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1、 单项选择题单项选择题是全国各地初中英语毕业、升学考试(即是全国各地初中英语毕业、升学考试(即“中考中考”)中)中 沿用已久的题型之一。在过去,单选题主要是被用来考查沿用已久的题型之一。在过去,单选题主要是被用来考查英语知识英语知识以以 及及阅读理解能力阅读理解能力。近几年来,特别是新课改以来,课程标准规定:学。近几年来,特别是新课改以来,课程标准规定:学 习英语的目标是发展学生习英语的目标是发展学生综合语言的运用能力综合语言的运用能力。所以命题者要把知识。所以命题者要把知识 型的测试转变为综合语言运用能力的测试。也就是说:型的测试转变为综合语言运用能力的测试。也就是说:1 1)在设计理念)在

2、设计理念 上,注重题干的交际性质,加大口语交际力度,上,注重题干的交际性质,加大口语交际力度,2 2)在话题选材上,增)在话题选材上,增 加了试题的趣味性、时代性及新颖性。加了试题的趣味性、时代性及新颖性。3 3)在语言知识上,增加了属于)在语言知识上,增加了属于 情景应答类型的题目。情景应答类型的题目。4 4)在设计原则上,力求设计的科学性。)在设计原则上,力求设计的科学性。从而改从而改 变了过去的题干主要由清一色的单句组成,改变了过去的单选题目看上变了过去的题干主要由清一色的单句组成,改变了过去的单选题目看上 去单调、枯燥、死气沉沉的局面。去单调、枯燥、死气沉沉的局面。 新课标的要求给我们

3、每个命题人员新课标的要求给我们每个命题人员 提出了一个新的挑战,似乎觉得命单项选择题很简单,但要真正命好每提出了一个新的挑战,似乎觉得命单项选择题很简单,但要真正命好每 一道题是最不容易的。一道题是最不容易的。 因此,在这里我想根据自己多年来的观察和理解,每次统考命题因此,在这里我想根据自己多年来的观察和理解,每次统考命题的的 做法,谈谈英语单选题设计中值得注意的几个问题,以求与广大初中英做法,谈谈英语单选题设计中值得注意的几个问题,以求与广大初中英 语教师及命题者在设计或选用这一题型时共勉。语教师及命题者在设计或选用这一题型时共勉。 单项选择题的命制原则 题干的命制原则和注意事项题干的命制原

4、则和注意事项 一提高单项选择题干扰性的方法提高单项选择题干扰性的方法 二二 难度值的把握难度值的把握 三三 一、题干的命制原则和注意事项 1 1、以依据课标为原则,注重双基避免出现超标、超纲考点。、以依据课标为原则,注重双基避免出现超标、超纲考点。 2 2、以严密的科学性为原则,保证答案唯一避免有争议或有误。、以严密的科学性为原则,保证答案唯一避免有争议或有误。3 3、以考查综合运用能力为原则,创设语境避免单句的知识测试、以考查综合运用能力为原则,创设语境避免单句的知识测试。4 4、以贴近学生实际为原则、体现新颖、实用避免陈题。、以贴近学生实际为原则、体现新颖、实用避免陈题。5 5、以严谨、规

5、范为原则,提高试题质量避免不合理。、以严谨、规范为原则,提高试题质量避免不合理。6 6、以公平公正为原则,体现公平避免区域性的差别。、以公平公正为原则,体现公平避免区域性的差别。7 7、以真实的交际为原则、交际地道避免问题不真实的提法。、以真实的交际为原则、交际地道避免问题不真实的提法。 1、从考点的内容上讲从考点的内容上讲, ,以依据课标为原则,以依据课标为原则, 注重双基避免出现超标、超纲考点注重双基避免出现超标、超纲考点(1 1)严把课标依据关)严把课标依据关 : A、考查词汇:根据复习指导丛书的附录不带?号的单词。 B、考查短语:根据丛书附录不带?号的单词所构成的短语。 C、考查语法:

