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1、第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)International treaties q1970 patent cooperation treaty(专利合作条约专利合作条约)q1883 convention of the union of paris(巴黎公巴黎公约)约)qEuropean patent convention(欧洲专利公约)欧洲专利公约)qEuropean union patent convention(欧盟专利公欧盟专利公约)约)第三节第三节 protection of in

2、tellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)qMadrid agreement(商标国际注册马德里商标国际注册马德里协定)协定)qThe Berne convention for the protection of literary and artistic works(保护文学和保护文学和艺术作品伯尔尼公约)艺术作品伯尔尼公约)qUniversal copyright convention(世界版权世界版权公约)公约)qTrips agreement(与贸易有关的知识产权与贸易有关的知识产权协议)协议)第三节第三节 protection of

3、 intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)一、一、Paris convention(保护工业产权巴黎公约保护工业产权巴黎公约)Brief introduction 简介Drafted in 1880,the Paris convention was ratified by 11 states in 1883 and came in effect in 1884.Since then the number of participants has grown over 150.The convention establishes a uni

4、on of states responsible for protection industrial property rights.第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)Among the members duties is the obligation to participate in regular revisions.Revision to expand the coverage of the convention have been held regularly:in Rome i

5、n 1886,Madrid in 1890 and 1891,Brussels in 1897 and 1900,Washington in 1911,the Hague in 1925,London in 1934,Lisbon in 1958,and Stockholm in 1967.第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)1.object of protection 保护客体保护客体Patents,utility models,industrial designs,trademarks,

6、service mark,trade name,indications of source of appellations of origin,and the repression of unfair competition.公约保护的范围涉及:专利、实用新型、外观设计、公约保护的范围涉及:专利、实用新型、外观设计、商标、服务标记、厂商名称、产地标记或原产地名称商标、服务标记、厂商名称、产地标记或原产地名称以及制止不正当竞争以及制止不正当竞争 第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)2.basi

7、c principles基本原则基本原则(1)National treatment principle It is given to:a.Nationals of member states成员国国民成员国国民b.Non-national but who are domiciled or have real and effective industrial or commercial establishment in the territory of member state在公约成员国领土内有住在公约成员国领土内有住所或有真实、有效的工商业营业所的非公约所或有真实、有效的工商业营业所的非公约

8、成员国国民成员国国民第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)(2)Right of priority principle优先权原则优先权原则 content:Any person who has duly filed an application for a patent,or for the registration of a utility model,or of an industrial design,or of a trademark,in one of the countries o

9、f the union,or his successor in title,shall enjoy,for the purpose of filing in the other countries a right of priority during the periods hereafter fixed.第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)已经在本联盟的一个国家正式提出专利、实用新已经在本联盟的一个国家正式提出专利、实用新型注册、外观设计注册或商标注册的申请的型注册、外观设计注册或商标注册

10、的申请的任何人,或其权利继受人,为了在其他国家任何人,或其权利继受人,为了在其他国家提出申请,在以下规定的期间内应享有优先提出申请,在以下规定的期间内应享有优先权权 article 4第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)a.优先权的适用范围优先权的适用范围 scope Patent,trademark,utility model and industrial designb.优先权申请人范围及申请的前提条件优先权申请人范围及申请的前提条件c.申请优先权的期限申请优先权的期限periods A

11、s to patent and utility model it is 12 months As to industrial design and trademark it is 6 months第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)(3)Independence principle 独立性原则独立性原则Content:patent applied in the various countries of the union by nationals of countries of the un

12、ion shall be independent of patents obtained for the same invention in other countries,whether members of the union or not.本联盟国家的国民向本联盟各国申请的专利,与在本联盟国家的国民向本联盟各国申请的专利,与在其他国家,不论是否本联盟的成员国,就同一发其他国家,不论是否本联盟的成员国,就同一发明所取得的专利是相互独立的。明所取得的专利是相互独立的。第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产

13、权的国际保护)An application for the registration of a trademark filed by a national of a country of the union in any county of the union may not be refused,nor may a registration be invalidated on the ground that filing,registration,or renewal,has not been effected in the country of origin.但本联盟任何国家对本联盟国家的

14、国民提出的商标但本联盟任何国家对本联盟国家的国民提出的商标注册申请,不得以未在原属国申请、注册或续展注册申请,不得以未在原属国申请、注册或续展为理由而予以拒绝,也不得使注册无效。为理由而予以拒绝,也不得使注册无效。case1Lancaster manufactures and sells a line of perfume in distinctively shaped containers that are instantly recognizable.May Lancaster register the shape of the containers as a trademark?Expl

