广东省深圳市红岭 2019-2020学年八年级下学期第一次月考试卷(1-2单元测试).pdf

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1、2019-2020 下学期初二年级第一次英语单元检测Class _ Name _ Marks _ (Full marks: 100)Written Test Part(75 分)分). 词汇选择(词汇选择(15 分)分). 从下面每小题的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项。 (共 8 小题,每小题 1 分)()16. What are you going to do this weekend, Laura? Im going to watch a fashion show that tries to raise money for blindchildren.A. lend

2、B. collectC. make()17. Why didnt you accept his advice yesterday? Because I didnt think it was practical.A. createB. provideC. take()18. What has happened outside? There is a lot of noise. The old man in the next door was taken to hospital. Its said that he hasa serious illness.A. dangerousB. tradit

3、ionalC. long()19. You look unhappy. Whats wrong? This Maths problem isnt easy. I have difficulty working it out.A. topicB. troubleC. method()20. What do you think of your new English teacher? She is a friendly teacher with good looks.A. expressionB. communicationC. appearance()21. Can you remind me

4、about the class meeting this Friday, Jack? Sure, no problem.A. make me rememberB. ask me to organizeC. let me know()22. Bob, what is your favourite song? Life is Beautiful. It always raises my spirits when I hear it.A. shows me courageB. wastes my timeC. cheers me up()23. Did you see Mike just now?

5、He ran towards the school gate in a hurry. Yes. I guess he wanted to go home in a short time.A. outB. toC. along. 从下面每小题的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。(共 7 小题,每小题 1 分)()24. Shall we visit Hong Kong next month, Sally? Well, I have to ask my mothers _ first.A. promiseB. permissionC. impression()25. Geo

6、rge, you _ the whole morning. Are you OK? No. My grandfather caught a bad cold, so Im worried about him.A. sighedB. breathedC. laughed()26. I think young people spend too much time on the Internet. Yeah. Perhaps they feel _, so they want to make friends online.A. carefulB. strictC. lonely()27. Where

7、 is Tom? The manager is looking for him. He hasnt come back yet. He said the traffic was heavy and he would beback _.A. aloneB. laterC. instead()28. A lot of people are using Alipay in China now. Its a convenient way to _ when they buy things.A. payB. shopC. check()29. How do you feel when you retur

8、n to your home town? Im excited to see great changes have _ here.A. carried outB. put awayC. taken place()30. Our city is _ air pollution. Thats true. I think planting trees is a good way to reduce the pollution.A. depending onB. suffering fromC. waiting for. 完形填空(完形填空(10 分)分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给的 A、B、C 三个

9、选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项。 (共 10 小题,每小题 1 分)On October 23, James Anthony, a school custodian (管理员), celebrated his60th birthday. Without31this kind man, the students of a class showed asurprise for him. When Anthony32the classroom, he saw the kids singingthe Happy Birthday song. Anthony tried to hide his f

10、ace by covering it with hishands, but he was moved to tears.You might be thinking, “Whats so33about a happy birthday song?”In fact, Anthony is not an ordinary school custodian. He is deaf, so the kidshad to learn34to sing the song in sign language (手语). “I was35happy to do it because I wanted to mak

11、e him happy for his birthday,” one of thestudents said.Anthony has36the school for 15 years. A teacher said, “Anthonyteaches the kids how to treat other people and teaches them to be polite. Because ofthe time and care Anthony has given to the37, they love him very much.”“I was surprised and moved,”

12、 Anthony expressed how much he loved thesurprise. The38is more than a birthday. Anthony and the kids have given a39lesson to each other. It is a lesson that40longer than words, and it hasmuch more to share.()31. A. teachingB. tellingC. visiting()32. A. left forB. sat downC. walked into()33. A. speci

13、alB. gladC. popular()34. A. whoB. whyC. how()35. A. reallyB. hardlyC. slowly()36. A. kept offB. looked upC. worked for()37. A. teachersB. studentsC. workers()38. A. experienceB. meetingC. advertisement()39. A. difficultB. boringC. valuable()40. A. speaksB. lastsC. learns. 阅读理解(阅读理解(30 分)分)阅读下列短文,从下面

14、每小题的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选择最佳选项。(共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,共 30 分)A难度系数:“Guess what! Roger,” Mum said. “Grandpa is coming!”Roger was excited. Grandpa once played in a band. He and Roger could makethe whole house shake with their music.Grandpa finally came. “Hi, Grandpa!” Roger spoke loudly. “Are you ready toplay t

15、he drums together?”Grandpa shook his head and said, “Im sorry. I cant play right now.” Rogerthought Grandpa was just a little tired. But later, when he asked again, Grandpastill said, “Im sorry, Roger, not now.”“Some of Grandpas joints (关节) are hurting him,” Mum said. “Lets givehim time to rest.” Th

