上海市师范大学附属松江实验 2021-2022学年六年级下学期期末练习英语试题.pdf

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1、2021 学年度第二学期六年级英语期末练习2022.6Part OneListening(听力)I. Listen to the sentence and choose the suitable picture.(听句子,选出与句子内容相符合的图片)ABCDEF1._2._3._4._5._II. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear.(听对话,选出最恰当的答案)6.A. Spring.B. Summer.C. Autumn.D. Winter.7.A. Because she ha

2、s a cold.B. Because she has a fever.C. Because she has a sore throat.D. Because she has a stomach ache.8.A. By bus.B. By car.C. By bike.D. On foot.9.A. Beijing.B. Tokyo.C. Bangkok.D. Shanghai.10. A. Cloudy.B. Sunny.C. Rainy.D. Windy.11. A. In a park.B. At a bus stop.C. In a restaurant.D. At an airpo

3、rt.12. A. 5 yuan.B. 10 yuan.C. 15 yuan.D. 20 yuan.13. A. Playing football.B. Their favourite outdoor activities.C. Flying kites.D. Their favourite indoor activities.14. A. Once a week.B. Twice a week.C. Three times a week.D. Four times a week.15. A.At 9:30.B. At 10:00.C. At 10:30.D. At 11:00.III. Li

4、sten to the passage and tell whether the following statements are True or False.(判断下列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容, 符合的用“T”表示, 不符合的用“F”表示)16. Many years ago, there lived a good and kind doctor in a small town.17. The doctor began to forget things because he was old.18. People still went to see the doctor when he w

5、as old.19. No one went to see the doctor because everybody was well in the town.20. The doctor was happy when he knew nobody was sick in the town.IV. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks. (听短文,完成下列句子)21. The family had a _ life.22. One day, the girl made a _ with some paper.23. The father wa

6、s angry because he _ his daughter wasted paper.24. The father was _when he found nothing in the box.25. The girl cried and said she put her _ in the box.Part 2 Phonetics, Vocabulary and Grammar ( (第二部分第二部分语音、词汇和语法语音、词汇和语法) )V. Choose the word with the different sound.(选出发音不同的单词)()26.A. battleB. cele

7、brateC. raceD. suitcase()27.A. silkB. adviceC. sinkD. tourist()28.A. hugeB. futureC. puddingD. uniform()29.A. steamB. insteadC. cleanerD. leaf()30.A. healthB. toothC. withoutD. throatVI. Write out the word according to the pronunciation.(根据音标写出下列单词)31. Samuel took part in the singing _ kmptn My Show

8、 last year.32. I still _ rmemb(r) my last trip to Hong Kong. It was very interesting.33. Look, the dog in the street is in the _ elt(r) . Lets go to help it.VII. Complete the sentences with given words in their proper forms.(用所给单词的适当形式下列完成句子)34. My office is on the _ floor of TowerA, Daning Shopping

9、 Mall. (four)35. “Dont cry, boy!” the lady spoke _ to Sam. (gentle)36. _ like eating sushi very much. (Japan)37. Unluckily, our class _ the basketball match last week. (lose)38. Look at your _ nose! You must have a bad cold. (run)39. Its good for us to eat_ vegetables and fruits. (season)VIII. Choos

10、e the best answer. (选出最恰当的答案)()40. _ fire extinguisher is _ useful tool for firemen to put out fires.A. A; anB. An; anC. An; aD. A; a()41. You can relax yourself by _ music when feeling tired.A. listeningB. listen toC. listenD. listening to()42. _ of us must wait at the crossing when the red light i

11、s on.A. SomeB. AllC. MostD. None()43. Lady Gaga is one of _ among young people.A. the popular starB. the most popular starC. more popular starsD. the most popular stars()44. When we face a difficulty, we should hold on (坚持) instead _ giving up.A. /B. ofC. toD. for()45. There _ more new teachers in o

12、ur school next year.A. is going to haveB. are going to haveC. will beD. will have()46. I would rather _ at home than have a walk in the park.A. stayB. stayingC. to stayD. to staying()47. The strong wind _ all the windows of our flat last night.A. has brokenB. will breakC. brokeD. break()48. There is

