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1、 九年级上学期英语开学考试试卷一、单项选择1.Would you like to play basketball with us this afternoon? , but my mother is ill. A.I dont careB.Its very nice of youC.Of course notD.My pleasure2.She wants to work but she is to the house with the baby. A.tiedB.tiredC.triedD.tying3.The dog over there under the tree belonged t

2、o Jimmy. Beside the dog, a book open on the ground. A.lay; laidB.lying; laidC.lay; layD.lying; lay4.Sir, you be sitting in the waiting room. It is for women and children only. A.shouldntB.cantC.wontD.neednt5.A big fire in the Amazon rainforest and rapidly for three weeks last month. Many animals and

3、 native inhabitants lose their homes. A.broke down; wentB.broke up; spedC.broke off; developedD.broke out; spread6.The guidebook against walking alone at night. I cant agree more. Safety comes first.A.suggestsB.advisesC.celebratesD.warns7.Shall we go fishing at six oclock tomorrow morning? . Will se

4、ven oclock be OK?A.Sure, its up to youB.Sure, no problemC.Sorry, I cant make itD.Sorry, Im not available8.I hear British Airways will an extra flight to London tomorrow. Great! Our tickets are available because of that. You see, nothing is fixed in the world, everything is .A.add up; activeB.put dow

5、n; nativeC.put on; relativeD.get on; creative9.He began to realize how much in debt he was. So he had to his assistant . A.see; offB.lay; outC.lay; offD.send; up10.His story just goes to show, if you your own business, you shouldnt spend money you dont have and you should try to do your job to the b

6、est of your . A.fix up; secretB.set up; abilityC.stay up; connectionD.make up; ability11.Have you seen Karen in her house? No. She the library. So I have to leave a for her on the table.A.has gone to; messageB.has gone to; noteC.has been to; noticeD.has been in; information12.The earlier the is give

7、n, the better the patients chance. A.agreementB.treatmentC.treatD.attention13.Every parent is with their children. They try to help them develop the good habits again and again. A.present; patientB.shows up; patientC.presents; strictD.turns up; popular14.The artist is celebrated for his new ideas an

8、d . At present, he is a whole new language of painting. A.invitation; creatingB.instruction; developingC.invention; creatingD.introduction; discovering15.What did the teacher ask you just now? He asked me .A.how can we become good learnersB.how I improve my pronunciationC.whether June is a good time

9、 to visit Hong KongD.what I had learned about Halloween二、完形填空16.完形填空 From North Wales comes the story of a young woman who returned to her car in the local multi-story多层的car park and found an elderly lady sitting in the back seat. As it was a 1 make of car, she first 2 the number plate. And she went

10、 around it to make sure it was indeed her car. She asked the lady what she was doing there. The old lady explained she had been shopping with her daughter and grandchildren but had felt 3 and wanted to return to the car for a rest. She said her daughters car was the same make, 4 and color as the you

11、ng womans and she must have got into the wrong onea 5 explanation. The old lady then began to breathe heavily and, holding her 6 , asked to be taken to the local hospital, which the driver 7 to do. But just as the young woman was about to start up the car, she noticed in the rearview mirrow that the

12、 old ladys shawl披肩had 8 a little, showing a muscular 肌肉兴旺的arm, thick with hair. What should I do? she asked herself. She was very 9 that she would soon be in trouble. At the moment the young woman had an idea. She asked the old lady to 10 her out of the parking space by standing to one side of the b

13、ay, and felt 11 when she agreed to do this. Once out of the parking place, the young woman 12 the doors and sped off the nearest police station to report the 13 . Police officers then 14 the car, finding a rope and an axe under the passenger seat. The young woman had 15 to drive away fortunately, al

14、though the whole thing would not have happened in the first place if she had remembered to lock her car up before she went shopping.1. A. commonB. simpleC. popularD. cheap2. A. cleanedB. checkedC. protectedD. moved3. A. unwellB. hungryC. anxiousD. excited4. A. priceB. modelC. smellD. lock5. A. weakB

15、. strangeC. reasonableD. correct6. A. headB. chestC. stomachD. nose7. A. agreedB. pretendedC. refusedD. meant8. A. risenB. movedC. changedD. fallen9. A. surprisedB. excitedC. disappointedD. worried10. A. followB. takeC. directD. remind11. A. sorryB. happyC. nervousD. lonely12. A. brokeB. pushedC. lo

16、ckedD. repaired13. A. accidentB. secretC. newsD. matter14. A. stoppedB. searchedC. fixedD. drove15. A. triedB. preferredC. affordedD. managed三、阅读理解17.阅读理解 1Catmose Primary Family Beetle Drive is most probably . A.a kind of insectB.a course about computersC.a TV programD.a team activity2If Jane, a th

17、ird-grade pupil, wants to join with her twin sister and parents, they should pay . A.2C.33People should buy the tickets . A.after registeringB.in the School OfficeC.on the schools websiteD.before April 4th4Its clear that . A.the activity is organized by a beetle familyB.the school is just open from

18、4 pm to 6 pm on TuesdaysC.the number of a team should be no more than 6 peopleD.people can call the school at 01572-721387 for more information5What can we learn from the material? A.People should dress up as beetles on that day.B.People can enjoy some drinks and food there.C.People must call the sc

19、hool or surf the Internet to sign up first.D.Sandringham might be the headmaster of Catmose Primary School.18.阅读理解 Oh boys, dont throw stones at that poor bird. said an old man. Why, sir? said a little boy, She is so noisy. Yes, but she uses the voice which God gave her. And it is probably pleasant