16、en Roger didnt ask any more.After lunch, Roger went to his room. He saw Grandpa stand near the drum set.He picked up a drumstick and began to play. The drumstick fell from his hand anddropped on the floor. Roger then left home.“Grandpa, I have a surprise for you,” Roger said when he returned. Roger

17、ledGrandpa to his room. A pedal (踏板) was beside the drum set this time. “I got thisfrom my friend. Now you can play the drums with your foot,” Roger said excitedly.Slowly, Grandpa used his foot to push the pedal. “Join in, Roger,” Grandpasaid. Both of them enjoyed the playing time.() 41. Why did Rog

18、er feel excited when he knew Grandpa was coming?A. Because he could play the drums with Grandpa.B. Because he could learn the drums from Grandpa.C. Because Grandpa would bring him his band.D. Because Grandpa would introduce new music to him.() 42. Roger stopped asking Grandpa to play the drums in or

19、der to _.A. keep the house quietB. make his mother happyC. give Grandpa a surpriseD. let Grandpa have a rest() 43. What did Roger do after he left home?A. He went to play with his friend.B. He looked for a pedal for Grandpa.C. He bought a new pair of drumstick.D. He asked a doctor about joint proble

20、ms.() 44. What can we learn from the passage?A. Roger has learnt the drums since he was young.B. Roger helped Grandpa go back to play in his band.C. Roger and Grandpa showed their interest in the drums.D. Rogers mother wanted him to have a rest instead of playing.B难度系数:What kind of place do you usua

21、lly choose to stay for the night during a trip?Expensive hotels that may make you feel like you dont get what you pay for? Orcheap hostels ( 青 年 旅 馆 ) that put you and five other strangers in the samebedroom? If both choices sound bad to you, here is something new: holidayapartments.In a holiday apa

22、rtment, you have more space than what a hotel room can giveyou. Everything in the apartment is at your disposal. The living room, the kitchen,the study, and of course, the bedrooms are all for your own use. Some apartmentseven have a lovely garden or a game room. Youll feel at home in the holidayapa

23、rtment. The best thing is that a holiday apartment is not expensive. The price ofa holiday apartment for two people is often cheaper than a hotel room for two. Youonly need to pay a little more for a third or fourth person. If you travel with friendsor your family, a holiday apartment will be your b

24、est choice.() 45. The passage mainly tells us _.A. how to find a nice holiday apartmentB. why it is good to choose a holiday apartmentC. how to make your house a hostelD. when to live in a holiday apartment() 46. The underlined words “at your disposal” may mean “_”.A. you can take it everywhereB. yo

25、u are free to use itC. you can buy it at a low priceD. you are far away from it() 47. What is the biggest advantage (优势) of a holiday apartment?A. Its garden.B. More space.C. Its comfortable bedrooms.D. Its low price.() 48. Which of the following is TRUE about a holiday apartment?A. Its good for tri

26、ps with friends or family.B. Its usually in big cities.C. Its as cheap as a hostel.D. Its easy to find.C难度系数:People use their mouths for many things. They eat, talk, shout and sing. Theysmile and kiss. In the English language, there are many expressions about the word“mouth”. But some of them arent

27、so nice.For example, if you say bad things about a person, the person might say, “Donot bad-mouth me.” Later, you may want to tell the person that you feel sorrybecause you hurt his feeling or that you shouldnt say those words earlier. At thistime, you can say, “I really put my foot in my mouth.” If

28、 this really happens, youmight feel down in the mouth. In other words, you might feel sad for sayingsomething wrong.Sometimes if a person says something that his friend is going to say, the friendmight say, “You took the words right out of my mouth.” If a person has a bad or anunhappy experience wit

29、h another person, he might say that experience left a badtaste in his mouth. As for a person who had a very scary (可怕的) experience, likebeing run after by an angry dog, he might say, “I had my heart in my mouth.”Some people have lots of money because they were born into very richfamilies. There is a

30、n expression for this too. You might say such a person was bornwith a silver spoon in his mouth. A rich person is the opposite (相反) of a personwho lives from hand to mouth.() 49. When someone bad-mouths you, he says something _ about you.A. boringB. importantC. unfriendlyD. impossible() 50. What wil

31、l Tom probably say if he fights with his friend?A. It left a bad taste in my mouth.B. Do not bad-mouth me.C. You took the words right out of my mouth.D. I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth.() 51. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?A. None of the expressions about the word

32、 “mouth” are nice.B. If someone says, “I really put my foot in my mouth”, he must be happy.C. If a mother almost lost her kid, she might say, “I had my heart in mymouth.”D. A person living from hand to mouth is probably rich.() 52. Whats the purpose of the passage?A. To talk about the history of som

33、e expressions.B. To show some expressions about the word “mouth”.C. To show some interesting American expressions.D. To talk about why the expressions about the word “mouth” are popular.D难度系数:It is convenient for Chinese people to shop onTaobao or Tmall. But when foreigners (外国人)who dont understand

