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1、机电专业英语机电专业英语Unit Two ComputerAided Design FocusFocusSection One Warming-upSection One Warming-upSectionSectionTwoTwoRealRealWorld:World:WhatWhatisisCAD?CAD?Section Three Brighten Your Eyes:Computer-Aided Section Three Brighten Your Eyes:Computer-Aided DesignDesignSection Four Translation SkillsSecti

2、on Four Translation SkillsSection Five Writing:QuestionnaireSection Five Writing:QuestionnaireSection Six Grammar:Gerund Section Six Grammar:Gerund Section Two Real WorldSection Two Real WorldListen and role-play the following dialogue which isListen and role-play the following dialogue which is abo

3、ut CAD.about CAD.What is CAD?What is CAD?Jessica:What is CAD?Lucas:CAD is short for the computer-aided design.Jessica:I see.Lucas:CAD is normally normally used in engineeringdesign,and has completely changed this area.Jessica:Why do you say so?Lucas:Because CAD makes engineering design computerizedc

4、omputerized,saves a lot of time and human effort.You know,CAD has many advantagesadvantages.Jessica:What are they?Lucas:CAD provides provides designers with more options options and more techniquestechniques.Jessica:Oh,thats true.Could you give me an example?Lucas:OK.Now the engineers can draw a par

5、t on the computer screen.Its very convenientconvenient for them to use CAD to do that.Jessica:How about the accuracyaccuracy?Lucas:Perfect.Errors Errors and mistakes are corrected immediately on the computer display display screen.Jessica:Anything else?Lucas:The output output of the CAD can be easil

6、y processed processed by the CAM,so that the information of the designed product can be used to create a program for manufacturing.manufacturing.Jessica:MarvelousMarvelous!Words&Expressions Words&Expressions normally n:rmli adv.正常地;通常地 under normal conditionscomputerize kmpju:traiz vt.用计算机做(操作,编排等),

7、(使)计算机化 control a function,process,or creation by a computer advantage dvntd n.优势;有利条件 condition or circumstance that gives one superiority or successprovide prvadvt.&vi.提 供;供 给 cause or arrange from(sb.)to have or use(sth.needed or useful);supplyoption p()n n.选择权;可选物 one of a number of courses of a

8、ction that are possible and may be chosen technique teknikn.技术;技巧;技能 method of doing sth.That needs skill,especially in art,music,etc.convenient knvinjnt adj.方便的;便利的 suited to ones needs or to the situation;not causing any difficultyaccuracy kjrsin.准确(性);精确(度)the state of being exact or correct;the

9、ability to do sth skillfully without making mistakes error er(r)n.错误 a mistakedisplay displei n.陈列;展览 an act of displaying sth,or sth that is displayedoutput autput n.输出 final product;the things producedprocess pruses vt.加工;处理 put sth through an industrial or ma-nufacturing process in order to chang

10、e or treatmanufacture mnjufkt(r)vt.制造 make,produce(goods,etc.)on a large scale by machinerymarvelous mvls adj.令人惊异的 extraordinarily good or greatbe short for 是的缩写;简称provide.with.对提供Proper NamesProper NamesCAD(Computer-Aided Design)计算机辅助设计CAM(Computer-Aided Manufacturing)计算机辅助制造Section Three Brighten

11、 Your Eyes Section Three Brighten Your Eyes Pre-reading questions:Pre-reading questions:1.Have you studied the subject of CAD?Are you good at it?2.Have you got the certificate about CAD?Computer-Aided DesignComputer-Aided DesignComputer-Aided Design(CAD)is using computer technology to aid aid in the

12、 design and particularly particularly the drafting drafting of a part or product.CAD is sometimes translated as“computer-assistedassisted”,“computer-aided drafting”,ora similar phrase.Related acronyms acronyms are CADD,which stands for“computer-aided design anddrafting”,CAID for“computer-aided indus

13、trial industrial design”,and CAAD for“computer-aided architecture architecture design”.All these terms are essentially essentially synonymoussynonymous,but there are some differences in meaning and applicationapplication.CAD is used to design,develop and optimize optimize product.CAD is also extensi