13、 only _ food in the fridge. Would you like to buy _?A. a few; anyB. few; someC. little; someD. a little; some()49.- I think Hunan food is as delicious as Sichuan food.- _ I think Sichuan food is better.A. I agree.B. I dont agree.C. Youre right.D. Thats right.IX. Complete the following passage with t

14、he words in the box. Each word can only be used once.(选择正确的词, 将其字母代号填入空格, 每单词限填一词)A. saltyB. coversC. intelligentD. importanceE. postersWater is in oceans, rivers, lakes, ponds, and puddles, and even in our sinks. Water50a lot of the Earthbut many people around the world are still in short of water.

15、 Its because most water on the Earth is51.You cant drink it. You can only drink fresh water. By 2025, there may be eight billion people in the world. Theywill need more fresh water to drink, to wash in, and to grow food. So we should think about the52ofwater and how we use it.Kids around the world h

16、elp to save water. They make53. They save water by taking short showersand watering plants at night.X. Rewrite the following sentences as required. (根据所给要求, 改写下列句子)54. Tom has already seen the exciting film with his parents. (改为否定句)Tom _ seen the exciting film with his parents _ .55. Many houses fel

17、l down during the earthquake. (改为一般疑问句)_ many houses _ down during the earthquake?56. Its about half an hours drive from The Bund to my home. (对划线部分提问)_ _ is it from The Bund to your home?57. We can deal with(处理) the problem by facing it bravely. (对划线部分提问)_ _ we deal with the problem?58. He has neve

18、r watched this movies before. (改为反义疑问句)He has never watched this movies before, _ _?59. This is a pair of woollen socks. (保持句子意思基本不变)This pair of socks is _ _ wool.Part 3 Reading and Writing ( (第三部分第三部分 阅读和写话阅读和写话) )XI. Reading Comprehension. (阅读理解)(A)Read and judge true or false. (阅读并判断正误阅读并判断正误)Ma

19、ry is 12 years old and she studies in a middle school. She likes telling her mother, Mrs Green, everythingabout her school life.Now Mary is lying in bed. Mrs Green is sitting beside her. “What kind of day did you have today?” MrsGreen asks. “It was a bad day for me,” Mary answers. “I had a fight wit

20、h Tom. The teacher has told you about iton the phone.”“Yes, part of the day was bad,” Mrs Green says, “but there were good parts, too. Now tell me the best thingabout today.”Mary smiles and says, “After school, I went fishing with Dad, and I caught a big fish!”“Thats great! Im glad you had a good ti

21、me,” Mrs Green says. “Think about it before you go to sleep. NowIm going to turn off the light. Happy dreams!”“Good night, Mum,” Mary says.Every night, Mrs Green and Mary have a little talk like this. Every night, Mary answers the same question,“What was the best thing about today?” Every night, Mar

22、y goes to sleep thinking about that best thing. This is agood way to end a day.60. Mary doesnt want to tell her mother about her school life.61. Marys mother went to school because there was a fight between Mary and Tom.62. Mary thought the best part of that day was going fishing with her father and

23、 she got a big fish.63. Marys mother always asks Mary about her best thing in a day.64. Thinking about everything happened in a day is a good way to end a day.(B)Read and choose the right answer according to the passage. (阅读并选择阅读并选择)Dear Grandma and Grandpa,Thank you so much for the bike you sent me

24、 for my birthday! It looks so cool, and blue is my favouritecolour! Cathy also really likes the doll you gave her. She plays with it every day, and she tries to take iteverywhere! Im so happy that I dont have to take the bus or ask Mum to drive me to school anymore. Can youbelieve it? All of my clas

25、smates want one like it!I hope you are both doing well.See you this summer!Yours sincerely,Billy65. What kind of text is it?A) An advertisement.B) Anotice.C) An invitation.D) Aletter.66. Why did Billy write it?A) To thank his grandparents for their birthday gifts.B) To tell his grandparents about hi

