1、BEC 商务英语(高级)听力模拟试卷 102 (题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. PART ONE 2. PART TWO 3. PART THREEPART ONE 听力原文:You will hear a speaker addressing a group of investors attending aseminar to learn about the advanced business practice. As you listen, for questions 1to 12, complete the notes, using up to three words or a numb
2、er. After you havelistened once, replay the recording. You now have 45 seconds to read through thenotes. pauseNow listen, and complete the notes. pauseMan: Good morning, ladiesand gentlemen. Im honoured to have this opportunity to talk to you. My name isJonathan Hargreaves, and Im Chief Executive of
3、 the Institute of Corporation andMarketing Research. I wonder how many of you here today have heard about abusiness practice which is becoming increasingly popular today. I am referring to thepractice of contracting-out. You may not be familiar with the term“ contracting-out”it involves Calling in p
4、rofessional help to carry out activitieswhich dont form the central core of a particular business. Contracting-out is nowbeing used increasingly in special partnership arrangements with individuals and othercompanies. Contracting-out is popular because it makes it possible for othercompanies and ind
5、ividuals to perform functions previously done by a company s ownstaff. Several years ago contracting-out was; restricted to non-essential functionssuch as; office cleaning, catering or garden maintenance. However, it has now spreadinto areas that include accounting as I mentioned in the example I ve
6、 just given information technology, quality assurance, recruitment and marketing. Theconsulting company which I represent is Anderson Consulting, one of the biggestconsultancies specialising in contracting-out. Recently, we broke new ground whenwe formed a partnership deal to take over the accountin
7、g services of a well-knowninternational oil company. The agreement was drafted by a working party consistingof representatives from both companies. The arrangement meant our companyabsorbing more than 200 of the international oil company s staff as part of our ownstaff. And the result was a 30 per c
8、ent reduction in operating costs for the oil company.At Anderson Consulting weve just published the results of an interesting surveycarried out for us. We wanted the survey to explore how 200 British organisationswere reacting to contracting-out. From this survey we found that ordinarycontracting-ou
9、t, that is, going to service organisations for cleaners, security staff, andso onwas the most common way for organisations to reap benefits. But the newerkind of contracting-out that Ive described seemed to be gaining ground that is, thekind that people from outside are brought in to participate in
10、certain importantfunctionsaccounting, marketing and so on. The survey showed that nine out of tenfirms which completed our questionnaires have contracted out one or more functions.Well, the main reservation about con-tracting-out was the possibility of losing controlover vital activities in a particular company. It is only natural that most companies