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1、How to Cultivate“EQ”New Horizon College EnglishUnit 10:Section APre-reading ActivitiesExpressions&PatternsExercisesText AnalysisSummaryWritingMain idea and StructureHow to apply to our real life the typical expressions and patterns taken from the textBlank fillingAll the exercisesfor Section A议论文与说明

2、文写议论文与说明文写作技巧作技巧II.Text Analysis:Main Idea and StructureNew Words&TextMain Idea of Each PartMain Idea&StructureNew WordsBack New Words EQ IQ incorporate maturity trigger 下一页下一页Phrases and Expressions make a contribution to sort through aim at on purpose in the act of doing(sth.)take note of set asid

3、e reflect on/upon pull away from keep atNew Words Proper Names Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence Time Karen BoylstonBack下一页下一页上一页上一页How to Cultivate“EQ”Para.1 What is the most valuable contribution employees make to their companies,knowledge or judgment?I say judgment.Knowledge,no matter how bro

4、ad,is useless until it is applied.And application takes judgment,which involves something of a sixth sensea high performance of the mind.下一页下一页BackText Para.2 This raises interesting questions about the best training for todays business people.As Daniel Goleman suggests in his new book,Emotional Int

5、elligence,the latest scientific findings seem to indicate that intelligent but inflexible people dont have the right stuff in an age when the adaptive ability is the key to survival.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackPara.3 In a recent cover story,Time magazine sorted through the current thinking on intelligence and r

6、eported,“New brain research suggests that emotions,not IQ,may be the true measure of human intelligence.”The basic significance of the emotional intelligence that Time called“EQ”was suggested by management expert Karen Boylston:“Customers are telling businesses,I dont care if every member of your st

7、aff graduated from Harvard.I will take my business and go where I am understood and treated with respect.”下一页下一页上一页上一页BackPara.4 If the evolutionary pressures of the marketplace are making EQ,not IQ,the hot ticket for business success,it seems likely that individuals will want to know how to cultiva

8、te it.I have a modest proposal:Embrace a highly personal practice aimed at improving these four adaptive skills:下一页下一页上一页上一页BackPara.5 Raising consciousness.I think of this as thinking differently on purpose.Its about noticing what you are feeling and thinking and escaping the conditioned confines o

9、f your past.Raise your consciousness by catching yourself in the act of thinking as often as possible.Routinely take note of your emotions and ask if youre facing facts or avoiding them.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackPara.6 Using imagery.This is what you see Olympic ski racers doing before entering the starting ga

10、te.With their eyes closed and bodies swaying,they run the course in their minds first,which improves their performance.You can do the same by setting aside time each day to dream with passion about what you want to achieve.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackPara.7 Considering and reconsidering events to choose the mos

11、t creative response to them.When a Greek philosopher said 2,000 years ago that it isnt events that matter but our opinion of them,this is what he was talking about.Every time something important happens,assign as many interpretations to it as possible,even crazy ones.Then go with the interpretation

12、most supportive of your dreams.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackPara.8 Integrating the perspectives of others.Brain research shows that our view of the world is limited by our genes and the experiences weve had.Learning to incorporate the useful perspectives of others is nothing less than a form of enlarging your se

13、nses.The next time someone interprets something differently from yousay,a controversial political eventpause to reflect on the role of life experience and consider it a gift of perception.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackPara.9 The force of habitliterally the established wiring of your brainwill pull you away from p

14、racticing these skills.Keep at it,however,because they are based on what were learning about the mechanisms of the mind.下一页下一页上一页上一页Back下一页下一页上一页上一页BackPara.10 Within the first six months of life the human brain doubles in capacity;it doubles again by age four and then grows rapidly until we reach s

15、exual maturity.The body has about a hundred billion nerve cells,and every experience triggers a brain response that literally shapes our senses.The mind,we now know,is not confined to the brain but is distributed throughout the bodys universe of cells.Yes,we do think with our hearts,brains,muscles,b

16、lood and bones.Para.11 During a single crucial three-week period during our teenage years,chemical activity in the brain is cut in half.That done,we are“biologically wired”with what one of the nations leading brain researchers calls our own“world view”.He says it is impossible for any two people to

17、see the world exactly alike.So unique is the personal experience that people would understand the world differently.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackPara.12 However,it is not only possible to change your world view,he says,its actually easier than overcoming a drug habit.But you need a discipline for doing it.Hence,

18、the method recommended here.Para.13 No,its not a curriculum in the sense that an MBA is.But the latest research seems to imply that without the software of emotional maturity and self-knowledge,the hardware of academic training alone is worth less and less.上一页上一页BackII.Text Analysis:Main Idea and St

19、ructureThe new research shows that EQ may be crucial for business success.To cultivate our EQ,our effort should be aimed at improving four adaptive skills:raising consciousness;using imagery;considering and reconsidering events to choose the most creative response to them;and integrating the perspec

20、tives of others.As long as we keep at such effort,we can make it,for they are based on our knowledge about the mechanisms of the mind.In effect,without EQ,IQ alone is worth little.What is the text mainly about?BackHow is the text organized?The author begins his article with a pointed question,thereb

