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1、 八年级下册Unit 11. raise v. 养育,饲养 提高 raise ones voice 提高声音筹集 raise money for 为筹钱 举起 raise up 举起raise ones spirits 使振奋,使鼓起勇气 【经典例句】 1) We need to help children like Tim and raise their spirits.(教材原句)2) He raised cattle in the west when he was young.(真题原句)3) Toms father died, leaving his mother to raise t

2、wo sons alone.(真题原句)4) They wanted to raise the price of the product. (真题原句)5) Last week our school had a big fair in order to raise money for the disabled.(真题原句)6) You can raise up that big case.(真题原句)7) The good news raised my spirits. (牛津高阶)【辨析】raise和 rise 都有“上升、升起”的意思,区别:1) raise是及物动词,主语通常为人(rai

3、sed,raised)2) rise是不及物动词,主语通常为物(rose,risen)2. offer v,主动提出,主动提供offer to do sth 提供做某事offer sth to sb = offer sb sth 为某人提供某物【经典例句】1) Three teenagers offered to do some voluntary work during the school days.(教材原句)2) That company offered me a job in another city. (真题原句)3) We offered to help him with his

4、 English.(真题原句)4) He offered to help me.(真题原句)3. suffer v. 遭受,受苦 suffer from 遭受【经典例句】 1) The children there all suffer from serious illnesses.(教材原句)2) Some of the children suffer from serious illness.(真题原句)3) I am suffering from a headache.(真题原句)4. serious adj,严肃的,严重的【经典例句】1) The children there all

5、suffer from serious illnesses.(教材原句)2) Its nothing serious. Shes just tired.(真题原句)3) His illness was more serious than the doctor first thought.(真题原句) 5. express v. 表达【经典例句】1) This helps them express their feelings.(教材原句)2) Can you express yourself in English?(真题原句)6. pain n. 痛苦,疼痛【经典例句】 1) I dont k

6、now how to deal with this kind of pain.(真题原句)2) My friends dont understand my pain.(教材原句)【习题】7. lonely adj孤独的【经典例句】1) Her parents died in a car accident, and she is unhappy and very lonely.(教材原句)2) If you feel lonely in the new school, you can try to make some new friends.(真题原句)3) I live all alone b

7、ut I never feel lonely.(真题原句)【辨析】1) lonely: 情感上的“孤独”,只作形容词2) alone:空间上的“一个人,单独”,既可作形容词,又可作副词8. difficulty n困难 have difficulty in doing sth 做.有困难【经典例句】1) They have difficulty walking or moving.(教材原句)2) I can work out this math problem without difficulty.(真题原句)3) I had no difficulty in getting in touc

8、h with him.(真题原句)9. peace n和平,平静 in peace 和平地;安静;宁静 【经典例句】1) I taught them to sing because music can bring them joy and peace.(教材原句)2) War started again after eight years of peace.(真题原句)3) All the villagers live together in peace.(真题原句)10. hurt v伤害,使疼痛 hurt oneself 某人自己受伤 get hurt 受伤【经典例句】 1) He hur

9、t his legs in an accident, but he has lots of courage.(教材原句)2) The little dog was hurt in an accident.(真题原句)3) His left arm was hurt in an accident.(真题原句)11. courage n勇气【经典例句】 1) He hurt his legs in an accident, but he has lots of courage.(教材原句)2) He showed great courage and determination.(真题原句)3) H

10、e faced the difficulty with courage.(真题原句)12. pay v支付 pay for sth =spend on sth 为.付钱【经典例句】1) I had to pay 50 yuan for that T-shirt.(真题原句)2) Can you imagine how much he paid for that car?(真题原句)通关测试I. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1. After the heavy rain, the river _(rose; raised)five centimeters.2. He offered me a

11、cup of tea in his home yesterday. He _ a cup of tea _ me in his home yesterday.3. His left leg was_(serious) hurt in the accident.4. I cant _(表达)my feelings about the true story.5. There is a saying, “No _, no gain.”6. He has no children. He lives _ (lonely)and feels very_(lonely).7. Maths is _(diff

12、icult)for most students, but I have no_(difficult)learning it.8. My grandmother likes living in the countryside because it is_(peace)9. He had a serious accident and _(hurt)his head.10. Tim cant walk, but he has a lot of _.(courage; courages)11. He paid 50 dollars for the ticket.He _ 50 dollars _ th

13、e ticket.II. 单项选择1. As the curtain _, the famous singer came out. The fans _ and screamed with excitement.A. was raised; roseB. had been raised; were raisedC. rose; were raisedD. had risen; raised2. New Kowloon Primary School is going to hold a charity fair(慈善活动)next Sunday. They want to money to bu

14、y clothes for poor people. A. waste B. save C. spend D. raise3. Mrs. Liu is kind and always _ her help to others.A. sharesB. receivesC. makesD. offers4. In China, farmers are _ from the central governments new policies on agriculture.A. sufferingB. benefitingC. making D. learning5. He _to take me a

