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1、第三课时l 课时内容A. Lets spelll 课时分析 本部分分为语音学习和单词书写两部分内容。通过读一读,听一听,圈一圈的活动,让学生区分元音字母a, e, i, o, u在开音节和闭音节里的不同发音。接下来学生会学习到一首韵句。韵句涉及到语音例词:we, like, cute, cat, he, cake, got, cup, milk, rose, on red, cut, give, me, it等,综合呈现了本学期学习过的五个元音字母的开音节发音与闭音节发音。教材提供的图片可以帮助学生理解韵句的内容。这首韵句涉及到的单词比较多,节奏感也相对有些难把握,所以要帮助学生通过多听多读进

2、行体会,让学生在不断地诵读中回忆、感受、区分元音字母在不同音节里的发音。韵句之后的分组写单词活动需要学生按照例子找单词。表格中列出了十个单词,分别代表a, e, i, o, u五个字母在开音节或闭音节中的发音。学生需要在韵句中找到与其发音规则一致的单词,并抄写在相应的表格。这个活动可以帮助学生按照发音规则来拼读、拼写单词,使他们对于元音字母的发音有更清晰的认识。l 课时目标1. 能够感知并归纳字母a, e, i, o, u在开音节及闭音节中的发音规则2. 能够读出符合a, e, i, o, u发音规则的单词3. 能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合发音规则的单词l 课时重难点1.重点:能够感知并归纳字

3、母a, e, i, o, u在开音节及闭音节中的发音规则能够读出符合a, e, i, o, u发音规则的单词2. 难点:能够根据单词的读音拼写出符合发音规则的单词l 教学准备1. 多媒体课件、录音机、磁带2. 语音例词单词卡l 教学过程 Step 1 Warm up1. 头脑风暴,给出主题,出示首字母,请学生说出自己学过的单词。Teacher:Lets have a brain storm. The topic is animal. I will show you the first letter of the word. Are you ready? D. Yes, a dog is rig

4、ht. A duck is right, too. T, a tiger is right. . C. Yes, a cat is right. A cow is right, too. 设计意图:以头脑风暴的方式来帮助学生唤醒记忆,复习有关动物类的单词,引出即将在语音韵句中提到的cat。 Step 2 Lead in1. 出示韵句中的猫,请学生讨论看到的内容。Teacher:Whats this? Its a cat. Is it cute? Whats in his hand? Yes, cake and milk. Do you like cake? Would you like a c

5、up of tea? Do you like the cat?设计意图:通过讨论所看到的图片的内容,让学生先预先熟悉韵句的内容,并回忆一些语音例词的读音。 Step 3 Presentation1. 播放语音韵句。学生先认真倾听。然后再跟读。Teacher:Now lets listen to a chant about this cat. Listen carefully. Teacher: Read after me, please. We like the cat! Its cute. Its cute. Read it, please. Hes got a cake and a cup

6、 of milk. Your turn, please. A rose on the cake! Its red. Its red. Girls read it, please. Boys read it. Cut the cake. Give me the cake. Do the actions and read it. He likes cake. We like it, too! Lets read it together. 2. 学生自由说韵句,以自己的方式来打节奏。Teacher: Now, say the chant freely. You can say it with you

7、r partner. And you can clap your hands to say it. 3. 表演韵句。Teacher:Now lets act the chant together. 设计意图:学生先倾听韵句,初步感受韵句内容。然后跟读,获取正确的语音。自由读可以使学生以自己喜欢的方式操练韵句,以达到熟练说韵句的目的。 Step 4 Practice1. Chant again. Group and write. 分类写语音例词。Teacher: Chant in groups. Then read the words in the chart. Look at the firs

8、t one. What is it? Yes, its face. Read it together. What is the sound of a? Can you find a word in the chant like this? Yes, cake. Write it, please. Look at next one. Its rice. Whats the sound of i? Which word in the chant like it? Yes, like, write it down, please. Look at other blanks Please find t

9、he correct words and write them in the blanks. Teacher: Show me your answer, please. Teacher: Read the words in groups. 设计意图:通过教师的引导与示范,帮助学生回忆并找到表格中各元音字母的发音规则,并根据发音规则找到符合发音规则的单词。通过拼写与拼读来进一步巩固字母的发音规则。2. 读一读,听一听,圈出听到的单词。播放录音,学生根据听到的内容圈出听到的单词。Teacher: Look at these words. What is it? Its me. The other

10、ishe. And this pair is men and fan. The last pair in Group 1 is rice and face. Now listen to the tape and circle the correct word. Teacher:Show me your answer, please. Teacher:Now lets read these words together. Teacher: Listen carefully and circle the words. Read the words together. 设计意图:此活动让学生将单词的

11、字音与字形结合起来,帮助学生区分元音字母在开音节与闭音节里发音方式的不同。3. 读一读,分一分。出示单词,让学生区分其属于开音节发音规则还是闭音节。Teacher:Lets put the words in groups. When I say a word like hat, please say one. When I say a word like name, please say two. Are you ready? Cat. Yes, you should say one. Bag, hate, apple, Kate, cake.He, she, red, me, let, .N

12、o, hot, nose, ox, .设计意图:通过这个活动,使学生可以按元音字母的发音规则将单词分类。同时,可以帮助学生大量地复习学习过的词汇。4. 匹配字母与发音。教师说出发音,学生说出字母。Teacher: Lets match. I say the sound, you say the letter, please. /i:/, /e/, /, /ju:/, /a/, /, .设计意图:通过这个活动,让学生将字母与字母的发音匹配起来,帮助他们更好地记忆元音字母的发音规则。 Step 5 Summary播放语音chant, 学生齐唱。Teacher:Lets chant together

13、 again. 设计意图:通过语音韵句,再一次帮助学生重温各元音字母的发音。l 课堂作业一、听录音,圈出正确的单词。1. bed red 2. he she3. name cake 4. nose note5. use cute 6. like bike二、选出与所给单词画线部分发音一致的单词。( ) 1. Kate A. bad B. cat C. cake( ) 2. Tim A. hi B. pig C. rice( ) 3. Jones A. no B. hot C. box( ) 4. use A. bus B. cut C. cute三、读一读,照样子写一写。1. me we h_

14、 sh_2. had bad c_t h_t3. Mike like r_ce f_ve4. nose Jones n_te C_ke答案:一、1. bed 2. she 3.name 4. note 5. cute 6. like二、1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5.T 6. T三、1. He is my friend Tom. He is a good boy. 2. She is my sister Lynn. She is tall. 3. We are a happy family. They all love me. l 板书设计Unit Six Meet my familyA. Lets spellface rice nose use me bag six dog mum leg


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