6、根据课标P53的语法项目表不带?号的语法。 D、考查交际:根据课标P56的功能意念表不带?号的用语。 下来属于超标的常用短语有:下来属于超标的常用短语有:prefer to , depend on , belong to , look forward to,of course, cheer on, cheer up, feel like doing, go ahead, go hiking,plug in, calm down, for sale, table manners, in detail, be harmful to, be based on, refer to, no doubt,

7、 click on, be similar to, ought to, for instance, prevent . from, take measures 以下属于超标语法以下属于超标语法A时态 : 过去将来时* 过去完成时* 将来进行时*B语态:(课标没规定,但课改后龙岩的中考试卷只考一般现在 时、一般过去时 和含情态动词,其他的时态不考)C非谓语 :动词的-ing*,动词的-ed*形式(课标规定不考,但 我们的中考卷基本有考)D成分: 补语*E句型: 主语从句*;表语从句*;间接引语*;省略*;倒装*; 强调*; 虚拟语气* (2)课标外的功能 :指导丛书带*号的单词所构成的句子 (略

8、) (2) 关注考点合理布局 常见中考单选题考查项目表:词汇占常见中考单选题考查项目表:词汇占38%38%, ,动词占动词占33%33%, ,句型占句型占29%29%一. 冠词 5 占6% 二. 代词 11 占12% 三数词 3 占3% 四名词 4 占4% 五介词 3 占3% 六连词 3 占3%七疑问词 4 占4% 八情态动词 4 占4% 九系动词 2 占2% 十非谓语动词 6 占7% 十一. 动词短语 6 占7% 十二、动词时态 12 占13% 十三. There be 句型 3 占3% 十四、感叹句句型 3 占3% 十五、比较级句型 6 占7% 十六、宾语从句句型6 占7% 十七、被动语态

9、句型 4 占4%十八、定语从句句型 4 占4% 十九、倒装句句型 1 占1%例1. _ do my grandparents like Beijing Opera _ my father and my uncle. A. Not only, but also B. Neither, nor C. Either, or D. Both, and not only. but also放在句首,后用倒装语序,超出了初中的考查范围。 在初中阶段可以这样命题: _ Wang Fan _ I am interested in the novel The Monkey King. Both of us li

10、ke it. A. Both, and B. Not only, but also C. Neither, nor D. Either, or 答案B 从这一个原则来看下列试题有些不妥:例2. Mary seems to like singing . _, and _.(2005龙岩卷) A. So she does; so do IB. So she does; so I do C. So does she ; so I doD. So does she; so do I例3The evening party the children were looking forward to _ in

11、 the dining room yesterday. (2007龙岩卷) A. held B. was held C. holding例4. Rather than _ on a crowded bus , he always prefers _ to school . (2008龙岩卷) A. to ride ; walk B. riding; walkC. ride; to walk 2 2、从可信度看,以严密的科学性为原则,、从可信度看,以严密的科学性为原则, 保证答案唯一避免有争议或有误。保证答案唯一避免有争议或有误。(1 1)词汇多种语义,造成多种答案。)词汇多种语义,造成多种答案

12、。 (2 2)句型多种结构,造成)句型多种结构,造成多种答案。答案。(3 3)问句多个意思,造成)问句多个意思,造成多种答案。答案。(5 5)语法人为错误,试题可信度低)语法人为错误,试题可信度低。 (4 4)英美表达不同,造成)英美表达不同,造成多种答案。答案。(1)单词多种语义,造成多种答案)单词多种语义,造成多种答案 例1: I wonder _ he will come or not on time. A. if B. whether C. that D. when 此题中的A、B两个选项都可以和题干中的or not搭配。 如果改为这样命题较好。如:如: _ you see him t

13、his morning, please ask John _ he will have time tomorrow. A. Whether, if B. If, whether C. Weather, if D. If, weather 答案 B (2)句型多种结构,造成多种答案)句型多种结构,造成多种答案 例2: Please come here, _? I need your help. A. will you B. wont you C. cant you 但在否定的祈使句后的反意疑问句通常只用will you, 此题可改为: Please dont play with fire,_?