26、s school life.C) To tell his grandparents what Cathy wants for her birthday.D) To thank his grandparents for visiting them.67. What does the underlined word “one” refer to?A) Asister.B)Abike.C)Agift.D) Adoll.68. Billy never goes to school _.A) by busB) by bikeC) on footD) in his mothers car69. Which

27、 of the following is TRUE?A) Billy is looking forward to his grandparentsgift.B) Billy will see his grandparents this summer.C) Billy doesnt like the colour of the bike.D) Cathy wants a gift like her brothers.(C)Choose the words or expressions and complete the passage.(选择最恰当的单词,完成短文)Chris Brown is 4

28、9 years old this year. He is from London, the UK. He _70_ more than two years on theworlds largest glass puzzle.All the glass he used was cut _71_ his hands. Here is the story of him.Chris Brown is an IT worker, but he has a special hobby. In his free time, he works on a glass map. There aremany con

29、tinents (洲), countries, cities and rivers in the map. The map is made up of 333, 000 pictures. It wasdifficult for Chris to make the map , _72_ he finished it at last. When people asked him about his secret, hesmiled, “Just put the puzzle pieces together _73_.”The map is like a real one. In fact, th

30、e map is a nice art work and he is a great artist. Many people are_74_ in his map. They think they should learn from the man.70. A. tookB. spentC. costD. paid71. A. byB. inC. forD. from72. A. becauseB. soC. butD. and73. A. suddenlyB. immediatelyC. carefullyD. angrily74. A. interestingB. interestedC.

31、 boringD. bored(D)Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the proper words. (在短文的空格内填入恰当的词, 使其内容通顺,每空格限填一词,首字母已给)Have you ever heard of The Great Fire of London? It started on September 2, 1666. The big fire soondestroyed more than half of the old city because most of the houses were w_75_. Mor

32、e than one hundredthousand people b_76_ homeless, and a few even lost their lives.The fire began in a bakers house. Then a strong w_77_ blew the fire into a small hotel next door.H_78_, that was just the beginning. Quickly, the fire spread to Thames Street. By eight oclock, threehundred houses were

33、on fire.The third day was the worst day. The fire destroyed many f_79_ buildings, such as St. PaulsCathedral (大教堂). Many people threw their things and themselves into the Thames River. Perhaps the onlybright side was that the fire helped London get rid of mice for good.(E)Read the passage and answer

34、 the questions(根据短文内容回答问题)Katie likes playing soccer a lot. She got in the school soccer team in Grade 2. From then on, her fatherusually drives her to school to practice soccer every Saturday.One day, Katie bounced(弹) a soccer ball on her knees. Her dad said, “Not in the car, please.” Katie held th

35、eball in her hands. She moved the ball from side to side. She wore a blue shirt that said “21” on the back. Her dadparked by the field. Katie started to get out of the car.“Wait!” her dad called. He pulled out a box and smiled. “I know you want to run faster, kick(踢) harder, andscore more goals(得分).

36、 These will help you. Happy Birthday, Katie!”80. Was Katie a member of the school soccer team in Grade 3?_.81. How does Katie usually go to practice soccer?_.82. Do you think Katie will watch or play on that day?I think she will_.83. Where did Katies father park?_.84. What is possibly in the box?_.X

37、II. Writing(写话)Section AMake up sentences with the words and phrases given. (连词成句, 标点符号已给出)85. in the sun, not many students, in summer, standing, like, for a long time(.)86. when, may, coming, happen, is, what, a typhoon (?)87. important,the, all, are, Earth, the, to, oceans, animals, on (.)88. Kat

38、e,reading, which, has, book, finished (?)Section BWritingRecently, Rose Garden School is holding an activity with the theme(主题) of protecting the environment.Please write a passage of at least 50 words about the topic “_is/are important to us”(以“_对我们而言是重要的”为题写一篇不少于 50 个单词的短文,标点符号不占格)The following points can be contained:(以下要点仅供参考)1. What are important to us?2. What may happen when there is/are no_?3. What should we do to protect it/them? (At least two suggestions)


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