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1、初升高衔接能力测试卷满分120分时间90分钟亲爱的同学,在过去三年的初中英语学习中,或许你能秒完填杀阅读,最难的短文语法填空也统统满分拿下,每次考试的高分非你莫属,那么想对你说,初中的你,真的很棒!到了高中,面对长篇幅陌生词汇陡增的阅读,面对更刁钻的完形填空和综合知识全面考察的语法填空,你,是否依然能从容自信面对?那么下面的测试祝你好运!第一部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AWhen I was eight years old,I had cancer. It was really har

2、d.One of theworst things was having to sit in the doctors office for hours duringchemotherapy(化疗)treatments. Id want to walk around and do things, butdealing with the big intravenous poles(静脉输液架)that hold the bags ofmedicine was a pain. I d have to roll them around with me. Id trip overthem, and the

3、 poles got stuck on everything. It made my stress overbeing sick even worse.Last year for science fair, my teacher said we should think of how tosolve an everyday problem.When you have cancer,the intravenous poles arean everyday problem. I started thinking of making a backpack for kids sothey could

4、get around and play and go outside while they re getting chemo(chemo is short for chemotherapy). I especially want to make chemo easierfor kids. I know how frightening it can be.For my project, I got a backpack and made a model. I took a small boxand made it look like an intravenous machine. I had a

5、 small pole sticking outof the top, where you d hang the bag of medicine. Then I painted it to makeit look nice.After the science fair,I got a patent(专利)for my invention.Thatmeans I officially owned the idea. I was pretty surprised.Companies startedtalking to my family about making the backpacks. Bu

6、t it s very expensive. Alot of people have donated(捐赠)money to help. So far Ive raised 55,000Before the backpack project, I thought of cancer as terrible. But now Irealize that a good thing that came from it was that I could help others.Idont like seeing kids with cancer suffer through treatment. I

7、hope myinvention can help them.1.What troubled the author most?A.Her health.B.Her studies.C.The chemo treatment.D.The medicine for cancer.2.Why did the author want to invent a special backpack?A.To help kids know about cancer.B.To maketreatment more effective.C.To help kids feel better during chemo.

8、D.To make students school bags lighter.3.What does Paragraph 3 mainly talk about?A.What the author did to raise money.B.How the author made the backpacks.C.What the author got from her teacher.D.How the author got an intravenous machine.BThe “Take In restaurant in Helsinki, Finland, is now in the ne

9、ws for itscreative service. Instead of cooking the meals in its own kitchen-whichdoesnt exist-it allows customers to order various dishes from 20 otherrestaurants in the city.As youve probably already guessed, the name “Take In is a cleverplay on words, as in take-out eaten in the restaurant. It sou

10、nds dumb,I know.After all,the whole point of ordering take-out is to avoid going to arestaurant, and if you re going to dress up to go out, you might as well gostraight to your favorite restaurant instead of ordering food from it somewhere else. But heres the idea behind it - when you go out with ag

11、roup of friends and you can t decide where to go for dinner,Take In is theperfect solution.“We want to be a living room in the city, said Johnson, a spokespersonfor Wolt,a popular food delivery app.We all know what its like-youreabout to go out for dinner with a big group of friends,one of you wants

12、 to gofor pizza,one of you just wants a burger,and one of you is only having salad.What are you going to do? Well,the answer in Helsinki right now is that youcometo Take In because you can do allof those things in the same place.Customers are more than welcome to stick to a choice of different drink

13、s available at the bar, but if they want to try the take in experience,all they have to do is use the Wolt app in the restaurant.They have access(使用某物的权利)to the full menus of around 20 local restaurants,and once they order and pay for their meals, all they have to do is wait for someone todeliver it

14、 to the restaurant.Its like take out,only in.4.What is unusual about the Take In restaurant?A.It has a very creative kitchen.B.Its meals are cooked by customers.C.Its dishes come from other restaurants.D.It receives orders from other restaurants.5.What does the underlined word “dumb in Para.2 mean?A

15、.Special.B.Stupid.C.Simple.D.Sensible.6. What do Johnsons words suggest?A.Take In satisfies all tastes.B.Take In offers healthy food.C.A living room will be built in Take In.D.Dining out with friends is popular nowadays.7.In the Take In restaurant,customers_.A.pay for their meals after eatingB.ask t

