、look the same age, the Tower is almost a thousand years old, and Tower Bridge is only about one hundred, it was built in the 1890s. By1850, everyone agreed that a bridge across the Thames near the Tower was most necessary. But the designers argued about the new bridge for another thirtyyears. This t

42、ook so long because they had two big problems. 1.Tower Bridge is ( C) .A. about one thousand years oldB. the oldest and the most famous bridge in LondonC. the first one you can see when you go from the sea to London2. The Tower of London is ( B) .A. across from the ThamesB. on the north of Tower Bri

43、dgeC. in the middle of Tower Bridge3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? ( A )A. You can see the bridge with its two opening arms high in the air at anytime.B. By 1850 everybody thought it most necessary to have a bridge built across the Thames nearthe Tower. C. It took the

44、 designers thirty years to argue about the bridge before it was built.4. Why is the bridge open in the middle? ( C)A. To make it special.B. To attract(吸引)more people from the world to see it.C. To let the big ship through to the Pool of London.5. How long was the Tower Bridge built? (B) A. A thousan

45、d years.B. A hundred years.C. Five thousand years.一、选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题1I m so excited to meet you. May I introduce myself to you? 选择一项:A. Sure.B.You are welcome.C. Nice to see you. 试题2Thanks for all the information, Peter. It sounds like you have an interesting job. 选择一项:

46、A. Yes I love my job.B. I work for the ABC company.C. Yes, its very interesting, but stressful, too!试题3But the Bridge was firstto the public, almost one year later, after a series of tests and evaluations. 选择一项:A. open B. lead C.use 试题4The walls function like a dam to keep the waterand the structure

47、 lies naturally within its surroundings, remaining invisible from a distance. 选择一项:A. inB.outC.of试题 5I really like that car you _ and I am thinking of buying it. 选择一项:A. talkedB. interviewedC.recommended试题6二、阅读理解: 阅读下面的短文,根据文章内容进行判断,正确为“T”,错误为“FOne of the masterpieces of modern architecture, the fan

48、tastic Hangzhou Bay Bridge has been opened to the public since May 2008. The Bridge is an S-shaped stayed-cable bridge with six lanes in both directions and is linking Ningbos Cixi county in the south to Jiaxing in the north. It shortens the highway travel distance between Ningbo and Shanghai by 120

49、 kilometers, and reduces the driving time from 4 to 2. 5 hours. It is the longest sea-crossing bridge in the world -36 kilometers (22 miles) long. This fantastic bridge crossing the Hangzhou Bay is expected to have a 100-year lifespan, and has a price tag of 11. 8 billion yuan (US$1. 70 billion). Th

50、e toll fee is 80 yuan per vehicle. As the bridge has six lanes in both directions, you can be quite sure that you will have a smooth ride. The speed limit is 100 kilometers/ 62 miles. The first preparations for planning the bridge started a decade ago; close to 600 experts spent nine years on design


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