14、Its dangerous. A. will you B. wont you C. cant you 答案答案 A(3 3) 例3: Do you have _ paper? A. some B. any C . no D. a 如果增加意境改为:如果增加意境改为: Do you have _ paper? I want to write a letter. A. some B. any C . no D. a 答案答案 A 例4: Whats under the table? _. A. Its a dog. B. There is a dog. C. It has a dog 答案答案 A

15、 例例5 5:Where is your father? He is ill _ A. in the hospital B. in hospital C. at table D. at the table(4 4)英美表达不同,造成多种答案)英美表达不同,造成多种答案(5 5)语法)语法人为错误,试题可信度低人为错误,试题可信度低 例1. Could you give me some _ on how to learn English well? Sure. (2008新疆卷)新疆卷) A. suggestions B. Messages C. informations D. advices

16、答案答案A.例2. Though the player is over thirty, he can still run _ some younger players. (2008广州卷)广州卷) A. as fast as B. so fast as C. much fast than D. more faster than 答案答案A例3. Can you tell me _? A. who is he B. he is who C. whos this D. who he is 答案答案D.例4. There _ some apples in the tree. A. is B. are

17、 C. have D. Has 根据这一原则下列试题是否不妥。根据这一原则下列试题是否不妥。例5. Could you tell me _?Sorry, I dont know . (2006年) A. where Bill lives B. where does Bill live C. Bill lives where D. where Bill live例6. Could you tell me _?This way , please . (2008年) A. where are the special shoes B. where the special shoes are C. th

18、e special shoes are where3、从考查目的看,以考查综合运用能力为原则,、从考查目的看,以考查综合运用能力为原则, 创设语境避免单句的知识测试创设语境避免单句的知识测试 设置语境,突出交际,考查学生综合语言运用能力。尽量避免单纯设置语境,突出交际,考查学生综合语言运用能力。尽量避免单纯 的语法或词汇测试的语法或词汇测试, 但也要尽量少设不用理解语境就能答题的试题但也要尽量少设不用理解语境就能答题的试题。 例1: Why not go to the Great Wall this Saturday? Im afraid its not a good _. Many of u

19、s have been there.(08江西卷)江西卷) A. placeB. dayC. plan D. idea 答案答案D例2:I have to get to the airport at ten oclock but it is nine twenty now. _! I can send you there by car. A. Thats a deal B. Hurry up C. Dont worry D. Try your best 答案答案C例3:Do you have anything more _, Sir? No, you can have a rest now.

20、A. typing B. to be typed C to type D. typed 答案答案B例4:Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most? _. They are both expensive and of little use. A. None B. Neither C. All D. Both 答案答案A例5 I feel ashamed to have dropped your cell-phone to the ground. _. It works as well anyway. A. No problem

21、 B. Never mind C. Its nothing serious D. Its OK 答案答案B 下列纯属单句的语法测试或语境不起作用的试题不可取。下列纯属单句的语法测试或语境不起作用的试题不可取。例6:I _ home yesterday. (单句没语境) A. go B. went C. will go D. have gone 答案答案 B例7: I think real cards are _ than e-cards. (08北京卷)北京卷)(看到than能答) A. nice B. nicer C. nicest D. the nicest 答案答案 B例8:The ma

22、n also wrote _ of beautiful pieces of music for the orchestra. (08天津卷)天津卷)(根据固定短语hundreds of 就能选) A. hundred B. six hundred C. a hundred D. hundreds答案答案 D例9:Have you finished _ the novel A new story about Lei Feng ? Yes . Its very interesting. (根据finish doing 固定搭配就能选) (06龙岩卷)龙岩卷) A. read B. reads C.

23、 reading D. to read 根据这一原则下列试题是否不妥。根据这一原则下列试题是否不妥。例10:My uncle _ in Fuzhou since 2005. (06龙岩卷)龙岩卷)(单句纯语法) A. Work B. has workedC. worked D. had worked例11:On April Fools Day people enjoy _ jokes on others . (05龙岩卷)龙岩卷) A. play B. to playC. playing D. plays(enjoy doing sth搭配) 4、从语境的话题看,、从语境的话题看,以贴近生活有

