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1、120202020 学年第二学期学年第二学期华南师范大学附属中学华南师范大学附属中学初三一模英语试卷初三一模英语试卷本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,共四大题,56 小题,共 8 页,满分 90 分,考试用时 100分钟。一、语法选择一、语法选择(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,从 115 各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。In 2002, Yao Ming decided to enter the NBA draft(NBA 选秀)and was drafted to the Hous

2、tonRockets in June.He was _1_ first international player without US college experience to be theNumber One _2_ in the NBA draft. He soon grew to be a great player. In December of thesame year, he _3_ Rookie of the Month. In 2004, Yao scored a career high of forty-one pointsin one game. In 2005, Yao

3、Ming _4_ the most votes in the NBA All-Star voting, _5_broke the record held by Michael Jordan.Despite all Yao Mings achievements, he had _6_ start. He had to deal with culturaldifferences and language difficulties _7_ with his teammates. But his personality and hardwork helped him to win his teamma

4、tes and his fans respect. He worked _8_ and was alwaystrying to improve. The training paid off for _9_, and for his fans.Although Yao Ming has achieved _10_, he has remained modest (谦虚)and has alwaysvalued his team members. After _11_ games, he always told the media that his teammateswere great and

5、he was proud to be one of the team.Yao Ming is also known _12_ his charity work. He founded The Yao Ming Foundationin 2008, and he has built five schools in Sichuan and _13_ areas.Yao Ming has won the hearts of people all around the world. _14_ he decided to retire in2011, Yao Ming will always be th

6、ought of as one of the worlds best sports _15_, not onlyfor his basketball skills but also for his spirit.1.A. aB. anC. theD. /2.A. choiceB. chooseC. chosenD. chose3.A. namedB. was namedC. would nameD. will be named4.A. getB. gettingC. getD. got5.A. whichB. thatC. whoD. what6.A. challengedB. challen

7、gingC. more challengedD. most challenging7.A. communicateB. communicatedC. communicatingD. to communicate8.A. hardB. hardlyC. harderD. more hard9.A. heB. hisC. himD. himself10.A. lots ofB. a lot ofC. lot ofD. a lot11.A. winB. to winC. winningD. wins12.A. asB. ofC. forD. at13.A. anotherB. otherC. oth

8、ersD. the other14.A.AlthoughB. IfC. UnlessD. While15.A. starB. a starC. the starD. stars二、完型填空二、完型填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)2阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 1625 各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项,并在答卷上将该项涂黑。There was once a boy who was out playing in a field with his friends. As they were playing,the boy16a stone that lo

9、oked interesting. It was17the other stones. It was a little bitshiny. But it was still quite18. The boy picked it up and decided to polish (擦亮) it carefully.His friends made fun of him for this. They said, “Why are you polishing that dirty old stone?We dont think its worth19at all!” But every day, w

10、hen they went out to play, the boywould bring the stone with him, polishing it whenever they took a20.This went on for some time. Then one day, the boy left his home to join his friends as usual.He had a21for them. When he showed them the stone, they22believe their eyes. Itwas, in fact, a beautiful

11、diamond. The boy had stayed up all night and night before, polishing it23it was completely clean.There will be times in your life when people wont encourage you. They will tell you thatyoure24your time on some meaningless tasks. The best thing you can do is to leave themout and25to work toward your

12、goal. You can turn a common stone into a diamond if youhave persistence (毅力) and courage.() 16.A. came overB. came acrossC. came outD. came from() 17.A. the same asB. similar toC. likeD. different from() 18.A. dirtyB. cleanC. brightD. pretty() 19.A. nothingB. everythingC. somethingD. anything() 20.A

13、. tripB. showerC. breakD. risk() 21.A. anxietyB. surpriseC. worryD. excitement() 22.A. wouldntB. might notC. shouldntD. couldnt() 23.A. thoughB. soC. untilD. because() 24.A. savingB. payingC. wastingD. counting() 25.A. continueB. stopC. beginD. refuse三、阅读(三、阅读(本大题本大题共两节,满分共两节,满分 3 35 5 分)分)第一节第一节 阅读

14、理解阅读理解(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从 2640 各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项,并在答卷上将该项涂黑。(A)You,the students in Grade 9,are going to enter senior high schools in several months.Maybemost of you are excited but a little worried about your new schools, your new classes,and alsoyour new classmates. How can yo

15、u deal with the anxiety?Let some experienced students who3have graduated from high schools in recent years offer you some tips.NameAgeTipsSharon22The most important thing to keep in mind when going into highschool is to be yourself.Besides,I dont know what your middleschool was like, but high school