21、y bringing up the topic,his ready answera high performance of the mind or EQ.Then he devotes most of his ink to how to cultivate EQ through listing four adaptive skills and why the skills go a long way towards the cultivation of EQ through explaining the mechanisms of the mind.Finally,he reaches a c

22、onclusion that,without EQ,IQ alone is worth less and less,which in turn reemphasizes the role of EQ.For detailsBack下一页下一页II.Text Analysis:Main Idea and StructureBackII.Text Analysis:Main Idea and StructurePart 1(ParasPart 1(Paras.1-3).1-3)Part 2(ParasPart 2(Paras.4-8).4-8)Part 3(ParasPart 3(Paras.9-

23、12).9-12)Part 4(Para.13)Part 4(Para.13)The introduction of EQ.Proposals(four skills)to cultivate it.Why the four skills work.Conclusion:reemphasis on EQ.EQ is the hot ticket for business success.Four adaptive skills need to be improved to cultivate EQ.The four skills are based on the mechanisms of t

24、he mind.Without EQ,academic training alone is worth less and less.Main idea?Devices for developing it?According to some new research,EQ,compared with IQ,renders businessmen more adaptable and more able to succeed.Under the changing pressure of the market,therefore,it is the hot ticket for business s

25、uccess.General-specific (总分法总分法)For detailsBackII.Text Analysis:Main Idea and StructurePart I(Paras.1-3)Part IIPart IIIPart IVThis part is organized in a general-specific manner to illustrate the significance of EQ for employees in the world of business.For detailsGeneral statement:The most valuable

26、 contribution for employees to make is not knowledge but judgment,which involves something of a sixth sense,a high performance of the mind.Specific details:The book Emotional Intelligence says that the latest scientific findings prove that intelligent but inflexible people in our age dont have the a

27、daptive ability.According to Time magazine,emotions may be the true measure of human intelligence.返回返回BackListing(列举法列举法)Main idea?Devices for developing it?For detailsSince EQ is the key to business success,four skills are listed for individuals to cultivate it.BackPart II(Paras.4-8)Part IPart IIIP

28、art IVBy applying listing to the development of this part,the author makes the four adaptive skills clear at a glance.If EQ is the hot ticket for business success,here is a LIST of four adaptive skills to cultivate EQ.1.Raising consciousness.Raise your consciousness by catching yourself in the act o

29、f thinking;take note of _ and ask whether you are facing facts or avoiding them.返回返回Backwhat you are thinking and feeling2.Using imagery.Set aside time each day and imagine with passion,with your eyes closed,about _ _.what you want to achieve3.Considering and reconsidering events to choose the most

30、creative response to them.When something important happens,_,even crazy ones.Then go with the interpretation most supportive of your dreams.assign as many interpretations to it as possible4.Integrating the perspectives of others.Learning to incorporate others useful perspectives is _ _.When some one

31、 interprets something differently,consider it _.nothing less than a form of enlarging your sensesa gift of perceptionMain idea?Devices for developing it?For detailsIt is possible to cultivate EQ through the improvement of four adaptive skills,because they are based on the mechanisms of the mind.So l

32、ong as you have a discipline for practicing the skills,it is actually easier than overcoming a drug habit.BackII.Text Analysis:Main Idea and StructureExplanation(解释法解释法)Part III(Paras.9-12)Part IPart IIPart IVExplanation is used in this part to confirm the practicability of cultivating EQ by practic

33、ing the four skills mentioned in Part II.This makes very convincing the proposal of“keep at it”.返回返回BackFor details(Para.9)Keep at it,however,because they are based on what were learning about the mechanisms of the mind.(Para.10)The mind,we now know,is not confined to the brain but is distributed th

34、roughout the bodys universe of cells.(Para.11)We are“biologically wired”with our own“world view”.Everyone sees the world in a unique way as their experience has molded their thinking.(Para.12)With a discipline,however,we can change our world view,thus improving our skills.Main idea?Devices for devel

35、oping it?Without EQ,academic training alone is worth less and less.BackII.Text Analysis:Main Idea and StructureIn this small part,the notable feature is the use of metaphor:emotional maturity and self-knowledge being the software,and academic training the hardware.Part IV(Para.13)Part IPart IIPart I

36、IIIII.Expressions&PatternsA.Expressions1.to raise questions about sth.2.to have the right stuff3.to sort through4.to be the true measure of5.the hot ticket for success6.to embrace a highly personal practice more B.Patterns for you to use as models1.Typical patterns for revealing interrelations betwe

37、en things2.Typical patterns for advancing ones advice more III.Expressions&Patterns7.to escape the conditioned confines of your past8.in the act of doing sth.9.to take note of 10.to do sth.in ones mind11.to dream with passion about sth.12.to choose the most creative response to sth.13.to assign many

38、 interpretations to 14.to go with the interpretation 15.to integrate the perspectives of others16.nothing less than17.to reflect on sth.18.to pull sb.away from doing sth.19.to keep at sth.20.to trigger a brain response21.to shape ones senses 22.to need a discipline for doing sth.BackIII.Expressions&