15、ain.If not how else might Lancaster keep competitors from selling their perfumes in similar containers?Case 2Matilda,who owns the trademark“Mr.Wiggles”for use on a line of childrens toys in country A,learns that Nina has applied to register the same mark for use on a line of similar toys in country

16、B.Will Matilda be successful in opposing Ninas application?Would it make a difference if“Mr.Wiggles”were a mark with worldwide fame?explain第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)二、二、Berne convention 保护文学艺术作品伯保护文学艺术作品伯尔尼公约尔尼公约brief introduction 简介 Adopted in Paris in 18

17、86,the Berne convention came into force in 1887.The original text of the convention established procedures for its revision,and revisions have been regularly made:in Paris in 1896,Berlin in 1908,Berne in 1914,Rome in 1928,Brussels in 1948,Stockholm in 1967,and Paris in 1971第三节第三节 protection of intel

18、lectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)1.literary and artistic works covered公约公约的保护范围的保护范围Every production in the literary,scientific and artistic domain,whatever may be the mode or form of its expression,such as books,pamphlets and other writings;lectures,addresses,sermons and other works of t

19、he same nature;dramatic or dramatic-musical woks;第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)n文学艺术作品文学艺术作品”一词包括科学和文学艺术领一词包括科学和文学艺术领域内的一切作品,不论其表现方式或形式如域内的一切作品,不论其表现方式或形式如何,诸如书籍、小册子及其他著作;讲课、何,诸如书籍、小册子及其他著作;讲课、演讲、讲道及其他同演讲、讲道及其他同 类性质作品;戏剧或音类性质作品;戏剧或音乐戏剧作品;乐戏剧作品;第三节第三节 protectio

20、n of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)2.Basic principlesa.the principle of national treatment 国民待遇原国民待遇原则则requires each member state to extend to nationals of other states treatment no less favorable than that which it gives its own nationals.联盟任何一成员国公民的作者,或者在任何一成员国首次发表其作品的作者,其作品在其他成

21、员国应受到保护,此种保护应与各国给予本国国民的作品的保护相同 第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)b.Non-conditional protection自动保护原则自动保护原则is the requirement that member states must provide protection without any formalities.A country of origin may,however,condition protection on the authors first

22、 making an application for registration,or registering the work,or reserving rights in a contract of sale,or a similar condition.第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)c.the principle of protection independence 独立保护原则独立保护原则allows authors who are nationals of nonmember

23、states to obtain protection within the the Berne union by publishing their woks in a member state.作品在各成员国受到保护不以作品在起源国受保护为条件。第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)d.The principle of common rules establishes minimum standards for granting copyrights common to all member

24、 states.最低保护标准原则最低保护标准原则Case 1John,Bob,Calvin,Don,and Tom are friends who enroll in a university course to study international business law.The textbook required for the course cost 50 dollars,which the five friends agree is expensive.They agree to chip in 10 each and buy one copy from a bookstore.T

25、hen they take the copy to he local discount copy store and make five copies of the complete book for 15 a copy.Then they return the book to the bookstore and get a refund of their original purchase price.Have the five friends done anything wrong?Case 2Ellen is an abstract painter of incredible talen

26、t,but of little notoriety.One of her paintings,entitled“blue lady 13”,is a piece of intense power and sensuality.In 1990,she sold it to Mega company for display in the main public entrance of the businesss new headquarters building.Several art critics attending the opening of the building mistook th

27、e painting for a long lost work of Pablo Picasso.The critics wrote about the painting in their newspaper columns as though they had made a great discovery.When people began flooding into the Mega building to see the painting,the director of Mega were delighted.They even went so far as to put up a si

28、gh that said:“this painting,entitled La Dama Azul,was probably by Picasso during his blue period 1913”.is there anything Ellen can do?explain Management You are now the permanent head of the legal department of MBI.Congratulations.as a consequence,you now have direct responsibility for overseeing th

29、e legal transactions relating to MBIs most valuable assets:its intellectual property.1.MBI owns a newsmagazine named THE LOOKING GLASS in state A.a television station in station in the capital city of state A has a morning news program that consists solely of a commentator reading stories from THE L

30、OOKING GLASS over the air-some in their entirety,others excerpted.Can MBI sue the station for infringing its copyright in these stories?Would it make any difference if the station noted that the stories were all being reading from THE LOOKING GLASS 1.MBI owns a newsmagazine named THE LOOKING GLASS i

31、n state A.a television station in station in the capital city of state A has a morning news program that consists solely of a commentator reading stories from THE LOOKING GLASS over the air-some in their entirety,others excerpted.Can MBI sue the station for infringing its copyright in these stories?