14、vely extensively used in the design of tools and machinery,in the manufacture of componentscomponents,and in the drafting and design of all types of buildings,from small residential residential types(houses)to largest commercial commercial and industrial structure(hospital and factories).Nowadays,CA

15、D has become an especially important technology,which greatly improves work effciencyeffciencycompared with hand drafting.It has many advantagessuch as lowering product development costs and shortening shortening the design cycle.CAD enables designers to lay out and develop work on screen,print it o

16、ut and save it for future editingediting,thus saving time on their drawings.Words&Expressions Words&Expressions aid ed n.辅助物;辅助手段 sb.or sth.That provides help and especially makes a process easier or more effectiveparticularly prtkjlrliadv.特别;尤其 especially;in a way that is special and different from

17、 othersdrafting drft n.起草 the craft of drawing blueprints assist sst n.帮助;协助 help or assistanceacronym krnm n.首字母缩略词 a word formed from the initial letters of the several words in the nameindustrial ndstril adj.工业的;产业的 of industry and the people who work in it architecture ktekt(r)n.建 筑 学;建 筑 术 the

18、art and science of building,including its planning,making,and decorationessentially senli adv.本质上;本来 in essencesynonymous snnms adj.同义的(of words)meaning the same or nearly the sameapplication plken n.应用 a particular practical useoptimize ptmaz vt.使完善;使优化 make optimal;get the most out of;use best ext

19、ensively kstensvli adv.广泛地;大规模地 in a widespread waycomponent kmpunnt n.零 部 件;元 件;组 成 部 分 any of the parts of which sth.is made residential rezdenl adj.住宅的 containing or suitable for private housescommercial kml adj.商 业 的 of or for commerce;of business practices and activitiesefficiency fnsi n.效率 res

20、ult of workshorten tn vt.&vi.(使)变短 to become shorteredit edit vt.&vi.编辑 prepare for printingstand for 代表;象征compared with 与比较enable.to do 使能够做lay out 设计;安排;陈列print out 印出Section Four Translation Skills Section Four Translation Skills 科技英语的翻译方法与技巧科技英语的翻译方法与技巧科技英语的特点科技英语的特点科技英语用于表达自然科学和工程技术中的相关概念、原理、事实

21、等,强调表达的客观性和真实性,要求语言叙述准确规范、简洁流畅、逻辑性强。科技英语语法就是为了实现这一基本要求,并且充分体现了这一基本特点。科技英语语法最突出的特点如下。1 1专业词汇多专业词汇多有些英语词汇在普通英语里和科技英语里的含义在表达时差别很大。The overrides give you the ability to alter the programmed feed and speed,spindle direction,and rapid traverse motion.修调(倍率)键用于改变程序中编写的进给速度和主轴转速,主轴转向和快速移动速度。override 在普通英语中是

22、“践踏、代理佣金”的意思,而在数控技术中常常指“倍率,修调”。又如,apron 在普通英语中是“围裙”的意思,而在专业英语中翻译成车床的“溜板箱”;engine lathe 就是指普通车床;pocket 在专业英语中有时是“刀套”的意思,有时是“槽、凹处”的意思。这类专业词汇很多,只有大量阅读本专业文献,才能很好地掌握。2 2被动语态多被动语态多据统计,科技英语中的谓语至少有三分之一是被动语态。科技英语中大量使用被动语态,这是因为文章需要客观地叙述事理,而不是强调动作的主体。为了强调所论述的客观事物,人们常把它放在句子的首位。此外,第一、第二人称使用过多,会造成主观臆断的印象。被动语态比主动语

23、态带有更少的主观色彩,这是科技作品所需要的。因此,在科技英语中,凡是在不需要或不可能指出行为的主体的场合,或者在需要突出行为客体的场合都需要使用被动语态。After the layout work is completed,machinists perform the necessary machining operations.规划工作完成以后,机械工就进行必要的加工操作。Machinists also ensure that the workpiece is being properly lubricated and cooled,because the machining of meta

