
上传人(卖家):三亚风情 文档编号:3024919 上传时间:2022-06-23 格式:PPTX 页数:35 大小:1.58MB
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1、找出文章中的定语从句以及名词性从句 (复习)1. Thats why English has so many difficult rules that confuse people. (Line3)2. When we speak English today, we sometimes feel puzzled about which words or phrases to use. (Line 18)3.The question of whether English will keep on changing in the future is easy to answer.(Line 55)

2、5. It is certain that this process will continue,.(Line 56)Lead -in名词性从句复习名词性从句复习Learning aimsBy the end of the class, students will be able to know the testing points of the noun clause and finish the exercises with the guidance of the knowledge. 名词性从句的类别;名词性从句的类别; 名词性从句的引导词及其选择;名词性从句的引导词及其选择; It在名

3、词性从句中做形式主语和形式宾语;在名词性从句中做形式主语和形式宾语; 分析句子成分 Kris, my idol(偶像偶像), is a famous singer, and he likes basketball. S主语A同位语VVSO宾语P表语总结:名词可在句中充当_语,_语,_语,_ 语。思考:如果把名词所充当的成分换成句子我们称之为什么?主同位宾表Self-study 1名词性从句在功能上相当于名词His job is important.What he does is important.主语 I like his job.I like what he does. 宾语This is

4、 her job.This is what she does every day. 表语Polly doesnt know about the man, Mr. White.Polly doesnt know about the fact that he is a blind man. 同位语什么是名词性从句?什么是名词性从句? 在英语的句子结构中,本来该由在英语的句子结构中,本来该由名词名词充充当的当的主语、宾语、表语和同位语主语、宾语、表语和同位语,由,由一一个句子个句子来充当来充当,这个句子就叫这个句子就叫名词性从句名词性从句。 在复合句中,在复合句中,起名词作用起名词作用的从句为名词的

5、从句为名词性从句。性从句。 主语从句:从句在复合句中充当主语成分为避免主语冗长,句子头重脚轻,经常用it作形式主语,主语从句放在后面作真正的主语.1._is not true.(他所说的话他所说的话what) 2. _ is not yet known. (他是否去那儿他是否去那儿whether )3. _ was a pity. (你错过了汽车你错过了汽车That) It was a pity_.What he saidWhether he will go thereThat you missed the busGroup 1that you missed the bus 1. I dont

6、 care_. (你是谁,从哪来你是谁,从哪来)2. I am interested in _.(那个高个子女孩是谁)那个高个子女孩是谁)3. I am very happy_.(我可以和你们做朋友我可以和你们做朋友)who that tall girl is that I can make friends with you Group 2宾语从句:从句在复合句中充当宾语成分(可以作及物动词、介词和一些表“情感”的形容词等的宾语)注意:语序用( )who you are and where you are from. 陈述语序1. The truth is that the fog is to

7、o thick for the bus to run that far.2. It looked as if it was going to rain. 3. The problem is how Polly is going to find us in the crowd.Group 3表语从句:从句在复合句中充当表语成分,一般放在 之后,对 进行解释说明。连系动词主语1. Polly had a feeling that she was being watched.2. The news that he couldnt come made us upset.3. He asked me a

8、 question whether the work was worth doing.Group 4同位语从句:从句在复合句中充当同位语成分,一般跟在一些抽象名词后面,对名词作进一步解释说明.注意: 与定语从句的区别belief相信,信念 idea想法 news消息 conclusion结论 suggestion建议 problem问题 order命令 decision决定 opinion观点 possibility可能性 promise承诺 rule规定1. We all have heard the news_ our team won. 我们都听到那个消息 我们队赢了。2. We did

9、nt believe the news _ he told us. 我们不相信他告诉我的那个消息。3. The fact that we talked about is very important.4. The fact that he finished the task made us happy.that that/which同位语从句对前面的名词进行( )定语从句对前面的先行词进行( ),译为( )that 在同位语从句中是连词,that在定语从句是关系代词,解释修饰“的”不作成分,不可省作主语 /宾语(可省),可代入 主语从句 宾语从句 表语从句同位语从句置于谓语动词前,注意it 作

