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1、试卷类型:A绝密启用前2022 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(包头市第一次模拟考试)英 语注意事项:1.考生答卷前,务必将自己的姓名、座位号写在答题卡上。将条形码粘贴在规定区域。本试卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。2.做选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。写在本试卷上无效。3.回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡的规定区域内,写在本试卷上无效。4.考试结束后,将答题卡交回。笔试部分一、阅读理解(共两节,满分 40 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B

2、、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。ABelow is a list of carefully selected activities which can help you kill time and enjoyyourself when you are at your leisure.San Antonio Missions BaseballCustomer Rating: based on 260 reviewsAddress:5757 U.S. 90 San Antonio, TX 78227Tel:1-800-987-9852The game lasts about 3 hours

3、.Suitable for middle school studentsDisabled people are not accepted.Both cameras and video cameras are allowed.Gift shop on-site.Schlitterbahn Waterpark San AntonioCustomer Rating: r based on 180 reviewsAddress:400 N Liberty Ave New Braunfels, TX 78130Tel:1 -800 -987 - 6952Most guests spend about 4

4、 -10 hours at the park.Suitable for young peopleCameras and video cameras are not allowed.Restaurant and gift shop on-siteSplashtown Water ParkCustomer Rating: based on 210 reviewsAddress:3600 North IH 35 San Antonio, TX 78219Tel:1-800 -987 -9789Most guests spend about 4 -10 hours at the park.Suitab

5、le for all agesSuitable for healthy peopleBoth cameras and video cameras are allowed.San Antonio Walking Ghost TourCustomer Rating: based on 100 reviewsAddress: 516 E Houston St, Inside Moses Roses Hideout San Antonio, TX 78205Tel:1-800 -987 -9836Guided walking tour of downtown at night is 1.5 hours

6、 and up to 1 mile long.Disabled people are accepted.Both cameras and video cameras are allowed.21.What do we know about San Antonio Missions Baseball?A.It has the best rating.B.It offers restaurants to customers.C.It doesnt allow taking photos.D.It isnt suitable for old people.22. What will Mr. Smit

7、h choose if all his kids, his father and he himself want to have fun?A. San Antonio Missions Baseball.B. Schlitterbahn Waterpark San Antonio.C. Splashtown Water Park.D. San Antonio Walking Ghost Tour.23. Which of the following will Tom call if he has a broken hand?A.1 -800-987 -9836.B.1 -800 -987 -9

8、789.C.1 -800 -987 -6952.D.1-800-987 -9852.BWang Fang, a Suzhou native, has given her heart and soul to Kungu Opern. Wang, whohas twice won the Plum Performance Award-Chinas top award for theater and opeapetomances- started to learn the traditional art form in 1977.Borm with a melodic voice, Wang lov

9、ed to sing and dance when she was litle. Shepeformed frequenly, and was reerited by the Suzhou Kungu Opera Troupe(剧团) when shewas in middle school. However, her parents refused the troupes invitation, insisting that sheshould concentrate on her studies and not drop out of school. After members of th

10、e troupevisited the parents repeatedly and showed great sincerity,Wangs parents finally agreed.Learning the traditional art form was never easy. She started to learn how topronounce words, sing them lyrically and make gestures genly. As an actress playingmartial artists roles at frst, she had to spe

11、nd extra time practicing kung fu movements.Years later, Wang used the word“unimaginable”to describe how hard the days werewhen she first learned Kunqu. She was soaked in sweat when practicing movements insummer, while in winter she often had chilblains(冻疮)onher hands when training in shabbyclassroom

12、s with broken windows. But I was young and determined at the time. No matterhow diffcult, I always got up early the next moning to practice, Wang recalls.Wang says she did not love Kunqu at first, but in her early 20s,when she watched theshow Peony Pavilion performed by Zhang Jiqing, a master of the

13、 art form, it clicked. I wasshocked, Wang says. Her every movement was full of elegance and delicacy. Each of herlines and songs was perfect. I was overwhelmed by the beauty of Kunqu for the first timein my life, and it has stayed with me since. Now, Wang has herself become a master ofKunqu. Her per

14、formances have impressed generations and helped to promote the art formamong young people.24. Why did Wangs parents turn down the troupes invitation at first?A.They didnt think Wang had artistic talent.B. They saw no future in learning Kunqu Opera.C. They didnt want Wang to ignore her studies.D. The

15、y regarded members of the troupe as insincere.25. What does parngraph 3 mainly tell us?A. Wang has made great efforts to learm Kunqu well.B. Arists should be given more attention and care.C. Traditional culture needs to be further promoted.D. Wang has played a key role in the development of Kungu.26