32、Would it make any difference if the station noted that the stories were all being reading from THE LOOKING GLASS 2.The international association of toy makers is holding its annual convention in the city where MBI has its main offices.They have asked you to give them a short talk describing the diff

33、erent international treaties that protect both artistic and industrial property.Outline your talk.3.On the inside of cover of MBIs the looking glass is a statement authorizing other newspaper and journals to make brief quotations from the stories in the magazine.A competitor,The Fog,regularly takes

34、advantage of this.Purposefully,however,it always misspell a word deletes a word,or inserts an extra word or two,to change the entire meaning of the quotation,it does this to make The Looking Glass bad.Can MBI do anything about this?4.An MBI subsidiary in state B manufactures computer software.One of

35、 its programs is called“tax dodger”.It allows an individual to prepare his or her state B income tax returns on a personal computer.The program is readily identifiable by its use of a lifelike human figure,called“Roger the tax dodger”,that volunteers user-friendly information how to keep ones taxes

36、to a minimum.Recently,a competitor had its computer programming department come up with a competing program that has a figure similar to Roger and for all intents and purposes“looks”and“feels”exactly like the Tax Dodger program.The competitors program,however,was programmed in an entirely different

37、way and in a different programming language.Can MBI and its subsidiary prevent the competitor from marketing this program.5.An MBI subsidiary in China has invented what it believes to be a better mousetrap.The MBI-C mousetrap consists of a small rectangular piece of cardboard onto which a piece of p

38、oisoned hard cheese is glued.Is this invention patentable?6.Assuming that the MBI subsidiary in China get a patent on its mousetrap in China,what procedure does it need to follow?What does it need to do if I wants to obtain patens in other countries?7.MBI is one of a handful of firms that is involve

39、d in developing High Definition Television(HDTV).The development costs,however,are extraordinarily high.As a consequence,MBI would like to enter into a cross-licensing agreement with its principal competitors.The agreement would require each of the participants to share their know-how and any patent

40、s they develop but would forbid them from sharing either with anyone not a party to the agreement.Would this agreement violate any unfair competition laws?Related content of lawsCopyright law:在下列情况下使用作品,可以不经著作权人许可,在下列情况下使用作品,可以不经著作权人许可,不向其支付报酬,但应当指明作者姓名、作不向其支付报酬,但应当指明作者姓名、作品名称,并且不得侵犯著作权人依据本法享品名称,并且不


42、纳称尊重中国汇率制度自主权中国财政部部长助理朱光耀25日在北京透露,第二轮中美战略与经济对话期间,美国财政部长盖特纳就汇率问题与中国国务院副总理王岐山交换意见时表示,美方尊重中国关于汇率制度的自主权,认识到汇率制度的决定权是一个国家的货币主权。n美国将以合作方式承认中国市场经济地美国将以合作方式承认中国市场经济地位位 n缩窄中美巨额贸易逆差将是这次战略经缩窄中美巨额贸易逆差将是这次战略经济对话的焦点济对话的焦点 第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)三、与贸易有关的知识产权协议三、与贸易有关的

43、知识产权协议The TRIPS Agreement,which came into effect on 1 January 1995,is to date the most comprehensive multilateral agreement on intellectual property(一)(一)简介简介The agreement covers five broad issues:how basic principles of the trading system and other international intellectual property agreements sho

44、uld be applied第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)how to give adequate protection to intellectual property rightshow countries should enforce those rights adequately in their own territorieshow to settle disputes on intellectual property between members of the WTOsp

45、ecial transitional arrangements during the period when the new system is being introduced第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)The three main features of the Agreement are:Standards.In respect of each of the main areas of intellectual property covered by the TRIPS Agr

46、eement,the Agreement sets out the minimum standards of protection to be provided by each Member.第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)Each of the main elements of protection is defined,namely the subject-matter to be protected,the rights to be conferred and permissibl

47、e exceptions to those rights,and the minimum duration of protection.第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)Enforcement.The Agreement lays down certain general principles applicable to all IPR enforcement procedures.In addition,it contains provisions on civil and admini

48、strative procedures and remedies,provisional measures,special requirements related to border measures and criminal procedures,第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)which specify,in a certain amount of detail,the procedures and remedies that must be available so that r

49、ight holders can effectively enforce their rights.第三节第三节 protection of intellectual property rights(知识产权的国际保护)知识产权的国际保护)Dispute settlement The Agreement makes disputes between WTO Members about the respect of the TRIPS obligations subject to the WTOs dispute settlement procedures.materialsnAs in GAT

50、T and GATS,the starting point of the intellectual property agreement is basic principles.And as in the two other agreements,non-discrimination features prominently:national treatment(treating ones own nationals and foreigners equally),and most-favoured-nation treatment(equal treatment for nationals


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