10、形式主语名词性从句语序为:( )陈述语序 置于vt. /prep./部分adj.之后置于连系动词之后置于抽象名词后注意与定语从句的区别Self-study 1阅读下列句子并判断从句。 1. Whether he will succeed is still uncertain.2. It all depends on whether they will support us .3. She will give whoever needs help a warm support.4. Tomorrow is when it would be most convenient.5. The idea

11、that computers can recognize human voices surprises many people .6. What is known to us all is that America is a developed country belonging to the First World.7. The news that he passed the exam made us surprised.主语从句主语从句宾语从句宾语从句宾语从句宾语从句表语从句表语从句同位语从句同位语从句主语从句主语从句表语从句表语从句Q1. 什么是名词性从句?什么是名词性从句?Q2. 名词

12、性从句的类别?名词性从句的类别?Self-study 2完成下列句子。完成下列句子。 _ will attend the meeting is still uncertain. Do you know _ she likes? _ you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company. _ he is living here now is not known to anybody. _ he finished the task by himself is still a question.Who what What

13、Whether How Q3. 名词性从句的引导词以及选择?名词性从句的引导词以及选择?名词性从句的引导词名词性从句的引导词从属从属连词连词连接连接代词代词连接连接副词副词what, whatever, who, whoever, whose,whom, whomever, which, whicheverthat, whether, ifwhen,whenever, where, wherever, how, however, why有含义;有含义;做成份:状语做成份:状语有含义;有含义;做成份:主语、宾语、表语、定语做成份:主语、宾语、表语、定语有含义,有含义,不作成分不作成分无含义,无含

14、义,不做成份不做成份名词性名词性从句引导词的选择:从句引导词的选择:判断并分析从句判断并分析从句分析从句成分是否完整分析从句成分是否完整分析从句句意是否完整分析从句句意是否完整从句成分、句意都完整,选从句成分、句意都完整,选thatConclusionwhat根据不同语境和所表示的意思可以灵活翻根据不同语境和所表示的意思可以灵活翻译成译成“的(话、东西、地方、时候、样子)的(话、东西、地方、时候、样子)”who具有疑问意义,意思是具有疑问意义,意思是“谁谁”whoeverwhatever“任何人任何人” 相当于相当于anybody who“任何事物任何事物” 相当于相当于 anything t

15、hatwhichwhichever“哪一个哪一个”“任何一个任何一个”whosewhom在句子中做定语在句子中做定语在句子中做宾语在句子中做宾语连接词使用总原则 缺什么补什么缺什么补什么(看从句中缺少什么成分,根据意思选择适当连接词语;): 1. 如不缺成分且句意完整,则选用that 2. 句意不完整,需要是否的意思则选whether/if 3. 缺主宾表定,根据句意选用连接代词 4. 缺状语,根据句意选用连接副词Guidance & Exploration 1 Finish the following exercises. _ he has done made me angry. I kno

16、w _ he is from Canada. _ we have made a lot of achievements in all fields is known to the whole world. _ you said at the meeting describes a bright future for the company. Please give the book to _ wins the first prize. From space, the earth looks blue. This is _about seventy-one percent of its surf

17、ace is covered by water. Cindy shut the door heavily and burst into tears. No one in the office knew _ she was so angry. What that That What whoever because why You say that everyone is equal and that is _ I disagree. It is none of your business _ other people think about you. Believe yourself. _ he

18、 survived the accident is a miracle. Please try to find out _ he is at home or at the office.where how How whether Guidance & Exploration 21. _made the school proud was _more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities. 2. Please tell me _books you like.3. Please tell me _ book yo

19、u like better, the red one or the blue one?Task 1.What that what what / that / which 含义含义用法用法thatwhatwhich“什么什么” / “哪一个哪一个” 在从句中做成分在从句中做成分 不做成分,当从句成分和意义完整不做成分,当从句成分和意义完整时选时选that which 有选择范围有选择范围在从句中做成分在从句中做成分 Task 2.whether / ifWhether whether/ifWhether whether whether whether Summary : if只能用于非介词后的宾