16、 teachers will not care about thingssuch as how much homework you already have for one night. Itsbest to just learn to deal with things and manage your time wisely sothat you can achieve everything you need to do.Frank21I think most every kid feels both anxious and excited beforetheir first day. You

17、 will probably love it.I know I did. You should joinin some sports or activities that will make your high schoolexperience more enjoyable. Good luck!David19I m not going to lie. The first day is kind of frightening.But youll get used to it. Dont be afraid of anyone, upperclassmen will pickon you mor

18、e if you let them know you are afraid. Just take it easy.Making some friends and staying with them will greatly help you getused to high school quickly. After the first week its really not bad atall.Dont worry.Eddie20When I started high school I was really nervous, too,especiallysince I had been hom

19、eschooled all through middle school and didntreally know anyone. I suppose the best advice would be to just relax.The first couple of dayscan be a little bit hard, but things willbecome easier before you know it.26.What can we infer from Sharons words about high school?A.Teachers are quite strict.B.

20、Students often stay up at night.C.Teachers provide little care for students.D.Students should make good use of their time.27.What does the underline word”upperclassmen” probably mean?4A.The students who studies upstairs.B.The teachers who work upstairs.C.The students who are in the last two years of

21、 high school.D.The students who want to get more As.28.Which of the following statement is NOT true?A.All the four people have finished their study in the high schools.B.Frand considers that taking part in some school activities will be good for you to enjoyyour high school life.C.Sharon mentioned t

22、he importance of friends.D.Eddie didnt feel relaxed in the first day of high school.(B)Dear Mum,Today is my birthday and it is the first birthday I have spent far away from home.I miss youvery much.A few days ago, we learned a poem and discussed the famous line “You dont know whatyouve got until it

23、has gone.”Miss Li told us that her primary school teacher made a hugedifference in her life She told us how her teacher encouraged her. But she mentioned that shedidnt have a chance to tell her. She was sad about this.This made me think a lot,especially whenIm thousands of kilometres away from home.

24、 I am writing you this letter because I want you toknow how much I love you.A friend once said that a persons happiness was mostly because of their childhood. I agreewith her. I still remember the times when you held my hand and counted steps with me as wewaked along.You told me stories about the br

25、ave elephant and encouraged me to be a confidentgirl.I also remember that in our small flat, you read books at your desk and I played with my toyson the bed nearby. In cool autumns, we took many walks along the street, chatting and laughingtogether. My childhood was filled with these warm memories.

26、Now, I see what an influence youvehad on my life.Time flies and so much has happened.There have been good times and bad times,successesand failures, but you were always by my side.When I won the swimming prize,you smiled and5said you were proud of me.When I failed my maths, you encouraged me and sai

27、d that everythingwould be fine.Your words encouraged me to deal with all my difficulties.Now when I haveproblems,I always think of your words and they help me so much.You have always said that we should judge peoples success by how they live their livesevery day. I think Im living a successful life

28、and its all because of you. Thank you, Mum.Love,Feifei29. Why did Feifei write this letter?A. To tell her mother about her school life.B.To express thanks and love to her mother.C.To ask her mother to visit her because she missed her mother very much.D.To tell her mother that she is successful now.3

29、0.What does the underlined word “her”in Paragraph 2 refer to?A.Miss Lis teacher.B.Feifeis mother.C.Miss LiD.Feieis friend.31.What did Feifeis mother do with her according the letter?She counted steps with Feifei.She told Feifei some stories about princess.She read books together with Feifei on the b

30、ed.She took walks with Feifei in autumns.She taught Feifei how to swim.A. B. C. D.32. What influence did the mother have on the daughter?A. She helped her daughter understand the line “You dont know what youve got until itsgone.B. She made her daughter proud of herself.C. She offered her a childhood

31、 full of warm memories and helped her become confident.D. She gave a successful life to her daughter.(C)6There are different kinds of steamed buns in Chinese food. One of them is xiaolongbao.The name “xiaolongbao” refers to the buns which are cooked in a small bamboo basket.Usually, xiaolongbao are

32、filled with pork that is cut into pieces. But pork isnt always the onlyingredient (原料). Vegetables, seafood,and other kinds of meat can also be put into xiaolongbao.People think up a bright idea to keep the soup inside the buns. Actually, the soup comes from thebeef juice that is kept in the solid(固

33、体) form. It melts when the buns are cooked, but it will bekept inside until people take their first bite. What makes xiaolongbao special is the delicious soupthat comes with every bite.Its said that the development of xiaolongbao started in Shanghai, but now it is found all overthe world. Thanks to

