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1、高考英语写作句型练习班级 考号 姓名 总分 【写作关键短语】at the thought of 一想起;at the sight of 一看到;be overwhelmed with被恐惧淹没;a pang of 一阵的感觉(一)1.一想到要能再次与我最好的朋友见面,我就满心欢喜(be full of)。翻译:_2.一想到自己所做的事,她就感觉被恐惧淹没。翻译:_3.一想到她将要面对的困难,她的热情就减退了。(现在进行时,减退=褪色f开头,定从修饰困难) 翻译:_4.她一想到孤零零的独自一人就惊恐不安。翻译:_5.她想到他的成功便感到一阵忌妒的痛苦。翻译:_6.他一看见她心里就高兴起来了。(提

2、示:lift,vi高兴起来)翻译:_7.她看到自己影子时还吓得跳了起来。(jump with joy 开心得跳起来)翻译:_8.看到那个姑娘,他的心兴奋得怦怦直跳。(thump,vi 强有力的跳动)翻译:_9.有那么一会儿(for a moment)她为自己对待他的方式感到一阵突然的愧疚。(定从修饰way)翻译:_10.她心中突然萌生一阵怜悯之情。(一阵怜悯之情使他的心感动了。move, vt 使感动,打动)翻译:_11.他感到一阵悲痛。翻译:_12.老太太感觉到了一种失望的剧痛。翻译:_13.经历过一阵悲伤之后,也许我真的变成了一个成熟的女孩儿。(什么时态最贴切?mature,成熟的)翻译:

3、_14.我们极为兴奋。(我们被兴奋淹没了)翻译:_15.他便对他们说,我心里甚是忧伤,几乎要死。(同上,几乎要死:到达死亡的那个点,介词用to)翻译:_16.虽然我沉浸在无限的悲伤之中,但是被来自家人的,朋友的,甚至仅仅只是熟人的爱所鼓励。(this outpouring of love,浓烈的爱。outpouring,n(感情的)迸发,倾泻。鼓励,激励,uplift.用uplift的过去分词做状语)翻译:_(二)1.按计划,展览将于本周六在学校展览厅举行。翻译:_2.08年奥运会,在北京被举办,是历史上最成功的奥运会。翻译:_3.一场非常有意义的演讲比赛,上周在我们学校被举办,给师生留下了非

4、常深刻的映象。leave an impression on.翻译:_4.如果你没有很好地掌握(have a good command of)课程材料,那么你就不会在考试中(哪个介词)做得很好。 翻译:_5.毫无疑问,互联网时代(era),人们必须掌握良好的计算机技能去获得一份好工作。翻译:_6.我发现很难和他一起工作。(find it +adj+to do sth)翻译:_7.你可能会发现很难保持均衡的饮食。 翻译:_8.越来越多的人发现采取措施(take measures to do sth)保护环境是至关重要的。 翻译:_9.我们应该重视儿童心理健康。(attach importance

5、to sth)翻译:_10.必须强调(stress)的是,我们必须重视环保。(提示:it形式主语,that引导主语从句)翻译:_11.人们普遍认为心理健康和身体健康一样重要。(同上,ackn开头的那个单词炛) 翻译:_12.人们普遍认为我们生活在一个快节奏并充满竞争(competitive and fast-pacing)的社会。翻译:_13.无可否认,我们应该过一种低碳的生活。(there is no denying, low-carbon)翻译:_14.无可否认,我们的环境已经每况愈下。翻译:_15.我的家乡,位于广东省,以各种美味的汤而闻名。(have a reputation for)

6、 翻译:_16.西游记,是四大文学名著之一,以其奇幻的故事(fantasy story)和精彩的情节而闻名。(四大名著 Four Great Classical Novels.) 额外拓展:红楼梦The Dream of the Red Chamber,水浒传Water Margin,三国演义The Romance of the Three Kingdoms。翻译:_(三)1.一项调查,由北京大学组织开展(过去分词),揭示了良好习惯的重要性。翻译:_2.北京大学开展的一项调查显示,经常锻炼对健康有很大好处。(benefit) 翻译:_3.哪里有意志力,哪里就有出路。(where there i

7、s A, there is B)翻译:_4.哪里有勤奋,哪里就有成功。 翻译:_5.哪里有音乐哪里就有快乐,哪里有音乐哪里就有希望。(两个句子可用分号连接)翻译:_6.付出越多,收获越多。The more, the more翻译:_7.你帮助别人越多,就会有越多的好运回到你身边.翻译:_8.你越去反思你的不足之处,你就会越成功。翻译:_9.研究表明,偏爱垃圾食品会导致肥胖。(have a preference for)翻译:_10.许多外国人从来不明白我们对于辣食的偏爱。翻译:_11.我很高兴知道你对中国文化有浓厚的兴趣。 翻译:_12.这些书让读者对中国的文化有了深入了解。(offer an

8、 insight into sth)翻译:_13.这段经历让我对生活了一个重要的了解。(现在完成时)翻译:_14.他上学迟到,这对他而言已是家常便饭了。(as is often the case with sb)翻译:_15.就像其他老人一样.我祖父也老喜欢讲他当年的故事。翻译:_附:参考答案(一)At the thought of 一想起1.一想到要能再次与我最好的朋友见面,我就满心欢喜。I was full of joy at the thought of seeing my best friend again.2.一想到自己所做的事,她就感觉非常害怕。She was overwhelme

9、d with fear at the thought of what she had done.3.一想到她将要面对的困难,她的热情就减退了。 Her enthusiasm is fading at the thought of the difficulties she is going to face.4.她一想到孤零零的独自一人就惊恐不安。She was terrified at the thought of being alone.5.她想到他的成功便感到一阵忌妒的痛苦。She felt a pang of envy at the thought of his success.6.他一看

10、见她心里就高兴起来了。His heart lifted at the sight of her.7.她看到自己影子时还吓得跳了起来。She jumped with horror at the sight of her own shadow.8.看到那个姑娘,他的心兴奋得怦怦直跳。His heart thumped with excitement at the sight of the girl.9.有那么一会儿她为自己对待他的方式感到一阵突然的愧疚。For a moment she felt a pang of guilt about the way she was treating him.