20、语从句中!只能用于非介词后的宾语从句中! whether/if 均有是否的意思,但在下列情况下只用whether 1.whether引导主语从句(位于句首)、表语从句或同位语从句时 2.whether 引导介词的宾语从句时 3.后跟or not 时 It is generally considered unwise to give a child _he or she wants. _ was said here must be kept secret. We know little about the young lady except _ you told me. _ made the l

21、ong distance call to him is not important. _will attend the meeting cannot wear the casual clothes.Task 3.wh- & wh-everwhatever WhateverwhatWhoWhoever whatever/whoeverwhatever/whoever等引导的名词性从句等引导的名词性从句不含有疑不含有疑问意义问意义,相当于名词后加一个定语从句,相当于名词后加一个定语从句(=anything that / anyone that)(=anything that / anyone th

22、at),而,而what/whowhat/who等引导的名词性从句都等引导的名词性从句都含有疑问意义含有疑问意义。=anything that=anyone thatGuidance & Exploration 31. He made it clear to the public that he did an important and necessary job . (分析句子)(分析句子)2. That is hard to decide when and where we will held our sports meeting.(改错) it It Q: it在名词性从句中做形式主语和形

23、式宾语在名词性从句中做形式主语和形式宾语?1. it做形式主语做形式主语他犯了那样的一个错误真是遗憾。_ is a pity._ is a pity _.That he made such a mistake It that he made such a mistake 为避免主语冗长为避免主语冗长,句子头重脚轻句子头重脚轻,经常用经常用it作形作形式主语式主语,主语从句放在主语从句放在后面后面作真正的主语作真正的主语. 学好英语很有必要。学好英语很有必要。It is necessary that we should learn English well. 据报道,在那起事故中有据报道,在那起

24、事故中有3人丧生。人丧生。It is reported that 3 people were killed in that accident. 众所周知,地球绕着太阳转。众所周知,地球绕着太阳转。It is well-known that the earth travels around the sun. 你错过了那场精彩的足球比赛,真可惜。你错过了那场精彩的足球比赛,真可惜。It is a pity that you missed that exciting football game. 他来不来参加会议不重要。他来不来参加会议不重要。It doesnt matter whether he

25、will attend the meeting.It is +adj. +主语从句主语从句 It is +过去分词过去分词+主语从句主语从句It is well known / reported/said/thought.+主从句主从句It is +名词名词 +主语从句主语从句It is a pity / a shame / an honor / a fact.+主主从从 It is +不及物动词不及物动词 +主语从句主语从句It happens/appears/doesnt matter.+主从主从 2. it做形式宾语做形式宾语当从句在句子中做宾语使,为了保持平衡,避免当从句在句子中做宾语

26、使,为了保持平衡,避免句式结构的混乱,常用句式结构的混乱,常用it作形式宾语,把真正的作形式宾语,把真正的宾语放在句尾。宾语放在句尾。1. 主语主语+ make/find/feel/consider/think/believe.it + adj. / n. + 宾语从句宾语从句2. 某些表示某些表示“喜、怒、哀、乐喜、怒、哀、乐”的动词的动词like/enjoy/love/hate/dislike/appreciate.+it+宾从宾从 他们发现在他们发现在2天之内完成这项任务是很困难的。天之内完成这项任务是很困难的。They found it difficult that they woul

27、d finish the task in two days. 我觉得你错过如此精彩的足球比赛太可惜了。我觉得你错过如此精彩的足球比赛太可惜了。I think it a pity that you missed such an exciting football game. 如果你能帮我,我将不胜感激。如果你能帮我,我将不胜感激。I would appreciate it if you can do me a favor. I like_ in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. He didnt make _ clear when and where the meeting would be held.it it Summary连接词使用总原则 缺什么补什么缺什么补什么(看从句中缺少什么成分,根据意思选择适当连接词语;): 1. 如不缺成分且句意完整,则选用that 2. 句意不完整,需要是否的意思则选whether/if 3. 缺主宾表定,根据句意选用连接代词 4. 缺状语,根据句意选用连接副词Consolidation Finish the exercise sheet.


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