34、a restaurant called Ding Tai Fung,xiaolongbao becomes well-knownthroughout the world. The owner of the restaurant had planned to sell cooking oil at first. Butsince there were so many restaurants selling the same product and it was difficult for them tomake money, the owners wife started selling xia

35、olongbao to earn a little extra money. Thisdelicious food quickly became famous and popular among the local people. So the couple decidedto stop selling cooking oil and turn their business into a restaurant. In the early 1990s, Din TaiFung was chosen as one of top 10 restaurants in the world . Since

36、 then , more and more peoplearound the world have known about the food xiaolongbao.Another place where people can enjoy tasty xiaolongbao is Nanxiang Steamed BunRestaurant in Shanghai. The restaurant has a long history of more than 100 years and itsxiaolongbao is known for its unusual flavour. Unlik

37、e many other restaurants , this restaurant doesnot add any shallots, garlic, or MSG(葱蒜或味精). Just be careful when you eat them becausethey are always very hot when being served.33. Xiaolongbao was named after_.A. its shape and colourB. the person who invented itC. the place where it became popularD.

38、the container in which it is cooked.34. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3?A. Why xiaolongbao is so delicious.B. Who invented and developed xiaolongbao.7C. How xiaolongbao becomes worldwide famous.D. Which restaurant is the best to make xiaolongbao.35. Why is xiaolongbao at Nanxiang Steamed Bun Re

39、staurant different from others?A. Because its filled with garlic.B. Because its flavour is unusual.C.Because its shape is an old design.D. Because its cool when being served.36.What can we learn from the passage?A. Xiaolongbao was found in Beijing and developed in Shanghai.B. The delicious food xiao

40、longbao has a long history of about 100 years.C. Ding Tai Fung was chosen as the best restaurant in the world in the early 1990s.D. The solid beef juice in xiaolongbao melts and becomes soup when being cooked.(D)If you are always told youre a genius, will it have any influence on your work? Will it

41、makeyou work harder and face the difficulties more bravely because you know your ability,or will itmake you become lazier because you know youre already ahead? In a series of studies, Dweckand her team made experiment on 400 fifth graders from different parts of the United States.First, participants

42、 (参加者) were given a series of puzzles to test their IQ. After they finishedtheir test. they were told their scores and praised in different ways. One group of participants werepraised for their intelligence and were told -You got X number correct.Thats really goodscore.You must be very smart at this

43、。 Another group of participants were told, You must haveworked really hard.The students were then given a choice as to what kind of test they would takenext .They could either take one thats harder than the first one,or one thats just as easy. Amajority of the children who were praised for their int

44、elligence chose to take the easytest .whereas 90% of those praised for their efforts chose to do the harder puzzles.While Dwecks series of studies centered on children. its important to notice how having aparticular mindset(心态)can influence you at-any age. As someone with a fixed (固执的)mindset,you be

45、lieve basic qualitieslike-intelligenceare unchangeable Since you are often8praised for your intelligence, you want to continue remaining intelligent in the eyes of others soyou shy away from challengesHowever,as someone with a growth mindset you believe the harder you try, the more youllimprove You

46、are not afraid of taking risks,even if theres a big chance that youll all flat on yourface along the way. More and more researches support the growth mindset Dweck wrote in thejournal Educational Leadership.Basic aspects of intelligence can be strengthened throughleaning and adventures, and efforts

47、and persistence in the face of challenges are key ingredients inoutstanding achievements.Dwecks studies teach us an important lesson about success .A persons intelligence can onlytake him or her to certain distance. The rest of the way is paved by bravery and determination.37. What do Dweck and her

48、team want to find out?A The influence of praise on people.B. The IQ of each participantC. The best way to achieve success.D. The positive influence of difficulties.38. What can we learn from Paragnph2 ind 3?A. Participant received three experiments in totalB. Kids praised fer their efforts later cho

49、se easier tests.C. One group of participants was smarter than the other group.D. Kids praised for their IQ later became afraid to fail39. According to Paragraph4, a man with a growth mindsetA. Will go through much more failuresB.Is more likely to meet with difficultiesC.is willing to challenge himse

50、lf.D.is more likely to become an educational leader.40 The main purpose of the passage is to_A.give the reasons for the studiesB.show the findings of the studiesC.describe the weak points of the studiesD.introduce the methods of the studies9第二节第二节 阅读填空阅读填空 (共 5 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)阅读短文及文后 A-E 选项, 选出可以


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