16、he waiter for the menuC.need to pay for the seatsD.order by themselvesCLaura walked towards the man.“It is terribly cold,she said.“Colder than ever, the man said.“Now tell me what you want.Helooked at Laura for a few seconds, and then said,“Maybe youd like to comeinside and warm up.”“No,I just wante

17、d to know if you re interested in selling your dog, shetook a deep breath.“That worthless dog? The man pointed to a dog in the yard.“Well, hes the kind of dog Im looking for. And it doesnt seem that you like him very much. I mean he s tied up outside. I dont see any food orwater.”“The guy I got it f

18、rom said it was a trained guard dog, but it doesnteven bark (吠叫) when strangers come around. So youre probably justlooking for a pet,huh?”Yeah.Heres your chance to sell him. I li give you twenty dollars.”“Fifty dollars. That s my price, the man continued.“Ill be back with the money, Laura nodded her

19、 head.Breakfastforgotten,she searched for a cash machine and found one at the end of thestreet.“I cant afford this, she thought as she knocked the numbers into themachine,“The dog will need a veterinarian (兽医)and where am I going toget the money for that? Her fears disappeared as she pictured the do

20、g, lyingnot outside on the cold hard ground, but in front of the warm fireplace in herhouse with big bowls filled with food and water sitting in the comer of thekitchen.With the money in her purse she hurried back to the mans house.8.Why did Laura walk up to the man?A.To see if she could buy his dog

21、.B.To give him a morning greeting.C. To ask him to let her in and warm up.D.To ask him where she could buy a pet.9.For what purpose had the man bought the dog?A.To go hunting.B.To fight loneliness.C.To learn how to train a dog. D.To have the dog protect his home.10.When Laura left home in the mornin

22、g, she was most probablygoing to_.A.take a walkB.have breakfastC.get some cashD.visit her friends11.How did Lauras worry about the money disappear?A.She would have a guard dog soon.B.She found enough money to pay the man.C.The dog would lead a happy life under her care.D.The man promised to take goo

23、d care of the dog.DI dropped out of college after my freshman year, three years laterreturned to college after having been stuck in a dead-end job,working in theshipping and receivingdepartment at a department store.I saw school as myway out.But I quickly found myself up against the same problems th

24、at hadcaused me to give up before: I was in over my head with college-level algebra(代数)and a heavy workload(工作量) of reading and writinghomework. In addition,I was still unsure of my career(职业)direction.After about a week in community college, I was feeling the same upsetand fear Id felt a few years

25、earlier. I was ready to drop out again. Then asmartly dressed woman with white hair walked confidently to the front of myEnglish composition class.Look at you! You re here because you want tochange your lives for the better.And you re going to make it!Mrs. Peters didnt know me from any of the other

26、40 faces in herclassroom, yet I felt she was speakingdirectly lo me. She knew exactly whatI was feeling and what many of my classmates were probably feeling as welland she lessened our fears. I came out of that class making up my mind tosucceed.Having trouble keeping up with the workload? Break it d

27、own into smallmanageable pieces, and set up a schedule that works for you, she toldus.Professors teaching too fast for you to take notes? Interrupt (打断)them witha question so you can catch up on your notes before they continue, sheadvised. If college algebra is too difficult, drop back to introducto

28、ry collegemath,she suggested. As for English composition, which can be hard andboring,she gave us interesting writing homework.She never let us lose sight of our dreams.“Go for the best: you re worthit, she said when we graduated.I left that community college with high grades and went on to do furth

29、erstudies.Mrs.Peters wouldnt know that when she gave that talk, she made ahuge difference in my life.12.Why did the author go back to college?A.He was out of a job.B.He was dissatisfied with his job.C. He tried to start his own business.D.He hoped to learn more about algebra.13.What troubled the aut

30、hor at college?A.He did badly in recent exams.B.He was forced to leavesschool.C.He failed to manage his studies. D. He was beaten by bitter memories.14.How did Mrs.Peters affect the author?A.By showing favor to him.B.By talking with him directly.C.By setting him extra homework.D.By giving him inspir

31、ation and skills.15.What advice did Mrs.Peters offer to her students on their careers?A.Have fun.B.Start small.C.Dream big.D.Think twice.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Small talk isnt so smallSmall talk may not be about serious matters; however,researchers intothe subj