24、教育为原则以贴近生活有教育为原则体现新颖、实用避免陈题体现新颖、实用避免陈题 (1)联系生活实际联系生活实际考查应用能力考查应用能力 (2)考查中西文考查中西文化差异拓展化差异拓展学生的视野学生的视野 (3)渗透学科整合渗透学科整合注重不同学科注重不同学科间知识的内在间知识的内在联系联系(4) 体现时代气息体现时代气息 关注社会热点关注社会热点 (5)体现试题的价体现试题的价值立意和教育值立意和教育功能功能(1 1)联系生活实际,考查应用能力)联系生活实际,考查应用能力 例1:Which sign can you probably see in the library? A. NO SMOKI

25、NG B. NO BOATING C. DANGER D. DONT TURN LEFT (答案(答案A)(2 2)考查中西文化差异,拓展学生的视野)考查中西文化差异,拓展学生的视野 例2: You speak good English. _. A. No, I dont B. Yes, I do C. Thank you D. Not at all (答案 C) (3 3)渗透学科整合,)渗透学科整合, 注重不同学科间知识的内在联系注重不同学科间知识的内在联系 例4:The Yellow River is _ the Changjiang River. A. not so long as B

26、. as long as C. longer than D. long as (答案答案A) (4 4)体现时代气息,关注社会热点)体现时代气息,关注社会热点 例1: Ren Changxia, a policewoman, was always very busy. She had little time to spend _ his family. A. about B. on C. with D. in ( 答案答案 B )例2:Do you know the brave boy _saved several classmates in the earthquake? (09龙岩卷)龙岩

27、卷) A. who B. what C. which (答案答案A)例3:Whats the slogan of Beijing 2008 Olympics , Mr. Gao ? Oh , its “_World , One Dream .” (06龙岩卷)龙岩卷) A. One B. Ones C. Ones D. Once (答案答案 A)例4:It takes us only 26 hours to travel _ Longyan to Beijing by train. (06年年) A. for B. ofC. with D. from (答案答案 D) 例5:Which of

28、the following is for the World Expo 2010? (10年济南市)年济南市) A B C D (答案答案 B) 例6:Lots of football fans plan_ the FIFA World Cup in South Africa. (10年济南市)年济南市) A. watch B. watches C. to watch D. watched (答案答案 C) (5 5)体现试题的价值立意和教育功能)体现试题的价值立意和教育功能 例1: English is _ too difficult for me. I cant learn it well

29、. Dont give up. Nothing is difficult if you work hard. (08安徽卷)安徽卷) A. seldom B. never C. always D. usually (答案(答案C)5. 从考题的设置看,从考题的设置看, 以严谨、规范为原则,以严谨、规范为原则, 提高试题质量,提高试题质量, 避免违规,不合理避免违规,不合理 (1)设置题干和题空(2)设置选项(3)选项语法、结构正确不能出现人为错误 (1) (1) 设置题干和题空设置题干和题空 题干句子要力求地道、准确、自然、清新;句子不得太短(对话例外),但最长不得多超过两行。题空一般是1空;

30、少设2空;不得设3空。 也最好少设第一空。例1: He looks _ , he is playing _. (双空) A. happy , happily B. happy , happy C. happily , happily D. happily , happy.例2: Boys and girls! Please_ your compositions after class. Oh,my God! I_ it at home.(2008山东潍纺卷)(双空) A. hand in;forgot B. hand in;left C. hand out;forgot D. hand out

31、;left (答案B)例3: If you are weak_ a subject,_ and asking a teacher for advice can help. (2008山东卷)(双空) A. at;working hard B. in;work hard C. at;work hard D. in;working hard (答案D) 上述三题都同时考察了两个语言点,如果很多学生没能答对这些题目,就很难判断学生的困难所在。 (2 2) 设置选项设置选项 三或四个选项的长度要相近, 不能其中一项偏长或不符题干语法 选项的内容性质要一致,不能串项 选项语法、结构正确不能出现人为错误

32、三或四个选项的长度要相近,三或四个选项的长度要相近, 不能其中一项偏长或不符题干语法不能其中一项偏长或不符题干语法例1:This passage mainly tells us something about _. A. the football season in the USA B. football is more interesting than baseball in the USA C. the difference between baseball and football D. the baseball season in the USA 例2:Where is Tom? He