16、. What changed Wangs atitude towards Kungqu Opera?A.Winning the Plum Performance Award.B.Joining the Suzhou Kunqu Opera Troupe.C. Watching Zhangs masterly performance.D. Being greatly admired by the audience.27. What does Wangs story show us?A.It is never too late to learm.B. Rome was not built in a

17、 day.C.Doing is better than saying.D.Dont judge a book by its cover.CTo persist, life must reproduce. Scientists at the University of Vermont, TuftsUniversity, and the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at HarvardUniversity have discovered an entirely new form of biological reprodu

18、ction and applied theirdiseovery to create the first-ever,self-replicating(自我复制的)living robots.Named Xenobots after the African clawed frog from which scientists take their stemcells, the machines are less than 0.04 inches wide-small enough to travel inside humanbodies. They can walk and swim, survi

19、ve for weeks without food,and work together ingroups. They even have regenerative capabilties; when the scientists slieed into one robor,it healed by itself and kept moving.The Xenobots could potentially be used toward a host of tasks. Xenobots could beused to clean up radioactive waste and collect

20、microplastics in the oceans. Some Xenobotshad holes in their center, which could potentially be used to transport drugs or medicines.Traditional robots“degrade(降解)over time and can produce harmful ecological and healthside effects,researchers said in the study, which was published in the Proceedings

21、 of theNational Academy of Sciences. As biologieal machines, Xenobots are more environmertallyfriendly and safer for human health. Aside from these immediate practical tasks,Xenobots could also help researchers to learn more about cellbiologyopening the doorsto future advancement in human health and

22、 longevity.While the prospect of self-replicating biotechnology could spark concerm, theresearchers said that the living machines were entirely contained in a lab and easilydestroyed, as they are biodegradable and regulated by experts. There are many thingsthat are possible if we take advantage of t

23、his kind of plasticity (可塑性)and ability of cellsto solve problems,” said Joshua Bongard, one of the lead researchers at the Universityof Vermont.28.Which of the following best explains“regenerative underlined in paragraph 2?A. Fighting disease.B. Replacing old cells.C.Self-cleaning regularly.D. Reco

24、vering and growing again.29. What can we learn about Xenobots from paragraph 3?A.They can be widely applied to curing diseases.B.They can serve well the research on human health.C.They are specially designed to collect radioactive waste.D.They are harmless to the environment by degrading plastics.30

25、.What is Bongars attitude towards the self-replicating biotechnology?A. Positive.B.Doubtful.C.Indifferent.D.Ambiguous.31. What does the text mainly talk about?A. An experiment on African clawed frogs.B.The trend of developing biotechnology.C. An application of a machine in medicine.D. The invention

26、of the first self-reproduction robots.DScroll through social media sites such as Instagram, Twitter or Facebook and youl beconfronted with picture after picture of perfectly presented and delicious-looking meals.While the smell and taste of food can have an undeniably powerful effect on our appetite

27、,are endless posts of steaming snacks more than just a feast for our eyes?Our eating habits are infuenced by what we see. There is some evidence that, if yousee pictures of food, that visual stimulation can prompt you to feel a desire to eat, saysSuzanne Higgs, a professor in the psychobiology of ap

28、petite.“If all your friends on socialmedia are posting pictures or livestreaming of themselves consuming fast food, its goingto set a norm that eating fast food is what people do.” says Higgs.Scientists are becoming increasingly concerned that food-related content on socialmedia is making us think d

29、ifferently about food. Social media algorithms (社交媒体算法)promote content that users engage with more, so viewing more unhealthy food meanssecing more of it on our social media feeds.“It seems that healthier foods are often seen as boring in comparison,” says TinaTessitore, associate professor of marke

30、ting. “In advertising, you see unhealthy food insoeial setingspeoplehaving a barbeque with friends, for example, while healthy food oftenfocuses more on the nutritional value. If you saw friends eating salad together, it wouldntseerm so credible, she says.But while studies have found that social med

31、ia can make us think differently aboutfood, and that we typically engage more with content featuring unhealthy food, itsuncertain yet whether this actually translates to our changes in our behavior in dailylife.“If Im scrolling through Instagram, looking at photos of tasty food, whether I seekout th

32、e food depends on how hungry I am, and whether its appropriate in that moment,says Higgs. And when we do eat, were influenced by more than what weve seen online,sheadds.32. What does the author want to tell us in the first paragraph?A.There are many food posts on the social media.B. Food posts can n

33、ot only bring us visual pleasure.C. The smell and taste of food can stimulate our appetite.D. Social media can help us establish healthy eating habits.33.Why are scientists becoming increasingly worried?A. Because social media will encourage us to eat more.B. Because food posts may have negative eff

