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1、英语(五年级上册)Unit 5 What do they do?Grammar time & Checkout timeTeaching aims and learning objectives教学目标:1. 能够用表示职业类的词汇来描述他人的职业。2. 能够正确地使用句型What do/does do? Im/Hes/Shes a.I/He/She.来询问他人的职业并作回答。3. 能够理解并掌握Grammar time中一般现在时的基本概念,知道当主语是第三人称单数时助动词和行为动词的变化。4. 能够独立完成Checkout time对同学父母的职业的调查问卷,并且能作正确的汇报。5. 培养

2、学生对职业的认识,以及对各种职业的尊敬,同时鼓励和激发学生之间主动表达的欲望和积极交流的热情。Focus of the lesson and predicted area of difficulty教学重点和难点:教学重点:1. 能够使用所学职业类的词汇并掌握动词加r或er构成职业类名词的规则。2. 在特定的情景中熟练使用本单元句型来询问职业并进行描述。3. 能够理解并掌握Grammar time中一般现在时的基本概念,知道当主语是第三人称单数时助动词和行为动词的变化。4. 能够初步掌握动词的第三人数单数形式的变化规则和读音规律。教学难点:1. 一般现在时中当主语是第三人称单数时助动词和行为动

3、词的变化规则。2. 动词第三人数单数形式的变化规则和读音规律。Teaching procedures 教学过程Step 1 Greeting and warm-up1. Learning aims (PPT呈现)2. Sing a song: They sing happilyStep 2 Revision(男女生之间竞赛)1. Round 1 Brainstorminga. Name some jobsb. Brief summary: verb+r/er noun( writewriter, drivedriver, workworker, farmfarmer, teachteacher

4、)2. Round 2: Quick responda. T: I say a verb, and you make phrases with it. For example, I say “help”, and you say “help sick people”. OK?b. T: This time, I say the original form of the verb and you say the third person singular verb. For example, I say “help”, you say “helps”.3. Round 3: Choose and

5、 sayT: Choose a letter apple and a number apple to practice with your partner. For example, I choose Apple A. Its Miss Green. And I choose Apple 3, its a stethoscope. My partner and I can practice like this:What does Miss Green do? Shes a doctor. Step 3 Presentation1. Do a surveya. T: Now, heres a t

6、ask for you. Please do a survey in groups of four and write down others family members jobs.b. T: Youve finished the survey already. Its time to report. 2. Brief summaryT: Lets think about how to know others jobs? What questions can we ask?S1: What do you do?S2: What does your father do?T: Yes. And

7、we can answer: Im/Hes/Shes a.3. Grammar time1 (do&does)Whatdoyoudo?doesyour fatherhis motherher motherT: Now, please think about a question: When do we use “do” and “does”?(帮助学生归纳“do” 和“does”用法)T: In the questions of simple present tense, we use “do” with the first, the second and plural personal pr

8、onouns, and we use “does” with the third person singular.4. Round 4: Find the house.T: Heres Round 4. Please help the personal pronouns find their right house by saying “What do/does.?”5. Grammar 2(Verb forms)IteachEnglish.Hehelpssick peopleShemakessweetsT: Please think about the usage of the verbs

9、in simple present tense.(帮助学生归纳)T: In simple present tense, we use the third person singular verbs with the third person, and we use original forms with other persons.6. Think and discussT: Please discuss the forms of the third person singular verbs.(引导学生总结规律)a. Add “s” after the verb in generalb. A

10、dd “es” after “ch, sh, s, x and o”c. Change “y”into “i” then add “es”d. Special form: havehas7. Try to readT: Now lets try to read the third person singular verbs. Please pay attention to the sound.8. Grammar 3 (Pronunciation rules) (1) /s/ After the unvoiced consonants, such as takes, jumps; (2) /z

11、/ After the voiced consonants, such as plays, runs; (3) /ts/ After /t/ , such as writes, skates; (4) /dz/ After/d/, such as reads; (5) /Iz/ Add “es” after ch、sh、s、x、o, such as teachesStep 4 Consolidation1. Round 5: Try to sayT: Please say the third person singular verbs. Lets see whether boys or gir

12、ls can get more scores.2. Round 6: Fill in the blanksT: Lets use the right verb forms in the sentences. Please read these sentences carefully and fill in the blanks.3. Competition result: Who are the winners?Step 5 Homework1. Review Grammar time and remember the third person singular verb forms.2. D

13、o more survey about your friends family jobs and prepare to report in next lesson.Teaching aids 教学准备:教学准备:PPT板书设计: Unit 5 What do they do ? (Grammar time & Checkout time)Whatdoyoudo?doesyour fatherhis motherher motherIteachEnglish.Hehelpssick peopleShemakessweets 说课 本课时将教学内容确定为Grammar time和Checkout

14、time中的Do a survey,以男女生竞赛的形式为依托,在完成各项教学任务的过程中复习、巩固、操练、归纳和运用。Grammar time中包含着本单元的教学重点,也是教学中需要着重突破的难点,因此,教学任务的设计需要始终围绕职业类单词和重点句型“What do/does.do?Im/Hes/Shes a . I/He/She.”来推进整堂课的教学。本课从单词的复习切入,通过Brainstorming复习所学职业类单词,在熟练掌握单词的基础上感知动词与名词之间的联系,从而过渡到相关动词的复习。Quick respond环节完成了对本单元主要动词词组和动词第三人称单数形式的口头复习。之后的C

15、hoose and say是一个机械操练的环节,但教师的处理比较巧妙,利用翻牌的形式创设信息沟,赋予机械操练更多的趣味性,以提高学生参与的积极性和激发学生的好奇心。Do a survey是一个相对开放的实际运用环节,之前的充分复习为学生的调查和汇报扫清了障碍,活动目标指向也更加明确。Grammar time的呈现实际上是在三个课时的教学以及运用的基础上进行的归纳和总结,主要是问句中do和does的使用、动词的第三人称单数形式以及Im、Hes、Shes的完整与缩略形式,其中以动词第三人称单数形式为核心重点。因此,本课既要对动词第三人称单数形式的变化规则进行归纳,也需要关注动词三单形式的读音,做到听、说、读、写四技并举。本课中的Find the house、Think and discuss和Try to read 就是围绕以上教学目标设计的学习任务,也仍然是串联在男女生竞赛的主线中。本课最后的练习设计Fill in the blanks综合性较强,目的是当堂检验学生对知识掌握的情况,与课后作业中的记忆、调查、记录的学习任务相结合,力求最大化提高课堂教学效率和培养学生语用能力。


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