15、ride in his new car.A. sufferedB. protectedC. providedD. offered6. -Im going to a party on Thursday night at Jimmys house.-_! Youll have two tests at school on Friday.A. Its easy to say soB. Thats excitingC. Enjoy yourselfD. You cant be serious7. I am greatly interested in this painting. Something i

16、n it _ the painters deep love for nature.A. expresses B. discussesC. expects D. imagines8. If I feel some _, I will stop exercising.A. fearB. painC. hopeD. hurry9. My old neighbor Charles felt _ after his children moved out.A. lonelyB. safelyC. angrilyD. happily10. -I have great _ in finishing the w

17、ork by myself. Could you help me? -No problem.A. funB. successC. adviceD. difficulty11. Tom was so careless that he _ his right arm while he was riding to school.A. hurtsB. hurtC. has hurtD. had hurt12. -Peter has hurt his leg. -Oh, _!A. good news B. well doneC. thank youD. thats terrible13. My fath

18、er always shouts at me because he is a man with little _.A. energyB. courageC. patienceD. freedom14. I paid 25 dollars _ the beef, and I only got a little.A. forB. onC. inD. to15. If our government attention to controlling food safety now, our health in danger.A. doesnt pay; will beB. wont pay; isC.

19、 doesnt pay; isD. wont pay; will be【参考答案】I. 1. raised 2. offered; to 3. seriously 4. express 5. pain 6. alone; lonely 7. difficult;difficulty peaceful 9. hurt 10. courage 11. spent; onII. 1-5 ADDAD 6-10 DABAD 11-15 ADBAA八年级下册Unit 21. communication n交流,沟通【经典例句】1) Students of English school should pay

20、 attention to communication.(真题原句)2) The satellite has become an important means of communication.(真题原句)2. accept v接受【经典例句】 1) Mr. Green received a present from his friend, but he didnt accept it.(真题原句)2) I am very glad to accept your invitation.(真题原句) 3. message n消息,短信 send a message to 向.发信息 leave

21、 a message 留个信 take a message 捎个信【经典例句】1) My friends sent me many short messages with best wishes for my birthday.(真题原句)2) Did you write that telephone message down?(真题原句)4. bored adj厌倦的,感到无聊的 be bored with = be tired of = be fed up with 对.感到厌烦【经典例句】1) Im bored with my present job.(真题原句)2) He is bor

22、ed with your long speech.(真题原句)5. expression n表达,表情【经典例句】 1) Its your gestures and the expression on your face.(教材原句)2) Tom sat there, an expression of sadness on his face.(真题原句)3) There was no expression on her face.(真题原句)6. hold v抓住,使保持,举办 hold on 坚持;别挂断【经典例句】 1) Shes holding her head up.(教材原句)2)

23、Mr. Wang was holding some books when I met him yesterday.(真题原句)3) Hold on and I will see if she is here.(真题原句)4) Word came that a reading festival would be held by our school.(真题原句)7. shake v摇晃,握手 shake hands with sb 和某人握手【经典例句】1) He shook his head when I asked him if he needed help.(真题原句)2) Do peop

24、le in Italy shake hands when they meet?(真题原句)8. remind v题型,使想起 remind sb of sth 使某人回想起 remind sb to do sth 提醒某人做某事 remind sb about sth 提醒某人某事【经典例句】1) That old lady reminds me of my grandmother.(真题原句)2) Please remind me to write to my mother tomorrow.(真题原句)3) I forgot to remind him about the time for

25、 the interview.(牛津高阶)4) We put up a board to remind people to protect the trees.(牛津高阶)9. sure adj确信的,肯定的 be sure of /that确信 be sure to do 必定 make sure of/that 设法确保 adv. 当然 sure= of course= certainly【经典例句】1) Im sure that he will change his mind.(真题原句)2) Ill make sure of the time of the flight.(真题原句)3

26、) Whenever you come, youve sure to see some unforgettable events.(牛津高阶)4) Would you like to come? Sure!(真题原句)10. impression n印象 make a good impression on=leave/give a good impression on给.留下好印象【经典例句】 1) You dont give people a good impression, Simon.(教材原句)2) This is my first impression of this country

27、.(真题原句)3) You left a deep impression on me.(真题原句)通关测试I. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1._(communicate)is a kind of art.2.I _(接到)a present from Li Ming but I didnt _(接受)it yesterday.3.We often write short_(信息)to family members.4.Im _ (boring; bored).Lets go to the cinema.5.“I dont understand” he said, with an e_ of

28、 complete surprise on his face.6._(look)at Ben. He _(hold)his head up.7.The boy is _(摇头)his head to show his disagreement.8.The film _(使想起)me of my teacher.9.Im not_(确信)he will come to my party tomorrow.10.His first speech as president made a strong i _ on his audience.II. 单项选择1.Living in the city h

29、as many _ such as good schools,big shopping centers and so on.A. advantages B. activitiesC. difficultiesD. communication 2.-Would you please see the film Iron Man 3 with me tonight, Kate? - Id love to, but Ive _ Lindas invitation to dinner.A. sufferedB. earnedC. receivedD. accepted3.-Mr. Brown isnt