34、ects on people.C. Because people may form the habit of viewing unhealthy food.D. Because people are more willing to browse more unhealthy food.34. What can be inferred from Paragraph 4 in advertising?A. More attention has been paid to healthier foods.B. Having a barbeque is healthier than eating sal

35、ad.C. Friends can hardy ever be seen eating salad together.D. Having a barbeque with friends is popular among teens.35. Where is the text most likely from?A.A biography.B. A fiction novel.C.An art magzine.D.A health magazine.第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为多余选项。In t

36、he United States and Britain, 70th wedding anniversaries are known asplatinumanniversaries( 铂 金 婚 )”._36_For example, celebrating the first year ofmarriage is known as a“paper anniversary”. Fifty years of marriage marks a goldanniversary. And the term “diamondanniversary is used to describe a marria

37、ge that haslasted for 60 years._37_In the US, people give gifts to couples when they reach certain years of theirmarriage. The first year anniversary is marked by giving the couple a clock._38_And theycan get musical instruments when they reach their 24th anniversary._39_InCanada,couplescanreceiveam

38、essagefromthecountrysgovermor-general(总督)on their 50th anniversary, and on every ffth anniversary after that.In the US, the president himself will send a greeting to couples that reach their 50thanniversary,and for every anniversary after that._40_Or perhaps the truly cool thing is celebrating such

39、a long life full of love andhappiness with your special someone.A. If two people reach their 10th anniversary,they can expect to receive diamond jewelry.B. People in different countries have their own ways of celebrating wedding anniversaries.C.The 25th wedding anniversary is popularly referred to a

40、s the “silver anniversaryD. In Canada and the US, couples can even receive special congratulations from worldleaders on certain anniversaries.E. People often celebrate their wedding anniversary by having dinner at an expensiverestaurant.F.In fact,there are many different terms that are used to descr

41、ibe different marriagelengths.G.How cool would it be to get a letter from the president?二、语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)第一节 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A,B,C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。The author, Lewis Caroll, deseribes an amazing creature in the famous fairy taleAlices Adventures in Wonderland.

42、 It _41_the way of giving Alices own thimble (顶针) asa gift for herself, leaving the children readers a strong impression._42_, when the kidstry to search for this creature in real life, they will be_43_ that this creature does notexist anymore. This is the dodo, a lightless bird that has gone_44_hun

43、dreds of yearsago.Dodo were_45_to the island of Mauritius, which locates in the east of Madagascar.Their appearance could only be described_46_illustrations and written accounts fromthose who have seen them. The images of a dodo_47_depiet (描述) it as a bird with grayfeathers,yellow feet, and a beak w

44、ith black, yellow and green in colors.As the bird is_48_, it was historically recorded as fat and clumsy, but now it isthought to be well-adapted. The island where dodos used to live is believed to have plentyof food_49_and few predators,so dodos did not_50_to evolve with strong wings to flyand find

45、 food._51_arrived when Dutch sailors discovered Mauritius in 1598 and handed in thefirst_52_of dodos to the world. In the following years, the dodos were_53_by sailorsand also by the animals they_54_. including pigs, rats, and monkeys. Their_55_andhabitats were destroyed, leading to the rapid_56_of

46、dodos population.Finally, in 1662 the last dodo closed its eyes, and they are thought to have_57_by1690.It had been less than 100 years from the_58_of the dodos to their extinction. Thebird is considered as an icon of extinction,_59_people about the fact that human activitiescan have_60_influences o

47、n biodiversity.41. A.comes up with B.looks forward to C.sets down to D. lives up to42. A. Besides B.Therefore C. Instead D. However43. A.disappointed B.embarrassed C.motivated D.challenged44.A.faraway B.blank C.extinct D.lost45. A.special B.native C.own D.independent46.A.linked to B.concerned about

48、C. based on D.faced with47.A.gradually B.finally C.usually D.rapidly48. A. lightless B.meaningless C.thoughtless D.wordless49.A. bargains B.chains C. stores D.resources50. A.dare B.need C.like D.long51. A. Tragedy B. Comedy C.News D. Broadcast52. A.memory B.drawing C.setting D.record53. A. raised B.

49、honored C.preferred D.hunted54. A. painted B.introduced C.sheltered D.found55. A. places B.spots C.nests D.scenes56.A.minus B.decline C.drawback D.increase57.A.died away B. passed down C. passed on D.died out58.A.discovery B.adoption C.recognition D.realization59. A.attracting B.persuading C.warming

50、 D.denying60. A.light B.fatal C.slight D.mild第二节(共 10 小题;每题 1.5 分,共 15 分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。When you hear the wond “shapeshifting”(变身),you may think of sei-fi movies, andnot the climate. But thats_61_animals are doing to deal with climate change. A newstdy shows that some animals are_


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