32、ect have found that its important. That s because small talk keeps usconnected to one another and can lead to bigger things, such as a job or anew friendship.16. _Here is some advice on helping you start a conversation, and keeping the conversational ball rolling:Start with the obvious17._For exampl

33、e, your job, hobbies,aperson you both know,ete. If you dont know the person, its alwaysacceptable to bring up a neutral (中性的)topic such as the weather or therecent news. It isnt necessary to be clever -all that s required is to showinterest in the other person and to be willing to talk.18. _ If the

34、other person has done something you like or is wearing somethingattractive, it s always proper to praise. But avoid talking about a personsphysical appearance. 19. _Besides, keep your praise short and to the pointand continue with another topic.20. _Its perfectly OK to talk about your own interests

35、for a while, but keepyour conversation from becoming a monolog (独白). Its only polite, forexample, that after talking about your own children, you turn theconversation back to your partner by asking about his or her children.A.Praise were proper.B. You dont have to be wise -just be nice.C. People can

36、t usually change how they look.D. Talk about yourself and then return to your partner.E. It s very important to remember other peoples names.F.If you have something in common with another person, begin with that.G.Yet people who find themselves alone with another person often dontknow what to say.第二

37、部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Michael felt hot.Why was it so hard to breathe?They had rehearsed(预)theplay,and Michael knew hispart.21._ he was still nervous.22._ filled his headWhat if I say the wrongthing?What if I trip(绊倒)and fall?Michael tr

38、ied to think of 23._ things. Tomorrow he d enjoy a delicious dinner with his family. But first he had to get through today,with a roomful strangers 24._ him. His family was in the audience. He tried to 25._ that they were all sitting around the dining room table right now. That always made him feel

39、26._.Michael27._ the play. It was the story of how the early Pilgrims hadsurvived in the new land with the help of the Wampanoag who lived there.Piece of cake, Jake had said. 28._,thought Michael. Nothing to be 29._ about.You have a(n)30._ role to play. Mr. Murray, the plays director,had told him. M

40、ichael felt as if the whole31._ depended on him.“Everyone in place, said Mr. Murray.Michael found that the theater was 32._. He was very nervous:Michael felt a hand onhis shoulder and turned to see Serene giving him(n)33._ smile. “You can do it, she said.The play 34._“This is not a plant I ve ever s

41、een before,said Jake.It was Michaels turn to35._ something. But his mouth went dry.The audience was36. _ But he was frozen in place. And then he heard Serene say,how will we survive if we dont grow food? Wait. That wasnt t Serene s 37. _ She must have made that up to 38._ him to remember what he was

42、 going to say.“We must ask the Wampanoag for help with the planting, Michael said.He took a deep breath,and he started to focus(集中注意力).Serene and take wanted to help him. He wasnt in this 39._ . He survived the rest of the day.Michael felt 40._ for his friends help.31.A.SoB.ButC.AndD.Or32.A.WorriesB

43、.LiesC.DifficultiesD.Choices33.A.badB.possibleC.frighteningD.pleasant34.A.searching forB.caring forC.looking atD.laughing at35.A.imagineB.forgetC.believeD.find36.A.strangeB.surprisedC.proudD.relaxed37.A.watchedB.directedC.practicedD.understood38.A.SorryB.RightC.NoD.Perfect39.A.shyB.excitedC.nervousD


45、lpC.stopD.invite49.A.beforeB.stillC.aloneD.again50.A.peacefulB.angryC.disappointedD.thankful第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。There was a couple, 51._ lived on the outskirts(郊区)of a city.They were happy but poor.One morning,the man ten for the city while his wife stayed at home

46、.She cleaned some sesame seeds(芝麻种子)in warm waler,and52._(careful)removed their husks (外壳).She then put 53._ (they) outside in the sun to dry.Meanwhile,she started washing the dishes.During this time, a dog came and dirtied the sesame seeds.After that,she thought,“These sesame seeds are all that I have. Ill play a trick54._ my neighbor.Ill offer 55._ (exchange)these cleaned,unhusked sesame seeds for some husked ones. They will believe the offer. 56._usually takes a lot of time to clean and remove the husks of thesesame seeds, so


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