11、10.她心中突然萌生怜悯之情。A pang of pity moved her heart.11.他感到一阵悲痛。He experienced a pang of sadness.12.老太太感觉到了一种失望的剧痛。The old lady felt a pang of disappointment.13.经历过一系列的伤痛,也许我真的变得成熟了。Maybe I really have been a mature girl after experiencing a pang of sadness.14.我们极为兴奋。We are overwhelmed with excitement.15.便

12、对他们说,我心里甚是忧伤,几乎要死。Then he said to them, My soul is overwhelmed with sorrow to the point of death.16.虽然我沉浸在无限的悲伤之中,但这些来自亲朋好友,甚至只是相识的人们的爱,使我受到了极大的鼓舞。I was overwhelmed with grief, yet uplifted by this outpouring of love from family, friends and even mere acquaintances.(二)1,按计划,展览将于本周六在学校展览厅举行。As schedu

13、led,the exhibition will be held in the school exhibition hall on Saturday.2,08年奥运会,在北京被举办,是历史上最成功的奥运会。The 2008 Olympic Games, which was held in Beijing, was the most successful Olympic Games in history. 3,一场非常有意义的演讲比赛,上周在我们学校被举办,给师生留下了非常深刻的映象。A very meaning speech contest, which was held in our scho

14、ol last week, left a very deep impression on teachers and students.4,如果你没有很好地掌握课程材料,那么你就不会在考试中取得好成绩。 If you dont have a good command of the course material, then you wont do well on the exam.5,毫无疑问,互联网时代,人们必须掌握良好的计算机技能才能获得一份好工作。There is no doubt that in the Internet era, one must get a good command

15、of computer skills to get a good job.6,我发现很难和他一起工作。I find it difficult to work with him.7,你可能会发现很难保持均衡的饮食。 you may find it difficult to keep a balanced diet.8,越来越多的人发现采取措施保护环境是至关重要的。 An increasing number of people find it vital to take measures to protect our environment.9,我们应该重视儿童心理健康。We should att

16、ach importance to childrens mental health.10,必须强调的是,我们必须重视环保。It must be stressed that we should attach great importance to environmental protection.11,人们普遍认为心理健康和身体健康一样重要。 It is widely acknowledged that mental health is as important as physical health.12,众所周知,我们生活在一个快节奏并充满竞争的社会。It is widely acknowle

17、dged that we are living in a competitive and fast-pacing society.13,无可否认,我们应该过一种低碳的生活。There is no denying that we should lead a low-carbon life.14,无可否认,我们的环境已经每况愈下。There is no denying that our environment have gone from bad to worse.15,我的家乡位于广东省,以各种美味的汤而闻名。 My hometown, located in Guangdong Province

18、, has a reputation for various delicious soup.16,西游记是四大文学名著之一,以其奇幻的故事和精彩的情节而闻名。Journey to the West, one of the Four Great Classical Novels, has a reputation for its fantasy stories and wonderful plots.(三)1.北京大学开展的一项调查揭示了良好习惯的重要性。A survey, conducted by Peking University, revealed the importance of go

19、od habits.2.北京大学开展的一项调查显示,经常锻炼对健康有很大好处。 A survey, conducted by Peking University, revealed that exercising regularly benefits ones health a lot.3.哪里有意志力,哪里就有出路。Where there is a will, there is a way.4.哪里有勤奋,哪里就有成功。 Where there there is diligence, there is success.5.哪里有音乐哪里就有快乐,哪里有音乐哪里就有希望。Where there

20、 is music, there is joy; where there is music, there is hope.6.付出越多,收获越多。The more you pay, the more you get.7.你帮助别人越多,就会有越多的好运回到你身边.The more you help others, the more good luck will come back to you.8.你越去反思你的不足之处,你就会越成功。The more you reflect on your shortcomings, the more successful you will be.9.研究表

21、明,偏爱垃圾食品会导致肥胖。Research has shown that having a preference for junk food can result in obesity.10.许多外国人从来不明白我们对于辣食的偏爱。Many foreigners have never understood our preference for spicy food.11.我很高兴知道你对中国文化有浓厚的兴趣。 I am glad to know that you show your preference for Chinese culture.12.这些书让读者对中国的文化有了深入了解。Th

22、ese books give readers an insight into the Chinese culture.13.这段经历让我对生活了一个重要的了解。The experience has given me important insight into my life.14.他上学迟到,但这对他而言已是家常便饭了。He was late for school, as was often the case with him.15.就像其他老人一样.我祖父也老喜欢讲他当年的故事。As is often the case with old people, my grandfather is fond of talking about good old days.5


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