33、s left a _ saying that he has something important to do. A. excuse B. sentence C. news D. message 由于这样的选项起不到应有的作用,只能是形同虚设,因此应为试设计者所避免。如例1中的B可改为“the popularity of football in USA”,例2则可把题干中的不定冠词“a”下放到选项中,使选项成为: A. an excuse; B. a sentence; C. news; D. a message。 选项的内容性质要一致,不能串项选项的内容性质要一致,不能串项 如不可同一题中的

34、选项同时出现名词和动词等不同词性或杂项如不可同一题中的选项同时出现名词和动词等不同词性或杂项。例3:Football is _ an exciting sport that people all over the world love it. A. so B. rather C. such D. quite (答案(答案C)例4: Thomas, please be quiet. The others _ hear very well. (08河北卷) A. cant B. mustnt C. shouldnt D. neednt (答案(答案A)例5:Teds mother kept tel

35、ling Ted not to tell lies, but _ didnt help. A. which B. it C. she D. he (答案(答案B)例6:Beth has a beautiful _ . Listen! She is singing very well. A. voice B. look C. sound D. smell (答案(答案C)例7: Youd better not _ here . The smoking area is over there . (2008年) A. smokeB. to smokeC. smoking (答案(答案A)例8: Mo

36、ther is ill in bed. I have to _ her at home. (2009龙岩龙岩卷)卷) A. wait for B. think about C. look after 以下为不科学的选项设置:以下为不科学的选项设置:例9:The coffee _ has no sugar in it sells well.(不同词类串项) A. though (连) B. which (代) C. but (连) D. even (副) 例10: Look! How _ the boys are!(不同词类串项) Yes. They won the game this afte

37、rnoon. (2008陕西卷)陕西卷) A. exciting B. excitement C. excite D. excited 例11:In our exam, the more careful we are, the _ mistakes well make. (其中一项不同级别,误导) A. little B. better C. fewer D. smaller 例10:Im hungry. Please bring me some _. 其中一项不同类别误导 A. kites B. desks C. boxes D. cakes 例11:Toms mother got angr

38、y because _. 其中一项不同 主语误 A. Tom was all wet B. Tom was punished C. Tom was dry D. it rained 选项语法、结构正确,不能出现人为错误选项语法、结构正确,不能出现人为错误例12:Mr. Brown often _ to work by bus and seldom on foot. (人为错误,误导) A. go B. goes C. gos D. gone例13:Julia watches TV six hours a day, eats a lot of junk food, and she never e

39、xercises. So she is _ . (08四川自贡卷)四川自贡卷)(人为错误,误导) A. Unhealthy B. Healthy C. in good healthy (1)考查跨学科的试题, 只能渗透考查运用, 不能考查智力知识。例1: Which of the following does paper burn in? A.CO2 B.N2 C.O2 D.H2 例2: If a=3, b=4, whats the answer to the question a+2ab+1=? _ . (08兰州卷)兰州卷)A. Twenty-eighth B. Twenty-eight:

40、 C. Thirteen D. eighteen (答案(答案B)例3: The important sports festival, the Olympic Games,_ held every _ years. (08乌鲁木齐卷)乌鲁木齐卷) A. is;five B. are;three C. is;four D. are;two (答案(答案C) (1)考查跨学科的试题,只能渗透考查运用,)考查跨学科的试题,只能渗透考查运用, 不能考查智力知识。不能考查智力知识。 (2)设题尽量一空,少设两空。)设题尽量一空,少设两空。(3)考查共同熟悉的话题,避免地区差异的)考查共同熟悉的话题,避免

41、地区差异的 常识。常识。境由心造一花一世界一沙一天堂例例1: Which of the following does paper burn in? A.CO2 B.N2 C.O2 D.H2 例例2:If a=3, b=4, whats the answer to the question a+2ab+1=? _ . (0808兰州卷)兰州卷)A. Twenty-eighth B. Twenty-eight: C. Thirteen D. eighteen 例例3: The important sports festival, the Olympic Games,_ held every _ y

42、ears. (0808乌鲁木齐卷)乌鲁木齐卷) A. is;five B. are;three C. is;four D. are;two(2)交际的自然性)交际的自然性 (1)(1) 交际的真实性。交际的真实性。(2) (2) 交际的自然性。交际的自然性。 7、从从交交际际背背景景看,看,以以真真实实为为原原则则、交交际际地地道道避避免免问问题题不不真真实实的的提提法法 例1:“She didnt come to school yesterday, did she?” “_, though she was not feeling very well.” A. No, she didnt B.