34、Chinese want to shop onTaobao or Tmall, what should they do?To help those foreigners shop online easily,three Americans, Jay Thornhill, Charlie Ericksonand Tyler McNew, started a company called Baopals in 2016. Baopals meansTaobaos friend in Chinese. The company works on a website. It allows foreign

35、ersin China to buy things in English from Taobao and Tmall.How did they start the company? Jay Thornhill has been living in China morethan 10 years since he finished his schoolwork. Charlie and Tyler are Jaysneighbours and friends. They used to talk about life in China. They felt shoppingonline was

36、a difficult thing for foreigners in China. Before they started thecompany, they often asked their Chinese friends to buy something for them andthen pay them. Then they came up with this idea to help the foreigners.Now, they have 40 workers in total. 15 of the workers are foreigners and 25are Chinese

37、. The team became the first foreign-led group to win the Top 10up-and-coming entrepreneurs (企业家) in Shanghai. It has become more and morepopular.Jay has some future plans for the company. He wants to make it become abetter company that will help more foreigners.() 53. What is Balpals?A. A friend of

38、Jay.B. A company.C. A neighbour of Jay.D. A shop.() 54. Why did the three Americans start the company?A. To help foreigners shop online.B. To teach Chinese people English.C. To talk about their past stories.D. To show their opinions of Taobao and Tmall.() 55. What is the third paragraph about?A. The

39、 number of workers.B. Jays future plans.C. What the three Americans have achieved.D. How the three Americans thought of the idea of starting the company.() 56. Where can we probably read the passage?A. In a picture book.B. In a history book.C. In a news report.D. In a fashion magazine.E难度系数:A foreig

40、n teacher from Bristol, the UK has spent lots of time doing voluntarywork, including years of visiting old soldiers and supporting poor students inChangde, Hunan Province.James has worked as a foreign teacher at Hunan University of Arts andScience for eight years and is taken as a great teacher. Whe

41、n he was a child, Jamesfelt like he had something to do with China. Now hes been working on helpingthose in need.James cares about a group of old soldiers who fought in the War of ResistanceAgainst Japanese Aggression. Hes been a volunteer in the local aid centre ofChangde for those old soldiers for

42、 over six years.He often goes together with other volunteers to distant villages to visit oldsoldiers. “Charity (慈善) is everyones duty. Old soldiers should be given enoughcare. The society should and must help them,” James said.In September 2014, James won Hunans seventh Xiaoxiang Friendship Award,a

43、n award given by the Peoples Government of Hunan Province to foreigners whomade contributions (贡献) to Hunan.James is now applying for a Chinese green card. He hopes to be able tobecome rooted in China and do something to achieve his Chinese dream step bystep.“A person might be successful if they hav

44、e enough food to eat and a lot ofmoney. But my dream is to help more people live a better life,” he said.() 57. James voluntary work does NOT include _.A. fighting in the War of Resistance Against Japanese AggressionB. giving money to poor studentsC. taking care of old soldiersD. visiting old soldie

45、rs in the distant villages() 58. What is James opinion about charity?A. Only the government should care about it.B. It has nothing to do with poor people.C. Rich people must do more charity work than others.D. Everyone should do something for it.() 59. What can we infer (推断) from the passage?A. Jame

46、s will help more people in China.B. It is difficult for James to live in China forever.C. James isnt happy with his job in China.D. James wont stay in China for a long time.() 60. Whats the best title of the passage?A. What voluntary work is forB. Everyones duty in societyC. A kind foreign volunteer

47、 in ChinaD. How to achieve our Chinese dreams. 语法填空 (10 分)阅读下面短文, 按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求, 在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 (共 10 小题, 每小题 1 分)Because of a fear (害怕) of flying, a British boy named Joe Thompson had tostay in the United Arab Emirates for 18 months.Joe (61) _ (fly) to Abu Dhabi, the capital of

48、the United Arab Emirates,with the family without any problem. But later he developed an (62) _ (ill)and he was afraid of flying. He wasnt able to return to Britain with (63) _(he) family as they had planned.After the rest of his family returned to Britain, Joe had to stay (64) _ thecountry with his

49、father. Joe tried four times to walk into the plane, (65) _each time he broke down in tears and couldnt make the 4,500-mile journey.Mr Hemming is (66) _ British doctor and he lives in the United ArabEmirates. After he knew about Joes illness, he offered (67) _ (help) Joe forfree. He used hypnotherap

50、y (催眠疗法) to help Joe stay (68) _ (relax) duringthe flight. Thanks to his method, Joes fear disappeared. Joe walked into the planefor the fifth time and (69) _ (final) returned home with his father.After (70) _ (touch) down in London, Joe said, “Im so happy to behome. I cant believe how could it is h


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