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1、第六课时l 课时内容B. Read and write; Lets check; Lets sing. C. Story timel 课时分析 本课时是在基本掌握本单元重点词汇和句型的基础上,进行的练习测试与故事阅读课。Read and write部分包括两个活动,第一个活动为Read and match学生先要读一读教材中所给的句子,根据句子所描述的人物特征,匹配图片中相应的人物。之后的Look, choose and write活动中,学生要先观察图片所呈现出的人物特征,选择正确的单词写在四线三格上,完成句子。之后,根据自己某个同学的特征,选择单词填空,写出句子。这两个活动将词汇的字义与字

2、形结合起来,检验学生有否理解并书写重点词汇,同时复习重点句式结构。Lets check部分也包括两个活动,Listen and number中学生会听到四组对话,然后根据对话的顺序为相应的图片标明顺序,这个活动主要检验学生能否正确理解本单元的重点句式及对话。Look and match活动中呈现了四个人物图片,以及五个短语及两个单词,学生需要读一读这些词汇与短语,并将这些与相对应的人物相连。这检验了学生能否正确认读本单元的重点词汇。Lets sing的歌词内容主要是我的朋友,呈现句式:If your friend is tall and quiet, clap your hands. 在学生学

3、会演唱歌曲之后,要让学生根据歌曲的内容来做出相应的动作。Story time部分是“拔萝卜”的故事。兔子发现了一个大萝卜,自己无法拔出,因此叫来了自己的朋友一起来帮忙。最后强壮的Zoom跑来帮忙,他们终于把大萝卜拔出来了。这个故事简单易懂,涉及到的句子也不多,主要有:Its so big! Please help me. Were coming. Im strong. Lets work together.等。学生通过阅读故事,理解这些句子的意思,从而拓展自己的词汇与语言,为以后的文本阅读做好准备。l 课时目标1. 能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点单词2. 能够听懂故事,并表演3. 能够会唱歌曲

4、Friends4. 能够完成阅读、排序、匹配等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句式l 课时重难点1.重点:能够听懂、会说、认读本单元重点单词能够完成阅读、排序、匹配等活动,正确理解、认读本单元重点句式2. 难点:能够听懂故事,并正确表演l 教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带2. 单元重点词汇图片l 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up1. 播放歌曲:Friends,学生先倾听。Teacher: Boys and girls, lets listen to a song. Listen carefully, please.2. 再次播放歌曲,学生跟唱。Teacher:Listen to th

5、e song again, please sing with it. 3. 齐唱歌曲, 学生根据歌曲内容做动作。Teacher: Now lets sing the song together. Please do the actions. 设计意图:以歌曲来热身,可以使学生在韵律中集中自己的注意力,并激发学生的学习兴趣。这首歌与本单元的重点内容息息相关,曲调取自著名的歌曲If you are happy clap your hands,可以让学生在轻松欢快的氛围中准备好本课内容的学习。 Step 2 Lead in1. 出示Zoom的图片,讨论Zoom,使用学习过的形容词来描述他的特征。Te

6、acher: Look, who is he? Yes, he is Zoom. What colour is he? What colour is his bag? Is he tall? Is he strong? 设计意图:通过描述Zoom的特征来复习本单元相关知识,同时,为故事的学习做好准备。 Step 3 Presentation1. 提出问题,激起学生的阅读兴趣。然后播放故事视频,学生认真观察,并尝试回答问题。Teacher: Zoom is strong. What does Zoom do? Watch the video and find. Teacher:He helps

7、his friends to pull the radish up. 2. 讨论故事内容,保证学生能够理解故事内容。Teacher:This is a radish. What colour is it? Yes, its red. Is it big or small? Yes, its big. its so big. Can the rabbit pull it up? Look at me, pull, pull, pull. (以肢体语言使学生感受pull的意思)Pull! Pull it up. (以不同的动作使学生明白两者的区别)The rabbit cant pull it u

8、p. He asks his friends to help him. He says Come on, friends. Please help me. Who is coming? Yes, the monkey, the dog, the cat and Zip. Can they pull it up? No. Who is coming then? Yes, Zoom is coming. Zoom is strong. They work together. They pull it up. 3. 再次播放故事,学生跟读,提醒学生注意语音及语调。Teacher: Watch the

9、 story again. This time please read with it. Pay attention to the pronunciation. 设计意图:通过听回答问题、读后细致的交流,跟读等活动,保证学生可以理解故事内容,并能正确朗读故事内容。 Step 4 Practice1. 学生自由读故事。Teacher:Read the story freely, please. (教师巡视,帮助学生解决读中的问题)2. 小组合作,表演故事。Teacher: Now, lets act the story out. Well find the best group. 设计意图:通过

10、表演,使学生内化故事中的语言,提高自己的语言表达能力。3. 出示Read and match中的照片,谈论图片。Teacher: Zoom is strong. Look at these boys and girls. Are they strong? Read the sentences. Who are they? Read and match.Teacher: Show me your answer, please. He has short hair. He has a big green bag. What is his name? Yes, His name is James.