20、to her friends. Besides, I am afraid the stone will rebound, and hurt you as long as you live! Rebound? Well, let me tell you a story. The old man said. Fifty years ago, I was a boy like you. I liked throwing stones and I could throw accurately(准确地). One day, I went to visit Mr. and Mrs. Smith, an o

21、ld couple in the countryside, with my parents. And I happened to see so many swallows(燕子busily making nests under the roof of their house. The Smiths warmly told me that one of the swallows had come to their house for seven years and it was a mother swallow. That day, she had just returned after a l

22、ong trip. She was building her nest in the some place and she planned to raise her young children there. Half an hour later, the mother swallow sat upon a stick near her nest ad had a rest, looking at me trustfully. For fun, I tried my skill upon her. Unluckily, she was shot on the head, and dropped

23、 dead! Then all day long, her mate(配偶) flew about, and was so sad. I was heartbroken and regretful when seeing this. And I began to hate myself. The Smiths finally found out all of these. They didnt say a word to me on the matter. They just buried the swallow silently. Now the couple have passed awa

24、y. I have carried the deep wound in my memory for fifty years. Dont you see how that stone rebounded and hit me? Yet if I could prevent you from throwing a stone that may rebound and deeply hurt your later, I shall be very cheerful. The boys at once dropped the stones in their hands.1The old man tol

25、d the boys the story in order to . A.stop them from throwing stones at the birdB.be in memory of the old coupleC.tell them how pleasant the birds voice wasD.warn them of some hidden danger.2We can infer from the underlined sentence that . A.stones are dangerous to kidsB.regrets might follow someone

26、for longC.stones sometimes might move back quickly and hit someoneD.children cant play without stones3We can know that the old couple . A.kept many birds and other pets at homeB.were very angry with the boy that dayC.showed great sadness for the loss of the swallowD.disliked the swallows because the

27、 birds were so noisy4What can we learn from the passage? A.The boys didnt believe the old mans story.B.The swallow the old man shot knew him very well.C.A wound was left on the old mans hand after the event.D.The old man wished the boys not to make the same mistake as him.5Whats the best title of th

28、e passage? A.A Terrible SkillB.The Poor SwallowC.The Stone Will ReboundD.A Painful Memory of an Old Man19.阅读理解 Once Louis the Twelfth, the King of France, happened to walk into the kitchen of his palace. There he found a small boy busy at work and singing happily. The boy had bright eyes, and a happ

29、y, sunny face, and his looks and manners pleased the king. With a smile Louis asked him his name. He replied that his name was Simon. In answer to further questions, the king learnt that the boy was an orphan: both his father and mother were dead. Are you content to do this kind of work? the king as

30、ked, pointing at the bowls which the boy was washing. Are you willing to spend your time in the kitchen when so many of the others work upstairs? Why not? answered the boy, with a twinkle in his eyes. I am doing as well as the best of them. The king himself can do no better. Indeed! said the king, n

31、o little surprised at the boys words. How do you know that? Well, sir, the king lives, and so do I. I am content with my life. Can the king say that he is content with his life? Louis walked away, and his mind was full of strange, sad thoughts. No one knew better than he did that kings seldom feel c

32、ontent. The next day, much to Simons surprise, he was called by the king. He was still more surprised when he found that his visitor of the day before was Louis himself. The king talked with him about many things, and found him to be a very quick and clever boy. After that Simon was made to serve th

33、e king directly. Step by step, he rose from one important task to another, until he became one of the best soldiers of that time. He is known in history as General La Roche, and considered as one of the greatest men in France. If Simon had not, early in life, learnt to be content with his life, he m

34、ight never have been given those chances. The king did not want people who were always unhappy because they did not have as good a place as some others. You cannot too soon learn that only those who are content are happy.1What did Simon do before he met the king? A.He sang in the kings palace.B.He s

35、erved in the kings army.C.He worked in the kings kitchen.D.He guarded the kings palace.2What does the underlined word content mean here in Chinese? 3Which of the following is the correct order about Simon? He served the king directly.He found the visitor was the king.He became one of the best soldie

36、rs.He had a chat with a visitor in the kitchen.He is a well-known man in French history.A.B.C.D.4We can learn from the story that . A.being content makes us happyB.working hard can lead to successC.its important to be kind to othersD.children are always more honest四、选词填空20.选词填空 More, the hottest, gr

37、oups, speak, shape, children, Mean, hobbies, you, spoken, habits, pronunciation1I believe that April is _month of the year there 2Its too hard to understand _English. 3Dont read word by word. Read word _. 4I was afraid to ask questions because of my poor _ 5Whether or not you can do this well depend

38、s on your learning _. 6Everything you learn becomes a part of _and changes you. 7Mooncakes are in the_of a full moon. 8Parents take their _around the neighborhood to ask for candies and treats. 9I heard that it is becoming more and _popular to celebrate Mothers Day. 10He is _and only thinks about hi

39、mself. 五、单词拼写21.单词拼写 They say that travel is the best teacher and there is no better example of this idea than the Ming dynasty (朝代travel writer and geographer Xu Xiake( 1587-1641). B_into a wealthy Jiangyin family, Xu became interested in books about different places at an early age and wanted to t

40、ravel. When he was 18, however, Xus father died and so, it seemed, did his travelling dreams. He now was responsible for the family farm and taking care of his 60-year-old mother as t_required. But his mother had different ideas. Understanding her sons love of travel and valuing the k_he could get f

41、rom such experiences, this modem-thinking woman refused to keep her son at home. She agreed that Xu could travel for three months every year, when there was l_farm work. So at the age of twenty and with his mothers support, Xu set off for the first time, l_behind not only his mother but his new wife well. He would r _this goodbye each year for most of the next 30 yea


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