43、 Yes, she did C. No, she did D. Yes, she did 例2:“Which of these two apples will you take? ” “Ill take _, and give one of them to my sister.” A. some B. both C. a few D. a little 例3:“Do you often hear John _ in his room?” “Listen. Now we can hear him _ in his room.” A. singto sing B. singingsinging C

44、. singsinging D. to singsinging 例2:“Which apple will you take, the red one or the yellow one?” “Ill take _, and then give one to my sister.” 例3:“Listen! Can you hear John _ in his room?” “Really! I seldom heard him _ before.” 例1:“What a nice garden!” “It _ every day.” A. is cleaning B. has cleaned C

45、. must clean D. is cleaned 例2:Could you tell me _? A. where does Tom live B. where Tom lives C. where Tom live 该题干选取的显然是问路时的情形,如果能在句首加上该题干选取的显然是问路时的情形,如果能在句首加上 “Excuse me,” 则该片段会显得更真实。则该片段会显得更真实。例3:“Do you like this pair of shoes?” “No. Show me _.” A. the different ones B. other one C. another one D

46、. another pair 该题题干该题题干。如改为:如改为:“Im afraid not. Can you show me _ ?”,则效果会好得多。,则效果会好得多。 利用相似知识 1利用英汉语言差异利用汉语习惯2利用“定势思维” 3利用提示与铺垫4 英语中许多词、词组与句型极为相似,但其用法差异很大。命题时若将这些内容合理安排在一起,可以有效地提高干扰性。 如: 例1. Do you know if he _ to the zoo tomorrow if it _? A. will go, is fine B. goes, is fine C. will go, is going to

47、 be fine D. goes, is going to be fine 英汉两种语言,在词汇、结构、惯用语等方面存在着较大差异,命题时若从这一角度加以设计,可以有效地考查学生的实际英语水平。如: 例1. How long can I _ the book? Two weeks. A. borrow B. keep C. lend D. renew 所谓“定势思维”是指利用所学的某一知识或根据某一经验解决相似问题时产生的一种心理倾向。学生在学习过程中,往往只注意带普遍性的问题,而不善于总结特殊用法及表达方式,因而答题时极易产生定势思维。如: 例1: Would you like some c

48、offee? Yes, and please get me some milk, too. I prefer coffee _ milk. A. to B. with C. than D. of 例2:She will do all she can _ her friends. A. to help B. help C. helps D. helping 设计单项选择题时,在题干中巧妙地安排某些词、短语或句子,可以对其答案进行限制,以考查学生准确的读题能力和合理的逻辑推理能力。如: 例1:Help _ to some fish, Mrs. Green said to the guests. A

49、. yourself B. you C. your D. yourselves 例2: Does she speak English or Russian? She speaks _. But she knows some German. A. both B. either C. neither D. none 提高单项选择题干扰性的方法并不局限于以上几种。在命题过程中,只要我们从学生的实际出发,尽量多角度、多方位设计,扩大考查面,提高试题综合性,就可以达到培养学生综合运用英语的能力和判断、推理能力的目的。 所谓简单题:就是从语境的表面意思就可获取 信息得出答案,不用通过两步判断,推理 考纲要

50、求难度值应为考纲要求难度值应为8:1:1. 也就是说简单题占也就是说简单题占80%;中等题占中等题占10%;难题占;难题占10% 所谓中等题:就是从语境意思,通过两个知识 点来判断推理得出的答案。 所谓难题:就是从语境意思通过三个知识点来 判断推理得出的答案 。 (1) Nothing in _ world is difficult if you set your mind to do it. A. a B. an C. the D. /(2) Please _ your coat. Its cold outside. A. put on B. take off C. look after D


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