24、l products generates a significant amount of heat.机械工同时要保证工件被恰当润滑和冷却,因为金属产品加工会产生大量切削热。Dull-cutting tools are removed and replaced.用钝了的刀具要卸下并更换。3 3定语(从句)多定语(从句)多科技英语中经常需要说明、定义或限制一些概念、条件等,此时需要用定语从句或复杂的限定语来表达。Lathe is a machine that turns a piece of metal round and round against a sharp tool that gives

25、 it shape.车床是一种相对尖锐的刀具旋转金属件的机床,这种尖锐的刀具使金属件获得所要的形状。在修饰 machine 的定语从句中还套着一个定语从句 that gives it shape。Some machinists,often called production machinists,may produce large quantities of one part,especially parts requiring the use of complex operations and great precision.一些机械工(经常被称作“制造机械工”)可能要大批量地制造某种零件,

26、尤其是那些操作复杂和精度要求高的零件。句中用了过去分词和现在分词作定语。To repair a broken part,maintenance machinists may refer to blueprints and perform the same machining operations needed to create the original part.为了修理已损坏的零件,维修机械工要参考图纸,进行与制造新零件所需的相同的机加工操作。4 4非谓语动词多非谓语动词多英语的每个简单句中,只能用一个谓语动词。如果有几个动词,就必须选出主要动词当谓语,而将其余动词用非谓语动词形式(v.-

27、ing,v.-ed,to v.三种形式)表示,这样才能符合英语的语法要求。There is a lot of manual intervention required to use a drill press to drill holes.使用台式钻床钻孔,需要很多人工的干预。这里 required 用过去分词作定语,to use,to drill 都是非谓语动词形式描述动作。又如:As the bending progresses,the top roll is pressed further down and the radius of the bent workpiece decreas

28、es.随着弯曲进行,进一步顶进,使工件被弯曲的半径减少。Many computer-controlled machines are partially or totally enclosed,minimizing the exposure of workers to noise,debris,and the lubricants used to cool work pieces during machining.很多数控机床是全防护或半防护的,这最大限度地减少了工人暴露在噪声、切屑碎片和工件冷却润滑液中的可能性。The process is called die less drawing,as

29、 the product being formed without direct contact with a die.由于产品是在不与模具直接接触的情况下成型,所以此工艺为无模拉拨。5 5复杂长句多复杂长句多科技文章要求叙述准确,用词严谨,因此一句话里常常包含多个成分。这种复杂且长的句子居科技英语难点之首,阅读翻译时要按汉语习惯加以分析,以短代长,化难为易。One production machinist,working 8 hours a day,might monitor equipment,replace worn cutting tools,check the accuracy of

30、 parts being produced,and perform other tasks on several CNC machines that operate 24 hours a day(light-out manufacturing).机械制造工一天工作 8 小时,要监控设备运行,更换用钝的刀具,检查被加工零件的精度,同时在几台 24 小时连续运行(无人值守制造)的数控机床上完成其他工作任务。Section Five Writing Section Five Writing 调查问卷调查问卷 (Questionnaire)(Questionnaire)调查问卷,就是根据调查目的制定问

31、卷,由被调查者按问卷所提的问题和给定的选项答案进行回答的一种专项调查形式。问卷调查是一种常用的专项调查手段,是国际通行的一种专项调查形式,既适用于对广大群众关心的问题进行专项调查,也适用于商家企业为了解顾客对某种产品或者服务的意见和建议而进行的专项调查。SampleSampleQuestionnaire Questionnaire 调查问卷调查问卷Hello!I am doing a research paper on the Future of Chinese Language.You are lucky to be chosen as one of my interviewees.Your

32、 participation will count a lot for the results of my assignment.Please squeeze a few minutes out of your tight schedule and answer the following ten simple questions for me.I will appreciate your help 你好!我在做一个关于汉语未来的调查报告。你有幸被选为受试者之一。你的参与直接关系到我作业的成绩。请从你紧张的时间里抽出几分钟,回答下面十个简单的问题。我会很感激你的帮助。Basic Informa