30、in at the moment. Can you _? -Yes, please. Tell him to be on time for tomorrows meeting.A. leave a messageB. take a messageC. ring again laterD. leave information4.The film was so _ that soon all the children in the cinema began feeling _of it and they went out one by one.A. bored; boringB. boring;

31、boringC. bored; boredD. boring; bored5.There are many useful _ in English, such as “look after” and “pay attention to”.A. wordsB. expressionsC. waysD. habits6.-How often _ your school sports meeting _? -Every two years.A. were; heldB. are; heldC. was; heldD. is; held7.-In the United States, what sho

32、uld people do when they meet someone for the first time? -They should _.A. bowB. shake handsC. kissD. touch noses8.“Please _ me of the important meeting tomorrow.” said the boss to his secretary.A. tellB. askC. remindD. show9.-Would you please lend me your bike? -_.A. SureB. No, thanksC. Never mindD

33、. It was a pleasure10.I want to make a good _ on my new English teacher.A. effectB. impressionC. adviceD. imagination【参考答案】I. 1. communication 2. receive; accept 3.messages 4.bored 5.expression 6.Look; is holding7. Shaking 8.reminds 9.sure 10.impressionII. 1-5 ADADB 6-10 DBCAB八年级下册Unit 31. descripti

34、onn. 说明;形容【经典例句】 1) The policeman asked her to give a description of the man who grabbed her handbag.(真题原句)2) He gave a description of what he had seen.(真题原句)2. describe v.描述;形容 describe sth to sb 向某人描述某事【经典例句】1) The police asked me to describe exactly how it happened.(真题原句)2) Can you describe what

35、it is like to me?(真题原句) 3. although conj. 虽然; 尽管【经典例句】 1) Although he is over 65, he is very fit and still enjoys working.(真题原句)2) She kept on working although she was tired.(真题原句)3) Although he is over 65, he is very fit and still enjoys working.(教材原句)4. fitadj. 健壮的; 健康的; 合适的【经典例句】1) Although he is

36、 over 65, he is very fit and still enjoys working.(教材原句)2) Do you think she is fit for the job?(真题原句)3) The students train regularly to keep fit.(真题原句)5. readyadj.准备好 be ready for/to do = get ready for/to do为.做好准备 【经典例句】 1) Damin usually sets off in the late afternoon and gets the cormorants ready f

37、or work.(教材原句)2) Our meat will be ready soon.(真题原句)3) Everything is ready now for the party.(真题原句)6. reachv.到达;抵达 = get to =arrive in/at【经典例句】 1) Then when Damins boat reaches the right place in the river.(教材原句)2) With the help of the Internet, news can reach every corner of the world.(真题原句)3) Go do

38、wn the road till you reach the traffic lights.(真题原句)7. attractv.吸引; 使喜爱【经典例句】 1) Damin uses several ways to attract fish.(教材原句)2) Yi Zhongtians simple and interesting explanation of history has attracted lots of TV viewers.(真题原句)3) I clapped to attract the childrens attention.(真题原句)8. requirev.需要; 依

39、靠 require to do 要求做某事require doing sth = require to be done 要求被做某事【经典例句】 1) No nets are required for this type of fishing.(教材原句)2) Learning a language requires time and effort.(真题原句)3) Our classroom requires cleaning.(牛津高阶)9. practisev.从事 practise doing sth 练习做某事【经典例句】 1) Cormorant fishing was once

40、practised in lots of places in South-East China.(教材原句)2) Susan finally became a popular singer after she practiced singing for years.(真题原句)3) I need to practise my Italian before my business trip.(真题原句)10. character n. 文字;符号 n.人物;角色【经典例句】 1) To make the characters and things appear to move, each pic

41、ture should be made a little different from the one before it.(教材原句)2) Every Chinese character is a story.(真题原句)3) He is always plays the main character in movies.(真题原句)11. healthn.健康 be in good/bad health 健康状况好/不好【经典例句】 1) Drinking more water is good for our health.(真题原句)2) Fresh air and exercise a

42、re good for the health.(真题原句)12. simpleadj.简单的【经典例句】 1) A simple test will show if he is real.(真题原句)2)Its a simple question, so its not hard to answer.(真题原句)13. lovelyadj. 有吸引力的, 迷人的【经典例句】 1) My little daughter is as lovely as an angel.(真题原句)2) The lovely girl is his sister.(真题原句)通关测试I. 用括号内所给单词的适当形

43、式填空1.His article is a good_(描述)of life.2.Can you _(description)what the robber is like?3.Words cant_(描述)the beauty of the scene.4.Can you_(描述)the appearance of your father?5.My grandfather is much_(健康)than my grandmother.6.The more vegetables you eat, the_(fit) youll be.7.Are you _(准备)for the test t

44、omorrow?8.We are _(准备好的)for the exam.9.You should _(到达)the museum at eight tomorrow morning.10.Every year, the Great Wall_(吸引)millions of tourists from all over the world.11.Thousands of foreigners _(attract)to the Shanghai World Expo the day it opened.12.All passengers are_(require)to show their tickets.13.Only some simple tools are_


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