39、Patterns1.提出了关于提出了关于的问题的问题 to raise questions about sth.(L.5)将这些劣质或被污染的将这些劣质或被污染的食品的公开曝光使人们食品的公开曝光使人们对食品卫生产生了新的对食品卫生产生了新的担忧。担忧。活学活用活学活用Public exposure of the bad or contaminated foods raised new fears about food sanitation.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackIII.Expressions&Patterns2.具有具有才能才能/素质素质 to have the right stu

40、ff(for/to do)(L.7)没有人天生就有顶尖成功没有人天生就有顶尖成功者的素质;而关键在于其者的素质;而关键在于其后天所学得的知识和技能后天所学得的知识和技能。活学活用活学活用No one is born with the right stuff for a top achiever;what matters lies in his/her acquired knowledge and skills.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackIII.Expressions&Patterns3.整理整理;捡出;捡出 to sort through(L.9)在信息爆炸的时代,能在信息爆炸的时代,能

41、从大量信息中找出所需从大量信息中找出所需信息,这本身就是财富。信息,这本身就是财富。活学活用活学活用In the age of information explosion,it is wealth itself to sort through masses of sources and sort out the needed.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackIII.Expressions&Patterns4.是衡量是衡量的真正尺度的真正尺度 to be the true measure of(L.10)实践是检验知识的真正实践是检验知识的真正尺度。尺度。活学活用活学活用Practice is

42、the true measure of knowledge.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackIII.Expressions&Patterns5.走向成功的通行证走向成功的通行证 the hot ticket for success(L.15)在过去十年中,在过去十年中,MBAMBA证证书是美好事业前程的通书是美好事业前程的通行证。如今,它已不如行证。如今,它已不如以前炙手了。以前炙手了。活学活用活学活用In the last decade,an MBA diploma was the hot ticket for a bright prospect in career.Now,it begin

43、s to cool down.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackIII.Expressions&Patterns6.积极进行自我训练积极进行自我训练 to embrace a highly personal practice(L.18)要想成功的话,一个人要想成功的话,一个人应该积极地进行自我训应该积极地进行自我训练,而不是随大流混日练,而不是随大流混日子。子。活学活用活学活用In order to succeed one has to embrace a highly personal practice and not to go with the tide and fool around.下

44、一页下一页上一页上一页BackIII.Expressions&Patterns7.摆脱往事带来的种种限制摆脱往事带来的种种限制 to escape the conditioned confines of your past(L.24)她的故事证明她的故事证明,创造性创造性的关键取决于能否冲破的关键取决于能否冲破固有知识的限制。固有知识的限制。活学活用活学活用Her story has born out the truth that the key to being creative depends on whether or not to break through the confines

45、of ones existing knowledge.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackIII.Expressions&Patterns8.正在做某事时正在做某事时 in the act of doing(sth.)(L.25)真是说曹操曹操就真是说曹操曹操就到;大家正在夸你到;大家正在夸你能干,你就来了。能干,你就来了。活学活用活学活用Just as the saying goes,you can hear the fluttering of an angels wing in the act of mentioning him.As we are praising your capabili

46、ties,you come on the scene.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackIII.Expressions&Patterns9.注意;注意到注意;注意到 take note/notice of(L.26)注意他人身上的优点注意他人身上的优点并克服自身的缺点,并克服自身的缺点,你会天天向上。你会天天向上。活学活用活学活用Take notice of the merits in others and get rid of the demerits in yourself and you will make progress every day.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackExpres

47、sions&Patterns10.在头脑中做某事在头脑中做某事 to do sth.in ones mind(L.29)一味空想,不干实一味空想,不干实事,注定一无所获。事,注定一无所获。活学活用活学活用It is bound to gain nothing to act only in your mind and do no down-to-earth work.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackExpressions&Patterns11.带着激情想象一番某事带着激情想象一番某事 to dream with passion about sth.(L.31)人们发现,不时地带着激情人们发现,不

48、时地带着激情想象你生活中光明的一面极想象你生活中光明的一面极有助于你未来的成功。有助于你未来的成功。活学活用活学活用It turns out that occasionally dreaming with passion about the bright side of your life goes a long way towards your success in the future.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackExpressions&Patterns12.对某事作出最富创意的反应对某事作出最富创意的反应to choose the most creative response to

49、sth.(L.34)一般说来,你对周围事一般说来,你对周围事物作出的反应可以表明物作出的反应可以表明你的生活态度。你的生活态度。活学活用活学活用In general,what response you choose to the things around you can serve as an indication of your attitude towards life.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackExpressions&Patterns13.多方面看问题;从多个角度解释某事多方面看问题;从多个角度解释某事 to assign many interpretations to sth.

50、(L.34)从尽可能多的角度看待从尽可能多的角度看待自己遇到的问题,就可自己遇到的问题,就可能找到最佳的解决方案。能找到最佳的解决方案。活学活用活学活用By assigning as many interpretations to ones problem as possible,one is likely to hit upon the best solution to it.下一页下一页上一页上一页BackExpressions&Patterns14.照着那种理解去做照着那种理解去做 to go with the interpretation(L.35)她一会儿这么说,一会儿那她一会儿这么


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