33、tion Basic Information 基本情况:Age 年龄:20Sex(M/F)性别:MJob 职业:StudentCollege 学校名称:Liaoning Mechatronics CollegeMajor 专业:Mould design and making Please answer the following questions Please answer the following questions 请回答下列问题:1.Do you agree that language is an important branch of culture in some sense?你

34、是否同意在某种意义上,语言是文化的一个重要分支?2.How many years have you been studying English(or another foreign language)?你学英语(或者其他外语)多少年了?3.Do you think the ability of using English or another foreign language can help you with your career in the future?And if the answer is yes,in what ways do you think foreign languag

35、es are necessary tools?你认为英语(或其他外语)的能力能否对你将来的事业有所帮助?如果你的答案是肯定的,你认为在哪些方面外语是必要的工具?4.In 2006,how many books written in Chinese have you read(excluding textbooks and books related to your major)?2006 年你一共读过多少本中文书籍(不包括课本和其他与你专业有关的书)?5.Do you think it necessary that the Ministry of Education requires coll

36、ege students to pass theCET-4?And why?你认为教育部要求大学生通过大学英语四级的规定是否合理?为什么?6.Do you,or anyone around you,spend a lot of time studying to pass English proficiency tests,CET-4,CET-6,TEM-4 or TEM-8,etc.?你,或者你身边的人,有没有花费很多时间努力去通过某些英语水平测试,如大英四级、大英六级、专业四级、专业八级等?7.Which one,A or B,do you spend more hours on per d

37、ay?在下面哪一项上你每天花费的时间更多?A.Previewing or reviewing the texts of the Intensive English Class,reading English newspapers and magazines to improve your English,or listening to BBC or VOA news to improve your listening English.预习、复习精读课,阅读英文报刊、杂志来提高你的英语水平,或者听 BBC、VOA 新闻锻炼听力能力。B.Appreciating Chinese novels or

38、 poems,reading newspapers or magazines in Chinese,or writing a diary or something else to express your thoughts.品味中文小说诗歌,阅读中文版刊杂志,或者记日记、写其他记录自己心情的东西。8.You are copying something very quickly,e.g.,notes,but suddenly you forget how to write a certain Chinese character.How often does this happen to you(

39、always,sometimes,seldom or never)?你在奋笔疾书,比如说,记笔记,但是突然你忘记一个字该怎么写。这种情况发生在你身上的频率是多少?(经常,有时候,几乎没有,从来没有)9.Do you think that because more and more Chinese people are learning English Chinese will be replaced by other international languages,e.g.,English,and if so,why?你认为如果越来越多的人学英文,中文会不会被其他语言(如英语)代替?你为什么这

40、么认为?10.What can we do to improve the knowledge of the Chinese language in college students and thus preserve the heritage of the Chinese language?(At least two suggestions,please.)为提高大学生的中文水平、保护汉语言的文化遗产,我们能做些什么?(请提至少两点建议)一、调查问卷的结构一、调查问卷的结构1 1问卷说明问卷说明每一份问卷的开头,必须有一段简短的前言,说明研究的目的,指导被调查者如何回答,作某些必要的说明,以解

41、除被调查者的思想顾虑。2 2被调查者的基本情况被调查者的基本情况被调查者的基本情况,主要是指被调查者的一些主要特征。3 3调查问卷的主体内容调查问卷的主体内容调查问卷的主体内容,就是调查者所要调查的基本内容,这是调查问卷中最重要的部分。由于采用问卷的形式,所以调查问卷的主体内容应主要是根据调查目的,提出调查的问题和可供选择的答案。调查问卷主体内容设计得好坏,将直接影响整个专项调查的价值。调查问卷的主体内容主要包括人们的行为、行为后果、态度、意见、感觉、偏好等。4 4发出调查问卷的单位名称以及负责人姓名发出调查问卷的单位名称以及负责人姓名在调查问卷的最后应写清发出调查问卷的单位名称以及负责人姓名