11、She has long hair. She has orange shoes. What is her name? Yes, Her name is Ann. She is tall. She is friendly. She has a blue hat. Who is she? Yes, She is Kate. HE is short and thin. He has glasses. He is near the window. Who is he? Yes, he is Ben. 设计意图:先让学生观察图片内容,再根据句子来选择正确的图片。检验学生是否能够正确认读并理解句式及词汇。

12、3. 完成Look and match. 先出示图片,请学生描述图片中人物的特征,然后再让其与相应的短语进行匹配。 Teacher:Look at this girl. Whats she like? Can you talk about her? Have a try, please. She has short black hair. She is quiet. Good. What about this girl? What do you think about her? She is tall and thin. She has long black hair. She has red

13、 glasses. She is friendly. Yes, I think so. What about this boy? He has short brown hair. He has blue shoes. Teacher: Now please read the words below the pictures. match them. . Teacher: Show me your answer, please. 设计意图:这个活动与上一个活动内容相似,同样检验学生能否认读、理解词汇与句式。4. 完成Listen and number. 先出示图片,学生讨论图片中人物的特征、姓名

14、等,然后再进行听音排序活动。Teacher: (展示活动中的图片)Whats she like? Is her hair long or short? Look at these boys and girls. Can you say something about them? Have a try, please. Teacher: Now listen to the tape, and number the pictures according what you hear. Teacher: Show me your answers, please. 设计意图:先引导学生观察图片中的内容,

15、然后再听录音为图片排序,使学生养成在完成听力活动时,先获取习题信息的习惯。并检验学生是否可以听懂本单元的重点句式。5. 完成Look, choose and write活动。Teacher:Look at the two people. He is _ and _. Yes, he is tall and thin. And who is this old man? He is Santa. What does he have? He has a red bag. And this girl has long hair. Good. Please choose the correct word

16、s and write them in the blanks. Teacher: Show me your answer, please. Teacher: Please write about one of your classmates. Fill in the blanks first. Teacher: Who can read your sentences? Who is he/ she? Guess. 设计意图:先引导学生认真观察图片,获取相关信息, 然后再选择正确的单词填空,完成句子。在此基础上介绍自己的同学,请其他同学猜一猜。此活动帮助学生将字音、字义及字形结合起来,保证他们能

17、够理解重点词汇及句式的意思,并能够正确运用。 Step 5 Summary播放歌曲My friends. 学生齐唱。Teacher:Lets sing the song my friends together. 设计意图:以歌曲结束课程。让学生通过歌曲来回忆本单元重点句式。达到总结的目的。l 课堂作业一、选择正确的字母补全单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。( ) 1.s_ong A. dr B. tr C. th( ) 2.fri_dly A. an B. un C. en( ) 3. qu_t A. ie B. ai C. ei( ) 4. h_r A. ei B. ai C. an( ) 5.

18、 sh_ A. oe B. ee C. ey二、选出与所给句子内容相符的图片。( ) 1. His name is Li Ming. A. B. ( ) 2. She is tall and thin. A. B. ( ) 3. He has glasses. A. B. ( ) 4. She has long hair. A. B. 三、为下列问句选出正确的答句。( ) 1. What is his name?( ) 2. What is her name?( ) 3. Who is he?( ) 4. Who is she?A. Her name is Lily. B. He is my

19、friend Sam.C. She is Amy. D. His name is Dick. 四、阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。 Hello, Im a girl. My name is Lily. Im short. My hair is short and black. Im quiet. I have three good friends. Tim is a boy. He is tall. He has short black hair and blue glasses. Rose is a girl. She is tall. Her hair is long and brown.

20、 She is friendly. Susan is a girl, too. She is thin and tall. She has glasses. She is friendly, too. We are good friends. ( ) 1. Lily is girl. ( ) 2. Susan is quiet. ( ) 3. Tim is tall and thin. ( ) 4. Rose is tall and friendly. ( ) 5. Lily has short black hair. 答案:一、1.B 2.C 3. A 4.B 5. A二、1.A 2. B 3. B 4. A三、1. D 2. A 3. B 4. C 四、1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T l 板书设计Unit Three My FriendsC. Story timeIts so big. I cant pull it up. Come on. Please help me. Were coming. Im strong. Lets work together. 7


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