42、。二、调查问卷的特点二、调查问卷的特点1目的要明确,重点要突出,内容要简洁、不宜过多。2提问自然、用词准确、通俗易懂、便于实施。3格式整齐美观。4应该给调查对象留有一定余地,让其自由发表意见。Section Six Grammar Section Six Grammar 动名词动名词 (Gerund)(Gerund)动名词是动词 ing 形式的一种,是兼有动词和名词特征的非谓语动词。一、动名词的时态和语态变化形式一、动名词的时态和语态变化形式其否定形式是在前面加上 not。二、基本用法二、基本用法(一)作主语(一)作主语动名词作主语时谓语动词常用单数。动名词作主语的几种类型:1直接位于句首做主

43、语。例如:Reading is an art.读书是一种艺术。Climbing mountains is really fun.爬山真是有趣。2用 it 作形式主语,把动名词(真实主语)置于句尾。例如:It is no use/no good crying over spilt milk.覆水难收It was hard getting on the crowded street car.这种拥挤的车真难上去。3用于“There be”结构中。例如:There is no saying when hell come.很难说他何时回来。There is no joking about such m

44、atters.这种事情不能开玩笑。4用于布告形式的省略结构中。例如:No smoking(=No smoking is allowed(here).禁止吸烟No parking.禁止停车5动名词的复合结构作主语。当动名词有自己的逻辑主语时,常在前面加上一个名词或代词的所有格,构成动名词的复合结构。例如:Their coming to help was a great encouragement to us.他们来帮助我们对我们是很大的鼓励。动名词作主语与动词不定式作主语的比较:(1)动名词多用来表示泛指或抽象动作,不定式多用来表示特指或具体动作。例如:Smoking is not good f

45、or health.吸烟有害健康。It is not good for you to smoke so much.吸烟对你来说是不太好。(2)常用动名词的句型:It is no use(useless,of little use,no good,dangerous)doing sth.(3)当句子中的主语和表语都是非限定动词时,要遵循前后一致的原则,在形式上要求统一。例如:Seeing is believing./To see is to believe.眼见为实。(二)作宾语(二)作宾语1在及物动词后作宾语。例如:After hearing the funny story,all of us

46、 couldnt help laughing ear to ear.听到这个有趣的故事,我们忍不住大笑。Would you mind ringing me up tomorrow?请你明天给我打电话好吗?(1)以下动词后,只能跟动名词作宾语:suggest,finish,avoid,stop,cant help,mind,enjoy,require,practise,miss,escape,pardon,advise,consider,imagine,keep,appreciate,escape,permit 等。例如:I suggest spending our summer vacatio

47、n in a seaside town.我建议在海边的一个小镇过暑假。(2)动名词和不定式作宾语的区别。部分动词后面,既可接动词不定式,也可接动名词作宾语,意义不变。如:begin,continue,start,hate,like,love,need,require,want 等。但是,部分动词后接不定式或动名词时,意义差别较大。例如:Dont forget to post the letter for me.别忘了给我寄信。(表示现在或未来的动作)Have you forgotten meeting her in Beijing Airport?你忘了去北京机场接她吗?(表示动作已经发生)m

48、ean to do sth.打算做某事I meant to catch up with the early bus.我打算坐早班公共汽车。mean doing sth.意味着This means wasting a lot of money.这意味着浪费许多钱。try to do sth.设法尽力做某事You should try to overcome your shortcomings.你应该设法克服你的缺点。try doing 试着做某事Try working out the physics problem in another way.尽量用另一种方法做出这道物理题。stop to d

49、o sth.停下一件事去做另一件事 On the way to the airport,I stopped to buy a paper.在去机场的路上,我停下来买了份报纸。stop doing sth.停止做某事Youd better stop arguing and do as you are told.你最好停止争论,按我说的去做。cant help doing sth.禁不住They couldnt help jumping up at the news.听到这个消息,他们情不自禁地跳了起来。cant help to do sth.不能帮助干I cant help to make up

50、 the room for you.我不能帮你整理房间了。go on to do sth.做不同的事或不同内容的事He went on to talk about world situation.他接着谈了世界局势。go on doing sth.继续不停地做某同一件事 Well go on fighting so long as there is oppression in the world.只要世界上还有压迫,我们就得继续斗争。2在一些短语和介词后作宾语。如:leave off,put off,give up,look forward to,feel like,have trouble/


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